New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus

Chapter 590: Rimming Arrangement

Chapter 590: Rimming Arrangement

“This fire…” Dhisana muttered. Then she looked at the freckled redhead responsible for the blazing fire wall that started to die down and asked, “Who are you?”

“A bodyguard,” Ember replied and made a miniscule bow of greeting.

“A bodyguard?” Dhisana asked and looked at Flavna. “For her?”

“Fuck no!” Ember laughed. “I just didn’t want you to kill our new bestest friend.”

“Fuck you!” Flavna spat and stood up. “After I lock up the entire royal family, you’re going into a cell right next to them! All of you need to be bound behind bars until I figure out this insanity.”

“You’re not entirely wrong, but that’s not going to happen,” Ember said. “Also, could you stop being such an embarrassment? Aren’t you supposed to be in charge of this city’s protection? Yet you can’t beat these three stooges?”

“The three what?” Flavna asked.

“Idiots. Degenerate morons. Who cares? If this is your limit—” Ember got interrupted by a flaming punch in the face. Dhisana still had her fiery fist pushing against Ember’s forehead when she heard Ember say, “Rude!”

“What!?” Dhisana jumped back and saw Ember’s face completely unfazed by the fire.

“I thought the wall of pure fire clued you in on the whole ‘fire mage’ thing,” Ember said. “Then again judging by the stench of alcohol, you were plastered before you even got here, so I can understand you being particularly slow.”

“N-No…” Dhisana mumbled while the fire around her fists died down again.

“Quicker than last time,” Ember noted. “Need more time to recharge after using such absurd power?”

Flavna struck the rubble beneath her feet with her fist. Then she struck it again, making it rumble, and charged right at Dhisana. Just before Flavna reached Dhisana, a rain of massive ice spears drove Flavna away from her target. Each ice spear was over ten feet long and thick as a pine tree. One after another they rained down from the sky at an angle, following Flavna’s evasive route all the way back to Ember, forcing the fire mage to dodge the last batch of spears too.

“Don’t bring them to me, knucklehead!” Ember complained.

A young man with white hair and his hands in his pockets stood on the tip of the ice spear closest to Dhisana and asked, “You ok?”

“No,” she replied. “I didn’t drink nearly enough for this.”

“Oh, her you help!” Neri complained loudly.

“Obviously,” Zaki said, literally looking down on Neri. “Dhina doesn’t mind giving me a rim job.”

“She didn’t ‘didn’t’ mind!” Neri screamed. “She was passed out drunk when you sat on her face, you disgusting imbecile!”

“So?” Zaki asked. “We had an agreement. As long as I don’t care how drunk she is—”

“Don’t massage your balls while you’re describing that!!” Neri screamed. “It makes it even worse!”

Ember and Flavna looked at each other.

“You don’t intend to take them alive too, do you?” Ember asked Flavna.

“I just found the perfect cell mates for you,” Flavna responded.

“STOP NOT FIGHTING ME!!” Asuna screamed as she threw another one of her palace guards off her claymore and chased after captain Gamesh.

“C-Captain, that’s the fourth one,” one of the other palace guards spoke so nervously an quietly that it was unlikely Asuna would even hear him.

“Wasn’t that Jack?” another guard asked. “He still owed me for that threesome!”

“Idiots watch out for those shiny circles!” a squad leader shouted. “Don’t step or fall into any!”

“I have you now!!” Asuna screamed and swung at Gamesh with her claymore only to have another circle appear right in front of her shining brighter than any others. “AAAH!?”

Asuna closed her eyes from the blinding sunlight that shined right in her eyeballs. The other circle was far above in the sky, basking in the morning sunlight.

Blinded, asuna swung her claymore wildly, screaming, “Stupid, cheating-GHUH!?”

Asuna choked on her words after Gamesh easily plunged his sword into a blind opponent’s belly.

“Eh… Kheh…” Asuna’s vision slowly came back only to see an enemy’s sword inside of her while she coughed up more blood over it. Asuna held her claymore tightly when Gamesh twisted the sword. “KHUA!!”

“Sorry,” Gamesh apologized. “I do not want to kill you. But, unlike Captain Flavna, I do not see the point in keeping you alive. If even one person in your family truly is involved with demons, the entire royal family will go down in flames, regardless of guilt. We’re better off killing all of you as quickly as possible, before things get even worse. However, if she’s wrong and none of you are working with the demons, then we have no hope of escaping your family’s vengeance. Unless you’re all dead.”

“I… I see,” Asuna uttered and swung her Claymore down-up diagonally across Gamesh’s chest.

“Kh—” Gamesh reacted quickly, but not quite quickly enough. By the time he increased his distance from the princess, his chest armor was cut diagonally and blood trickled through the gap.

“Finally!” Asuna smiled with Gamesh’s sword still in her belly. She held her claymore tightly while red misty energy flowed from the weapon all over Asuna’s arm. Asuna pulled Gamesh’s sword out of her belly with her other hand. Not even a drop of blood fell from her wound that closed the moment the blade left her body. “It may have cost me four loyal, brave warriors, but I’ll make it up to them by killing you four times!”

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