My Hermes System

Chapter 110 - 110: Prelude To War

Chapter 110 - 110: Prelude To War

"It has been a long time, Charlotte. I see time has not been kind to you."

Clark Hearst’s appearance further increased the pressure inside the Academy. But unlike with Charlotte’s entrance, almost all of the students had no idea who he was. The only ones that had a drastic change in their expressions were Elton, the Headmaster, and Charlotte herself.

As for the students, their whispers continued to drown the entire Academy. The others, however, stared at Van. His whole body was now wrapped in what they could only assume was blood. Fully immersed inside, as if a cocoon beating its heart.

And slowly, this cocoon crawled its way towards the old man that just arrived.


But before the cocoon of blood containing Van could even reach halfway to him, Charlotte lifted it up from the ground, hugging it with a single arm.

"What are you doing, Charlotte? Are you this brazen already that you are no longer respecting your elders?"

"I’m afraid I can’t give this boy to you, Clark. He will be a part of my family in the future."

"Taking in a sinner in your family? I expected more--"

"All this talk about sinners is getting ridiculous, Clark. Since when were you so gullible as to become a puppet of the freaks from the government?"

"You dare ridicule the members of the Circle!?"


As soon as Clark roared, the legs of every student in the Academy gave in, causing all of them to kneel where they stood. Some could feel their heart beating erratically, and some felt it skip a beat. Their breaths, almost becoming solid.

It only lasted momentarily, though, a blink. As soon as Clark heard the pained moan of the students, he quickly calmed himself down. He then placed his attention back to Charlotte, or more specifically, towards the capsule of blood she was holding.

He then let out a short breath, and along with it, the blood that was wrapping around Van.


Charlotte quickly let go of Van and backed away in fear that she might crush Van, but alas, that was a mistake. Because as soon as she did so, the blood that still lingered around Van’s feet instantly pulled him towards Clark.


Van completely woke up from the pain that climbed up from his feet. He could feel the shattered bones of his feet tear his flesh and skin apart, he could also somewhat feel his blood being forcefully pulled out of his body.

The last thing he remembered was being rescued by Harvey. But now, as he came to once again, all that remained was pain and hopelessness.


Victoria wanted to rush over Van, but Elton quickly stopped her, touching her forehead and whispering into her ears, "Sleep."

And as soon as Elton’s words reached the very depths of Victoria’s mind, Victoria let out a stuttered moan before her vision completely turned dark, falling into the arms of Elton.

"Whatever it is the two of you are planning to do, don’t do it in the Academy. Don’t do it in the city as well. In fact, don’t do it at all." Elton scoffed as he looked back and forth between Charlotte and Clark, who were now currently having a staring contest.

"...Give the boy back, Clark."

"I am actually only here to check on the pet that my granddaughter has taken a liking to... but it would seem that I would have to personally bring this thing to the Pit myself now."

"How about a favor then?" Charlotte let out a long and deep sigh as she relaxed her muscles, "Let the boy go and I will be in your debt."

"I am afraid not." Clark chuckled as soon as he heard Charlotte’s words, "I think we all know you never pay your debts. The boy is going to the Pit, and that is final."

"Tch. Fine, have it your way."



The students howled when the whole Academy suddenly trembled as Charlotte stomped her foot on the ground. And although it looked gentle and slow, it was enough to make a crater that the paralyzed Harvey, who was a good dozen meters away, started rolling towards Charlotte.


But before he could reach Charlotte’s feet, Charlotte disappeared from her spot. Harvey then felt a violent gust of wind slam over his body, throwing him away back to his previous position.

"..." Harvey could only blink as he felt himself once again rolling to the center of the crater. Besides rescuing Van, the only thing that was in his mind right now was why no one was rescuing taking him.

Ms. Elton already helped the unconscious Victoria back inside the freshmen building, as well as Bea... so why is it the no one was rescuing him? However, as soon as he thought of that, he felt someone grab him from behind.

"Let’s get you away from all this danger."

It was his brother, Gerald. But instead of taking him inside the freshmen’s building, Gerald took him farther away. "It’s not safe here."

Harvey wanted to resist, but alas, he was still unable to even lift a finger. And so, he could only close his eyes, hoping that Victoria’s grandmother could rescue Van and save him from going to the Pit.


A deafening thunder pierced his ears as Gerald slightly tumbled on the ground. After that, Gerald quickened his steps, making sure that the paralyzed Harvey was as far away from the danger as possible.

