Chapter 2: Nadia's Anger

"I am sorry, Your Majesty. But I have to check something right now!" Nadia suddenly rushed outside since she felt that something was wrong. Her senses were always extending outside the building, and she picked up something disturbing.

But the moment she came outside, her heart dropped when she saw her son being pressed onto the cold concrete, blood oozing from his lips and tears pouring out from his delicate eyes.

"Lucas!!" Nadia shouted as she rushed towards him while realizing that the old man sitting in front of the carriage was the one responsible for this, making her direct her frightening killing intent towards him.

"Die, you bastard!!"

Without any warning, a brilliant white ray of energy shot out from her hand and struck the startled old man right in his chest, not even giving him enough time to react or defend himself as he got blasted away by more than a few meters, blood shooting out from his mouth, "Aaargh!!"

"Mother…" Lucas felt his heart lighten up the moment he heard his mother's voice and tried to raise his head to see her but couldn't find the energy since he felt like his back had become numb entirely because of the immense pressure from before. It was as if multiple mountains were weighing on his back.

Lucas had come here to check on his mother, feeling worried after hearing that she was meeting some handsome guy. However, he never expected the bodyguard of the guest to be so hostile to him, making him end up in such a pathetic situation.

"Lucas! Are you okay?!" Nadia's emotions fell into disarray seeing her injured son, whose face had become deathly pale with blood trickling down his lips.

She didn't care if the ground was dirty and sat crouched down as she gently lifted his upper body onto her soft arms while letting his head rest onto her cushiony bosom. She felt her heart writhe in pain, seeing how shaken and in pain, he was while blaming herself for not being able to prevent her son from getting hurt.

She didn't wait for his answer as she began to inject his body with her powerful qi gradually since if she injected it all at once, his body might get ripped apart from inside because of how potent her qi was.

Since she practiced Light Dao, she was able to employ its healing attributes to help her son heal, and the moment she stabilized his injuries, she slowly stood up while pulling up her son as well, still letting him rest against her body. However, inwardly she was astonished to sense the presence of qi in his body though right now, she wasn't in the right mentality to think too much about it.

Lucas felt as if his injuries were hurting him less and less and was finding it very soothing to smell his mother's pleasant fragrance and feel her supple body cushioning him like a protective barrier. This was the feeling he would always get whenever he hugged his mother, and it was the feeling that made him feel safe the most.

Since she was stronger and taller than him, she didn't have trouble holding him with one hand like this.

However, her eyes were quivering with rage as she looked at the old man on the ground, coughing blood as he slowly got up.

"Ziman Hao! Do you realize the stupidity you have done? Did you really do that to her son?!" Yiman Nu shouted as he quickly got over to the old man, who was his official bodyguard but dressed in casual clothes since this was supposed to be an unofficial visit.

Ziman Hao was feeling quite shocked and even angry because he just got owned without even a warning from a woman who was just a sect master of some backwater sect.

Even though he was the bodyguard of Yiman Nu, he himself held a prestigious status of being the chamberlain of the imperial family and even the former Master of the king himself!

And hearing the angry words of the king only made him even more indignant since this was the first time the king even got angry at him and shouted at him. It was as if he committed a grave sin by trying to protect the king's privacy. How could stopping a Qi Refinement Realm brat who was the son of a third-rate sect's matriarch warrant this?

Sure, her beauty was breathtaking and beautiful enough to the point no other woman he knew could rival her beauty, but she was just a woman in the end. Why would the king deign himself to favor her so blatantly? If he wanted, he could just coerce her to become his woman.

"Ziman! Are you deaf? Why are you not answering me?" Yiman asked sternly since only he knew how much Nadia loved her son, and even he found it excessive after learning the things she had done for her son to the point she even executed certain disciples of her own sect for ridiculing her son, which she didn't even let her son know out of fear that he would find her terrifying.

And now, no matter how much respect he had for Ziman, he just touched the reverse scale of the woman he was courting. So how else could he react other than trying to show Nadia that he was enraged as well.

At least later on, he could talk it out with Ziman about the reason for his overreaction while the actions he was carrying out now would surely be noticed by Nadia. He only cared what she thought about him and really didn't care if Lucas lived or died.

In fact, if Lucas was a hindrance to his plans with Nadia, he would have made sure to silently assassinate him as well if that was the only thing holding Mernia back. But now, he needed Lucas since he felt that Nadia would cave into his proposal out of worry for the safety of her son.

Ziman was still feeling disgruntled though he couldn't refuse an order from his king, and so he answered bitterly, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty! This old servant has committed a grave sin!" Ziman knew how infatuated the king was with Nadia, because of which he decided to accept his fate for now since he couldn't be the reason for Yiman's plans to get ruined.

"He has to die…There can be no forgiveness for what he did to my son, who is not only a junior but someone who couldn't even cultivate for eighteen years. How vile and despicable would a little man like you be to bully someone who is helpless to lift a finger against you?" Nadia's words were cold and sharp, making Ziman feel like her words were like needles that were piercing into his ears with the feeling of death looming around.

Yiman inwardly became alarmed the moment he sensed how Nadia's aura was increasingly becoming chaotic to the point even he was finding the air quite suffocating and heavy. This was a clear sign that her killing intent had begun to spread throughout the area and was increasingly concentrating upon Ziman, who was feeling way worse than Yiman, making him cough blood again.

Both Yiman and Ziman didn't expect Nadia to be stronger than even what the rumors mentioned. Ziman was only at the Greater Origin Realm, which were two realms below Nadia's cultivation which was Greater Spirit Master Realm. If he knew this, he wouldn't have dared to hurt her son.

Yiman quickly intervened, feeling that Nadia would definitely kill Ziman out of rage if he didn't do something, "Nadia! Please calm down. Ziman had no idea what he was doing and was stupid enough to commit the sin of hurting your son. I will punish him for you and make sure he reflects on his mistakes when we get back to the palace. Ziman, quick, ask for her forgiveness!"

"No! I will be the one punishing him…First, come here and kneel before my son and me," Nadia said as her eyes seemed as sharp as swords which made Ziman feel as if she could kill him by merely looking at him.

Still, her words seemed irrefutable, and even Yiman was nodding at him to quickly kneel and apologize to her before things got worse.

Ziman could only swallow this humiliation of bowing before a junior, thinking that it was his fate, and fell on his knees before Nadia and didn't dare to lift his face.

Nadia looked at this cowardly figure as she stood tall, and finally, the decision she had made before in the guest hall didn't make her feel any hesitation anymore. She had now resolved her heart to stick to that decision.

"Die, you cowardly old dog!" Nadia suddenly raised her hand as a brilliant white sword manifested in her hand and brought it down over Ziman's back, easily cutting through his back and then through his heart like butter, making his eyes widen in grave shock.

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