My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1384: The Lin family is here

Chapter 1384: The Lin family is here

"Lin family? Why are they coming here?" Song Yan asked with a frown. As far as she knew that family did not like the Fu family, they hadn't come to meet them for more than twenty years. In fact, she did not even see them when she and Fu Yu Sheng were getting married.

They only came for a short time and left behind harsh words for her to hear.

Back then she was wearing a veil and did not see who was the one speaking!

Song Yan's expression turned cold when she remembered the things that they had said to her. She would never forget how they called her names and even insulted her mother. Calling her useless just because she couldn't keep her husband. It was simply humiliating!

Seeing that his wife was not happy, Fu Yu Sheng's heart skipped a beat. He was not there when Song Yan met with the Lin family but he knew that they did not say anything good to her. Back then, he couldn't bring himself to comfort his new wife as his emotions were blocked and he only found it annoying. Even blamed Song Yan for not standing up for herself and showing a black face to him.

However, now that the doll was not inside him. He didn't suppress his emotions. He took Song Yan's hands in his and said to her, "There is no need for you to listen to them. If they dared to say something, you can leave them to me. Don't take anything that they say seriously...and don't misunderstand, me or Grandpa. Neither of us wanted to invite them but we couldn't stop them, as they were already on their way."

With what Fu Yu Sheng said, it was evident that those people were coming here through scheming. Realizing this, Song Yan was stupefied. She wanted to call Old Master Lin and tell him to not come to her home, however, she too knew that she couldn't do it.

"Those damned people! They always cause trouble for me!" Song Yan did not like the Lin family other than Old Master Lin. Except for that old man, she couldn't be bothered by anyone else.

She turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and questioned, "Can I leave? Yufan is here, I can go to his house for dinner." Given that she had gained a new fanboy, she was certain that she would be invited to lunch as well.

Fu Yu Sheng: ".."

Fu Yu Sheng was speechless. He knew that Song Yan did not like his uncle's family but he did not know, she disliked them so much that she would rather run away from her own house to avoid them.

Just as his wife was about to escape he caught her around her waist and said to her, "My dear, if you leave now, I will be left alone to deal with them! How can you leave me to suffer like this?" Fu Yu Sheng panicked, he did not like his uncle and aunt, if he was left alone then he might offend them with his mouth.

And if that happened Grandpa would definitely not leave him alone.

"Does it matter to me?" Song Yan asked with a raise of her brow. She glanced at the man in front of her and tried to wriggle out of his hold. "I am not going to entertain those people! Let go of me!"

"We are husband and wife! We are supposed to share our weal and woes!"

"Then let's divorce!"

Mommy! Entertaining the Lin family led to divorce?

Fu Yu Sheng was startled.

He was angry but he dared not to get angry. It took a lot of time for him to convince Song Yan to stay back and the only reason she stayed behind was because he said to her that Lin Xiaoyue would call her a coward for running away.

If not she would have left without looking behind!

"I really don't want to talk to them," Fu Rong complained. Though she had never met with this uncle and aunt of hers, she knew that they were heartless people. While her maternal grandpa was genuinely heartbroken because of the death of his daughter and her mother, Uncle Lin only wanted to take advantage of their absence to grow the Lin family's power in the capital and thus acted out with his wife.

If not for him, her grandfather wouldn't have left the capital heartbroken.

Fu Yu Shen was also sulking. He wanted to escape to his Xi Xi's house but was stopped by his second brother.

'You have always loafed around and left all the dangerous and troublesome things to your second brother and sister-in-law. However, your sister in law doesn't like the Lin family, if you leave her alone to deal with you think you can take any treasures from your sister in law again? Run if you dare to.'

His second brother had whispered in his ears, with a threatening voice. If he dared to run then his brother would definitely speak badly of him in front of his sister-in-law. If his second brother slandered him in front of Song Yan then he could forget getting his hands on the treasure!

Fu Yu Shen was not happy but he dared not to make his sister-in-law unhappy.

"Speak less, can't you see?" He tipped his chin at Song Yan whose face though calm was covered with a murderous haze. She was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed while Fu Yu Sheng nursed her hands and legs.

Fu Rong immediately closed her mouth. If she hated Lin Family then Song Yan simply despised them!

"When are they coming here?" Song Yan asked coldly causing Old Master Fu and Fu Yu Sheng to break out in cold sweat. Old Master Fu couldn't help but complain inwardly.

'Old Lin! Old Lin, you have caused trouble for me ah!' Old Master Fu sobbed. He smiled at Song Yan, his smile looking worse than crying as he said to her, "Old Lin said that he is here. Just around the corner."

No sooner he spoke, than Song Yan's expression turned sunken. She narrowed her eyes and the room became even more cold.

Old Master Fu and Fu Yu Sheng: "..." Damn!

Outside the house, Old Master Lin and the rest of the Lin family were standing outside the door. Lin Xiaoyue looked at the large manor and her expression turned cold. She had thought that the Fu family would have a hard time after coming to the capital but they ended up getting better and better.

While her family went down.

The more she thought about it the more her expression became bad.

She glanced at her mother whose expression was even more livid and pursed her lips. One had to know that Old Master Lin sold all their properties whether big or small and did not leave anything behind to fill up the pit opened by her father. Now, they lived in a small manor which was two times smaller than this one.

"They seemed to be living a good life," Uncle Lin remarked with a sullen voice. He couldn't believe that his father really sold all his cars and properties to patch the hole that he made in the company. Now Uncle Lin had nothing in his hands. Seeing that Old Master Fu and his family were living a good life, he was not happy.

Old Master Lin glanced at his son. He knew when his son would fart, given that he knew his son for so long. He immediately sneered, "You are not supposed to say anything that you shouldn't say. If I find you speaking nonsense, see if you are left with even the little money you have hidden."

Uncle Lin shivered. He thought that he was smart and hid the private money in time. Turned out that his father was aware, he just did not care!

"Press the bell!" Old Master Lin snorted and looked at his son who nodded like a chicken

pecking rice and immediately pressed the bell.

No sooner did the ringing stop, than the door was opened and a gust of wind blew past them.

It was so cold that the entire Lin shivered.

What was going on? Did the Fu family leave the air con at full blast?

"Welcome, Old Master Lin," Butler Ke smiled at Old Master Lin and stepped aside to greet the

rest of the family. Sorry, he hadn't forgotten the harsh words they said to his master when he

was in mourning.

He wouldn't waste his breath on them.

Old Master Lin also noticed his attitude but didn't say anything. He smiled and stepped inside

the house, where he was embraced by Old Master Fu.

"Old Lin! How long has it been!"


Hi my little gorgeous beauties, can you send Fairy a few golden tickets or gifts? Pretty please? Pouts. My awesome readers let me hold your golden thighs, please!!! A super gift will help

this poor author so much!

[please take a look at my new book: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched By His Rival. This is my first time trying such a genre! I hope that you will support me, my dear readers!

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