My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1061: Acting like a hot woman? No, I don't!

Chapter 1061: Acting like a hot woman? No, I don't!

Hela woke up feeling utterly exhausted for some reason. Sitting up in bed, she held her head as if she had a severe headache before remembering what happened.

Remembering the request she made and subsequently falling into unconsciousness, instead of feeling panicked about this fact, she wondered what the Hell happened to her.

Again, the reason for her confidence was the simple fact that if Victor wanted to do something to her, he didn't need to go through something so complicated. He was in a greater and more advantageous position than her, and she highly doubted that her brothers would be any threat to the current Victor.

Therefore, he didn't need to deceive her if he wanted to harm her... Honestly, she didn't know how to feel about these thoughts since she had always been a very distrustful person. No matter what kind of person she encountered, she always maintained her suspicions.

But... Victor's strength was so great, absurd, and out of scale that such schemes would simply be useless to him... He didn't need them. Hela believed that perhaps it was because of these feelings that she was not freaking out now.

"You're finally awake."

Hela opened her eyes wide when she heard the voice and looked in the direction the voice came from. There, she beheld the sight of a man sitting on the couch while resting his head on his hand.

Unlike his Emperor form, he seemed more approachable in this more casual form.

"Where am I...?" She looked out the window and saw an unfamiliar landscape, quite alien but paradisiacal. She also felt that just breathing here was revitalizing her vitality even more, as if all of Nature was so full of life.

"On my personal planet."

"Oh..." Hela didn't know how to react to this fact. She had always suspected that Victor had a personal world. This wasn't information that everyone knew, and not even Hela knew for sure. She just deduced it. After all, it would be strange if he didn't have a personal world or Dimension for himself and his Family. After all, considering that he was the Leader of a Pantheon, no one had ever actually seen his 'Pantheon' itself.

Everyone believed that the city that was run by his Wives was the center of his Pantheon. But they were completely wrong. That place was just a small part of his Pantheon. After all, Hell was also a part of his Pantheon. But they never actually saw the 'Paradise' that every Pantheon must have.

By spreading her Divine Senses across the planet, she understood very well that this was the 'Paradise' of Victor's Pantheon. However, unlike the other Pantheons, this 'Paradise' was personal, an exclusive place for his Family.

'I wonder where the Souls of those who go to Heaven will go… Maybe an Alternate Dimension?' Such a thought wouldn't be strange, considering that the Heavenly Father's Heaven held a similar system.

Even Asgard was similar. Odin had a particular Dimension where the Souls who had faith in his Gods would go.

Putting that aside, she said: "This planet is full of Life."

"It would be strange if it wasn't. After all, it was created with my Dragon Fire, and it houses hundreds of Dragons and several Dragon Gods."

Dragons, no matter if they were True ones or not, were loved by Nature for a reason. They were like Energy batteries. Even if their actions destroyed the environment, the simple fact of them existing in one place would revitalize that place to be even more full of life.

On this planet where the intentional destruction of Nature was forbidden, this effect was seen more intensely. All living Beings, from the smallest animals to the True Dragons, who were Victor's Daughters and Wives, respected this rule of Victor.

Destruction caused by instincts or actions was normal, for example, a saber-toothed feline destroying the environment to make its 'lair' was allowed, but intentional destruction would be punished severely.

It may seem like similar situations, but they were very different. As a God of Nature, Victor understood this very well. Nature was an ecosystem, and it was not so weak that small damages could harm it, especially with so many powerful Gods related to Nature and World Trees present here.

But even knowing this, he forbade intentional destruction. After all, rules were necessary. His newborn Daughters tended to be very unruly due to the innate stubbornness of Dragons, and each of them could release a breath that could destroy a small city in a fit of rage.

He'd faced many incidents like this when they were growing up. Only now has it lessened because they are older.

Again, perhaps Victor was exaggerating. After all, this planet was created with his Dragon Breath, the Breath of a Progenitor Dragon. This was the core of the planet. It was also created with the help of a Primordial and with the help of Primordial Goddesses. This was the same planet that was home to hundreds of Dragons, each of them further tempering the planet's durability and resistance.

Even if a high-powered nuclear bomb was detonated here, the planet would recover in less than a year. The planet was that strong.

