Naruto: Systematic Shinobi

Chapter 204: Mist Shadow Booty - 10

Chapter 204: Mist Shadow Booty - 10

Alright, so I'm gonna post up here on this chapter so more see it just cuz it's important - to me at least - so to be blunt, my Pa-tr-eon account appeal failed. My account is permanently deactivated. Oooft, there goes 10k+ a month. Well, it was usually more on average around $11,000 to $12,000, sometimes dipping below 11k, a few times it hit as high as 14-15k.

Still, it's a a massive kick in the balls, on top of everything already happening with the deaths and what nots, that I won't get into here, I already brought it up and don't wanna hammer you guys with that depressive shit. And hilariously, it was basically all over a tiny little 400 or so word Naruto shota commission drabble from 2018 that I missed when I got rid of all that stuff from my profile two years ago. My lack of thoroughness sure kicked me in the balls hard.

But like Lawrence the third said, in Pokemon the movie 2000. "Here is how it all began, and how it will begin again."

I'll bounce back, I always bounce back no matter the shit hitting me hard in the face. So what if my brother, my dog, my mother, my grandfather and dad are dead. So what if my livelihood was ripped out from underneath me with no warning and I lose over ten grand a month. So what if my plans for getting a new house and such are all put in the trash for this year now.

That ain't enough to keep me down. Like abridged Frieza said, "Is that all you've got jackass? Better bring your A-game next time."

So, yeah...god that was cringe. But anyhoo, cringe aside, I've opened up a Subscribestar. And we're up to $386 a month so far on it after less than two days. If you want to read my shit ahead of time, the advanced chapters and crap, head on over there. There's advanced chapters up there for Jordinio Version, Systematic Shinobi, Systematic Shinobi Multiverse Mayhem, Dragon Tale, A Scottish Dragon In This Wonderful World, Power, The Scape(that aint uploaded here yet mind you), Bleached Invader, Beyond Critical and Systematic Huntsman. And there's gonna be a shit ton more going up soon too.

Cuz I'm gonna have to write a shit ton to tempt you all, like the devilish bastard I am.

If you want to support me on there, just head over to subscribestar, my account name is 0jordinio0, no spaces. Hell, I even have a Ko-fi if you wanna just toss cash at me cuz you love me, which would be weird but hey, there's a lot weirder out there, like psycho junkies chopping each other up with machete's out my backdoor. The wankers. Anyway, my Ko-fi is simply /Jordoz after the site domain home link.

And that's it for now, I'm off to sleep cuz it's 4 am. And I just spent hours cancelling my mothers phone contract and crap. And I'm heading up to the pet rescue tomorrow as well to see about adopting a new dog, cuz damn I'm so used to living with other peeps now, it's lonely being in this house alone...well I suppose Isobro helps. Oh, and I need to be well rested to get cranking on the writing too I suppose.

Later for now guys, enjoy the chapter!


"Well, beyond helping you guys recover, helping you out if you're in trouble and getting those swords back for you guys, there is one thing else," Daiki turned around and slid off of her table, casually walking around it, "This isn't an offer for the Mist Village though, it's an offer to sweeten the deal from me to you."

"Oh?" she hummed in curiosity, even as he walked around to stand directly behind her. She couldn't feel his chakra at all, but her physical senses were well honed enough to feel his movements behind her.

He placed his hands gently on her shoulders, before sliding them down her front and clasping his hands together over her chest, and she shivered as she felt the boys lips touch the back of her ear, "How would you like eternal youth?" he whispered into her ear, as if hiding a great secret that only she was meant to overhear even though they were the only ones within the room.


'Eternal youth!?' she blinked rapidly. That was the offer he was giving her? "You have the power to do that?" Mei asked, voice low, almost a whisper in of itself as she was caught up in the boys pace.

"I don't have the power to give immortality, but eternal youth is well within my power thanks to those idiots at the Village of Artisans and the Sanbi," he continued, "My dojutsu is called the Shinkugan, and one of the abilities it has is to turn chakra into pure life force, which I can not only use on myself, but give to others. With the absurd amount of chakra I have as a jinchuuriki, I can create an absurd amount of life force. As I am right now, without focusing on it much, I'm generating roughly twenty years worth of life force per month passively for myself. But I can do so much more given time and the right incentive."

