New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus

Chapter 524: Reunion

Chapter 524: Reunion

“H-hey, isn’t this kind of bad?” Felicia heard the worried chatter of the new guards above her pit. Ever since they heard that Captain Grizwald went to deal with the lowly intruders, what little panicked rumors they heard were increasingly grim. The white furball of a beastkin remained on her platform, held high above the cesspool of this pit by her two remaining ‘loyal’ eunuchs.

“Grizwald seriously failed?”

“What if he was a traitor all along?”


“That would explain it though.”

“If it was true, Captain Flavna would rip him to pieces! We just have to-ACK!”

“The Demon Fucker is here already!?”

“Get him!!”

“Wait, that’s-AAAH!!”

Seriously, the roach made it this far? Felicia looked up in shock when she heard the screams.

Felicia could not possibly see the assailant while looking up through the barred opening of the pit where she, three eunuchs and fourteen unlucky (wasted out of their minds at the time of capture) spectators from the tournament were held in. Felicia only saw a shadow form one of the guards that ran past the big round barred hole in the floor.

Felicia’s amazement at how much trouble the former participant managed to cause was overshadowed only by her fury over the repeated incompetence of the Purple Capes. Even while I’m held in a literal shithole like some worthless lowlife, it still somehow manages to get worse! What the hell is that moron of a whore-slut-captain doing!?”

“GHEEKH—” another guard gagged in pain, out of sight of the prisoners of the Pit.

“Michael! Zack! Don’t just stand there like idiots!” Felicia whisper-shouted at her two out of three remaining eunuchs. “Michael, hold me on your shoulder! Drop the stupid platform! Zack, shake Bob back to consciousness! He might be useful, even if as a distraction.”

Michael dropped the platform that Felicia sat up until now. It fell with an unpleasant ‘glunk’ sound into the vomit-inducing waste that all the prisoners here stood or sat in. And while Zack shook Bob back and forth with little result—the rebellious, deranged eunuch’s bleeding head bouncing back and forth from the rough, incompetent attempts of waking—a giant shadow fell over Felicia and Michael. A stupidly imposing figure stood over the barred opening.

Felicia instantly recognized the figure though it was not who she was expecting. Even in the dark and in spite the backlight, the silhouette was unmistakable. Felicia knew that the Purple Capes had few men that could compete in terms of size. Rivaldo was even bigger and furrier, while Grizwald was a grotesque lardass. “Number Seven?”

“‘Thelicia’,” Alexander humored Felicia’s ridiculous pseudonym. He then crouched by the lock and used the bloody keys in his hand to unlock the barred hole.

“And what is the new Champion doing here?” Felicia asked. “Shouldn’t you be preparing for that big celebration they planned in your honor? Or did you come here looking for more favors from the slut-captain?”

“Something like that,” Alexander said while lifting the metal lattice that created a sizable opening to the pit.

As if! Felicia got increasingly worried about Number Seven’s intent. If he was here to guard her from the intruders, then why kill the guards?

“Well, you certainly were the one shining example of a true warrior among those pathetic scum that dared disgrace the arena with their presence,” Felicia said. “Can’t really blame the whore-captain for her choice of the Champion. Even if it wasn’t her title to give.”

“She probably figured that defeating a Lesser Abomination was worthy of an exception,” Alexander said.

“Oh? Then did she grant the title of a Champion to that big-tit cockroach, Number Sixty-Nine, that started this whole mess?” Felicia asked. “I suppose you didn’t bother to mention that she was the one that wounded the demon enough to drive it away? Your attacks were an afterthought from what I could tell.”

“I did tell that to Captain Felicia,” Alexander said. “But she decided not to share confusing information when that Number Sixty-Nine is the leading suspect for summoning that very same demon.”

Alexander then jumped straight down into the cell. He landed with a loud splash right next to Michael, covering the eunuch in brown sludge all the way to his chest, even getting some on Felicia’s hair.

“EWW!!! Watch it!!” Felicia grimaced and tried to shake off the stinking mess off her hair, but with little success. Felicia wanted to give the former participant a good beating just for soiling her hair, but as Alexander stood up, she was reminded why he was the favorite. Even with Felicia sitting on the eunuch’s shoulder, she still ended up looking up at Alexander.

I really ended up with the most useless ones, Felicia thought of her less-than-impressive fire mage.

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