My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 122: Holding Back The Tide

Ezra sat in his office, the wide windows behind him bathing the room with natural lighting. Papers were strewn across his desk, interspersed with open books and a glass of blood wines.

His fingers danced across the keyboard, the rhythmic clacking a comforting backdrop to his thoughts. Shelves lined with thick volumes of law books lined the wall on one side of his office.

It was a nod to his past as a lawyer. His years of dedication and hard work. The same past that made him understand just how deep the shit he was standing in was.

The vampire who had been posing as Gen had made away with not just the documents on TransitLink. The vampire also had a few documents on the company's financial statements. Documents that should not fall into the wrong hands.

He paused for a moment, glancing at the clock on the wall and rubbing his temples, feeling the weight of another long day. The aroma of the blood wine mingled with the faint aroma of aged leather from his chair.

Just as he settled back into his task, the shrill ring of his phone cut through the silence. Ezra's eyes flicked to the caller ID, curiosity piqued. It was Red.

With a sigh weary sigh, he reached over and picked up the receiver, ready to address whatever awaited him on the other end.

Red's voice, which was usually calm and measured, was taut with urgency.

"Ezra, we have a problem," she began without preamble. "The incriminating documents have fallen into the hands of the authorities. They've stepped up their investigation of Ascendant Capital, and it's bad."

Ezra's grip tightened on the phone. He adjusted the tie on his neck. It now felt like a noose.

"How bad are we talking?" His eyes roamed around the documents on his desk like it held the answers to his problems.

"Almost impossible to keep them off without higher intervention." she replied. "We can't do it without backing."

Ezra tapped his fingers on his desk, remembering the Arbiter's words. You're on your own, Ezra Matten. The counts won't act against you directly, but they won't protect you either.

"We can't hope for backing. The counts are not allowed to intervene in Southside."

Red was silent.

"Is there anything we can do?" Ezra asked.

"Not really. If we take drastic steps, the Silent Hand can push for a Breach of Secrecy. And with your history of standing trial for the same crime, it's game over this time."

Ezra leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. Acting directly had to be a last resort.

"Alright, let's think this through." He said, his mind racing. "First, we need to assess the extent of the damage. What exactly do they have?"

"A lot. Financial records, emails, internal memos. It's comprehensive. There's no way they could have gotten this without having people inside both Ascendant and Black Spider."

Ezra closed his eyes, imagining the fallout. "We need to buy some time. Can we slow down the investigation?"

Red hesitated. "Maybe. I can pull some strings, create procedural delays. But it's only a temporary fix."

"Do it," Ezra said firmly. "In the meantime, I'll find a way out of this. We'll have to go after whoever is heading this investigation."

Red sighed. "It's a long shot, Ezra. The Silent Hand would definitely be there."

"I know," he replied. "But it's our only shot. Start creating those delays. I'll handle the rest."

Hanging up the phone, Ezra felt the weight of the situation settle over him. He had to act swiftly and decisively, or everything he was presiding over would crumble.

He wasted no time, quickly starting on his next move. He dialed Gen's number, each ring echoing in his ear like a countdown.

She answered on the third ring, her voice crisp and professional. There were sounds of some kind of fight in the background. "Gen, here." She stated.

"Gen, it's Ezra. We have a critical situation," he began, his tone leaving no room for pleasantries. "The documents have gotten to the hands of the authorities and they're not standing by."

"Oh." A cry arose in the background before silence filled her immediate surrounding. "What are my matching orders?"

"I need you to find the lead investigator of this case and gather every detail you can about them."

Gen was silent for a moment, processing the gravity of the request. "Understood. What's our angle?"

"We need leverage," Ezra replied. "Anything we can use to turn the tide against the Silent Hand. Personal, professional, it doesn't matter. Find their weaknesses."

"I'll get on it immediately," Gen said, her voice steely with determination. "Do you have any initial leads?"

"None." Ezra admitted. "Start with their public records. Social media, news articles, anything that can give us a clue about who they are and what they value."

"Got it," Gen replied. "I'll dig into their past cases too. There might be patterns or mistakes we can exploit."

"Exactly," Ezra affirmed. "We need to know what makes them tick, what pressures them, and what can be used against them. This has to be thorough, Gen. We're dealing with the Silent Hand here."

"I understand," she said as someone began crying in the background. "I'll report back as soon as I have something concrete."

"Thank you, Gen. Time is of the essence. The sooner we have something, the better our chances."

The line went dead and Ezra leaned back in his chair.

Gen was the best at what she did, and if anyone could find the necessary dirt on the lead investigator, it was her. He knew she would leave no stone unturned.

Now, it was a waiting game, and Ezra could only hope that Gen's findings would provide the crucial edge they needed to survive this crisis.

Ezra was deep in thought, reviewing the next steps when a soft knock on his office door broke his concentration. His secretary, Ava, stepped in, her expression composed yet slightly urgent.

"Mr. Matten, there's a visitor here to see you," she said, her voice polite but firm.

Ezra looked up, a hint of surprise crossing his face. He checked the time on his wristwatch. "I don't have any appointments at this time. Who is it?"

"A man named Griffin."

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