Another crater formed on the grounds of the Academy, right in between where gates previously were, and where Clark was standing.

Clark and Charlotte, however, were nowhere to be seen. All the students could hear were thunders reverberating in the air, and with every drum, a rain of blood followed, as well as a crack on the Academy’s barrier. The only eyes that were moving were those of the Headmaster, Elton, and some of the instructors.

Their eyes wandered above, watching as two titans clash with each other.

Like Sarah, Clark also had wings made with blood, but his span was almost twice as wide, using it to maneuver and dodge Charlotte’s barrage of attacks. Van was also floating beside him, once again encased with blood with only his head exposed, being dragged like a doll.

Charlotte was using the barrier as a step, pushing herself at an unbelievable speed towards the hovering blood bender. But even though her attacks seemed aggressive, she was still completely holding herself back.

"Coward!" She roared as she once again rushed towards Clark. Whenever she aimed for him, Clark slightly moved Van in between them, causing Charlotte to retract her fists and Clark to easily dodge her.

"Just punch through the thing, it would save me a trip to the Pit."

"Let the boy go and let’s see how fast I’ll punch through that ancient bone of yours!"

"Give it up, little girl. I have watched you grow ever since you became an Explorer. I know your every move."

Although Clark’s words may sound arrogant, it was not baseless. Clark has been there at the genesis of the Explorers. He was the first System Holder in the country, maybe even 2nd to the very first System Holder in the world. He was more than a thousand years old, his System made him almost ageless.

He has seen System Holders come and go and was one of the people that built and started the Explorer Association in the first place. For him, Charlotte was one of the people that threatened his existence. And so, it was adamant that he knew everything about her. What she liked to eat, how long she sleeps, how many times she breathes in a single day.

Charlotte was one of the only people that could kill him in this world. And so, she knows her every weakness.

"Your granddaughter seems to have also taken a liking to this boy. Even asleep, I can feel her heart beating erratically right now."


As soon as Charlotte heard Clark’s words, she immediately stopped her advance, digging her hand through the walls of the barrier to hang herself in the air.

"You won’t dare!"

"I already have." Clark slowly raised his hand, and a small drop of blood floated in front of him. The blood wriggled, shifting into form by the second until it resembled a heart. Beating rhythmically as Clark gently grabbed it.

"See what I mean? It’s beating... erratically. I could crush her heart from here if you want me to."

"Do not involve her in this!"

"Believe me, I would crush yours instead if I could. But your blood is the heaviest thing I have ever encountered in this world. There is also the fact that I do not have any qualms with you, Charlotte. Go home and rest. Take your grandchild with you."

"...What in the world happened to you, Clark?"

Charlotte could not help but close her eyes as she allowed herself to drop to the ground, the disappointment in her voice clearer by the second.

"...I have seen the light. I am sure you will too."

Clark whispered, but for Charlotte’s abnormally strong hearing, his words pierced her ears.

"If you are in the light, Clark... then I would rather live in darkness." Charlotte landed on the ground, looking at Clark as she did so.

She then turned her eyes towards Van, looking at him straight in the eye... before turning around and leaving the Academy in stride, leaving only a single word-- "Survive."

She knew Van was pleading for her to save him. His eyes showed it all... and yet she was as bound by Clark as much as he is... helpless even with all the strength in the world. But as long as Van survives, Charlotte would find a way to rescue him from the Pit.

’...Is this the true reason why you notified her? To pull her to our side?’ Elton, who was back in the Headmaster’s side, had a huge frown on her face as she stared at the Headmaster straight in the eyes. Although Headmaster Hans may seem impulsive, he does not move without any reason... and Elton was sure that he wanted all of this to happen.

Putting Van in the same class as Charlotte’s granddaughter, seating him close to her. Van was also Evangeline’s son, it was already sure that there would be something special about him. Maybe even befriending Harvey was part of it... All of these things may seem coincidental at best, but she was sure that Headmaster Hans had a hand on this somewhat.

After all, he is one who hears everything.

’Do you really want her in this war, Hans? There’s a reason why we haven’t involved her for all these years! That walking biceps is also a walking disaster! Stupid, so stupid! She would do more harm than good on our side!’

The Headmaster, however, only smiled as he started walking towards Clark, who was descending from the air.

’I have no idea what you mean, Angela.’

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