My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 1067: Soldiers of the Emperor.

Chapter 1067: Soldiers of the Emperor.

His name was John, just John. Unlike his companions, only he and Conan did not have a surname.

The first thing John saw when he came into existence was the lively and caring face of a man, a man he immediately understood was his 'Father', his 'Creator', the one who gave him life.

After that, all he saw was darkness and many memories, memories that he knew were not his, memories that were implanted by that man.

He was never lost in those overwhelming memories because he had a clear distinction that those memories were not his and that they were done on purpose. Those memories were just lessons he needed to learn from, memories of the heroes of the past, their tactics, their strategies, their intelligence.

He saw, he felt, but he was numb. He was there, but at the same time, he was not.

He had seen countless wars on various scales: world wars, wars between countries, Supernatural wars, and apocalyptic wars. He had seen it all and learned. He did not feel overwhelmed or disgusted by the killing or the scenes of carnage.

For him, all of this was natural. He supposed it was one of the characteristics of his Race, but he just felt sorry for the innocents who were caught in the conflict between the Powers, something that, if possible, he would try to change, but not in a way that compromised his duty.

'Duty?' John felt confused at first, but he didn't think about it for now.

He didn't know how much time passed, but he began to lose consciousness... Even in an unconscious state where he couldn't move, John could feel the presence of his Creator within him. He was there, he was always there, watching him, teaching him, and preparing him.

'Preparing me for what?' He asked himself. He didn't expect an answer, but he received one anyway.

"Your Duty."

'My Duty? What is my duty?'

"You will know in the future."

Upon hearing these words, he woke up. Unlike his tiny body before, he seemed stronger, still young, but not powerless.

He had turned 10 but didn't seem to have the height of a human child. He was 10 years old but already stood 2 meters tall and had a completely mature body.

Young they were, but they weren't weak.

Upon exiting the creation chamber, the first thing he saw was the same tall man, 5 meters tall in his majestic armor, with hair that seemed to be made from the material of a black hole and piercing Draconic violet eyes.

Everyone here knew who he was, Victor Elderblood, The Dragon God Emperor, a man who held many Titles, but the most important to them was… Their Creator.

"Emperor." Without wasting any time, a woman with long black hair, Draconic blue eyes, and black horns fell to one knee.

'Clare Bloodhunter,' John thought, instinctively knowing all of his companions' names.

As soon as Clare knelt, two other women joined her.

The first one to join her had long golden hair and piercing green eyes, and on her head, instead of horns, small white wings could be seen.

'Laura Bloodhunter.'

The second one to join Clare was a white-haired woman who seemed to be the opposite of Clare. Her skin was much paler, and instead of having a slender body like her two sisters, she had a more curvaceous body. Her eyes were Draconic red, and she had no horns or any other noticeable Draconic features, but when she said 'Emperor', everyone saw that her teeth were much sharper than theirs.

As a shapeshifter, everyone could have what she had, but it seemed that she had naturally developed that way. The impression she gave off was very different from that of her Sisters, too. She was much more 'intense'.

'Kiana Bloodhunter.'

As soon as the three women knelt, the men immediately followed.


Clare knew her purpose from the beginning. In the 10 years she spent learning from her Creator, she knew what she had to do, and because of that, it was natural for her to kneel in front of her Creator.

Her state of nudity? Shame? None of that mattered. She was a warrior, and her teachings told her to be like that, so that's how she was.

In war, any loss of attention was deadly, especially for her, who had such a 'desirable' figure. She saw very well what happened to women in the wars that her Creator showed her.

That was a warning and a lesson for her. The weak are trampled, and the strong are exalted. That's how things really are.

Even though she was the Emperor's Creation, she wasn't strong... Yet.


Four male voices were heard, and Clare glanced at her companions from the corner of her eye.

The first was a dark-haired man with black hair and brown eyes. He had sharp teeth and black horns on his head, looking like a barbarian from Clare's memories. Everything about him screamed 'masculinity'.


The second man was the complete opposite of Conan. He seemed more androgynous with a more delicate appearance. His body was masculine like a swimmer's and not full of muscles like Conan. He had black hair and bright golden eyes. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

'Caelus Hunter.'

The third man was strange... Strange like her 'Sister Kiana'. He had white hair, an expressionless face, and gray eyes. Like Caelus, he had a body that was not as muscular as Conan's, but was instead sized halfway between Caelus and Conan.

But even through his expressionless eyes, Clare could see the adoration he had for their Creator.

'Kaleb Hunter'

The last man was more… Plain… Black hair, black eyes; a simple but refined appearance. Just like Kaleb, he had a body that was halfway between Caelus's slender and Conan's muscular.

