My Dragon System

Chapter 436: Injection of the shadow

Chapter 436: Injection of the shadow

The first step to entering the research facility was to head to the bulletin board that was stationed in the middle of the strange settlement. As the girls walked over, Roy continued to follow them. He knew what they were planning to do, but thought that if he was going to live in the place anyway, then he needed to do one trial. So, he might as well have got it over and done with straight away.

Knowing full well though, that the girls would be up to something. He would follow them, but try his best not to get involved at the same time. On the bulletin board there were several different times mentioned that one could go to the research facility at, other than times though, there wasn't much else.

No information on what type of test they would be doing or anything about why they were doing it. Secretive as ever and most kingdoms would have banned an operation such as this one.

Sylvia knew it was important to be transparent to your people. Even when they had asked students to go through the beasting process they made sure to tell them what was happening and all of the possibilities. They could have easily just done what this facility right here was doing now as well.

When the three arrived, the research facility reminded them of a hospital. Inside there were many men and women with long white robed clothing. However, just as equally there seemed to be the same amount of guards as well.

This was the first tell tale sign. What was the need for manpower in a building such as this one?

After the three registered for their trial, they could see there were about ten others who were present there with them. Including them three, it was thirteen.

They waited in the reception room and weren't allowed to go anywhere else. Several times, Sylvia had stood up, and a guard had told her to sit down until they called them. She had even tried going to the toilet where someone followed her completely.

It didn't seem like they would freely be able to explore such a place anytime soon.

"Alright everyone, we will be changing rooms now." One of the guards said.

From the reception area, the group was escorted to a different room. The space in this room was a lot larger than the others, and seats had been prepared that were quite far apart. Standing at the front was a man with glasses and a white robe. Presumably one of the doctors or a scientist.

"Before we begin I wanted to inform you all what this trial will be about so as to not scare you." The doctor explained. "I see there are a lot of new faces here, so I think this will ease them in a bit."

Straight away, the doctor had pulled out a syringe, from a metal box that was on the table by his side. Inside the syringe was a black liquid, one that was constantly moving. It looked exactly the same as the liquid her brother had shown her.

She knew what it was, but the others didn't have a clue. But it was clear the liquid looked menacing and alive as it moved about in the syringe.

"Now not to worry, you see I guarantee you all there will be no harm involved in this. I won't lie to you all. Inside hear is part of the disease that you have all come to know, as the shadow plague. As you know, more and more people are falling to the disease, and that's why we have it here."

"What we are trying to do is to create a vaccine. I assure you, this is as safe as safe can be. A small amount of shadow will be injected inside you and we will see how one acts. You will be split into groups. If it's your first time, the dose will be very minimal and we will monitor you for the first hour or so. For the others, we will increase the dose."

Inside Sylvia was smiling, they had come to the right place after all, but at the same time she was worried. What now? What was she meant to do in the facility with all these guards. She never intended to fight them, but just wanted to find out more information.

There were a few things she did know about the liquid, not everyone was affected in the same way. There were times when the dark guild members, including others had taken it to gain a boost in their strength. Their mind hadn't completely been taken over by the shadow and they seemed to function quite fine.

Then there was the liquid all the students had taken that time. The question was, which type of liquid was this.

Judging by the fact that there were some people here who had taken the liquid before, she was inclined to believe the enhancing type of black liquid.

However, there was no way to be certain.

The patients waited one by one as they were injected, it didn't look like any of them had put up a fight. They didn't really have a choice and it looked like the facility with housing and free food had already won them over.

Looking at them, Slyvia was waiting to see a change or a turn, but there was no such thing, and several more white robbed men and girls had come to monitor the patients.

"Slyvia, are we really going to let something like that inside our body." Martha whispered. "After what happened with Monk and Gary…I really don't think I can."

Still, did it mean they needed to fight now, run away, or try to find out the truth. They could always escape and ask Ray for help.

While she was busy thinking, one of the white robbed females had come over, she opened her metal briefcase and four syringes could be seen.

"Okay let's see who's going first."

Roy didn't care about the liquid too much. He too didn't know what it did, but was confident in his body to reject any bad substance, a bit too confident that he could just sort out everything with his powers.

After hearing Martha's words, Slyvia made the choice.

"I will go first." She said.

The needle was prepared and the liquid could be seen moving about. It was pressed into her shoulder and slowly the liquid started to go in, until finally it had entered her body.


Suddenly, a loud explosion was heard and soon after the sound of alarms followed.

"This is an emergency will all guards, please come to the ground floor. I repeat will all the guards please come to the ground floor."

Something was happening in the facility.


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