Chapter 43: Disgrace of a vampire!

"Mr. Blake, it's delightful to have you back," Lily greeted with a warm smile as they entered the spacious living room. "Is there anything specific you'd like for snacks?"

"Surprise me, Lily. I trust your judgment," Blake replied, sinking into the comfortable sofa. The room exuded a sense of relaxation, a welcome contrast to the intensity of the day.

As Lily disappeared into the kitchen, Blake's mind drifted to the reason behind Rose's sudden trip. The notion of a business meeting, especially one that required a night departure, added a layer of mystery to the situation. The late-night rendezvous for business struck him as unconventional, but he had learned not to question the intricacies of Rose's affairs.

Soon, Lily returned with a tray of delectable snacks— an assortment of cheeses, fruits, and finely crafted pastries. "I hope this suits your taste, Mr. Blake," she said, arranging the delicacies on the table.

"Perfect, Lily. Thank you," Blake responded, appreciating the effort put into the presentation.

As they settled into the comfortable sofa, Lily prepared the snacks while Blake scrolled through the movie options. "How about 'Avatar'?" he suggested, glancing at Lily.

The movie started playing, and Blake couldn't help but notice Lily's intense focus on the screen. "Not a fan of 'Avatar'?" he inquired, expecting a casual response.

However, Lily remained silent, her attention fixed on the unfolding scenes. Blake, perplexed by her unusual behavior, decided to let it go and enjoy the movie. Time passed, and as the clock approached midnight, Blake couldn't shake the feeling that Lily was acting strangely.

He realized it was at this time he would see Lily acting strangely every night while he was around. Feeling uncomfortable, he decided to call it a night.

"Maybe we should get some sleep, yeah?" Blake suggested, standing up from the plush sofa. Lily, still engrossed in the movie, seemed hesitant to respond.

Blake walked back to his room, shrugging off the odd feeling that Lily was giving him.

It was a hectic day altogether and he needed to rest. The next day was work and he couldn't afford to be slip up just now that Rose was out of town.


Elena stood at the top of a highrise, a vision of vampiric elegance against the city lights. She wore a form-fitting black dress that clung to her like a second skin, accentuating the pale grace of her immortal form. The dress, adorned with subtle patterns reminiscent of blood-red vines, cascaded down to her ankles, billowing slightly in the night breeze.

A silver pendant, glistening with an otherworldly luster, hung from her neck, catching the ambient glow. Her long, obsidian hair flowed freely, framing a face that held both timeless beauty and a hint of predatory allure. Crimson eyes glowed with an inner intensity, reflecting the hunger and cunning that defined her immortal existence.

The night seemed to bow to her presence, and as she surveyed the city below, a wicked grin played on her lips. The mortal world was her playground, and in this moment, she reveled in the power and allure that marked her as one of the vampiric elite.

As she stood surveying the city below, the distant sounds of buses and faint arguments reached her keen senses, even a peculiar sound of couples copulating didn't escape her radar like hearing. These irritating reminders of the human commotion was one of the reasons she hated dwelling amongst them.

Her attention fixated on a prominent building – the famous Shelly Technologies high rise.

"So, darling sister has traveled and left the little morsel at my mercy. Oh, this would be fun," she grinned wickedly.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure leaped onto the highrise where Elena stood, arriving from an equally towering building.

"Tell me, Drake, have you become as complacent as these mortals you surround yourself with? Is this when we were to meet?" Elena's words sliced through the air, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

"My lord, I'm sorry. I would have been here on time, but I had to...snack first," he said, avoiding the piercing gaze of his mistress.

"Keep up with that tongue of yours, and I'll have you unmade," Elena retorted, approaching Drake with an unnatural swagger that demanded submission. He knelt, acknowledging the power and beauty of his mistress, Elena Shelly.

"I have a special task for you. One that you'd find rewarding. But first, I need to send you on an errand," Elena began.

"My lord, anything. Just ask me anything, and it's done!" Drake declared with a clenched fist.

"Of course, refusal would be rather disheartening, don't you think?" Elena remarked, her eyes now glowing red as she lifted Drake off the ground by his neck. His feet dangled, and Elena stared at him with blood-red eyes.

She nuzzled her nose around his mouth, sighing, and uttered some words in a low tone, "A positive, hmm?" Elena asked, though Blake was in no position to answer.

"Anyways," Elena continued, her speech sounding like a chore, "Journey to Ancroft. Inform the prince; let him know the cat has left the mouse unguarded," she whispered into Drake's ears.

Throughout this ordeal, Drake nodded profusely, choking under the might of his mistress.

"Go now. I shall go have that A positive you just had," Elena commanded, releasing her grip on Drake, who hurriedly left to carry out her orders.

Descending into a darkened alley near Rose's tower, Elena knocked twice at a steel door. It creaked open, revealing the entrance to the hidden vampire tavern that catered to those seeking discretion and secrecy. The barmaid Ingrid hurried over, a mix of respect and familiarity in her expression.

"Mistress Shelley! An honor as always. What brings you?" Ingrid's words held a nuanced understanding, avoiding any implication that Elena's presence in this establishment was out of place.

"A positive, please," Elena requested with a tone that brooked no argument.

Within its dimly lit confines, where shadows played on ancient walls, Elena took a seat at the corner table. Elena sipped from her glass, a concoction of blood that matched her specific tastes, a disturbance erupted in another part of the bar.

Two vampires, their faces twisted with centuries-old animosities, engaged in a violent display of power.

Though vampires couldn't get drunk, these two acted that way.

The fight unfolded like a grim dance. Punches were thrown at once and resounded like bullets leaving a barrel. Each punch, a testament to the primal instincts that fueled their existence. The combatants, undeterred by the brutal blows exchanged, seemed locked in a ceaseless struggle for dominance. Bones cracked, and the scent of blood mingled with the darkened air.

In a display of both supernatural prowess, the vampires broke each other's hands and jaw only to witness them heal instantaneously. The bar echoed with the sickening sound of their bodies colliding, and the atmosphere became charged with a raw, feral energy.

Elena, seated in the corner, observed the violent spectacle with a mixture of disdain and fascination. Her crimson eyes betrayed a silent commentary on the state of their kind. As the conflict reached its zenith, she continued to sip from her glass, the rising anger within her building like a storm.

'So this is what we have become? We barely have as much honor as these lower life forms we let thrive amongst us. How low have we fallen?!' Elena's thoughts raged within her, resonating with the shattering of the glass in her hand. With a controlled poise, she rose from her seat and walked out of the bar, leaving the echoes of the primal struggle behind.

The night air outside provided a stark contrast to the turmoil within the bar, and as Elena stepped into the shadows of the city, she carried with her a profound dissatisfaction with the current state of vampire society.

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