Mei swallowed heavily.

That….that was something alright. That went way beyond mere incentive. Did…did he know she'd been worrying about her age? That she was a complete christmas cake left on the shelf that no man would ever want? Doomed to be forever alone and never find a man to love her?

"And you're offering…eternal youth to me if I agree to the alliance with the Leaf?" Mei replied, unable to hide the tremble in the voice. Excitement? Awe? Shock?

She could not tell.

"Well, it would be a shame after all for your gorgeous looks to be lost to time," Daiki chuckled in her ear, and it made her shiver, "I'm gonna be really blunt Mei, do you know the first thing I thought when I walked into this room and saw you leaning against that desk?"

"No," she licked her lips, "Tell me."

"I wanted to bend you over it and fuck you silly," a gasp left her throat at his bold, crass words, "I wanted to make you scream my name until those gorgeous green eyes of yours rolled up into the back of your skull. And I still want to do it right now."

Mei felt the heat rising on her cheeks, and even lower down as her heart pounded within her chest. Never had she heard words like this directed at herself. Never had she had anyone talk to her like this. Never had a man shown such interest in her. Never had a man ever made her feel like this. Never had a man so boldly spoken his desire towards her. Never had a man so openly desired her, and wanted her in the way that she had so desperately wanted them to.

Daiki's hands unfastened and he grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up and then spinning her around. She could have stopped him easily, she didn't though and allowed the young, handsome Leaf boy to pin her against her desk. He looked down at her, eyes alight with heat and want, a smirk on his lips, as she looked up at him. Her own eyes wide with shock. Her lips slightly parted. Her heart racing. Her skin tingling with anticipation. The heat inside her building and burning hot, desire shook her body.

"Ara ara, bend me over my desk huh?" the purr that came from her lips, was all instinct. Her hands came up and she looked them behind the boys neck, her decision was made before this offer came about, and with it on the table, and in this situation, everything she wanted being offered to her? Everything she could ever dream of? There was no way she could say no, "Maybe we can talk more about than our date~"

And then his lips were over hers, the young ravenous shinobi of the Leaf, pinning her against her desk as he conquered her lips with his own.

A world of new sensations rocked Mei over the next few moments as her mouth was plundered, her tongue conquered, defeated.

Her lips bruised and yielding.

When Daiki pulled back over a minute later, Mei's legs almost felt shaky, her breath heaving in her chest.

"Well…that was something." Mei spoke after a moment, her tongue trailing over her lips and trying and failing to bite back a grin as she held the gaze of the boy staring back at her, a challenging smirk on his face.

His hands still resting on her hips squeezed, before he stepped into her and pressed against her front and she felt the distinct feeling of something very large and very hard pressing into her stomach.

"Is that a kunai in your pants or are you just really happy to see me?" she purred, pressing herself back against him and allowing her arms to happily roam over his body, squeezing his wide, broad shoulders and rigid powerful chest.

"More of a kanabo," he winked cheekily, and she gasped as his hands slid from her hips to cup her rear from behind and squeeze her ass roughly, a giddy giggle forcing itself from her lips, "So you interested or not?" he asked.

"In getting bent over my desk like a common street walker and not the Kage I am, or the even more absurd offer of eternal youth?" she slid her own hands down to return the favour and grabbed at his own backside.

Oh my, how firm.

Like marble.

An appreciative noise left her lips.

"Yes." Daiki's smirk widened.

"So cheeky," Mei squeezed his ass and tsked, before letting her intrusive thoughts win and leaning up to sloppily press a kiss again the side of his jaw. She wanted to lick every inch of this young, strong, handsome lustful lad, but would have to settle for this right now, "It seems too good to be true. Above all else from what I've learned from you, about the Akatsuki and the strength of your village and of course yourself, I would be a fool not to accept the offer for an alliance." she admitted.

She trailed her tongue across the smooth length of his jaw, up to his ear and done something she'd always dreamed of doing with a young, handsome lover to call her own.

She took his earlobe between her teeth and nibbled gently, "The real question is why you want to sweeten the deal with me personally," she breathed hotly into his ear, a light caressing whisper she'd practiced countless times for just this situation, "What is it I can alone have that you want, that you'd offer such a thing~?"

