Mushoku Tensei

Volume 18 9 — Ariels Battlefield

Volume 18 Chapter 9 - Ariel's Battlefield

Part 1

The party is held in the royal castle.

In one of the halls that was made for large-scale parties.

A long table.

The seating arrangement is predetermined.

It is a venue that I thought would be impossible to prepare in only 10 days.

With all the preparations complete, the only thing left is to welcome the guests. I steady my resolve.

As members of the entrance staff, Eris and I stand guard near the waiting room entrance, keeping an eye out on the attendants.

The waiting room is not particularly small, in fact there is a buffet party here.

Those who have a look of expectation.

People who held an expression of anxiety.

Such people had arrived at the venue early.

They’re in the waiting room. What will they do after they hear Ariel's story today,

or what kind of response for support in the Grabell Faction will result from it?

The outcome of this story amuses them.

They’re just here for the entertainment. There’s not a person of note in the midst.

They have less impact in either case, merely small fries.

The first big fish appeared somewhat late.

Philemon Notus Greyrat.

He is accompanied by his escort and eldest son. He has the eyes of someone who’s likely to curse me who is at the entrance.

And told me.

"………Fun, did you think that you can return to the Notus House now, after abandoning it?"

It was an unexpected question.

"I’ve never even thought of that."

"That much should be obvious, and don’t think you can throw that Greyrat name around willy nilly."

"Eh, oh, yes"

After speaking those prearranged words, Philemon made a short appearance in the waiting room.

Before disappearing into a private room reserved for the upper nobility.

"What was that about ……"

Eris is angry.

Come to think of it.

Some time ago, when I was in Eris’s house.

I was told to keep my head down as well.

Well, back then I never thought much about that.

What if the House Paul bowed his head to wasn’t Boreas, but Notus?

And what if I was the home tutor for someone on Notus’s side instead?

Those people would probably want to keep me down…

Just as well.

Indeed, Philemon is the younger brother of Paul, and thus my uncle, but he will be killed by Ghyslaine later.

Since he’s an asshole to me, that won’t hurt.

Starting with Philemon, the main stars of this 『Party』 appeared one after another.

Parents and two attendants from Tris’s house also came.

Then the rest of the four major lords.

Euros, Zephyrus.

And, Boreas.

Boreas's current head …… What was his name again?

Is it Thomas or was it Gordon…?

I remember it being the same name as a certain locomotive train.

Ah, that right. It was James.

He also brought his eldest son along.

As for the face, I guess he is more like Sauros than Philip.

He also has a stocky figure.

But his face was considerably haggard.

According to Ariel’s story, he resigned his ministerial desk job, and seems to have become a lord.

As a lord who lost his territory, I heard that he has been in a considerable predicament.

Still, it takes more than that to crush the house,

Perhaps because the land remains even though the territory is lost.

Or, it’s thanks to James’ hard work.

…… Do your best.

The reconstruction of the Fedoa territory has not progressed.

However, James has been doing everything he can, it can be seen from his haggard face.

He was also impacted by the Metastasis Event.

A desperate man, but he survived.

A person who was directly involved with the Metastasis Event would understand the meaning of survival differently.

Anyway, I don’t know him, and he doesn’t know those involved in the Metastasis Event.


Rather than to me…… he gave a glimpse to Eris who is standing next to me, before going back towards the private room again.

And finally.

Senior Minister Darius came later than anyone else.

He’s followed by one escort.

When Darius sees me, he quickly looks away in fear.

The escort sees me and approaches me.

Finally seeing him in a well lit area, he really has a funny looking head.

In casual wear, with a hair shaped like an inverted satellite dish.

Four swords lined his waist.

“It’s the first time meeting you.

My name is North Emperor Auber Corvette.

I go by the name of 『Peacock Sword』 on the streets."

When I took a glance at his feet, I confirm that he is standing firmly with both feet.

There is no sign of him limping when he walks.

He seems to have fully recovered.

If he used a healer from Asura Kingdom, I suppose that level of injury is recoverable.

"Pleased to meet you. I’ve heard of your name. I’m Rudeus Greyrat."

"『Quagmire』…… No, I wonder if it would be better to call you『Dragon's Dog』?"

So in other words, Orsted is the 『Owner』.

A nostalgic name.


However, to say something like 『Dragon's Dog』,

Doesn’t sound what a sleeper agent of Hitogami would say…

"Whoops, pardon me…… I heard that you have been ambushed several times on the way here."

"…Ah, yeah."

"To assassins who used foul tricks, you’ve fought them off brilliantly."

You’re calling it foul yourself…?