'John… Just like Conan, he was the only one who didn't receive a surname. I wonder if there was a reason for that.' Clare was curious, but she wouldn't doubt the Emperor's actions.



A simple word, but it was said with such weight and authority that everyone had no choice but to look at the man.

"Very good indeed." The Emperor's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at each of them in turn.

They all felt as if they would be crushed by the weight of his gaze.

"You have grown expeditiously in these last 10 years… But it is still not enough to fulfill your duties. Lessons through heroic memories do not make you heroes. Training to polish your talent is necessary."

"Follow me."

The orders were given, and they followed obediently. The moment they left the creation chambers where they slept, they realized their bodies were covered by a black uniform with dark violet and red details, with a noticeable crest of a Dragon on their right chest.

Immediately, they realized that they had entered another place similar to the one they were previously in, only many times larger. Seeing the hundreds of creation chambers on the walls, they looked around in amazement.

"These are your future brothers and sisters in battle, though they are still in their growth phase." The Emperor explained as if he knew their doubts.

Internally, Victor was feeling amused; memories of ancient Beings they may have, but they were still 10-year-old children... 10-year-old children who could erase an entire city with the slightest mistake.

Victor 'looked' at Laura behind him. 'She suffered a mutation just like Aphrodite... but hers was caused by the Essence of the Angels and not by her Divinity…' From what he could see, her disposition was the kindest among the seven.

'Using the Essence of an Archangel in her Creation must have caused this.' Unlike the others where he only used normal Angel Essence, Victor used Lucifer's Essence on Laura.

It was just a momentary curiosity since, when he created the other six, he was using 'equivalent' Essences to balance everything with the Dragonoid Race as a base. He thought that in the end, he should add something unique that was equivalent to a Dragonoid, and that's how Laura was born.

'Well, it's not like that's bad.' Anyone who read the real Bible knew how 'scary' Angels were.

Passing by the place where the battle brothers of the seven were, they passed through a massive door that seemed to be impenetrable and arrived at a sunny area.

In that place, four Beings were waiting.

Hassan-i Sabbah, The Greatest Assassin in the world.

The Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar.

Abe-No-Seimei, The Greatest Onmyoji.

And last but not least, Scathach Scarlett Elderblood.

The seven felt overwhelmed again, but this time, it was not as oppressive as the Emperor. If they were to make a comparison, the Emperor was like something that was impossible to overcome, but three of the Beings before them felt like they were strong but not impossible to defeat.

Their 'instincts' said so.

But... The woman... The woman gave off a feeling similar to the Emperor's. She was weaker but very close to the Emperor's stature. When the seven looked at the woman's physical characteristics, Draconic eyes, and Draconic horns, they understood why.

Just like the Emperor, she was also a True Dragon.

"Victor, you want me to train them? Don't they seem... Weak?"

It was worth noting that Scathach's standard of 'talent' underwent several changes over time, and when she had children with Victor, her standard of talent changed to her children as a basis.

Yes... Her common sense was utterly broken, and she didn't even realize it. After all, Victor's Daughters were born from Victor, a monster of talent and potential, with women who were also monsters in their respective fields.

Victor's own Daughter with Scathach was a perfect example of this.

"Your common sense is distorted, Scathach." Victor spoke calmly and did not reprimand her for using his name when he was acting as the 'Emperor'. If there was anyone who deserved to speak casually to him, no matter the occasion, be it public or private, it was Scathach.

'Scathach...' The seven swallowed hard. They knew this woman. Not personally, but rather through the memories of the 'heroes' they had received knowledge from.

In almost every war that had occurred in the last 2000 years, this woman had been present in some way.

The Godslayer, Scathach Scarlett. Also known as The Teacher of Heroes.

They just didn't recognize her because she was completely different from before... Which was obvious considering what she was now.

"Look carefully and try not to compare them to our Daughter, but to the Heroes of the past that you trained."

"... Hmm..." Following her Husband's instructions, Scathach looked with her Draconic eyes at the seven again.

This time, the seven felt the same pressure they had felt from the Emperor as their bodies became tense and stiff, and they could barely breathe properly.

Five seconds passed as Scathach 'looked' at their existence with her eyes and instincts. In the past, she had only used her instincts, and she was usually correct. Now, as a Goddess and, at the same time, a True Dragon, she could 'see' deeper into a Being.

And what she saw made her opinion change.

"Heh." Scathach smiled, and with just that smile, Victor knew she was interested.

'I pity them a little for what they're about to go through… Just a little.' Victor thought wistfully. After all, Scathach had become even more 'efficient' in training people.

'Well, no pain, no gain.'


Edited By: DaV0 2138, IsUnavailable

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