My Dragon System

Chapter 491: I am Sen

Chapter 491: I am Sen

After seeing their so-called leader blasted away like that, the large men from the Dark guild no longer wished to continue on. They surrendered there and then, they had no reason to fight and no one to protect.

Soon after, the main Redwing leaders stormed into the castle while the others waited outside and recovered. There were many who were injured and needed to rest and on top of this. They had a job to do in collecting those that had died, not just from their side but from the Dark guild members' side as well.

When they entered the castle, they could see where Gary had been thrown and landed, but there was no sign of him anywhere. It looked like he had gotten up and run away, to where though, was anyone's guess.

When they went underneath the castle into the tunnels, they assumed that he might have gone down one of them to escape, further into the shadow continent. However, this seemed unlikely as it looked like those from the Dark guild had sealed up the entrances after they escaped.

That's when a second theory came about. The only other thing that could have happened was Gary jumping through the large pit, the portal that connects one to the other place.

Under Bliss's guidance, it was decided that they were to seal up the portal. She claimed that most of the beasts and land that was infected actually seemed to be from one of the portals like so. They sealed it up simply with dirt until it was full enough to block it.

There couldn't be many around the shadow continent, and after sealing it up, it would deal a big blow to the Shadow army.

They stayed a few days at the Lion's mouth, mostly making sure those that were injured were fit to travel again. They also buried those from the Dark guild that had died on the battlefield, saying a prayer.

Harry was insistent on this after learning how human they really were. The Dark guild were fighting for peace, similar to the Redwings. They just believed in two different methods. At the end of it, they all had families that would miss them too.

While staying there, it seemed like what Bliss said was true. The land surrounding the castle and the surrounding area seemed to change, and the Shadow gradually started to leave, turning into a form of mist and heading towards the shadow continent.

Before leaving, several magical circles were drawn in the castle by both Bliss and Lenny. They did a number of things; one would allow for mass teleportation of their army, the others were sensors, trap spells in case the Dark guild or Shadow decided to return. Although Bliss thought this was unlikely, it was done as a precaution.

With this, they were happy to all head back together, and later on, in the future, they would send someone to the Lions mouth area, and claim it as part of the Redwing kingdom.

When they finally returned to Avrion, they were welcomed and congratulated with cheers. Now the system was back up, they were able to inform Sylvia of their success, and the news had spread around fast, not just to the Redwing kingdom but to the other kingdoms as well.

After all, it was the first time ever that anyone was able to take back land that had been conquered by the Shadow. The men and women who died in the war were buried in the cemetery, and the whole city had a moment of silence for them. The day of the war would be remembered, and it would be celebrated in the Redwing kingdom every year.

Finally, everyone in the Redwing army had been invited to the dining hall for a grand feast in celebration of the victory. At the front of the dining hall, there was what was now known as the Redwing leader table.

This contained those close to the Redwings, as well as the council and beast unit, including the two so-called students. Before everyone could begin eating, Sylvia stood up to make a speech to everyone. She still wore the eyepatch covering her eye, and before saying anything, she looked back at the others.

"First, I will start with the bad so we can get it out of the way. As tonight I want it to be a celebration, but this is something I must say. Even though we defeated the Shadow, the Shadow still exists out there.

"I'm also sure many of you have heard the rumours that the Empire has completely closed their borders. Before doing so, there was news that there had been signs of infected roaming around…" Sylvia spoke and continued to inform the army of more details.

"I hear that Alexander himself has been infected," Kyle whispered.

Roki, for some reason, was saddened by this news. He was invited to the Redwing table as he had contributed greatly to the war, and Ray insisted on it. Even though he was now part of the Redwings, he still felt a little sad and worried that something was going on in the Empire.

"The Empire is strong," Ray said. "I think it will take a lot for the Shadow to conquer them. If they have closed their borders, maybe it's because they don't wish to harm the other kingdoms. To stop the spread and deal with it themselves."

"True," Roki replied. "They are stubborn; perhaps they didn't want any more news going out."

"Finally, now that that's out of the way, we can move on to our congratulations!" Sylvia said in a more upbeat tone. "In the war, I would first like to thank Sir K for leading the army."

The army clapped and cheered, some even whilsiting at Sir K.

"There are also some special people that achieved far more in this war, and without them, possibly more would have died. Harry, the master White knight, who not only was sub commander but also saved the crystal from being destroyed!"

Bliss was most impressed by Harry, she was unaware of how important he was in the whole mission, if he hadn't survived, then there was a good chance the Dragon would have continued to live.

"Next, the person who had managed to defeat a Dragon, who shall be given the title Dragon Slayer, Prince Van!"

So far, Van had been given the biggest round of applause. Many of the soldiers there had seen how fearsome the dragon was, and were amazed at how Van was able to stand in front of it and not lose his composure, firing the white crystal at the beast.

"Another person, who fought the leader, one on one, who inspired us all and always cared for the people around him, Kyle the Black Sash Master!"

Kyle wasn't expecting any recognition, but he had received cheers equal to that of Van.

"Why?" Kyle asked. "I would have lost the duel if it wasn't for Ray."

"Don't be stupid," Harry said. "We all saw that you won that duel. You decided to spare his life; you're human, not a monster. Seeing you fight with such heart inspired us all. Honestly Kyle, I was too afraid to fight but you weren't."

Hearing the words from Harry's mouth made him finally appreciate the cheers and applause, standing up he started to bow to everyone.

"Finally, a man you all know well. A man who saved Harry, and also literally zapped the leader away, the man who brought all of us here together. Your king Ray Talen."

"Speech! Speech! Speech!" The crowd started to chant, and so did those at the Redwing table. Ray looked at everyone, and when he finally stood up, they went quiet. A smile appeared on his face.

"In the past, I have failed to protect those that I cared about. Even though I had so much power. I couldn't save everyone. I was afraid the same would happen to all of you, but I have made some good friends that were able to protect you in my absence.

"You know, when I came into this world, I hated humans. I never thought I would grow to care for anyone again. But I feel like I have managed to find a group of respectable humans, and I am happy to say that I like you guys.

"I wish to protect you all, and I wish to vanquish the Shadow once and for all."

The army and those at the Redwing table started to whisper to each other. They were confused by what he was saying. Why was he referring to certain people as humans when he was clearly one.

"I wish to continue to fight with you all, and I need to be honest with you all. I am not who you all think I am."

At that moment, Ray started to get rid of his disguise, slowly from the bottom to the top, a red tail was starting to be shown, spikes were sticking out of his back, Scales and claws appeared on his hands.

Standing there was something that looked more beast than human. A humanoid beast.

"My Real name is Sen. I am Sen the Great Red Dragon."


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