In a joking tone, he is laughing.

But Auber’s eyes are not smiling.

"Next time, in a head-on match."

For a brief moment, he shows a serious face that doesn’t match his looks, after that Auber takes his leave.

Just now seemed like a declaration of war.

I think that he made me his #1 or #2 target.

In that case, maybe he is the third apostle after all.

First Prince Grabell won’t come to a waiting room like this.

He’ll head straight to the venue.

With this, the cast is complete.

Part 2

The time is ripe for the party to begin.

The nobles file in and sit in their assigned seats.

I look towards the guards lined against the wall.

Today, thanks to Ariel, the number of guard soldiers in the vicinity of the party hall is small.

Therefore, most of the nobles have come with their escort.

Ghyslaine and Eris stand beside me, keeping watch of the surroundings.

Sylphy isn’t here.

She has a particularly important assignment for the party, thus has stepped out.

Seeing the nobles filling the venue, Ariel stands up from her seat and makes her first move.

"Thank you for gathering here today, despite your busy schedule."

Ariel started her greeting.

She began to talk about his majesty’s illness, this and that of the domestic situation in recent years,

She talks about her thought of Asura Kingdom while studying abroad……

Then the attack began.

"Now then, today, to those who have gathered here. I have found two people that I would like to introduce to everyone."

Showing up simultaneously at Ariel's words is a beautifully dressed up woman emanating an irresistible appeal.

She comes out from the entrance and crosses the hall slowly,

And stands beside Ariel.

Looking at her face, Darius’ eyes opened wide.

Among the nobles, there are those who stand up with pale faces.

They are the Purplehorse family.

“On the way of my travel, I met her by chance. The second daughter of the Purplehorse House, Miss Tristina"

The lady was introduced.

Tris picks up the hem of her dress and curtsy so perfectly that Eris could never imitate.

"As introduced, I am Tristina Purplehorse."

The venue was in shock.

She should be missing.

There is also a gossip that she is dead.

And yet she turns out to be alive.

And grown up beautifully.

From a specific direction, there is a little uproar.

"But how, why here……?"

"When she was found, I protected her since she had been very weak. As such, towards someone present here tonight, she has a few particular words for him, as a result, she came.”

Following those words, Tris steps forward.

She sits herself near Darius, who has the honored seat.

Tris …… started to talk while looking at him like seeing a pig.

Not in a manner of speech that was natural for an everyday thief, but with beautiful words befitting a noble daughter.

She was betrayed by the house and was bought by Senior Minister Darius.

She talks about how she was kept like a dog by Senior Minister Darius.

And that she was almost killed back in the Fedoa Metastasis Event.

Luckily she was picked up by thieves, and became the boss’s woman.

Then Ariel came to her aid.

A story with some dramatization, but spoken indifferently.

It’s a story designed to make the one who hears it cry.

As a thief, Tristina survived with her own power.

Enduring in that place, and helped by Ariel that she met by chance.

It is a touching story.

In the crowd of nobles, there are those who shed tears blatantly…but they are shill nobles which were prepared by Ariel I guess.

There are those, particularly from Darius’ side, who can not hide the puzzlement on their faces.

Nervous sweat drips down the head of the Purplehorse House.

But the main suspect Darius looks quite composed. He must have survived predicaments like this countless times.

The speech ended.

"Now, then……"

Ariel came out to the front.

While wearing the usual cool smile, she opens her mouth.

"This was surprising. Darius-sama. I also did not think that it will suddenly be known by the public.

No, surely. Using your power, Darius-sama, you kidnapped children of nobles, …… and treated them as your sex slaves "

Ariel‘s tone suddenly heats up.

Denouncing Darius, with her pounding like voice.

"In addition, such a thing is done by the hand of the Senior Minister who is the backbone of the government! In this Asura Kingdom, evil shall not be tolerated! There will be no excuse! "

Darius, made a sound of plates cracking with a snort and laugh.

He stands up slowly.

"Ariel-sama, isn’t your joke a bit extreme today?"

As he says that, Darius directs his eyes to Tris like an old friend.

“And to bring a woman, whose origin is not certain, to be passed off as a child of the Purplehorse House. No, for this Darius who will not stand for such a rumor to be spread about him, it is the first time being told a lie like that face to face."

While laughing, Darius looks around his surroundings.

[Tris is a fake], he gestures to those around for support.

"So Darius-sama, you said that talk just now was a lie?"

"Exactly. But, allow me to question Ariel sama. If this lady Tristina is really a child of the Purplehorse House, can you prove that?"


