Chapter 107 Devourer Curse True Terror

'This abnormal monstrosity is a lava wolf.' Alex thought as he checked the status window of the grotesque creatures who looked nothing like lava wolves.


[Lava Wolf] [Mutated] ???

Title: [Rare Species][Rage Beast][Hunger Beast]

LVL: 413

Rank: Fourth Rank (Middle)

HP: 18800000/9800000

MP: ?????/?????

Condition: [Enraged] [Starving]

Skills: [??????] [??????] [??????] +???

Description: A Beast gifted in the lava element with high immunity to fire.


[Important note: The Lava Wolf has been affected by the Devourer Curse, second stage [Endless Hunger], making the beast have an unending thirst for any organic matter.]

[Player level needs to be higher to see any more information.]


Alex was so shocked after seeing the wolf stats window because he knew the system wouldn't lie to him, but it was hard for him to believe that the horror in front of him, who looked nothing like a wolf or a four-legged creature, was a real lava wolf.

The abnormal monstrosity stood at seven meters in height, with eight thick muscular legs covered in giant earthworm-like veins and a massive long skull with no ears or visible eyes.

The best skull was at least six feet long, and he had opened his long jaw unnaturally wide, and inside the mouth, there was not just one row of teeth but three rows with abnormally pointy and sharp teeth and a large red tongue that was hanging out from his mouth as he roared at Alex.

The creature's skin was completely hairless, displaying its abnormally muscular body, and he also had a long thick snake-like tale.

The other creature was a Kangaroo standing at Six meters in height, with three bulging sets of arms and massive dark horns on his head with three pairs of eyes, and its face looked hideous as it had no skill till his abnormally long neck.

'I am a thousand percent certain that I have never seen or heard of such abnormal creatures in my previous life.' Alex thought as he took deep breaths to calm his raging heartbeat.

"Domain Ruler, These two creatures are at the peak of the second stage, and if they can consume enough organic matter, they will enter the last stage, becoming the true Devourer beasts," Varon said after appearing next to Alex.

'I wonder what the evolved Devourer beasts will look like." Alex thought, seeing Varon forcefully close the two beasts' mouths by using his telekinesis to stop them from roaring.

Alex had many questions about the Hunger stage but knew Varon would answer them shortly, so he didn't utter a single word and just patiently waited for him to start his explanation.

'He stays calm and collected even after learning such a disturbing truth while knowing that the domain he will rule is infected with the same curse.'

'I wonder if I should change my decision to hide the true nature of the Devourer Curse? But what if, after knowing the truth, he became discouraged, which could massively affect his journey as the Ruler,' Varon thought, looking at Alex, who was visibly shaken by seeing the two creatures but was getting calm with every passing moment.

"The Endless Hunger stage begins after an infected has stayed in the endless rage state for three to seven years, with there being few exceptions taking a longer period," Varon said, seeing Alex wasn't asking any questions.

"In the time of three to seven years, the infected internal body system will start to mutate and will also get strengthened to abnormal limits."

"The strengthened internal body system makes the infected capable of consuming immense amounts of organic matter and digesting and converting it to pure energy needed for the second stage."

"After the strengthening of the internal body system is completed, the infected (Pure Beast or intelligent Humanoid) will enter the second stage, and his body will start to mutate."

"The infected body will start to mutate on the cellular level while giving him the second trait of endless hunger, which will make the infected actively hunt for any living creature."

"All the consumed organic matter will get used to complete the infected evolution, and the time of the evolution will depend on how much time an infected will take to consume the required organic matter."

"After the evolution is completed, a beast will enter its final stage, becoming a true Devourer beast with only two emotions of Rage and Hunger," Varon said as he opened another portal in front of Alex.

Alex had a few questions, but he was more curious to know the final product of the terror known as the Devourer Curse, and he knew it was on the other side of this portal.

'I wonder if the Devourer beast will look better or worse than these two anomalies?' Alex thought as he entered the portal.