Despite understanding this, he still forbade it. After all, customs should be set from an early age, and this was his personal Paradise. This planet was like a child to him; he helped create it. Therefore, he did not want any harm to be caused to it.

"That is... Informative." Hela swallowed hard when she heard Victor's casual statement. She could already imagine how 'rare' the materials growing here were. A planet whose core was formed by the Fire of a Progenitor Dragon like Victor, she could only imagine how 'loaded' it was.

Victor smiled slightly when he saw Hela's thoughts. Although his planet had many resources, he did not exploit them. After all, he did not need to. He had an entirely separate Dimension that he created for that purpose.

Wealth and resources were not important to him because he had abundance. In fact, since he started his journey, these were never his priorities, and he knew very well how lucky he was at the time. After all, he kind of got together with three Heiresses of ancient Clans who had abundant resources.

Wealth, power, and material desire tend to change a person for the worse. That doesn't mean that you should give up everything you have and live like a monk, but that material goods shouldn't be the focus. What's the point of being the richest person in the world if you don't have anyone who REALLY wants to be with you for your company? To have fun with all that money?

Growing up, Edward and Leona were the only ones in the group who were truly 'rich', but they never let it go to their heads. Thinking about it, Victor realized how lucky he was to have true friends, one of whom became his Wife.

'Hmm, I have to meet up with the others later.' By others, he was talking about Edward, Andrew, and Fred.

Thinking of them, he remembered that Edward was in Samar with his Clan, Andrew was in his city, and Fred was with his hot Vampire girlfriend.

'Out of all of them, only Fred got laid... Or he was captured by the thirsty Vampire?' He could never doubt the fact that female Vampires were quite... Passionate.

Yes, that was Victor's term for 'crazy' women.

'Well, he did well.' Victor brushed that aside. The last time he met Fred and turned him into a Vampire Subspecies, he checked out his Wife and found that she was a good woman for his friend.

Thinking about the information his subordinates had given him about his friends two weeks ago, he couldn't help but roll his eyes internally.

'Andrew is still being the local playboy, and Edward is acting like a dense protagonist... What a surprise.' Victor thought he should tell Leona this detail to see her reaction.

'Ignoring Family advances is a very bad thing, Edward.' Victor's eyes sparkled with amusement. As Adam's son and Victor's friend, several of his cousins and aunts were VERY interested in Edward.

'Well, I can respect that. Men respect Women, not Whores.' Words spoken in the past by Edward himself. Victor decided to be magnanimous and not say anything to Leona… But he would still tell her that he was still single.

Leona wanted to be an aunt, after all.

Hela watched Victor in silence as she saw his expression change from amusement, to contemplation, and then back to amusement again. She realized that, in this place, he was much more open with his expressions than he normally would be. She could read him much better now.

'Or is he faking it?' She couldn't help but think about it, but everything about Victor was genuine, and honestly, she didn't think he would fake something when he didn't need to. He was a great politician, but his love for his Family was very genuine.

"…What did you do to me?"

"Hmm? Oh… I got lost in thought, huh?" Victor spoke and then added. "Well, I gave you the protection I said I would give you. Due to sensory overload, you ended up fainting, and so I brought you to my home." n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Keep it close, but not too close. Let her make the move first if she wanted to. Victor knew he was the bigger prize here, and he had his pride.


"… Did you give me the same protection as your Wives?" Hela asked. She didn't see any point in fainting just because of what Victor did to her. She wasn't that weak, not to mention that she felt that her existence was heavier somehow, but not in a bad way.

If you put it into words, she felt her Soul more 'clearly'. She could feel her body much better now, and such a change wouldn't just happen with a simple protection. Something had to change in the Soul for that to happen.

"Oh?" Victor raised his eyebrow and then smiled. "You noticed."

"... You really did..." Hela spoke in disbelief. She was just guessing and wasn't 100% sure what she said was true, but to think that he really did it... She didn't know how to feel about it, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

"This is a special situation, after all. Thus, it requires special attention." Victor spoke casually, not completely dismissing the subject but also not giving it the attention it deserved.

He had thousands of years of dealing with the opposite sex. He was married to the Goddess of Love! He knew the nuances of interacting with a woman and a man. He would be very insensitive if he dismissed this situation as if it were nothing.

Keep it close, but not too close. Let her make the move first if she wanted to. Victor knew he was the bigger prize here, and he had his pride.

