New Life As A Lewd Futanari Succubus

Chapter 592: Everybody’s Favorite Princess

Chapter 592: Everybody’s Favorite Princess

“Down, fire kitty!” Ember commanded and with a move of her finger rained a molten shower on top of Dhisana’s head.

But just before the blazing hot coals reached Dhisana’s hair ears, an ice roof formed above her head, giving Dhisana enough time to move out of the way before the rain melted holes in the ice.

“I guess I’ll just have to melt you first, pocket boy!” Ember said and aimed her finger at Zaki who stood with his hands in his pockets surrounded by his various ice structures while massaging his balls.

Just then a plain ol’ water rain splashed Ember in the face. Not far from the bodyguard, Neri conjured the rain that fell near parallel with the ground and at an increasing intensity. Zaki then enfused his magic into Neri’s rain and made a chilling ice blizzard that froze the droplets right on Ember’s skin.

“Hey, captain useless, do something!!” Ember demanded.

“Chill out!” Flavna said to no amusement from Ember and tore through Zaki’s ice defenses. Zaki was forced to flee while creating more obstacles between him and the captain, which distracted him from the ice blizzard.

But just when Flavna nearly cornered Zaki, Dhisana got in the way with her fire fists, forcing Flavna back.

“We’re getting nowhere!” Neri complained after Ember turned her rain to steam.

“You’re the one who got us into this, figure it out!” Zaki told her.

“It would’ve been long over if not for this fire bitch!” Neri grumbled while Zaki protected her from Ember’s fire.

“We have a fire bitch of our own,” Zaki reminded.

“Except Dhina’s fire is useless against her for some reason!”

“Shit,” Ember stopped using her magic when she finally noticed a new threat on the battlefield.

“She’s finally tired out!” Neri called out right when Flavna’s and Dhisana’s brawl went past them. “Take her down!”

“Simple minded—” Ember didn’t get to finish her insult as a giant explosion suddenly erupted right in the middle of all five of them all.

Out of the dust a larger-than-life beastkin stood up. Thick blue and white fur covered every inch of his body that was not protected by black plate armor or the galea helmet on his head. On his back he carried a sword the size of a grown man.

“R-Rivaldo?” Flavna couldn’t believe her eyes.

The beastkin did not respond. He showed no emotion, and his eyes were dim and lifeless.

“Nobody move a muscle!” Samira ordered as she walked onto the center of the proverbial stage.

“What is this new devilry?” Beatrice asked Mimi.

“Samira Sinatus, the third daughter of the King,” Mimi said.

“So, I’m a demon for saving this stupid city from a tentacle demon rapist, but a princess summons an undead army in the middle of the city and everybody’s fine with that?” Beatrice asked.

“Nobody really likes her,” Mimi said, and Beatrice noticed that the little Purple Cape might be right.

Unlike when Asuna or Melody appeared, there were no cheers for this princess. A thick aura of silent tension washed over the entire area with everybody’s attention on the pale princess in the black gothic dress.

Gamesh and Asuna both looked at Samira while keeping each other in the corner of their eyes. A dozen skeletal warriors stood between them, armed with giant blades and waiting for the command to strike.

“Release her right now!” Samira demanded from Mimi.

Mimi looked at the drowning youngest princess at her feet who thrashed on the ground in agony and futilely clawed at the water bubble around her head with bulging panicked eyes.

“She’s our hostage!” Mimi declared. “If you want to negotiate—”

“I’ll have that giant furball rip all your limbs off before you give Melody brain damage,” Samira threatened.

Rivaldo turned in Mimi’s direction and started walking right past Flavna, Dhisana and the others.

“Eep!” Mimi instinctively took a few steps back as she watched the approach of a beastkin that could squash her like a bug.

“Rivaldo!! Stop!!” Flavna shouted in vain.

Captain Gamesh barely moved his arm when the dozen skeletons all raised their blades and pointed them at his face.

“It’s over,” Asuna told Gamesh, regaining her graceful posture after the chance to recuperate.

“Mimi, let her go,” Flavna told Mimi.

“A-As you say!” Mimi happily obeyed and hurriedly undid her water trap on Melody’s head.

“Uaaah-khuah-cough-cough” Melody painfully gasped for air and coughed up water that had filled her airways.

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