Chapter 47: Fire at the top

The sleek black car glided into the office parking lot, driven by his own driver as Reggie called in to say he had an errand to run for Rose.

Blake, adorned in a charcoal suit, stepped out. The tailored ensemble accentuated his athletic frame, and on his wrist gleamed a gold watch – a thoughtful gift from Rose.

Greeting colleagues with a nod and a genuine smile, Blake ascended to the top floor. Passing by Rose's empty office, he couldn't help but peer inside, momentarily sighing as he felt the void created by her absence. The office, usually filled with her commanding presence, seemed quieter today.

Arriving at his desk, Blake delved into his work. Emails, reports, and the constant buzz of the office filled the morning routine. His gaze lingered on Rose's empty chair during discussions, a stark reminder of her usual presence.

As Blake immersed himself in his tasks, Kendra, Rose's executive assistant, approached,

In the midst of analyzing spreadsheets and emails, Blake's concentration was interrupted by the inviting scent of coffee. Kendra, with a mischievous smile, came into his office with two mugs in hand.

She wore a dress adorned with subtle sequins, shimmering as she moved. The plunging neckline hinted at a daring confidence as her cleavages were bare. It looked like her breasts would spill out anytime if she wasn't careful. Not to forget the slit along the side of the dressed offered a glimpse of her toned leg.

Despite the professional setting, Kendra exuded an intentional allure, blending sophistication with a touch of seduction.

Of course all this was done because Rose was not in town and everyone knew it. He noticed the unusual relaxed state everyone was in. Truly, when the cat's away, the mouse will play.

"Morning, Blake. A little caffeine boost to kickstart your day?" Kendra came with two cups offering one to Blake.

Blake, appreciating the gesture, took the cup with a nod. "Thanks, Kendra. Just what I needed."

Seizing the opportunity, Kendra leaned casually against his desk. "You know, coffee always tastes better in good company. How about we enjoy a lunch together later?"

Blake, glancing at his mounting workload, grinned. "I usually stick to my desk during lunch. Helps me stay on top of things."

But this wouldn't fool Kendra. She, well aware of Blake and Rose's lunch routines, perceived the lie. She eyed him with a suggestive smile, biting her red lipstick-coated lips before turning to leave. Her hips swayed provocatively as she moved away, leaving an intentional trace of allure in her wake.

As lunchtime approached, Kendra returned, this time with an invitation that danced on the edge of audacity.

"Blake, I know you're busy, but it's a shame to eat alone. How about joining me for lunch? My treat." She said with a smile on her face. Her eyes gleamed with an unmistakable invitation, and she subtly adjusted the neckline of her form-fitting dress, inviting Blake to explore what was behind.

Blake, still immersed in his tasks, offered a friendly decline. "Thanks, Kendra, but I've got to wrap up some work. Rain check?"

Kendra playfully hopped onto Blake's desk, a smirk playing on her lips. "Come on, Blake, don't be a workaholic. A little lunch won't hurt. Besides, I promise not to talk shop... unless, of course, you're into that kind of foreplay."

Blake chuckled, trying to diffuse the situation with humor. "Kendra, you know I'm dedicated to my work. Lunch breaks are sacred, and yes I lied earlier. You know this already and it's a fact that It's only the boss that I follow to lunch, hello secretary here!" Blake pointed at himself.

Kendra leaned in, her tone lowering. "Blake, sometimes you need to break the routine. Rose is miles away in China, and you're stuck with me here. Let's make the most of it."

"Kendra, I appreciate the offer, but my focus is on the tasks at hand," Blake responded firmly, gesturing towards the work spread across his desk.

Undeterred, Kendra's demeanor shifted. She traced her finger along the edge of Blake's desk, leaning in conspiratorially. "You're quite the hard nut to crack, Blake. Rose maybe rich but she can't ... provide everything you need, you know." Kendra said, leaning towards Blake.

Blake wondered if no one else could see what was happening but knew the executive floors had glasses that weren't see through so it was just him and this demon alone.

His patience began to wane and he knew he had to be firm. It was obvious Kendra wouldn't back off so he had to be more direct.

"Kendra, my personal life is my own business. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to attend to." Blake said, no signs of apologies whatsoever coming from him.

Kendra, frustration evident in her eyes, straightened up. "Fine, Blake. Keep playing the devoted employee. Just remember, not everyone is blind to the real game being played."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Blake asked, already sensing the tension building.

"I see you, little fish swimming in a big pond. Don't get carried away, Blake. The sharks will come for you. You and Miss Rose can never work. But with me, at least you've got something going on," she remarked, a veiled threat beneath her words.

Maintaining his composure, Blake chose not to dignify her comments with a response. He knew Kendra's reputation as a corporate opportunist, always ready to hop and ride on any executive who came around. Her knack for slipping her number to high-ranking executives was well-known, yet Blake chose to turn a blind eye.

