My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1368: A bad premonition

Chapter 1368: A bad premonition

Song Yan narrowed her eyes as she turned around. Her eyes fell on the trees behind her, and she flung a set of talismans which exploded at once. The second the trees were alighted with fire, a fierce scream which was filled with agony echoed in the surroundings.

And a dark figure pounced on her but Song Yan immediately swung her scythe which morphed into a whip and hit the dark entity that tried to attack her.

"Die..die! Die! How dare you ruin everything!?" Ye Xiyuan screamed as she looked at Song Yan. Her eyes were staring at Song Yan, with a murderous intent in them, she wanted to kill Song Yan and feast on her flesh and blood. This woman had ruined everything! Everything! She was going to raise her cultivation. If her ghost cultivation had risen this time she would have certainly ascended to a higher realm and wouldn't have to worry about getting exorcised. But Song Yan ruined it, she disrupted the ritual causing her cultivation to hit a knot!

Song Yan curled her lips and sneered, "We will see who will die." She was not terrified of the dark entity in front of her. Even if their strengths were more or less the same, Song Yan was not going to fall back now that she had come this far.

The malevolent spirit hissed at her before she disappeared into the darkness. The grudge field being her domain made it easier for the malevolent spirit to hide. Song Yan did not blink her eyes as she saw the malevolent spirit vanish, she took out seven jade beads and threw them on the grudge field, the seven beads formed an array before they started to glow eerily. Soon the entire forest was lit up with a golden glow.

"AHHH!!" the malevolent spirit screamed in pain as the array burned a part of the grudge field that she had created. It destroyed and unbalanced that entire grudge field, the malevolent spirit was forced to move out from its hiding spot.

Her eyes stared at Song Yan before she let out a roar, suddenly the grudge field moved and many other corpses came out from the black miasm. These were the corpses of those who were devoured by the malevolent spirit.

Song Yan furrowed her brows when she looked at the corpses in front of her. She knew that the malevolent spirit had harmed many people but she did not expect her to harm so many people, Song Yan changed her whip to a scythe and charged ahead, she slashed the corpses without listening to their cries. She knew that the malevolent spirit was trying to make her confused.

With the cries of these corpses, anyone could lose their mind and turn crazy but Song Yan was different. She did not lose her mind, even when the corpses reached out to drag her inside the grudge field, she remained unfazed.

"Curse Break!" She said when another corpse reached out to hold her wrist, she did not look at the corpse that was holding her wrist and sent a talisman. The corpse was sent flying backwards before it was charred into bits.

Song Yan calmly retracted her gaze and then turned to look in the front. When the malevolent spirit saw Song Yan deal with the corpses with ease, its face twisted and became even more terrifying. The malevolent spirit parted her lips and then started chanting an ancient spell. Her was voice hoarse and rough, and as it echoed in the forest it created a terrifying echo. Song Yan paused upon hearing the ancient spell, the malevolent spirit might think that she had no idea what this spell was about but Song Yan who had cultivated for years knew that this spell was a dark spell used by dark arts practitioners to swallow grudging spirits.

Her eyes narrowed. It seemed like she had underestimated this malevolent spirit. She took out another stack of talismans and threw it at the malevolent spirit. The golden talismans stuck to the malevolent spirit, that howled in pain when the talismans exploded causing a black mist to ooze out of the wounds that were caused by the talismans.

The malevolent spirit glared at Song Yan hatefully, it was scared but at the same time enraged. Taking advantage of the remaining spiritual power of the grudge field, the malevolent spirit hid in the darkness again.

However, the malevolent spirit was afraid that Song Yan would find her again, so she chanted a spell causing the dark mist to rise from the ground and form a vortex around Song Yan.

"Urgh," Song Yan grunted as she raised her hand and covered her eyes. However just as she opened her eyes a little bit, Song Yan's eyes widened. She dodged the attack of the dark spirit that had climbed out of the grudge field.

The sharp claws of the dark spirit created a rustle behind Song Yan who couldn't help but remark, "Ye Xiyuan, are you going to hide like a coward?" She provoked the malevolent spirit.

Somewhere behind her, she heard a rustling sound and immediately flicked a bunch of talismans. However, as soon as she turned her back on the dark spirit, it picked up the hammer that was in its other hand and then brought it down heavily on Song Yan.

The talisman hit the malevolent spirit, it screamed in pain while the dark spirit that was summoned by Ye Xiyuan hurled the hammer at Song Yan. Noticing the dark spirit picking up the pace, Song Yan narrowed her eyes and then flicked the whip at the foot of the dark spirit.

She caught the leg of the troll-like spirit and then pulled the whip back before summoning another array, "Flaming Chaos, third grade," she chanted and then soon the dark spirit was engulfed in a flaming tornado.

The second the dark spirit vanished, Song Yan heard another scream behind her. She turned to look at the dark spirit and her eyes narrowed.

Ye Xiyuan seemed to have finished her spell, now she was crouching in the dark. Her face was covered with multiple eyes while many hands were protruding from her back. Dark miasma dropped on the floor like blood, staining the entire spot where Ye Xiyuan was standing.

"You should have turned the other way, Song Yan! I will make you suffer for poking your nose into something you shouldn't have," Ye Xiyuan stated with a cold voice.

Song Yan was surprised to see that Ye Xiyuan's cultivation had risen once again after she swallowed all those spirits. Her eyes flashed with a hint of wariness as Song Yan stepped back.

On the other side, Fu Yu Sheng felt his right eye twitch. He raised his hand and touched his eye feeling a bit restless. He did not know what was going on but he was really nervous all of a sudden.

Fu Yu Sheng thought about it and immediately called his wife. However Song Yan did not pick up his call, it only raised his suspicions and he immediately called Wu Jin. "Brother Yu Sheng?" Wu Jin picked up the call at the third ring and answered Fu Yu Sheng's call.

"Is Yan Yan with you?" Fu Yu Sheng asked in a hurry, he rubbed his right eye while trying to keep his panic under wraps. "I cannot reach her."

It was only then did Wu Jin realised that they did not have the time to relay what happened to Fu Yu Sheng.

Wu Jin promptly told Fu Yu Sheng about what happened and it only heightened Fu Yu Sheng's distress. He knew that there was something wrong with Ye Xiyuan but he did not know that she was this powerful. At the same time, he noted down the grudge between him and the Ma family. Clearly, Song Yan warned Ma Yun but he still ignored what she said and fell into the trap of causing such a mess.

If he had listened to her then Ye Xiyuan's plan wouldn't have started and Song Yan would have had time to deal with that woman properly.

"Ah Jin, take a look inside and tell me what's going on," Fu Yu Sheng was really worried about Song Yan. If something happened to her what would he do?

Wu Jin turned silent at his request, sensing something amiss, Fu Yu Sheng called Wu Jin again, "What's wrong?"

"I also want to take a look, Brother Yu Sheng but I cannot," Wu Jin looked at the opening that had long closed off and said, "The entrance is blocked and I cannot go inside." Even if he did,

The would only become baggage for Song Yan.

He did not want to drag her down with him.


[Please check out my new work: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched by His Rival. I will be

grateful if you do, it's a wonderful story if only you give it a try.]

[On another note, please don't forget to send a golden ticket, power stone or gift to this book,

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