My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 174: Episode 179 Strange calls

Chapter 174: Episode 179 Strange calls

In episode 179, the bombed-out office has been completely razed to the ground, except for the parked taxis in the square.

All that's left is the lighted buildings.

When Tang Xiaolong drove the car quickly to the door of Baotong Company, Li Tian pointed to the place in front of him and said, this is Baotong Taxi Co., Ltd.

The office that was bombed was here.

He pointed to the trail over there.

The three of them tucked their heads out of the window and took a look.

In this way, Tang Xiaolong glanced at it and said, Little boss, do you have any plans?

Tang Xiaolong turned his head, looked at Li Tian and asked.

Li Tian thought for a while and said, My plan is like this, the boss behind this Baotong company, since he is a member of the Duanmu family, he can only know the truth if he finds out, so I want everyone to disguise themselves as people from this company to lurk in.

First, it is easy to find out who is the boss behind them?

Second, it will not startle the snake, and if necessary, the chairman will be taken away directly.

In my opinion, the four of us rushed straight in, grabbed one and asked, wouldn't we?

That Tang Xiaolong spit out an idea from his mouth, but he was glared at fiercely by Chen Qiaozhi, obviously his stupid plan was rejected by George Chen at once.

George Chen glanced at the Baotong Company in front of him, and the office building is like this, Ah Qiu, you stay in the car and observe the surroundings.

I joined the company with Li Tian's ex-husband.

George Chen said as he reached out and opened the car door in front of him.

What about me, Tang Xiaolong stuffed his head out of the car very aggrievedly, they all had something to do, but he didn't have an allocation room yet.

That George Chen didn't even look at him, and said directly, Hmph, you also stay in the car.

After speaking, he followed behind Li Tian and walked towards the office building of Nabaotong Company.

Holy shit, look down on people too much, look down on people too much.

Tang Xiaolong muttered and scolded angrily, but said that Chen Qiaozhi followed behind Li Tian and walked towards the Baotong Company building, there were several preparations in front of him.

The taxi driver who was changing shifts glanced at the men, noticed that they were not paying attention, and then walked towards the front step by step.

In front of it is the office building of Baotong Company, but there is a security guard there, and there is an electronic door to enter and exit.

I saw a few office workers in suits who had just come down from the office building of Baotong Company, with documents around their necks.

Everyone who came out of the building stuck their ID on the electronic door guarded by the security guard before entering the office building, and then walked out, and I went to get a few passes.

George Chen said with a slight smile, it seems that if you want to get in, the office building of Baotong Company must have the company's certificate.

No, George Chen in front of him had already walked in front of the few white-collar workers who had just come down from the Baotong office building, and Li Tian looked at George Chen's back with interest.

This person gives Li Tian the feeling that he is extremely calm and scheming, and he is very scheming, to describe it with the word military advisor, George Chen's words are definitely not exaggerated at all.

You must know that George Chen used to be a famous person in China, and a certain planner of several large-scale bank robberies, there was a saying in the outside world that as long as George Chen was found, then it is estimated that the odds of victory are at least half.

It can be seen from this that this person is so awesome Li Tian stayed there for a minute, and George Chen walked over with a smile on his face, and there were two more ID cards in his white hands.

Li Tian looked at George Chen in astonishment, how did you do it?

Because Li Tian watched Chen Qiaozhi walk over, he didn't say a word at all, let alone make any moves, so he turned around and came back, and he actually had two more documents in his hand.

Of course, this shocked Li Tian very much.

I saw Chen Qiaozhi hand one of the ID cards in his hand to Li Tian, and he hung the other one around his neck, and then looked at Li Tiandao with a smile.

Hmph, I'll borrow it and go.

As he spoke, George Chen walked step by step towards the office building of Baotong Company in front of him.

Li Tian in front of him was shocked at the moment, it seems that the brothers Ouyang Zhengtian found for himself were indeed the dragons and phoenixes among people, and they hung around their necks with the documents that Chen Qiaozhi had gotten.

Then followed Chen Qiaozhi swaggering towards the building of the Baotong Company.

At the gate, when the two security guards saw Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi walking towards this side, they all looked at the two people with their eyes open, and one of the security guards wondered why the faces of these two people were so strange.

Just when Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi smoothly stuck the ID card on their necks in front of the electronic door and swiped it gently, the security guard, who was a little unfamiliar with the two of them just now, suddenly said at this moment, hey, two, wait a minute, as he stopped, Li Tian in front of him, and George Chen.

The two of them slowly turned their heads.

What's the matter, Chen Qiaozhi was there, and gently held his glasses with his hand and said.

Li Tian also frowned slightly, looking at the security guard and couldn't help but guess in his heart, could it be that this security guard saw something wrong?

I only heard the security guard looking at George Chen, and Li Tian glanced at him and said, Are you employees of Baotong Company, why have I never seen you?

As he said, George Chen immediately said, We are new here, you haven't seen it, of course it's very strange.

The new security guard muttered, can I go?

George Chen asked with a smile as he looked at the security guard.

Although the security guard was suspicious, he was just a security guard after all, so he didn't dare to say anything, nodded, Chen Qiaozhi and Li Tian turned their heads, didn't look at the security guard in front of them, and walked towards the elevator.

After the two of them arrived at the elevator, they saw two white-collar employees of Baotong Company coming over from the side, a man and a woman, the man wore glasses, was tall and thin, wearing a black suit, and the woman was also wearing a black short skirt suit, her hair was hot and wavy, and her face was round, which was very good-looking.

After Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi came over, these two men and a woman also walked over with a smile, and when they saw Li Tian and George Chen, they smiled slightly, but they were all standing at the elevator entrance, waiting for the elevator to descend slowly.

Chen Qiaozhi and Li Tian also stood quietly in front of the elevator door, and after the elevator slowly descended, it was opened.

After the two company employees in front of him stepped in, Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi followed.

The two men and women who came in pressed the seventh-floor button on the elevator, and Li Tian and Chen Qiaozhi glanced at the elevator button that the two did not press.

Instead, he came with them.

As the elevator quickly reached the seventh floor, the man and woman quickly walked out of the elevator door.

Li Tian and George Chen glanced at each other, and quickly followed, after getting out of the elevator door, they opened their eyes and saw that there were really a lot of people in the office in front of them, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening, I didn't expect that there were so many people in the office, Li Tian and George Chen, so they took the ID card on their necks and pretended to be an employee of Baotong Company and walked slowly towards the corridor.

The employees on both sides of the corridor were busy there, and they didn't notice that two strangers came in, and they only heard Li Tian whisper to find your chairman's office.

Chen Qiaozhi nodded, and the two of them walked slowly while observing the name sign on the door of the office.

In the place ahead, George Chen finally saw the chairman's office, just around the corner, and the sign on it said that the chairman's office is here.

George Chen said in a low voice.

Li Tian glanced at it, then glanced at the surrounding office crowd, and then, Li Tian followed George Chen and walked towards the front.

I'm here to watch you go in.

Chen Qiao looked at Li Tian and said.

Li Tian glanced at this one and nodded, the lights in the office were off, and it was obvious that there was no one.

Li Tian stretched out his hand and gently pushed open the door of the chairman of the Baotong Company, shrank his body, and quickly flashed in.

Outside, George Chen was staring around, and Li Tian slowly observed the house after flashing into the office of the Baotong Company.

The office is big and magnificent, but the light inside is not very good, and Li Tian did not turn on the light, but walked directly towards the desk and opened the drawer.

Li Tian looked at the things inside, except for some documents and company information, there was nothing else.

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