My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 127: The Real Enemy Appears

X materialized in the dimly lit pthouse, the elegant furnishings contrasting sharply with the urgcy of Delilah's movemts. She was frantically packing a suitcase, her normally composed demeanor shattered by fear and frustration. Clothes flew into the bag, each item tossed with a mix of haste and anger.

"Eving, Delilah," X greeted, his voice unnervingly calm and almost jovial. His posture was relaxed, hands tucked casually into his pockets, but a dangerous glint flickered in his eyes.

Delilah's head snapped up, her expression darking at the sight of him. "Damn you, X!" she spat, the curse punctuated by a pair of shoes she flung into the suitcase. "This is all your fault!"

X shrugged, strolling over to the window and gazing out at the city below, illuminated by countless lights. "Isn't everything, though?" he remarked lightly, his tone displaying of the anger simmering within him.

He turned to face her, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, but his eyes were cold and calculating. Not that anyone but him knew that.

Delilah's hands trembled as she zipped up the suitcase, her glare never leaving X. "You should have left me alone."

X chuckled softly, the sound devoid of warmth. "Now, where would the fun be in that?" His words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the ruthlessness that lay beath his mask.

He leaned casually against the window frame, watching Delilah with a mixture of amusemt and contempt. "So, Delilah," he began, his voice dripping with mockery, "now that Griffin is in the game, what's your next move?"

Delilah froze, her hands clutching the suitcase handle. Her eyes wided in shock and fear as she processed his words. "Ezra wasn't lying?" She whispered under her breath, the truth hitting her with brutal clarity. Griffin's involvemt meant the stakes were now far higher than she had intded.

X laughed, the sound harsh and grating. "Judging by that expression, I'd say Ezra wasn't just bluffing, was he? Griffin's made his move, and you're likely to be caught in the middle."

Delilah's fear morphed into a cold dread. She had underestimated the situation, and now, the realization that she was truly tangled in a dangerous game left her feeling vulnerable and exposed.

"Look at you," X continued, his tone mocking. "The great Delilah, brought to her knees by a the mere knowledge of a count's direct involvemt. Now that the real emy has surfaced, can you really afford to ignore him?"

Delilah's jaw clched, her mind racing. Griffin's power and influce were not something she could counter alone, and his try into the fray changed everything.

She had always viewed Ezra as a nuisance, a minor obstacle. A fly she could swat. But Griffin? He was a true threat.

X's eyes glittered with satisfaction as he saw the turmoil in her expression. "Face it, Delilah. You're out of your depth. Griffin's not someone you can dismiss. He'll come for everything you hold dear, and he won't stop until he has it."

X watched as Delilah took a deep breath, slowly regaining her composure. The initial shock faded, replaced by a cold, calculated demeanor. She straighted up, her eyes narrowing as she fixed X with a steely gaze. "Griffin's hands are tied," she said calmly. "Ev if he's stepping in, he can't operate publicly. Too many eyes are on him and the City Lord won't allow that."

X arched an eyebrow, a hint of amusemt playing at the corners of his mouth. "Don't underestimate Griffin," he warned. "He has ways of getting things done without drawing atttion. The question is, who do you think he'll sd after you?"

Delilah's face paled slightly, the realization dawning on her. Her muscles tsed, and she instinctively assumed a battle stance. "Are you here to kill me?" she demanded, her voice edged with both defiance and apprehsion. "Is that what you want?"

X chuckled, a low, mirthless sound. "Not yet," he replied, his tone almost playful. "Griffin hasn't ordered me to. But remember, Delilah, if he does, I can find you anytime, anywhere."

The implication hung heavily in the air. Delilah's eyes flickered with a mix of fear and resolve. She knew X's reputation, understood the gravity of his threat. But she also knew she couldn't afford to show weakness.

"Th come." She said, her voice steady. "I'll be ready and I'll rip your heart out of your chest."

"Ah!" X's grin wided, a dark satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. "We'll see. Just remember, Delilah, the game has changed. Adapt or fall."

"Fuck off."

X smirked, pushing off from the window frame. "Good luck with whatever you do next. You'll need it." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving her standing alone amidst the half-packed bags.

X teleported back to the grand trance hall of Griffin's sanctuary. He took half a second to adjust to the bright lights of the opult surings which was a stark contrast to the dark cityscape he had just left.

As he materialized, he was immediately met by Griffin's Assistant, a woman with a sere yet commanding presce. Few knew her true idtity as Griffin's first wife, but X was well aware.

"Griffin wants to see you," she said, her tone calm but firm.

X nodded, showing a momt of respect. "Of course," he replied, following her down the corridor.

The doors to the throne room loomed ahead, intricately carved and imposing. As they swung op, X took a deep breath, steeling himself for the counter. He tered the throne room with measured steps, suring his body language conveyed utmost respect and deferce.

The room always seemed like the lair of a dangerous beast to him, dominated by a throne on a raised dais, where Griffin sat in regal spldor.

"X," Griffin's voice echoed, both welcoming and intimidating.

X bowed slightly, his movemts controlled and deliberate. "You summoned me, my lord."

Griffin's piercing gaze locked onto X, assessing him. "Yes. Get ready." He commanded. "We're going to see the City Lord."

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