Chapter 99: Beach


Everyone slept and woke up wh they wanted since they wer't at the Academy where they had to wake up on time to train and attd classes.

But since waking up early has be graved into their souls since they awaked at t, some people still woke up early by mistake.

Anthony and his frids could be se eating at the hotel they stayed with happiness as they had indeed joyed their first day on the floating island.

The Academy provided each person a certain amount of food per day, so some people like Bringer won't swallow the Academy's fortune.

But the Academy also gave them crystals, anyone that is still unsatisfied can just buy more food and eat.

But they were all awaked, ev D rankers can go two days without food, so the Academy decided to just give them ough, it wasn't like anyone would die of hunger in three days as that would be the funniest joke.

As they ate, Bryan asked

"What are we going to do today, it's already PM, we woke up too late"

They all literally woke up late due too walking a yesterday.

"How about we head to the beach and swim"

"Hoooo.....we could catch the fishes there and eat them"

"You ar't allowed to fish at the beach"

"Ehhh why not"

"That's a tourist cter, they are meant to be preserved and untouched, besides the floating island have rules and you might be arrested and your family would be fined"

"And with the amount of outrageous prices we've se by staying here, I can't imagine how the floating island would reap your family in the name of damages you caused them in order to compsate them and for your bail"

After they were done eating, they decided to buy some swim suits for the beach.

They walked back to the shop and the girls bought swim suits and the guy bought shorts that were just above the knee.

Th they started running to the beach since it was faraway and would take some time to get there if they just walked.

Although this place was called an island, Anthony didn't dare to call it that as the size was just too huge to be called that.

Wh they got to the beach, they were asked for money yet again before they could ev see a grain of sand.

They all paid twty low mana crystals each and tered with anticipation.

Wh they got there, they saw a lot of people walking a on the sand, some set up parasols to block the sun, some swam, some just ate whatever they had on their hand and looked at beauties.

They booked two rooms, one for the m, the other for the wom, th they changed to their swim suits and stepped out.

They attracted atttion as they walked but that didn't sway them and they just walked to the to the water and dived straight in without talking to anyone.

Bringer like a kid, increased his body size and weight and now stood at 7'5 feet.

He jumped high in the air, and shouted as he dropped into the sea.



A huge tidal wave came with it as the sea rose up and pushed a lot of people backwards.

Anthony swam for a while before he bought a floatation device and just layed on it with sun glasses over his eyes as he basked in the sun.

He loved the feeling of the sunlight touching his skin.

'Should I buy that sun absorption ability of superman and just get stronger by basking in the sun'

Anthony thought as he just layed there while looking at the sun and subtly controlled the water elemt and it moved him a with his floatation device gtly.

Anthony felt Donna take over his control over water and controlled it and made him move towards her, he didn't stop her and just watched.

"How about we play volleyball here"

Donna suggested to Anthony and the rest.

Anthony raised an eye brow wondering what this was about, although he never played volleyball once in his life, but with his talt he could become good at anything by just trying it once.

The rest agreed happily, th Donna explained the basic rules of volleyball like no one can touch the ball two times consecutively, no opposing team can touch the ball once it's no longer in their half.

Th she got to the main rules, they wer't allowed to use mana or aura or talt or any physical hancing skill to chance their body but are allows to use their tire natural physical strgth.

You can add more force to the ball by using basic elemtal manipulation, but only upon physical contact with the ball.

You can't manipulate the ball in anyway once it has left your touch or not within your touch.

Once the ball touches the g or was out of bound, that's a point for the opposing team.

You can't also manipulate the court itself.

"Ehhh just two problems, all the courts are already tak, also there are no balls here that can withstand our strgth, we have to go back and buy it"

Rider said.

Of course they won't use regular balls, the ball they have to use has to be outrageously strong to withstand their strgth, but these balls were rare as nobody spds their time playing sports instead of cultivating.

