My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 1431: The truth comes to light

Chapter 1431: The truth comes to light

Hey, my little fairies can you show some love to Guide To Reign My Tycoon Husbands? It's really close to my heart and the adventures and fights in it are also amazing and the snu snu chapters. will see an upgraded version of them


********** Madam Chu's eyes widened upon hearing those words. She had never once believed that without her telling Song Dong Ming and Song Yan where she had buried Madam Su they would be able to find the corpse of that bitch, there was no way for them to find out the corpse of Madam Su.

But from what Song Dong Ming was saying, it seemed like he had found the body of Song Yan.

"You...did you find her corpse?" Madam Chu asked with a shudder. She was too scared to hear the answer, as she knew the second Song Yan and Song Dong Ming found the corpse of that woman, she was done for!

"Not only did we find it, we also found out what kind of selfish white eyed wolf you are, Madam Chu! My wife gave you a place to stay, she gave you a roof and meals to eat. And what did you do? You killed her, snatched her luck and then stuffed her under your bed?" Song Dong Ming was disgusted by the perverted act of this shameless woman.

She ruined the life of his wife when she was alive and yet she did not let her off even in her death!

Even in her death, Madam Chu wanted his wife to be filled with resentment against him. Disgusting!

When Madam Chu heard Song Dong Ming's words, she knew that the corpse had been dug out. Her pupils dilated as she said to Song Dong Ming, "Don't bury it...don't give it a proper burial! If you do that then I..I will die! Song Dong Ming leave that corpse alone, do you hear me?"

Song Dong Ming looked at the woman who was asking him not to give a proper burial to his wife and sneered, "Who are you to tell me such a thing? And what does your death have to do with me? Even if you die, I don't care."

"My wife deserves a proper burial and a funeral, which I will give to her and I will tell her the truth. As for you, you can rot in hell."

With that Song Dong Ming turned around and walked away, he did not even look at Madam Chu whose expression changed.

"She is already dead, Song Dong Ming! Why do I have to die too? Let the dead go and keep the living, Song Dong Ming! I promise that I will be good from now on! Please let me off!"

"Song Dong Ming!"

"Song Dong Ming!"

"Song Dong Ming!!!!"

Madam Chu continued to scream and yell in the middle of her screaming. She started to beg but Song Dong Ming never once turned around and looked at her. Why should he?

His wife loved their family so much, she must have begged Madam Chu in the same manner when she was being killed. Did Madam Chu show any mercy to her?


So no matter what happens to Madam Chu in the future, Song Dong Ming did not care about it.

"Dad," Brother Song's voice quivered as he looked at his father. His eyes were rimmed red as from the second he found out about the condition of his mother's corpse, he could not help but blame himself.

If he was a bit more careful then maybe...maybe his mother wouldn't have to be trapped in that place.

That perverted madam Chu! She actually did such a thing.

"It's okay," Song Dong Ming was filled with anger as well, but he knew that there was no point in getting angry at this point.

They were all in the wrong. He should have said something when his wife allowed Madam Chu to stay with them. He should have alerted his wife when he noticed that there was something wrong with Madam Chu.

No, he should have thrown that woman out of the house.

He and his wife had been married for so many years and had two children. Even if he threw out Madam Chu, his wife would have gotten angry at him for a while before forgiving him.

It was him, who underestimated the ruthlessness of that woman.

"Go and start preparing for the funeral. We will give a grand funeral to your mother, let everyone know what kind of woman Madam Chu was and who the real madam of the Song family was," Song Dong Ming wanted Madam Chu to be dragged to the mud countless times until she had nothing left.

Even if it meant that the police would come looking for her and question him about the disappearance of Madam Chu, Song Dong Ming did not care about it.

"Yes!" Brother Song agreed at once, because this was what his mother deserved.

On the other side,

Vincent arrived at the studio where Zheng Baozhi worked. When the people saw a bunch of uniformed and armed men heading to the studio, they stopped what they were doing and immediately rushed to the large crowd.

"What happened? What's going on?" One of the nosy women questioned as she peered at the ruckus that was going on in front of them.

"You don't know?" The man next to her asked in surprise and when the woman shook her head, he said to her, "Turns out that Madam Zheng was a liar all along. She had been using the skills of her half-sister and taking away all the credits that belonged to her half-sister, Zheng Baobei!"

"What!? You mean to say that these statues were created by Zheng Baobei?" Another woman yelped as she looked at the statues that were now pushed to the side and covered with white fabric sheets.

"That's right," the man who arrived early and heard everything told the women who were standing next to him. "Turns out that Madam Zheng was only taking the credits of her half sister till now. She was taking all the nice things for herself and leaving the bad for her half sister. Do you know about the videos that were circulating on the internet? Those actually belonged to Zheng Baozhi but she ended up pushing it to Zheng Baobei. Because the two sisters look alike, no one sensed anything amiss and kept blaming Zheng Baobei for being shameless!"

"That's not even the end of it!" Another woman chimed in as she said, "That woman actually snatched the husband of her sister! She made her half-sister marry Master Lai under her name and when she had enough of the fun, she came back and snatched him away."

"What? Really? Such a thing happened?" Someone in the crowd yelped in surprise and disgust. They were truly disgusted by the things that Zheng Baozhi had done.

Snatching the husband of her sister, credits and everything else ---what a disgusting woman!


The crowd however soon fell silent when they saw Vincent stepping out of the studio with two


These statues were rather life-like, however they also gave a very eerie feeling to the crowd. That was how humans were, even though they did not know what was inside the statues, they

could sense that there was something off about them.

Alarm bells rang in their heads and they stepped back.

"Mister, why are you taking these statues with you?" One of the onlookers asked with a concerned look on his face. "Is there something special about them?"

Vincent turned to look at the man who had spoken, his gaze was too sharp causing the man to

shiver and take a step back. But then Vincent smiled but before the man could sigh in relief, he heard Vincent say, "These are not statues. They are corpses which have been thrown in wax and moulded in statues."

As soon as these words fell the crowd immediately stepped back.

Corpses? Those were corpses?

The fear and disgust that the crowd felt for Zheng Baoshi rose even more and it did not take

long for the news to make it to the media.

Inside the prison, Zheng Baozhi was staring at the news that was being played to torment her again and again. She clutched the bars of the prison and screamed, "Shut it down! Shut the TV


And Vincent who listened to her screaming rolled his eyes as he came to stop in front of Zheng Baozhi's prison.

He glanced at Zheng Baozhi who was breathing heavily and then said to her, "Just this much and you cannot take it anymore?"

"Kill me! Just kill me! Why are you keeping me locked here!" Zheng Baozhi yelled at the man who smiled at her and winked.

"You want to know? Then I will tell you," Vincent said to her and Zheng Baozhi suddenly felt a sudden sense of foreboding but before she could say anything to stop the man, she heard him


"Madam Zheng, did you not feel that there was something off about your daughter being

unskilled and average?"

His words caused Zheng Baozhi's eyes to widen but before she could stop him, Vincent announced loudly, "That's because she is not your daughter. Your husband exchanged your daughter with this bastard, when you were unconscious in the labour room."

"Do you know who your daughter was?"



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