"I get it, you're a hard man to pin down, Blake. But know something, navigating these waters might be easier with someone who knows the currents."

Blake, maintaining his professionalism, replied, "I appreciate the offer, Kendra. But my focus is on the work, not the currents."

While the exchange played out, other employees observed with varying degrees of curiosity. The office atmosphere hummed with an undercurrent of office politics, but Blake remained resolute in his commitment to work, gracefully sidestepping all the advances. One scandal was enough as it was.

Later that evening, as the office hummed with the soft glow of desk lamps, Blake delved into a comprehensive analysis of potential clients for the upcoming quarter. The rhythmic tapping of keys was interrupted by a soft knock on his office door. Startled, he looked up to find the petite brunette, Emily, standing at the entrance.

"Hi, Blake. I'm Emily, the new account manager. Rose mentioned you'd be handling the integration process for me."

Blake, momentarily taken aback, quickly composed himself. "Of course, Emily. Come in. Have a seat."

Emily entered, her petite frame gracefully settling into the chair across Blake's desk. "I've heard great things about your work. I'm excited to collaborate."

"Likewise, Emily. We have a strategic approach here, ensuring seamless transitions for our clients. Let's go through the current accounts and discuss your plans for engagement."

As the conversation unfolded, Emily's proficiency in the subject matter became evident. Blake, though appreciating her competence, maintained a professional distance, conscious of the delicate dynamics at play in the office.

During a rare break, Blake pulled out his phone and began texting Rose, updating her on the day's events in the office.


*Hey, Rose. Just met with Emily, the new account manager. She seems capable, but I'll keep you posted on how things progress.*

As Rose received the message in China, she couldn't shake a sense of unease about this new addition to the team.


*Thanks for the update, Blake. Keep an eye on her. It's strange she'd approach you like that.*


*Hmmm, I thought that was under your directive or wasn't that what she said? Anyways, will do just that. Anything specific bothering you about it?*


*It's just not typical for a new hire to be so forward, especially with you. Stay cautious.*


*Understood. Let me know if there's anything else on your mind.*

The city lights painted a soft glow across the evening sky as Blake sat in the office, a solitary figure surrounded by the towering skyscrapers. The rhythmic cadence of phone calls and the distant hum of the city below accompanied him in Rose's absence. He gazed out of the window, lost in thought.

With Rose not around, the workload was doubled. As her secretary, he was answering all her calls and everything she would normally do if she was present. As he dropped his phone and went back to work, Emily came over.

As he reached for the phone to make another call, the door creaked open, and Emily entered. Her silhouette cut a delicate frame against the soft office lighting, her eyes carrying a hint of weariness.

"Goodnight, Blake. Heading home now. Are you planning to stay around?" Emily inquired, her voice breaking the quiet ambiance of the night.

"Yeah, got a bit more to wrap up. Anything you need before you go?" Blake replied, his attention shifting from the cityscape to acknowledge her presence.

"No, just making sure everything's okay. It's a bit eerie here at night. Take care, alright?" Emily said, her concern evident in the slight furrow of her brow.

Blake offered a nod, appreciating the sentiment. Emily's departure left the room in silence, only the distant sounds of the city lingering.

Resuming his tasks, Blake found himself enveloped in the cadence of his phone conversations. The city lights danced outside the window, creating a mesmerizing contrast to the digital glow within the office.

Yet, in the midst of this routine, a faint scent of something burning tiptoed into his awareness.With a quick drop of the call, Blake furrowed his brow, scanning the room for the source of the unusual aroma.

Before he could unravel the mystery, the silence was shattered by the blaring wail of a fire alarm. The emergency lights bathed the office in a stark red hue, heightening the urgency of the situation.Gathering his belongings, Blake prepared to evacuate. The smell of burning intensified, prompting a surge of adrenaline.

As Blake prepared to leave in response to the blaring fire alarm, the urgency of the situation heightened. However, when he reached for the door, a sense of foreboding settled in—the door wouldn't budge. Panic flickered in his eyes as he tugged at the handle with increasing force, but the obstinate door held fast, trapping him within the fiery glow of the emergency lights.

His heart raced, and beads of sweat formed on his forehead as the reality of the situation sank in. The acrid scent of burning grew more pronounced, and the blaring fire alarm seemed to mock him in the confined space. Desperation set in, and Blake frantically searched for an alternative means of escape.

In the stifling atmosphere of the locked room, Blake muttered to himself, "This can't be happening. Not now." Frustration and fear laced his words as he continued to grapple with the unyielding door.

He pounded on it, shouting, "Hey, is anyone out there? I'm trapped!" The urgency in his voice echoed in the empty hallway, mingling with the persistent wail of the fire alarm.

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