My Atypical Wolf (BL)

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: The Ceremony

“Where the hell are you”! Caleb muttered on the phone as he waited for him to come. He was clear, crystal clear on not being late for the ceremony, but his brother was adamant on not listening to him. You must be wondering why he just didn’t link him right? It’s because he failed to do so when he tried before.

Even if Caleb couldn’t read what was going on inside Mr and Mrs Carson and their kids’ heads, it was clear that they were extremely displeased with Christian’s behaviour. Caleb was the organiser of the event, so he couldn’t exactly leave the ceremony. Linking Sebastian, he asked him [Can you please check up on my bro, he seems to be very disobedient today] Caleb asked him.

[I can imagine why] Sebastian mumbled.

[Wait, what do you mean] Like a strong flashback the scene of confession from the night before appeared in front of his eyes. Of course Caleb couldn’t see or hear anything, but he did get a hint of the faint voice of his own brother confessing. [So that’s what happened yesterday]

[Yeah] Sebastian admitted reluctantly.

[I am guessing Christian remembered nothing?] Caleb asked him.

[Yeah] Sebastian affirmed once more. [Look, I know you are his brother but can you please not tell him about this? He clearly didn’t intend for me to find out... and with this ceremony, I think it’s better if he doesn’t]


[Yeah, I won’t tell him] Caleb assured him. [But I don’t think he should do it. I need to stop it] thought Caleb.

Before Sebastian could say anything to retort, Caleb disconnected the link. He looked around for a distraction or something of sort that would disrupt this ceremony. He briefly considered breaking off the chandelier above to cause a massacre big enough to postpone this. Of course, Caleb would get a scolding for not checking its integrity beforehand, but he wouldn’t let his brother go through with this.

As he was about to go to the roof he saw his brother walk in the hall completely dressed and everything. Somehow he seemed to appear... glowing. Caleb wanted to stop his brother once more, but no matter what Christian just won’t let him link him. From behind him walked the bride to be, dressed in the beautiful satin gown who can steal millions of hearts. Of course, Christian was not one of the million.

Both of them walked off to the stage, side by side as Caleb’s panic only increased further. He wanted to scream on top of his lungs, ‘Don’t do it brother’. But Alas, he couldn’t.

Once they were both at the stage, the elder asked for permission to begin, “Hold on” Christian asked for a pause. He looked at Delphine who nodded at him before he turned back to the audience and took the mic at the podium accompanied by Delphine.

“Thank you everyone for coming here, I have a big announcement to make” His words caught the audience’s attention. Meanwhile Caleb was spiraling so much that he didn’t even care anymore. “Delphine and I had a proper conversation with each other, and after having a proper conversation we have decided not to go through with this union”

That not only brought back Caleb’s attention, but it initiated a cascade of whispers through the entire hall, one of which was too prominent to be called a whisper. “But why?” The voice belonged to Mrs Carson.

“There is something I have never told anyone. I am Gay” As soon as he those words shock appeared on the face of Carson family, well everyone except Delphine. “I know I shouldn’t have kept this a secret. And I definitely shouldn’t have picked Delphine...” he looked at her who simply gave him a poignant smile, “To be my mate. It was a wrong decision”, he declared.

The entire crowd went quiet while both Caleb and Sebastian at a distance suppressed their smiles. “I admit that it was wrong of me, and I am extremely sorry...for dragging this along.” He pursed his lips before continuing. “I want to thank my brother for organising this entire event for me” He looked at Caleb who simply smiled back at him, “Which is why, apart from the actual engagement, the party will go on as planned.” He chuckled, making Caleb laugh lightly.

“Don’t you have anything to say?” Mrs Carson shot at her firstborn from her seat.

Taking the mike from Christian, she spoke, “I support this decision. If we go through with this...” She turned to look at Christian, “Both of us will be miserable. If we become two miserable leaders of the pack we will be a disaster. This is definitely the best solution, I am certain” She announced.

Mrs Carson appeared to be clearly offended as she stormed off from her seat. Mr Carson however supported his daughter, but his wife’s reaction made him run after her. Meanwhile the Carson siblings seemed agitated but they didn’t care as much as Mrs Carson. Getting down from the stage, he approached Caleb as Caleb approached him,

“I cannot believe you did that,” Caleb chuckled.

“Yeah, me neither,” Christian smiled.

“How do you feel?” Caleb asked.

“Honestly, a lot better,” Christian chuckled.

“Uncle, what’s gay” Connor, who came running at Christian, asked.

Christian bent down to Connor’s height and smiled, “It’s when someone loves someone of the same gender. Like a girl crushing on another girl, or as for me, I prefer guys”.

“Like Dad” he looked at Caleb. Caleb chuckled while Christian looked at his brother amusedly.

“I had told him about Ashton” He chuckled. Looking back at his son he explain, “I am not gay, I am pansexual” Connor frowned once more as he failed to comprehend his father’s words so Caleb took his time to explain it. “Do you get it?” When he was done, he asked his son.

After a big pause, Connor shook his head, “Not entirely”.

“It’s okay, someday you will understand better”, Caleb patted his head. Looking back at Christian he asked, “So, what changed your mind?” Caleb.

“Well...” Christian gave him a coy smile, “They did” he pointed at someone and upon turning around Caleb smiled as he recognised them.

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