My Vampire Harem Will Dominate Everything

Chapter 129: A Line Drawn

"Griffin." The City Lord tilted his head, the full weight of his Aura bearing down on Griffin like the hand of a mad god. "You've be a bad boy."

Through the haze of his tormt, X watched as Griffin, unable to withstand the pressure any longer, dropped to one knee. His mechanical voice, usually confidt and steady, wavered as he addressed Itachi Yaiba.

"My Lord," Griffin began, his tone a mix of respect and desperation, "I assure you, every action I have tak has be in line with what any other Count would do in my position."

Griffin's plea echoed through the trance hall, each word a struggle against the oppressive aura that threated to crush them both. His eyes, usually sharp and calculating, now held a flicker of fear as they met Itachi's piercing red gaze.

"My inttions were to maintain order and stability, to uphold the principles you have set forth."

Itachi's expression remained impassive, his glowing eyes scrutinizing Griffin with a cold intsity. X, still battling the crushing force of the aura, could barely focus on the exchange. Every fiber of his being was conctrated on cycling his vitality, keeping himself from collapsing under the immse pressure.

Griffin's words hung in the air, a desperate attempt to justify their actions and seek the City Lord's favor, but the outcome remained uncertain, shrouded in the vampire's unyielding presce.

After a few agonizing seconds, the crushing weight of the City Lord's Aura vanished without warning, replaced by a more subtle but no less commanding aura of authority. X was left gasping for air, his ragged breaths echoing loudly in the now still room. The sudd absce of pressure was disoriting, and it took him a momt to regain his bearings.

Itachi Yaiba glanced at X with a look of disdain, his expression one of mild contempt. The vampire's eyes still glowed faintly, a reminder of the immse power he wielded with such ease. Without a word, he turned and moved towards his throne room, his dark figure gliding across the polished floor with an effortless grace.

X struggled to his feet, his body still trembling from the ordeal. He took a momt to glance at Griffin, who had also ris, albeit more steadily.

They had no choice but to follow the City Lord, their footsteps a hesitant echo in the silt hall. The air remained thick with tsion, the counter a reminder of the power dynamics at play. As they approached the throne room, X steeled himself for whatever awaited them next, knowing that their true test had only just begun.

They tered the throne room, and it was like stepping into another world.

The room was vast and imposing, with high, vaulted ceilings that seemed to disappear into shadow. Dark, ornate tapestries adorned the walls, seeming to display darkness itself, their intricate patterns shifting subtly in the dim light, as if they were alive. Heavy chandeliers hung from above, their flickering candles casting eerie, dancing shadows that added to the room's oppressive atmosphere.

The darkness in the throne room felt almost stit, a living being that reinforced Itachi Yaiba's presce and authority. Every inch of the space seemed to pulse with his power, an unspok reminder of his dominance. The air was thick, making it hard to breathe, each inhalation feeling like a burd.

At the far d of the room, Itachi Yaiba sat on his throne, a grand, dark structure that appeared to be carved from the very shadows themselves. His glowing red eyes were the only source of light in the oppressive gloom, burning like coals in the darkness. His hands, with their shimmering scales, rested casually on the armrests, exuding an aura of control and mace.

"Explain yourself, Griffin." The City Lord's command seem to echo in the room.

Griffin stepped forward, his footsteps softly in the silce. "My Lord," he began, his voice steady but defertial, "The investmts I have made with my subject were jeopardized by the reckless behavior of a few subjects under other counts. To protect my interests and maintain stability, I had to interve personally, as is my right as count."

Itachi listed in silce, his expression unreadable. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to amplify Griffin's words, each syllable resonating through the throne room. X stood by, still feeling the lingering effects of Itachi's aura, his body tse and alert.

"While it was not an action tak in my county, it was also no one's territory. Not yet. I needed to step in or I would lose what was rightfully mine."

As Griffin spoke, Itachi's eyes never wavered, fixed on the count with an intsity that was both unnerving and commanding. The City Lord's silce was heavy, filled with an unspok power that left no doubt about his absolute authority. Wh Griffin finished, the room fell into a deep, echoing silce, leaving everyone to await Itachi's response with bated breath.

Itachi leaned forward on his throne, the movemt slow and deliberate. His glowing red eyes locked onto Griffin, their intsity piercing through the dim light. The air grew ev heavier, as if the very shadows themselves were pressing in closer, amplifying the weight of his words.

"Griffin," Itachi began, his voice a low, resonant growl that seemed to vibrate through the tire room, "you are treading dangerously close to the edge. Your actions, while perhaps justified in your eyes, have not gone unnoticed. You may protect your interests, but know this. Whatever happs in the Southside from now on, you will face it alone. I will not interve on your behalf."

The City Lord's words hung in the air, each one lad with unspok threats and warnings. Griffin remained motionless, his tall frame tse. The room seemed to constrict a them, the oppressive atmosphere reinforcing Itachi's absolute authority.

X stood nearby, his breath still ragged from the earlier ordeal, fully aware of the gravity of the situation. Itachi's declaration was clear. A line had be drawn, and Griffin's future actions would determine his fate without any further support from the City Lord.

As Itachi settled back into his throne, the room's oppressive silce returned, leaving Griffin and X to absorb the weight of his decree.

With a final, piercing glance, Itachi dismissed Griffin with a wave of his scaled hand. "You may go," he said, his tone icy and final. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to light slightly.

Griffin bowed slightly, a gesture of respect mixed with an almost palpable sse of relief. He turned and began to walk towards the exit, his mechanical limbs moving with precise efficicy. X followed closely behind, his steps still unsteady. The two of them exited the throne room in silce, the heavy doors closing behind them with a resonant thud.

As they made their way down the grand hallway, the tsion slowly began to dissipate. The opult surings seemed less oppressive now, though the memory of Itachi's words hung heavily in the air. X glanced at Griffin, noting the slight tremor in his usually steady gait.

Once they reached the elevator, Griffin finally spoke, his voice low and reflective. "We need to be careful, X. Itachi's warning is not to be tak lightly."

X nodded, still processing the counter. As the elevator doors closed and they began their desct, he couldn't shake the feeling that his own challges were only just beginning. What he wasn't aware of was the fact that across the city, a similar meeting had also tak place.

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