My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1419: Lin Bolin realizes the truth

Chapter 1419: Lin Bolin realizes the truth

A/n: Those who are still supporting the reader. Please read the chapter titled —— A Dream too erotic. The dom and sub relation was established there. How could there be any SA when the terms were already discussed?


"What...? What did you say?" Lin Bolin wasn't just shocked at Song Yan's words. He couldn't believe that she was saying something so shocking. He clenched his fists and then said to her, "Do you have any proof to back your claim, Master? I mean how can it be possible? Madam Zheng had been known throughout the country for her skills. If she was a fake then someone would have caught her right?"

Song Yan curled her lips and said, "Proof? I do have one but can you bear to see it?"

Lin Bolin's brows furrowed when he heard her remark. He blinked his eyes and then said to her, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

When Song Yan heard his response, she sighed and then flicked a talisman at Lin Bolin. This was a Ghost Seeing talisman. But it was of the lowest grade and would become ineffective in a few days.

Of course, she did not flick that talisman at Lin Bolin because he dared to question her. She was not that petty.

"What are--AHHHH THERE IS A GHOST," Lin Bolin stopped speaking midway and started screaming as if his life depended on it. He tried to run away but his legs seemed to have turned into lead, even when he tried to move them, they just didn't budge!

"What a ghost!??" Old Madam Lin turned to look at Song Yan who calmly smiled at her and said, "There is no need for you to worry about anything, Madam. This spirit belongs to none other than Zheng Baobei. The woman whose skills your son admired."

Though Song Yan said that Old Madam Lin was certain that there was a lot for her to worry about. She turned to look at her son who was shivering in his boots and said to Song Yan, "Master, my son is a soft-hearted man. Can you ...can you do something? If this goes on then I am afraid that he will faint."

Song Yan couldn't let Lin Bolin faint, so she changed Zheng Baobei's appearance lest the man fainted and her trip to his house became useless.

With a snap of her fingers, Song Yan instilled enough yin energy in Zheng Baobei's spirit which changed her appearance. She now resembled Zheng Baozhi, except for her eyes which were warm and clear. Unlike Zheng Baozhi whose eyes were filled with disdain and contempt.

Lin Bolin was stunned when he saw the woman's appearance change. He turned his head and looked at Song Yan who very calmly said, "She is the one who has been sculpting the wax statues under Zheng Baozhi's name."

Song Yan was certain that Zheng Baobei started the wax statue exhibition to break free from the Zheng family but somehow Old Madam Zheng caught her in her palms again and transferred the rights of the exhibition to Zheng Baozhi.

'Most probably Zheng Baobei's mother died and they were worried about Zheng Baobei going out of their control, so they decisively killed her before she could bring the truth to light,' Song Yan thought while Lin Bolin looked at Zheng Baobei's ghost and stammered,

"You...were you really the one who made the Zheng Wax Museum?"

Zheng Baobei blinked her eyes and then nodded. She explained what happened to Lin Bolin before saying, "And then they killed me. They didn't want me going out of their control but with my mother gone, I had no reason to follow their orders, as they were worried about losing control over everything... They kidnapped me while Zheng Baozhi took my place."

Zheng Baobei clenched her fingers in hatred when she thought about how Old Madam Zheng had kidnapped and tormented her before killing her. If she could, then she would definitely pay that woman back for killing her and letting her useless daughter take over her place.

When Lin Bolin heard the truth, he felt his entire body quiver. He never thought that one day he would find out that the woman he had been admiring all along was actually a murderer! Song Yan glanced at the man whose hands were trembling as he silently stared down at the floor. The reason why she came to this place was because Song Yan had stayed awake and pondered long and hard but not once did she recall hearing Lin Bolin's name when Zheng Baozhi was at the peak of her career.

In fact, what she heard was -—

'Zheng Baozhi is so talented that none of her students could match her and left.'

However, what happened to those students no one knew.

Because of this Song Yan was worried that after Zheng Baobei's daughter, Zheng Baozhi was aiming for Lin Bolin.

She couldn't let that woman's plan succeed, so of course she would have to put this man on his guard.

Song Yan hid the complex emotions in her eyes while Old Madam Lin looked at her son and then at Song Yan. She was even more confused now as she couldn't understand why Zheng Baozhi was after her son.

But at the same time, she was worried.

Old Madam Lin remembered what Song Yan said earlier and hurriedly asked, "Master Song, what did you mean when you said that my son's life is in danger? That woman named Zheng Baozhi can't be planning to kill my son right? We didn't even know that she was not the owner of that museum. Why is she after my son?"

Song Yan turned to look at Zheng Baobei and then glanced at Old Madam Lin whose expression was turning bad to worse.

Even Lin Bolin turned to look at Song Yan and said to her, "Yes, Master Song. I had no idea about such a shocking thing. I really don't think that there is any reason for Madam Zheng to keep me close to her?"

As soon as Lin Bolin finished speaking, Song Yan smiled at him and said, "Who said that there is no reason? I for one believe that she has a very strong reason."

Old Madam Lin and Lin Bolin panicked when they heard Song Yan's words. Old Madam Lin hurriedly asked, "Master Song, please tell us why that woman is eyeing my son."

At that moment, Song Yan unhurriedly said to the two people who stood in front of her, "Although your son is indeed unaware of the truth there is something that he has that appeals to Zheng Baozhi a lot. It is his skills."

She calmly added when the two of them still looked a bit confused.

"But...but my skills are mine, aren't they?" Lin Bolin said to Song Yan with a frown on his face. How could someone steal someone's skills?

"Well they are indeed yours, but what if I tell you there is a ritual that can help Zheng Baozhi in snatching your skills?" Song Yan turned to look at Lin Bolin whose expression turned terrified. "There is nothing impossible in the world of dark arts. While the mystic celestial masters will not take any sinister orders that went against their morals the same couldn't be said for those who follow the path of dark arts. They can easily snatch away those skills that Zheng Baozhi wishes to have. Of course, you will be dead by the time she finishes the ritual."

"Like the many other students that suddenly vanished."

She stated those words with a smile on her face causing Old Madam Lin and Lin Bolin to look at her in shock. Was this worth smiling at?

"This... I knew that there was something wrong with that woman!" Old Madam Lin was an old woman who had seen the ways of the world. So how could she not understand that there was something wrong with Zheng Baozhi suddenly coming to their house and taking Lin Bolin as

her student?

She did not believe the flowery words that Zheng Baozhi said to her son. However, even Old Madam Lin did not expect that Zheng Baozhi was actually planning something so sinister. She thought that at most her son's skills would be exploited but she never expected that Zheng Baozhi was actually planning to kill her son!

She raised her hand and smacked her son before saying, "I told you! I told you that there was something wrong about her sudden generosity but you did not listen to me. Now look! What happened? Did you really think that the woman would help you out of the goodwill of her heart? You are such a foolish child!"

Lin Bolin was also stupefied when he heard Song Yan say that Zheng Baozhi was actually aiming for his skills. If Lin Bolin was a little suspicious of this woman in front of him first, he was more or less convinced that this woman was indeed a rather skilled master.

How could it be possible for her to know that he had an older brother as well as that many students left the wax museum?

Thinking back there were indeed a lot of students who were studying with him in the wax museum but then all of a sudden they left one by one until he was the only one who was left. Now that he thought about it, Lin Bolin couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious. What if those students never left but were killed?


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