In Ariel’s word, Tristina took out something from her breasts.

It was a ring.

A ring with a beautiful purple gem.

On the jewelry, there is an engraved horse.

"This is used for someone from the Purplehorse House to prove kinship. The picture of the horse engraved on amethyst."

Even with such evidence, there is no change on Darius's face.

Rather, he has a more disgusting smile than earlier.

"I see, I see. With that thing, she is certainly a child of the Purplehorse House……"

With disgusting eyes, Darius looks at Ariel and Tris while licking.

"And, there is something I wish to say."

Darius laughs.

"Oh dear! The other day, Miss Tristina from Purplehorse House had been discovered."


Ariel tilted her head.

"Everyone also remembers about the operation in the Royal Capital earlier this year. The roundup of the bandits that plagued the Royal Capital. At that time, she was found. Miss Tristina’s corpse."


A month before.

So that means he was ready.

“Of course, it seemed to have been washed away in the city already, so it’s difficult to authenticate someone with the ring. But, on Tristina’s body, there is a characteristic known only by her family. The feature is, on the chest…… she has a birthmark in the shape of a crescent moon."

That is a lie.

That shouldn’t be the case.

There is no such birthmark on Tristina.

There shouldn't be.

At least, that what I thought when I saw her in a more revealing outfit.

“Isn’t that right? The current family head of the Purplehorse House, Freitas Purplehorse-dono? "

But even if it's a lie, there is no way to confirm it.

Now the Purplehorse family head is speaking to Ariel, to confirm it.

If Tris is instructed to show the birthmark, there wouldn’t be anything there.

What are you going to do.


Do you have another card up your sleeve?

Such as giving her seven wounds on chest beforehand

Although she’s still composed, I wonder if she’s flustered on the inside.


The figurehead of the Purplehorse House stood up.

If I look closely, his face indeed resembles Tris's.

His figure is shaking and he’s twitching at the edge of his mouth, slightly different to the vixen that is Tris-ane.

“So, Freitas Purplehorse-dono. Did you not confirm her corpse. Tristina is no longer missing, but confirmed dead. "

Darius smiled while whispering like a devil.

"Therefore, declare that the woman standing here is a fake Tristina.

Could you say that? In order to let this nonsense end. If you don’t, then there will be no choice but to command a lady to bare her skin in front of this many people."

Darius's composure

Ariel’s smile.

The shivering Freitas.

An intense atmosphere flows through the venue.

Even by just watching, my mouth has dried up.

"M, my daughter ……"

Freitas opened his mouth slowly.

"My daughter was stolen from me by Senior Minister Darius…… "

"Freitas-dono! What!?"

“The one standing there is definitely my daughter Tristina! Ariel-sama, bring judgment down on Senior Minister Darius who kidnapped, confined, and disgraced my daughter!"

Darius rises.

"Don't speak nonsense, Freitas! You should have it! The sealed contract for the sake of confirming her identity!"

"Darius-sama. Something like that does not exist."


Ariel is giving a small smile.

Oh, I see.

That’s right.

I should have known.

Ariel has already contacted the Purplehorse family.

Anticipating Darius’ plan, and taking a step ahead.

I want to learn from her in that regard.

"Well, Senior Minister Darius.

……What was said by the Purplehorse family head is a matter of fact "

Somehow, Ariel’s smile also seems indecent.

“Kidnapping, imprisonment, and humiliating children of nobles……

As stated by the King, a crime is a crime. You won’t escape from your sin. You’ll be judged under the Law of the Kingdom."

Darius’ face distorts.

It is distorting in ugliness, overlooking the surrounding enemies.

At this point, Darius no longer has any allies in this place.

If you’re cornered to this point, all that remains is to fall.

Although, if someone speaks out for Darius, he might survive.

However, those who speak for him will automatically become his accomplice, that’s likely what most thought.

Most likely.

In the current situation, even with Darius gone, the First Prince Grabell’s victory remains high.

While Ariel was away, Grabell had consolidated his support.

Right now, Darius is only a hindrance to him.

In the future, he will be a nuisance.

So, it’s the end of Darius.

Ariel has won against Darius.

Even without doing anything, Darius will be ostracized by the other nobles.

Even if it went unresolved in court.

If there is dirt on Darius, the nobles would no doubt bring him down.

But in this place, against the trouble of losing Darius, one person spoke.

Darius is someone with a strong political ability above others.

"It’s a surprisingly noisy party."

As if he had chosen to appear at a suitable time.

That man appeared.

With a no-nonsense face, a middle-aged blonde prince.

First Prince Grabell.