'...Wait a sec. Since when did I start acting like a hot woman?' He thought in contemplation. For some reason, he could hear Andrew and Fred laughing hard now.

[You only realized that now...] Roxanne spoke in disbelief.

[That took a while, huh.] Amara displayed an amused smile.

[Well, he's not wrong that he's the biggest prize here, so his pride is justifiable, but he's acting like a hot woman who wants men to crawl towards her… Wait, isn't he basically the old Aphrodite now?] Roxanne spoke while showing a small teasing smile.

Victor snorted internally and ignored the two. He was nothing like the old Aphrodite!


"Atchuum!" Aphrodite sneezed in a very feminine voice, causing papers to fly around due to the gust of wind.

""Bless you."" Maria, Roberta, Eve, and Eleonor, who were nearby, spoke.

"Thank you." Aphrodite thanked them.

"Can Dragons get sick?" Eleonor asked curiously as she read her book.

"I don't think that's possible… And that's just considering normal Dragons. For us, who have Victor's protections and are Goddesses, it would be strange for us to get sick." Maria, who was being lazy, spoke up.

Eve, who was drinking tea at the table, spoke up next: "Someone's probably talking about her."

"Everyone is talking about me. I am the Goddess of Love, after all." Aphrodite huffed proudly.

"Yeah, yeah, and I am a unicorn that everyone talks about," Eve commented sarcastically.

Aphrodite narrowed her neon pink eyes. "Just so you know, they are really talking about me. I can hear their words."

"Uh-huh, I believe you... You are definitely not confusing your prayers." The sarcasm in Eve's voice was so obvious that it physically hurt Aphrodite.

The so-called Goddess of Love pouted, slightly irritated. She understood Eve's sarcasm since when her followers spoke of her, they were not SPECIFICALLY talking about her, but rather telling/ordering her to be a good Wife for Victor.

[Oh, Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, please protect the Emperor from all evil.] She heard one of her followers speaking.

'Woman, you have no idea who you are asking protection for. He is so strong that he doesn't even need protection! But I will do it anyway because he is my Husband!' Aphrodite thought internally but did not answer her follower.

And then she snorted again when she saw Eve smiling at her as if she understood what had just happened.

It's not like there weren't any believers who prayed explicitly to her, but for the most part, the most devoted believers were those who spoke to the Goddesses of the Pantheon to ask for protection for The Emperor.

A consequence of being a fairly new Religion in which the most prominent figure is someone as brilliant as Victor, faith and trust in the Emperor were eternal among the believers. The other Goddesses kind of hovered around, a fact that left some of them slightly irritated, but they couldn't do anything to change it, considering that this was something that only time could fix.

Not to mention that some Goddesses didn't have a good reputation among Mortals, Aphrodite being one of them.

'Ironically, Tyche and Hestia are the ones who receive the most prayers after The Emperor.' Aphrodite thought, and she kind of understood. After all, Tyche was the Goddess of Luck, and Hestia was the Goddess of The Home, who never really had her name tarnished in the Greek Pantheon. She might've been seen as too passive and not proactive enough, but she didn't really have a bad image.

Tyche was a consequence of Victor's patronage, after all, he understood how important luck was.

'Next comes the Goddess of Order and the Goddess of Truth, which are Violet and Anna. Then me… Although Velnorah, Amaterasu, Haruna, and Tasha are rising in rank due to being very active in the city.' Aphrodite started to feel a slight panic for her position. Yes, she was in fifth place, but she didn't want to lose her position!

'…What if I made a Saint?' Aphrodite thought. Since she had become a High-Level Dragon Goddess, almost becoming a Primordial Being of Love, she had enough energy to bless the entire planet if she so desired, even if most of her Blessings were with Victor.

'A Saint could speak on my behalf and spread my name to the masses… Hehehe.' She started to laugh, thinking that was a good idea.

'Speaking of which, Darling also Blessed the entire Family with his Divinities.' She lightly touched her chest as she felt Victor's Blessings and Victor's very Soul. She always did this when she wanted to feel Victor.

The girls around her narrowed their eyes slightly when they saw Aphrodite's reactions. They had known the woman long enough to know that she was planning to do something… Usually, it's something stupid.

They looked at each other and nodded, agreeing to keep an eye on her.


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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