Alex exited the portal and appeared in a massive room, but he heard no thundering angry roar that he expected from the raging beast, and after a quick look around the room, he found the reason for it.

'This looks like a saber tooth behemoth, but a heavily mutated variant.' Alex thought, looking at a massive creature chained inside a protective transparent barrier, which was why there was no sound in the room.

The creature looked terrifying, but it was not as hideous as the two hunger beasts as the creature looked like any normal saber tooth behemoth, even with his few mutations.

The creature stood at eighty feet tall with a body like any normal saber tooth tiger, with the mutation being the fleshly bat-like wigs and also a bone exoskeleton covering his whole body like a suit of armor.

The creature was chained with dark chains that were covered in purple runes, and the beast's mouth was also closed using the same chain, making it impossible for him to roar even though he wasn't even trying.

'What the hell?' Alex thought after checking the stat window of the creature.


[Saber Tooth Behemoth] [Mutated Variant] ?????

Title: [Rare Species][Devourer Beast] (???) (???)...

LVL: 587

Rank: Fifth Rank (Middle)

HP: 141000000/141000000

MP: ?????/?????

Condition: [Enraged] [Starving]

Skills: [??????] [??????] [??????] +???

Description: Saber Tooth Behemoth is a beast of the noble bloodline who controls unparallel strength and defense in the same Rank.


[Important note: A creature of endless Rage and Hunger who could endlessly consume organic matter and refine it into pure energy, which will get used to increase his strength.]

[Player level needs to be higher to see any more information.]


'A true Devourer Beast could increase his strength by just consuming?' Alex thought with a shocked look as he repeatedly read the system's important note.

Alex didn't know if the Devourer Beasts could grow endlessly by just consuming organic matter as the system information was too unclear, but the ability to grow in strength by just consuming other life forms was enough to make them a walking calamity.

'This is Devourer Curse's true terror.' Alex thought as he imagined the terrifying sight of millions of rampaging beasts destroying a continent while actively growing in strength.

Alex had seen the terror of the Devourer Curse's first stage, and it was an extinction-level threat to any continent, so just imagining thousands let alone millions, of rampaging creatures who could grow in strength by just consuming sent chills down his spine.

'I just hope the condition of Malefis Domain and its inhabitants is not too bad.' Alex thought as he took deep breaths, knowing even in the best-case scenario, the Malefis Domain was in terrible condition, and he was supposed to make everything right as its new Ruler.

'The benefits a Ruler could receive are too magical, so there should be something that could help me find a cure for the Devourer Curse.'

'If there were no guaranteed cure, then the clan leaders wouldn't be asking for help from a kid like me.' Alex thought, shaking the useless worries off.

Alex knew deep down that the condition of the Malefis Domain was more messed up than he wanted to believe, but he also knew that overthinking things would not change anything.

While Alex shook the feeling of hopelessness, Varon stood by his side with a bright smile on his face.

"Domain Ruler, Do You want to ask any specific questions related to the Devourer beast, or Do you want me to explain it briefly," Varon asked after silently standing near Alex for a few seconds.

Alex shook his head, telling Varon to start the explanation, understanding that knowing a thing a few moments earlier or later would not make any difference.

"After an infected of the Devourer Curse survive the first two-stage and complete its evolution, he will obtain a body with abnormal defense and strength compared to the same Rank creature."

"The Devourer beasts also have very high-Rank regeneration ability that allows them to survive even the deadliest of wounds, and they could also build immunity to almost all the available elements making them one of the deadliest foes to face ."

"All Devourer beasts have constantly evolving bodies, so the more they battle, the stronger they become, and even though their consciousness is consumed with rage and hunger, they could easily retreat from a losing battle because of their abnormal instincts."

'I don't know if Varon plans to encourage or scare me to death because the more I hear about these extinction terrors, the less I want to do anything with them.' Alex thought while looking at the wolf staring at him with his bloodthirsty giant eyes.

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