My Servant System

Chapter 1128 - 1127: Entering The Party

Chapter 1128 -1127: Entering The Party

Smoothing out my dress one last time, I approached the entrance of the opulent estate and prepared my invitation, ignoring the muttering of the nearby crowd alongside the glances from the people in line, all of them looking at me and the various other women walking inside.

Some part of me was worried that there was another facet to this merchant that I wasn't informed of, something that might have to deal with using gigantic heaps of money to pressure women into doing disgusting things just for the sake of getting his rocks off.

But most of me was just annoyed at the attention right now as I waited in that line, though that wasn't much worse than normal as I just dealt with the gazes by simply ignoring them, and I was grateful that the line was moving quickly as people were ushered into the estate and welcomed into the party.

There were a few idiots who tried to sneak in or bribe their way in with paltry riches and drunken confidence, and that earned them a swift hook to the jaw before they were pushed down the line and hit repeatedly by the waiting line for daring to be so stupid.

Seeing the drunks getting kicked and pushed all the way back down the street was certainly a way to pass the time, and before I knew it I was standing in front of two guards donned in exquisitely maintained, yet clearly well utilized armor, each of them exuding an air of confidence that was hard to fake.


The man's voice was gruff, while the woman's voice that came out from the taller, lither guard beside them was raspy as she added "Or any other form of entry.", confusing me slightly as I studied her for a moment before extending the general invitation that had been sent out to anyone with any sort of influence or power in the city.

Scanning it, the man nodded and gestured for me to head inside the gates and down the long marble path that was lined with statues and greenery, a rarity within this hellscape that only went to show how wealthy this merchant was.

They ignored me as soon as they verified I was allowed inside, and I walked by without giving them another moment either as I moved to join the various other Caninekin within the estate that were beginning this multi day party that was a celebration of... well, everything and nothing at the same time, apparently.

Just an elaborate excuse to throw a party to flaunt his wealth and also get things done with the Fingers under the cover provided by a large quantity of rich people doing the idiotic things that only rich people were capable of...

Like laughing maniacally as they watched someone doing some kind of dance inside of a fountain while sipping on a very expensive bottle of wine, or sitting on the well maintained grass and watching the clouds drift by as a group of servants did their best to keep them cool with giant palm leaf fans.

Or dancing in front of a musician who was playing to both the inside and outside crowd at the same time with a suite of dancers who were far to scantily clad to be considered just dancers, though I don't think many people were going to be complaining about the amount of skin being shown.

I certainly wasn't going to deny the eye candy I was witnessing in front of me, especially since it made my objective of getting people to speak loosely and freely even easier, and as soon as I entered the 'common grounds' of the estate, someone approached me with an extra drink in their hand.

"Why hello - there beautiful ~! I do believe it's my first time being able to acquaint myself with someone as radiant as yourself~?"

Giving me a flourishing half bow, the tanned man smiled at me sweetly as he offered the drink to me, the crystalline glass letting the golden liquid within glow beneath the sunlight and revealing a compelling shimmer that got you yearning for its cool embrace.

I accepted the glass with a tad bit of reluctance as I arched a brow at the man, causing him to chuckle as he got the unspoken message and allowing me the moment to study him as I listened to his slow, elegant style of speaking that wasn't too bad to the ears.

Wearing a loose vest and nothing beneath it, the man flaunted his well maintained abdomen proudly, while his flowing pants were simple yet elegant with the only sign of wealth coming from the golden belt that held them up, as well as the bejeweled dagger and many pouches that were dangling from said belt.

"Apologies~! I forgot my manners in your resplendence, my fair Lady~! The name is Ahsan, of the Golden Fang Pack; I might not be the Patriarch, but not everyone needs a high position to be impressive, eh?"

Taking a sip from his own glass, Ahsan smirked at me and gave me a quick one over as he asked "I really must add that it is rare to have not heard of a woman like you in this city~! Are you from someplace else, my fair Lady-? Someplace with many stories to tell, perhaps?"

His yellow eyes sparkled with an inquisitive light that contrasted his light and unserious attitude right now, though hearing that he was from a Pack and that he seemed like a rather interesting man who would know a thing or two, I decided I could start with him.

At the very least, I could use him as a means to identify other people of importance until I was ready to make a move on a real mark that would yield me the information I needed; someone close to the merchant, a high ranking servant or a confidant...

Someone who might know more about the whereabouts of any potential members of the Fingers who were working with the merchant hosting this party, and I needed that information sooner rather than later since I was on a rather time sensitive mission at the moment.

I had until the sun was about to kiss the horizon to get what I needed and get out, or to go ahead and kill a few of the Fingers before departing with the intel I had retrieved before Leone and the others began to bombard the city and alert everyone.

This was really banking on their being some kind of written orders or messages inside the estate, and that wasn't entirely guaranteed, so I had been told to prioritize my own safety over the mission since this wasn't a life or death sort of mission; I was just here to test myself,


"I'm from outside, not a well known family. I don't think you'd have heard of me, Lord Ahsan, seeing as we just moved over here..."

"Ah, that's not an issue my dear~! It was also rather obvious; the accent and the fairness of your skin, it's very obvious you're from the Empire. That's of no issue of course~! I enjoy meeting people from our fellow nation~! But..."

"It's Elizabeth, Lord Ahsan; Elisabeth Serania. 'Tis a smaller family than your Pack, I'm sure, but..."

Like he had before, I left that piece open for interpretation and instead turned towards the rest of the crowd, looking them over and taking a sniff of the drink he had offered to me as I waited for the next piece of discussion, to which Ahsan wasn't going to fail to provide. "Sometimes it's better for quality to rule over quantity~! I can see that, Lady Serania... I can see that indeed. Is this a first for you? A party in the Sultanate? I fear we can be rather... obnoxious compared to the Empire, though that difference in culture must be intriguing, no?"

He looked out over his fellow citizens with me, sipping his drink some more and prompting me to do the same as I let the cool golden liquid splash against my tongue, the sharp and sweet alcohol quenching the thirst I didn't know I had.

"It is most definitely different, but there's always a craving for something different... isn't that right, Lord Ahsan?"

Looking at the man from the corner of my eye, I smiled softly and caught his wide grin as he nodded, those yellow eyes sparkling with a bit of lust now as he peeked at my body once more, though he kept it tasteful as he maintained a civilized front...

For now, anyways, since we had only just met... and I wasn't through my first glass of whatever this was just yet either; I began to gently guide the conversation towards our host, admiring the splendor of the beautiful estate and surplus of greenery that was definitely a refreshing sight for me, and the more I drank the more Ahsan was willing to answer my questions since it opened the opportunity for him to get a little closer with each answer.

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