But on the floating island it wasn't as this was a vacation spot, so they had everything in order to be able to provide for people.

They just didn't want to go and buy the ball after they just got to the beach.

Anthony immediately chimed in

"I have one ball with me, don't worry"

Everyone looked at him wondering why he carried such a thing.

Anthony just came out from the sea and walked back to the room they booked on the beach like he was going to get the ball from his space ring, which wasn't on him right now, he just doesn't want people to question how the ball appeared without a space ring on his finger.

After they set up the net and the ball, they divided themselves into two teams, while having sev people on each team as they were fourte in total.

Bryan, Bringer, Evelyn, Clemt, Arnold, Ross, Marcus were on team .

Anthony, Rider, Vivian, Donna, Ross, Spectre and Litt were on team .

Team started with their serve outside the court, and who better to serve than a titan with their ridiculous physique.

Bringer smirked and threw the ball high in the air, th his muscles bulged as he shot into the sky.

As he got to the ball, he coated his hand with the red ergy and changed his hand into a fist and punched the ball with a lethal force.


Space shook upon impact as the ball shot forward with madding force.

Immediately the ball wt over the net and into team two's court, Rider immediately moved and placed his arm under the ball to save it and for a forearm pass.

Immediately the ball connected with his forearm, he changed it's direction by shooting it upwards perfectly.

Anthony seeing this had a mischievous grin on his face as he disappeared from his position and appeared in the sky just infront of the ball.

Mid air, he looked at Bringer with an evil grin and decided to prank him as he was really tired of this muscle man tantrums.

The same red ergy instantly formed on Anthony's palm just like Bringer, th Anthony slapped the ball with a rocketing intsity that ev made the ball seem to ripple as it was st back to where it came from.


The ball seem to disappear from people's view like it left the world, nobody understood where the ball wt.

Only Bringer felt death tingling for a split second and in that split second, the ball appeared infront of Bringer like it was teleported by Anthony but it wasn't.

Bringer moved to block but he was too slow as the ball instantly connected with his chest and he was st flying through the air.

He and the ball both left the court before anyone could react.

Bringer and Rider looked at Anthony in shock, Anthony had just used Bringer's unique talt right infront of them.

A talt or skill is unique because nobody else in the world has it.

And now someone infront of them defiled that logic, common sse and a world fact.

This was the second time Anthony had stol the Storm brothers skill.

The first was wh he fought Clemt on the ship, the second was now.

Anthony st Bringer a smirk th turned to return to his position.

The rest didn't understand what just happed, but to them, Anthony and the Storm brothers seem to have an understanding.

The game resumed right after the pause.

Rider tossed the ball up and jumped up to meet it.

Earth elemt moved and coated his elbow as Rider spun mid air and st out an elbow attack on the ball that made it faster as it blitzed onwards without obstruction.


As it moved into team one's court and started descding, Bryan immediately moved.

He performed the same forearm pass like Rider earlier easily with his dragon physique.

Before Rider could move to sd out a more devastating attack, a figure blurred into existce before the ball could reach it's highest point in the sky.

She spun a just like Rider but this time, she used her foot heel coated in light elemt and st out an attack.

Immediately her heel made contact with the ball, an explosion sounded in the air as the ball flew forward with a faster speed and force than the one Anthony st earlier while also becoming invisible.

The ball disappeared again, but this time due to the speed and the invincibility she added to the ball using her elemtal control.

To others, invisibility using light elemt might not be basic elemtal manipulation but to her, it was just a basic elemtal manipulation.

Everyone on team two could only react with their sses, but they were still too slow.

Evelyn smiled happily as she saw that the ball was about to make contact with the g.

At the last second, Anthony appeared there and saved the ball with ease and a pass.

Vivian appeared beside the ball before it could start descding.

She didn't use any elemtal manipulation, and just st out a pure physical attack.

They played for hours till the sun bade them farewell, so they had to stop in order to return to their hotel.

And with that team won with only one point.

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