No Time

Chapter 98: Game Night

Chapter 98: Game Night


The laser gun in the hands of alien hunter Shane did its deed by killing off all the green goop monsters.

"You missed one!"


Rapidly, blinding lasers fired from the laser gun in my hand, killing the pink spy goop monster before it slinked off.

"What are you guys doing, slacking off, huh?" muttered Shane in frustration.

I was pretty frustrated too, who could have imagined the two easiest roles couldn't even do their job?

Mechanic and Pilot were the simplest roles in the game .

For the Mechanic, their job was to fix up broken parts of the spaceship we were on. Basically, they had to play mini-games, hooking up the right cord, gathering materials, etc.

And the Pilot was as anybody could guess, just flying the damn spaceship. Avoiding wormholes, asteroids, and enemies we were too low leveled to fight against was their job.

Shane and I, knowing that we were in this to blow off steam, took the roles of the two alien hunters.

And we killed off occasional enemies, space pirates, and aliens brilliantly.

It's just... it's becoming too hard to catch up with the terrible duo's mistakes!

The aliens kept on invading because the spaceship was sailing straight into their lairs.

On top of that, because the shield wasn't fixed and only our cafeteria seemed to be upgrading tremendously, they invaded too quickly and too many at once.

"Why's the cafeteria upgrading? Go upgrade someplace else! No, don't go upgrading the game room! Not the gym either!"

Shane was quite frustrated and lost his cool at Andrei who had now moved on to finally upgrade our spaceship properly.

I didn't know Jing Shao well, so I wasn't in a position to yell at him for doing a bad job.

If so, I would have made him practice playing the game ten thousand times over!

Anyways, with the way the two were playing, we weren't going to make it through this round.

Diririri~ You have failed your mission.

Would you like to start your journey anew? Yes/No

Shane quickly answered, "No" and we decided to take a break.

"Argh, you guys suck at this game, let's just eat. What do you guys want?"

"Chicken!" I shouted.

"Pho?" Andrei questioned his own decision.

"And you?" asked Shane to Jing Shao.

"Is a hamburger alright?"

"Sure. I'm going to order pizza for myself. It's on me by the way, no need to pay, just relax."

Jing Shao said his thanks politely and sat back down on the sofa.

"Shane Ge is really nice."

"Yeah, just relax, we're not strict or anything. And Shane gets a lot of money from teaching martial arts, so we can binge off him."

"Hey, that's not nice!" Shane called from somewhere.

"You earn more than me, can't you do at least this for us?" I replied back with a laugh.

"If it weren't for me lacking in gamer friends..."

"Haha, and Andrei sucks at games at first, so as long as you're willing to play games with Shane, he'd be happy to have you as a friend. Ah, but seeing your gaming skills..."

"...Was I that bad?"

"...How can somebody sail straight into every alien lair? And asteroid? And worm hole? And-"

"Ok, ok, ok. I was bad. I'll practice and be better at this game next time."

Shane called out from who knows where once more.

"You said next time! Come play any time! We've been lacking a fourth player for a lot of games I've been meaning to play!"

"Alright Shane Ge, I'll visit again soon."

"It's nice to have someone call me Ge for once!"

Shane then disappeared somewhere again.

Andrei was working out and I became bored.

I didn't know much about this kid.

Just that he was Yu Ge's secretary's son.

Oh, and him being little blue's friend.

...Well, more like a lackey.

His random ability was really interesting.


And apparently, his eyes change color when he's using his ability.

I may have seen it once? I don't quite remember.

Ah, but if his eyes are like that, he should wear sunglasses to hide his power.

Curious, I turned my head to look at Jing Shao.

As I was sitting on the right, I could only see his blue eye.

"You have pretty eyes. Does it run in the family?"

Heterochromia usually tended to be genetics.

He turned to face me and I could see his red eye as well.

Honestly, they didn't look like contact lenses, not chunni either.

The blue eye looked light blue with ripples like a beach on it.

The red eye-well more like only red in certain light positions, was more of a pink 

"Yes, my grandmother from my mom's side has it I heard. But for my right eye, it's also because I have albinism. This I have from my mom's side as well. Her eyes are both blue though."


"My hair's now more brown, but it used to be blonde."

"I heard that Asian albinism is usually a case of blonde hair that turns darker later on and a lighter skin tone. I thought you'd dyed your hair."

"No, I've never dyed it before..."

"Really? I've dyed my hair in all sorts of colors. I was reckless with it and my go-to hairdresser told me to stop killing my hair, so I'm letting it recover now."

Jing Shao looked interested.

"What sort of colors?"

"I've done the regulars, blonde, brown, red, etc. But it's fun to have a green, pink, light blue, that type of stuff you know?"

"Would it look like cotton candy?"

"Yup, plus if you perm it just right, it looks more realistic."

"That sounds nice. What's your favorite hair color?"

This I had to think about.

But I still arrived at my answer.


I explained with more detail after seeing curiosity wanting to burst out.

"My crush had green hair before. I started dying my hair to match."

"How romantic," he sighed.

I laughed.

"Not really. I was rejected."

"...I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I was too egoistic and didn't try to understand them either."

"Who is it by the way?"

Ha, more than regular chit chat, he was the type to like gossip I see.

"You don't know- Actually you might have seen him before."

After all, I think if he watched the broadcast or was there as a kid, he probably saw XingXing.



"I don't remember seeing anyone with green hair..."

"Then you were too young to remember."

"Oh. What's their name?"

"Zhang Xing."

"I don't seem to know anyone with that name?"

"Of course, he's a zombie now."

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Don't be, he's doing well. I can take you to see him some time."

"Is he a research subject?"

"Kind of. But he doesn't reside in the research center."

"I haven't heard anything about a female zombie being researched outside of the center before."

"He's not a girl."

"Ah? Wait. Then... you like boys?"

"I thought you already knew? I'm gay."

Judging from his shocked face...

He didn't.



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