He walks towards the best seat in the room, and glares coldly at Ariel.

Second round begins.

Part 3

Grabell Zafin Asura.

He moves straight towards Ariel.

"Ariel, what are you doing? Causing such huge commotion when Father is still sick?"

"What commotion … I did nothing except protect the honor of the royal family."

"If that is the case, then think about the time and place."

Grabell shook his head while frowning.

"Now that Father has fallen ill, without Darius’ skills what will become of Asura Kingdom?"

"Even so, a crime is still a crime."

“Even then, it’s between Senior Minister Darius and the middle-ranked Purplehorse nobles. I shouldn’t have to tell you that there are more important business the kingdom must attend to. "

Speaking about social standings so openly.

In my previous life, cries over fairness and condemnation would be heard, but this is the Asura Kingdom.

Social status is part of life, so the people of this world accepts it.

"Yes, of course brother. But I will still repeat it again, a crime is a crime. If no one passes judgement, the kingdom would fall in decline. "

“Crime huh…… ? Indeed. Indeed, That's right. But Ariel. There are many people in this place who ought to have their crimes exposed and receive punishment like that. I wonder, do you intend to punish all of them? "

"Yes, of course. If it’s necessary."

She's implicitly saying [If it's unnecessary to me, I won't punish crimes.]

If this spreads, the Asura Kingdom will rot enough for the smell to linger.

"I think your judgment against Darius is unnecessary, however you say that it is necessary."

Grabell laughs scornfully and directs a composed smile to Ariel.

"Looks like we won’t be able to come to an agreement on this."

"That's right."

Grabell shook his head and sighed.

He looked over the surroundings.

“There will be no conclusion if we’re debating with only two people. Until we settle this matter, Senior Minister Darius will remain troubled by this… "

And, Grabell is overlooking the surroundings.

How will things proceed, I wonder.

“In accordance with normal conventions, these things are usually decided by majority votes. Since you have put so much effort in gathering most of the stalwarts of this country. Why not let them decide who is right, Ariel or I?”

Democracy ……

When there is no other way, it will come to that.

He is asking the nobles around.

Go to Ariel’s side, or stick to Grabell.

Yet, he thinks either way he will win.

With this, he also wants to confirm.

To confirm the allegiance of each nobles.

Thus, if you’re the enemy, you will be purged.


The nobles were not in turmoil or anything.

They’ve thought that someday this moment will eventually come, in the near future as well.

Or maybe it has already happened once between the First Prince Grabell and the Second Prince Halfaus.


The nobles have to decide.

Now, in this place, you can either go to Ariel’s side, or you can join Grabell.

It is not a place where they could keep their allegiance a secret.

They will choose who to support face to face.

Looking at the situation of this opportunity to make a decision.

Darius sank.

For Grabell’s Faction, it is a big blow.


For the Grabell Faction, a number of influential people still remain.

Two of the four great local lords, Notus and Boreas.

Besides them, several upper nobles are aligned with Grabell.

If you look at the strength ratio, Grabell will most likely win.

“Very well, brother. But, before that, I would like to introduce one more person to everyone."


Ariel sent a signal with the snap of her fingers.

To servant Elmore, who was outside at the terrace, that in turn sends a signal using the ring.

The next moment.

Along with a roar, a pillar of fire rose up from one corner of the castle.

Intermediate fire magic 『Flame Pillar』.

While scorching the walls of the castle, the flame that has been amplified to maximum power with chantless magic rose towards heaven.

It goes without saying that was Sylphy’s doing.



"No way… !"

The nobles saw the fire go up.

But, they weren’t surprised at it.

Because magic at this level can be seen as much as you like in the royal capital.

What they saw was behind it.

There was something which you could definitely not see as much as you wanted in the capital.

Lit by the flame pillar, floating in the night sky.

Is a huge shadow.

"The Sky Castle!?"

"…… When did it get so close!?"

The Sky Castle, Chaos Breaker.

A majestic castle steadily approaches at a steady speed which inspired fear.

Flying so low that you might think it would collide.

All of the aristocracy trembled when they gaze out the window.

It stopped.

Just above.

Directly above the Royal Castle Silver Palace, the air fortress stopped.



Even so, I wonder how Perugius will descend.

No way …… There’s no way he’ll jump from that height.

No, come to think of it, he knows how to perform teleport and summoning magic.

If it’s simply to teleport below, he can do it.

"No way…… Did he come …… "


"That, no, but…"

And, someone muttered.

With looks of excitement on the nobles, forgetting the earlier tension, they were looking out the window.

Servant Elmore stands in front of the door squatting.