Because assuming what he said was true, and she honestly had no reason to doubt his claims at this point, seeing as he was ready to prove it here and now, then what he was offering was something completely out of this world.

Something many would be willing to go to war for and sacrifice millions without blinking an eye in their greed.

"The only thing you can give me," Daiki pulled back from her lips to stare down into her eyes, "Yourself. Quite frankly, you alone are worth far more than the Mist Village as a whole."

She felt a shudder run down her spine at his words. Damn, what a sweet talker.

Or was she just that pathetically weak to a compliment like that?

…Honestly she didn't care.

"Oh?" Mei raised an eyebrow and mentally patted herself on the back that she didn't stutter.

"Not just in my bed either," he laughed before shrugged, "I want your experience and your strength by my side as well. I plan on living a long time as you can no doubt tell by the offer I gave. Having you by my side means not only will I have maybe the most beautiful woman in the world on my arm, but a contender for the strongest backing me up as well and ensuring we win."

He pecked her atop the nose and rolled his eyes, "Of course an alliance between both our villages is will help increase the prosperity of both and that's a good thing," he pointed out, "But here's a secret, I'm greedy and want the best this world has to offer. Power, money, entertainment…and of course women. The Akatsuki and everything else in the end, are just bumps in the road, and once they're dealt with, we will have all the time in the world to enjoy ourselves."

We will.

Not him alone, 'we', plural. Meaning her as well.

Assuming she agreed of course.

A thought came to mind.

"…Is that a marriage proposal?" Mei blurted. before she could stop herself.

"I'm a bit young to get married," Daiki laughed, "But if that's what it takes, then I won't refuse if you accept," his hand moved from her rear and trailed down the length of her thigh and up under the hem of her battle dress, making her gasp, "I did say all the guys around you are idiots for not trying to get you in a nice lacy white wedding dress. I'll happily put you in one before ripping it off of you."

Oh my, he really did mean his words didn't he? Her heart skipped a beat and she felt her cheeks flush. God she wanted to just pull his clothes off of that delightfully muscular body and ride him raw right now.

"So," The Hokage to-be stared straight into her eyes, "How about me and you enter a secret little alliance between only us two for now? There's plenty of benefits to being under me."

"I thought you wanted me over the desk?" Mei shot back, not even a little bit ashamed at the way her thighs pressed together, "But I can definitely see the benefits of being 'under' you as well."

"You'll definitely be spending a lot of time under me that's for sure," the boy almost cackled, "If it weren't for the fact Anko and your people are outside and waiting for us and would get suspicious if we took too long, I'd take you right here and now." he growled, lifting his hand and running it through her hair almost possessively.

She wanted him to grab her by it and drag her off to have his way with her.

Alas, her duty as a Kage came first above all else right now. As tempting as his words were, to just throw aside her duties and run off with him, she cared for her people greatly.

"Alright Daiki-kun," Mei relented with a sigh, "Putting aside the alliance between our villages, I agree to this little secret alliance between us as well. You'll have to inform me fully what you want though."

He gave her an odd look, "I did though," he pointed out, "You. I want you to be one of my women and help me deal with the Akatsuki when the time comes, that's it."

She blinked herself.


He was being very literal about everything said.

Her heart thundered in her chance.

Was this her popular phase, finally? What were those dreaded words that inspired fear in even the Seven Swordsmen Of The Mist?

Was this the true springtime of her youth?

"Ara ara~" a giggle escaped her lips and Mei beamed at the boy, "Oh Daiki-kun, if only we were truly alone right now. You've no idea how happy what you just said makes me. I would really let you bend me over this desk of mine and have your way with me, but we really don't-"

He pressed a finger to her lips and stopped her speaking, "Yeah, no chance we can get away with fucking right now," Daiki agreed, before his hands found her hips again and she suddenly found herself lifted and her rear deposited on her desk, "I can definitely give you a decent preview though."

She felt chakra flare from his palm.

And then a breeze rippled across her body and she look down and stared, gobsmacked.

Her entirely nude body beyond her boots and leg mesh stared back at her as Daiki lowered himself, looming over her.

A primal look of pure hunger was directed at her nude physique, and for the first time in her life.

Mei felt like prey before a predator.

…..Ara ara~

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