My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1393: Three courageous men

Chapter 1393: Three courageous men

Yun Zhao felt like he was going to faint. The female ghost that was haunting him was not bad enough? There was something else?

His body staggered and his eyes rolled back in their sockets. If not for the fact that Liu Xie Ming stopped him from falling, Yun Zhao would have fallen on the floor with a loud bang.

"Sister Yan, what else is there... Just...just tell me. I can take it," Yun Zhao, who was supported by Liu Xie Ming said to Song Yan. He was afraid that if this went on then he would end up dying because of excitement alone.

Song Yan gave him a --are you sure that you can handle it?-- expression but she did not keep him in suspense for long. Instead, she opened her mouth and calmly said, "I can see that heavy yin energy is filling the house, not to mention the smell of a rotting corpse is simply unbearable. The two of you are soaked in the smell as well." She added while scrunching her nose, scaring the two grown men so badly that they shivered in fright.

They smelled of corpses?

Why couldn't they smell it?

Forget about Yun Zhao, even Liu Xie Ming was scared silly. He took a whiff of the shirt that he was wearing, unfortunately for him, he couldn't smell the horrible scent of a corpse that Song Yan was talking about.

"I am going to take a bath!" Yun Zhao announced. He was about to rush into the bathing room when Song Yan said, "There is no point in bathing, even if you use the water of the entire city the smell of the corpse will not go away unless we find the source."

"Source?" Yun Zhao turned to look at Song Yan dumbly who nodded.

"That's right source, most probably you are carrying something dirty with you. It can either be a tainted antique or the possession of a dead person," Song Yan explained. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the death aura lurking close to Yun Zhao and added, "It should be something personal because you simply reek of a rotten corpse."

Yun Zhao jumped three feet in the air when he heard that there was such a thing. He said to Song Yan, "Sister Yan, please help me. I am too young, I don't want to die yet!" He was not even thirty, how could he die? Not to mention, he was not even married nor did he have a son. If he died without an heir, Yun Zhao was certain that those three brothers would definitely usurp the Yun family and would leave nothing for his mother.

"There is no need to get excited," Song Yan said to him with a calm voice. "Take me to your room, since you are tainted with a thick layer of yin energy and death aura, it's probably something that you use in everyday life."

Yun Zhao nodded like a chicken pecking on rice. He immediately guided Song Yan to his room.

The room that Liu Xie Ming gave to Yun Zhao was a guest room in his house but the room was neither big nor small. It was just right neither big nor small, it was just right for Yun Zhao to live in it alone.

However, at that moment, the room was in a mess. The blanket was not a simple one but it was an embroidered bedsheet. With flowers and butterflies embroidered on it, the entire blanket looked lovely as if the butterflies would come alive at any moment and then start flying in the room.

That wasn't all, even the curtains were a shade of blushing pink, with peonies drawn on them. The scent of a light feminine perfume was lingering in the room and on the dressing table, a bunch of expensive feminine skincare products were placed, along with some jewellery.

No matter how one looked at it. The room seemed to belong to a woman instead of a man. Song Yang, Fu Yu Sheng and Liu Xie Ming turned to look at Yun Zhao whose face was flushed red in shame. Just now, he was in a hurry to rush out and question Liu Xie Ming, thus he did not pay attention to the setting of the room.

But now that he was looking at the condition of his room, he was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

That ghost really fuck*d him up.

That female ghost better pray that she did not fall in his hands or else he would tear her apart. Yun Zhao did not know how he would do it but somehow he would come up with a plan.

Song Yan did not embarrass the man any further. She stepped inside the room and then looked around, she used her spiritual energy to look for the tainted object and soon found a small jade bracelet sitting in the cabinet.

She arched a brow and picked it up. No sooner did she pick it up, than a wave of resentment washed over her and she turned around to look at Yun Zhao before asking, "Where did you get this bracelet?"

"It was sent to me in a fan meeting," Yun Zhao answered nervously. "Is there something wrong with it?"

"There is something very wrong with this bracelet, it seems to be taken out from someone's grave," Song Yan replied and Yun Zhao's face turned pale. His complexion turned blue and white before turning green as he rushed to the restroom and hurled his dinner.

He couldn't be blamed for reacting so strongly. After all, he had been wearing this bracelet everywhere as he liked it. The jade was nice and cool and even the colour of it was beautiful. Yun Zhao liked it so much that he hardly took it off. Now that he knew that the bracelet had been taken out from someone's grave, he was so disgusted that he couldn't suppress the nausea anymore.

Song Yan did not push him too much, she waited for him to finish vomiting while asking Liu Xie Ming to bring her a box.

Liu Xie Ming knew what she wanted to do, so he immediately rushed out of the room and brought back a wooden box. It was neither cheap nor expensive, however, it looked really


Song Yan glanced at the box and then placed the jade inside of it. Maybe the truth frightened Liu Xie Ming because the box was filled with soft cotton as if the jade would break if he was not careful enough.

Possession of the dead that was buried along with the corpse was not just a simple object after all. It was something that was dear to the dead and held a lot of importance to the dead when

they were alive.

Sometimes it could be counted as an obsession as well.

Liu Xie Ming was afraid if the jade bracelet broke then he would be haunted by the spirit of the dead to whom this bracelet belonged.

Only when he saw that the bracelet was neatly placed in the box, did he heave a sigh of relief.

Yun Zhao was also done emptying his stomach by the time Song Yan and Liu Xie Ming took care of the bracelet, he had also washed the wrist on which he wore the bracelet many times. Though he was scared, inwardly he was cursing his three brothers. They have to be really perverted to do something like this. How could they actually rob someone's grave and bring the possession of the dead to him?

Were they not scared of getting haunted?

"Sister yan, is it done?" Yun Zhao asked weakly. In just a day, his entire figure seemed to have lost a layer of fat as he questioned Song Yan who shook her head.

Yun Zhao was once again terrified. To hell, with those three brothers! Once he gets out of this trouble, see how he deals with them.

Song Yan then started to look around the room once again, she opened the wardrobe and then rummaged through it before pulling out a small wooden box.

She opened the box and noticed a delicate yet elegant fountain pen lying inside.

"Did you get this in the fan meeting as well?" Song Yan asked as she turned to look at Yun

Zhao who nodded.

"A girl gifted it to me... I didn't think that it was a haunted object," Yun Zhao turned pale after

he finished speaking, he was usually very friendly with his fans and would take their fan gifts

home with him.

However, now he was rather regretful. It seemed like those three men used his friendly

attitude toward his fans to their advantage!

Song Yan calmly shut the wooden box and said to him, "Both of these objects were taken out

from the same grave. Looks like your half-brothers did some hard work in the middle of the


Robbing a grave was not something that they could have done in the day which meant that they actually dug someone's grave up at night. Song Yan saluted their courage.


Hi my little fairies with stardust sprinkled on your wings, can you send Fairy a few golden tickets or gifts? Pretty please? Kowtows. My awesome readers let me hold your golden thighs, please!!! A super gift will help this poor author so much!

[please take a look at my new book: Escaped My Ex and Got Snatched By His Rival. This is my first time trying such a genre! I hope that you will support me, my dear readers!

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