Or not a seat of honor.

Although some nobles wonder, nobody is able to answer the question.

Before long, footsteps can be heard.

The footsteps of a single man.

But among the entourage of escorts of the nobles, some have detected more than one presence.

13 in all.

Those that realize this begin to tremble.

Just like in the legend.

The footsteps, stopped in front of the door.

"He has arrived."

With Elmore’s word, some gasped.

Then, the door is opened.

The air in the room changed.


Wearing a white cloak, a silver-haired, golden eyed man appears.

His appearance is slightly different from his portrait, but with the overwhelming presence, that person has appeared.

He led 12 attendants.

Horror, fear, respect, and longing.

While receiving a variety of feelings, he proceeded into the venue.

And, going to the place of Ariel and Grabell.

The 12 Familiars split into two teams consisting of six, they moved to the end of the hall.

Group one is standing in escort of Ariel.

and the other stands as escort of Darius, next to Auber.

Sylvaril, who has changed her dress, comes next to me.

I can’t tell by looking at her mask, but today she looks like she’s in a good mood.

“I’m very pleased with your invitation today. Ariel Anemoi Asura. …… Have I arrived a bit late?"

"No, there is a saying that the main actor always comes late."

Perugius laughed happily.

Ariel also put on a big smile.

Grabell is taken aback.

And looking up at the tall Perugius, his eyes widen.

"Everybody, let me introduce him. One of the 『Three Heroes Who Defeated Laplace』, he is the 『Armored Dragon King』, Perugius Dola-sama.”

Perugius did not bow and sends a glance at the surrounding.

The surrounding nobles stand up in panic, kneel, and bow.

"I am Perugius Dola."

Almost like a caricature, with behavior befitting of a king.

Perugius is great.

Possibly more so than the current king…

Enough to make you think so.

"Well, everyone. Raise your head. Tonight, I am just a guest. Although for a brief time, we'll be sitting beside one another. There is no need to humble yourselves so much."

Hearing his command, the nobles still in a daze, return to their seats.

At that point, Perugius raised his voice, saying [What's this?]

Among the seats reserved for the nobles, there are three vacancies.

Three lined up starting from the seat of honor.

Three people standing up.

Ariel, Grabell, and Perugius.

"Ooh, this is confounding. There are three empty seats. Well, Ariel Anemoi Asura. Grabell Zafin Asura. Where would it be best for me to sit?"


Grabell has his breath taken away.

Voices like the nobles swallowing their saliva can be heard.

This is a farce.

Not just me, everyone knows.

Who Perugius called out to.

With this timing, he called out to them.

"That is… of course… please sit at the highest ranking seat."

Grabell said so in a trembling voice.

He could not help but say so.

He is choked by Perugius’ presence.

Even though Perugius does not have the power to choose the king.

Even though Perugius does not have the power to decide the seating.

Why would they need to yield to him?

People with the composure to point that out had originally been in this place…

But they weren’t here now.

They existed in a physical sense, but thinking of their own positions, they hesitated to open their mouths.

The nobles had noticed.

Why Darius has been accused immediately before this farce.

Perugius said.

Without being interrupted by anyone.

"No. I have been away from this country for too long. I can't allow myself to steal the seat of the king of the next generation."

Perugius pushed Ariel’s back.

While being referred to as the king of the next generation, he pushed Ariel forward.

"Ariel. You will take that seat. I'll allow myself to sit adjacent to you."

At that time, the nobles who are in this venue has realized it.

The king of the next generation would be Ariel.

Part 4

Ariel is victorious.

I suppressed Auber,

She suppressed Luke on her own,

We suppressed Darius using Tris,

We suppressed Grabell using Perugius.

Well, her fight will continue a little more now, but the momentum flows her way.

Grabell and Darius have nothing stronger than Perugius.

They don’t, that is.

"…… Perugius-sama!"

The moment Sylvaril cried.

The ceiling fell down.

Caught up in the chandelier, one of the nobles was crushed.

In the scattered rubble, some of the nobility got injured.

The damage wasn’t huge.

Destroying the center of the table, the ceiling fell.


It wasn’t the ceiling.

What fell was a single human.

She smashed through the ceiling and fell.

A small body and skin with deep wrinkles.

She stabbed a beautiful golden sword into the ground like a cane.

That old woman stood up.

"Whew, so it’s just as my dream foretold…"

She murmurs.

She landed in the [Field].

Then, by looking down around, she said.

"Come on, I’ve come to help you."

Water God Reida Ryia.

Toward Darius, she said that.

Hitogami’s trump card has appeared.

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