My Second Life in Another World

Chapter 327: Bad Guy?

Chapter 327: Bad Guy?

'We can do that, but should I say it or not?' Dok-ja had a way clear this scenario but the problem was, will Haru agree to his plan?

"Dok-ja, you got something?" Haru asked Dok-ja who was a bit surprised since he was just addressed so suddenly.

'I guess, I'll give it a try,' Dok-ja made up his mind and said what his plan was.

"If we need to create a scenario where the Landlord Coalition has no choice but to fight the monsters, we'll need to destroy the green zones since that is where they all hole up,"

"Can we even destroy the green zon-BANG*?" Hee-won was interrupted by the loud sound which caused her to look over.

And it wasn't only her but everyone in the group looked over to see Haru giving them a thumbs-up with his fist going into the ground, the tiles and the concrete below it were broken into pieces.

"Looks like we can," Haru smiled seeing their green zone vanish.

"'Looks like we can' My Ass, the hell are you doing destroying the green zone like that?" Hee-won flipped out.

"I mean no point mulling over it, Just do it! Right?" Haru said blinking. It was as if he didn't do anything wrong.

"…I don't have the energy for this," Hee-won just sat back down sighing heavily.

"Now, we know that we can destroy them, and since we aren't using the green zones, it has no value to us in any way because we can get through the even without it, and by destroying them we can create a situation in which the other groups have no choice but fight since there is no place to hide for them," Everyone nodded as Queresha explained her point of view.

"This is currently our best bet if we want to achieve our goal," Hee-won muttered. It was a tough choice to make for them.

"So, should we really do this?" Haru looked at everyone.

Are you willing to do this? That is what he was asking.

Since if they do indeed go with this plan, many of the people on the lower floors will be in danger, and many might die as well. So was it worth doing this when all of this could be solved for them just by sitting in a green zone and closing their eyes?

This way they can at least make the excuse of having no choice, but if they choose to go with the plan and people die, it will be on them.

"Isn't it a little too late to ask that?" Hee-won looked at Haru blankly, this guy had already destroyed their green zone and then he was asking if they should go forward with the plan.

"Also didn't you say that our failure is your failure?" Hee-won smirked looking at Haru.

"Yeah, and I meant it," Haru nodded much to Hee-won's shock.

"For real?" Hee-won asked since she was just joking before but seeing Haru nod threw her for a loop.

"Just don't become a crazy indiscriminate murderer and we good," Haru added.

"Damn it, I thought I could enact my childhood dream, Tch," Hee-won sounded unhappy as the others laughed. This was a joke, it surely has to be, Right?

"Anyway, I have no intention of putting that burden on you, I have taken another person's life to save my own, and I have taken lives at Geum-ho station on my accord, you did give me a chance but I was the one who chose to swing my blade and would've done it even if you weren't there, So their deaths are on me and that applies to this situation as well, if someone dies then it is our fault for doing this and not yours alone, Got that?" Hee-won spoke seriously leaving her normal shenanigans behind.

"Sure," Haru nodded, it is good that they understand it. Blaming others just because things didn't go right wouldn't make them any different from most people. You can't improve unless you accept your own mistakes.

'Her nature really suits her attribute as the Judge of evil,' Dok-ja was a bit surprised since Hee-won had taken to what she did at Geum-ho very well, she knew what she did and didn't deny it nor did she blame anyone else because she did that by her own choice.

"Well, since we are doing this, let's save everyone so that things don't come to this point, What do you say?" Haru brought them back to the main topic.

"Hmm, I thought we weren't supposed to be too optimistic?" Hee-won looked at Queresha while raising an eyebrow.

"It isn't so bad sometimes, being too pessimistic can also be bad for the group's morale," Queresha spoke without a change in her expression.

"Is that so?" Hee-won grinned as Sang-ah seemed to have brightened up a little.

"Yes that is right," Sang-ah smiled since Queresha had said it herself. Hee-won shook her head as she knew Queresha was correct.

Even Hyun-sung's mood seemed to have lightened up a little. So the result was good all around, even if they talked about the potential death of everyone here.

"So, when do we start this?" Dok-ja asked since the faster they did it the better. The more they delay it, the higher the chance of interference gets.

"Of course, we are doing it right now," Haru said as he laughed, he didn't even know why anyone would think they'll delay it.

"I knew he'd say that," Hee-won sighed and everyone got ready to implement the plan they had just discussed.

There wasn't much to talk about since they just had to destroy the Green zones by bashing the area the Zones were set on.

"We'll talk to Ji-hye and take care of the green zones on this floor," Jin-ah said as Alea nodded in agreement.

"Then Sang-ah, Nam-woon, Gil-young, and I will be going to the third basement floor," Hee-won also left for the lower floor as Haru, Dok-ja, and Hyun-sung were standing on the second basement floor, Queresha chose to stay back on the first floor for since she had another thing to do.

"Let's do this you two," Haru said looking at Hyun-sung and Dok-ja.

"Yes," Hyun-sung nodded seriously, he didn't want to mess it up after he was relied upon, Dok-ja nodded as well, his job wasn't that complicated.

"H-Hey, What are you doing here?" The person who talked to Haru when he came to this floor before panicked seeing him again.

"Come on old man do I look like a monster? Why are you scared of me?" Haru tilted his head not understanding why they were moving back with scared looks.

'He surely knows why,' Dok-ja chose to keep quiet and do his job.

"D-Don't come this way or we'll attack,"

"Stop, you fucker,"


Haru kept on walking as Pil-du's group members kept on backtracking without really attacking, they could only curse at him.

It didn't take long for Haru and the other two to reach in front of Pil-du's green zone.

"What are you doing here?" Pil-du frowned unhappily seeing Haru in front of him once again. He wanted nothing more than shoot Haru on sight but he could only stop himself from doing that.

Everyone who had seen him walk all the way here hadn't done anything to stop him, I mean you can't blame them since who knows if they are hitting him or their own teammates or worst of all, themselves.

"I just came by to say hello, Why is everyone so defensive?" Haru smiled friendlily.

'Something isn't right,' Pil-du felt the chills as he tried to activate the turrets but he found out that he could not.


"Bye~," Haru waved at Pil-du as he found himself falling down with the rubble, he was shocked. He didn't know what happened and before he could make any sense of the matter.

"Ugh," Pil-du groaned in pain as he landed on solid ground and the rubble kicked up a dust cloud covering his vision.

As the dust cloud settled down Pil-du moved the few pieces of rubble that had fallen on him and got up to his feet.

"That didn't look like a comfortable landing," Pil-du looked up and saw Haru looking at him through the big hole in the ceiling.

"You bastard, what did you do?" Pil-du was enraged as he bled from the cut on his forehead.

"I destroyed your green zone, No I destroyed all of the green zones," Haru smiled as he corrected himself while explaining.

'There was no resistance, I mean they didn't even know when it happened,' Dok-ja also seemed intrigued since Haru used the illusion to draw everyone's attention as they destroyed the green zones without anyone stopping them.

"Have you gone crazy? Everyone will die like that," Pil-du shouted seemingly more angered by what Haru said.

"Oi, don't make me sound like the bad guy here, I am doing this so that everyone doesn't die, There is a clear difference between the two,"

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