New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus

Chapter 580: Worth of a Bug

Chapter 580: Worth of a Bug

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

Beatrice received a second level-up notification from her System as she finished up with the demonlings. She was covered from head to toe in monster liquids in varying shades of purple. She couldn’t tell if it was some form of blood or mucus from the demonlings and the abomination, but she was already getting used to the wretched stench.

“That’s it?” Beatrice asked after beheading the last of the demonlings that crawled out to defend the tentacle monster. “So much for my gangbang! You guys really need to work on your stamina. Maybe come out into the sunlight more often because it looks like all that time underground did you no favors.”

Beatrice then lifted up the spiky, fangy demonling head that was twice the size of her own and asked aloud, “How many was it? Ten?”

She then brought up the quest she received what felt like ages ago.

Royal Quest: Proof of Heroism


1.      Find and kill twenty Demonlings.

2.      Bring twenty heads of the Demonlings to King Selirius.

Rewards: Princess Mary

“Twenty?” Beatrice sighed. “How am I supposed to even haul all these back to the palace? I’d need a whole escort and a wagon. Not that I’m welcome there anyway.” Beatrice brought the head closer and took a whiff. “Ugh, can’t even tell if the head stinks or that’s just from me… Forget it!” She tossed the head aside. “Maybe if I bring the head of the Queen instead, that King will accept it as a replacement… Now, where was I?”

Beatrice turned around and took a look at the body of the mauled tentacle monster. It laid still on the ruins of the fortress. Its ravaged legs gave out under the massive body before Beatrice was even half-way done with the demonling infestation. The abomination had cuts all over its body: long and deep, short and shallow; puss and other liquids seeping out of the wounds.

Beatrice swiftly thrust her long fingernail claws into the idle body, twisted them and asked, “How long do you intend to play dead, huh?”

The monster did not move.

“Do you take me for an idiot!?” Beatrice asked, getting increasingly irritated. With each sentence she mauled the monster’s body more and more. “I know you’re not dead! I haven’t received my levels for the kill! Don’t even try to tell me that your gigantic murderous ass worth less than a bunch of bugs!”

But even after creating a gaping hole in the side of the monster’s body, Beatrice got no response. “Fine!”

She jumped up on the body. In her anger Beatrice didn’t even notice how little effort it took her to jump to a height that no ordinary human could while also landing as gracefully as a bird. An angry, dirty bird, out for blood.

Beatrice marched right to the center of the abomination’s body where it had its giant, closed moth. She then swung up and thrust down with all her force to pierce the purple fleshy gums.

Beatrice’s claws clanged against the hard walls that suddenly burst from all sides over the abomination’s mouth to protect it.

“Ha! Knew it!” Beatrice laughed and blocked incoming tentacles that burst out around her.

“So, you’re capable of thought, huh!? HUH!?” Beatrice shouted as she cut through the tentacles. “You thought you’d just lay here and then try to escape later!? You don’t want to die, is that it!? Then what about all those people that you killed!? What about everyone who you fucked into insanity and led them to death anyway!? HUH!? Answer me you fucking piece of shit!!”

After cutting through all the tentacles Beatrice started to claw into the monster’s body around the shield it created for its mouth. The armor was softer and softer the further it was from the center, so it became only a matter of time before Beatrice would be able to dig to the core of the beast.

The monster must have sensed it too, because all its bulbous swollen masses—both wounded and whole—burst open and unleashed clouds of purple gas. Along with the gas, thick liquid splurged out of the openings. The wounded monster forced out as much gas as it could in the last ditch effort, further damaging its ravaged body.

At the peak of the monster’s strength it would have instantly covered all of its body in thick mist, but in this condition it was neither able to debilitate the succubus with lewd thoughts not fully obscure from sight how it opened its shield and launched its vulnerable core out of an even more vulnerable position.

The escaping, pulsating, cancerous body was long and gross. It had several tentacle-like antennae on both ends and more legs than worth counting. It tried to sprint away over its own discarded body, but Beatrice would have none of it. She jumped up above the spreading gas clouds to better see the long shadow moving through them. Then with her [Blink (+1)] Skill Beatrice moved right over the creature and landed right on top of it.

“Give them back!” Beatrice demanded as she tore the monster to pieces and splashed its guts and liquids all over the place and herself. “Give them all back and then you can run! But you can’t, can you!? Then you can’t run away either! I’ll tear all of you to pieces! You, the other murder-raper demons, your leaders, and all your allies, starting with that so-called Queen!”

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

Level up!

Additional Skill Point available!

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