Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 120 One Room

Miranda was more astonished about the fact that ordinary Goblin Warriors were able to get hold of a beast controlling necklace, such as the one she was holding in her hand.

As such, she averted her attention to Nial for a moment before saying,

"I doubt the controlling effect is strong, which means that the Goblin Warriors can probably only control beasts that are weaker than them…"

After the Old Medic said this she couldn't help but quietly add,

"If we can learn how to manufacture such pendants, it should be possible to get our hands on mounts, and beasts that would fight by our side…this would strengthen mankind's prowess by a huge margin…"

Her conclusion was correct, and it was also why Nial and his group were quite interested in figuring out whether it was possible to remove the mana imprint of the Goblin Warriors, or even reproduce the beast controlling necklaces.

However, neither was something they could achieve, which was why they had to rely on the stronger and more knowledgeable ones to figure out more.

Thus, Nial thought about something for a moment before taking out one of each runic armament they had gotten their hands on.

"We even found runic armaments on the Shaman Goblin we killed. A representative from our team went to the government already, so they should know about everything by now as well."

Even if the Old Medic had been interested in Nial, how he sustained a severe injury such as breaking his arms and his shoulder, and what the weird energy he harbored, she was still astonished by the things she was learning about him.

Carefully taking the runic armaments that didn't look like anything special at the first glance, Miranda began to frown after only a few seconds.

"That's bad…these items should originate from an intermediate dungeon…" She mumbled, only to tilt her head before looking at Nial once again.

"Wait…but you said the Goblins were merely at the Origin rank, right?"

Without saying much, Nial just nodded his head, and even Mathias followed suit, while subconsciously moving his head along with Nial's.

He was not that suspicious about the Old Medic anymore, but he still wanted to leave.

It was fine that Nial showed the old woman everything they had gotten their hands on because she was deemed as one of the strongest.

That meant she would find out about it sooner or later, either way.

And by telling it on their own instead of letting her learn from elsewhere should make them gain more trust from her.

Thus, Mathias stopped dragging Nial through the door and hoped for the Old Medic to say something interesting.

However, she seemed to be quite confused, while looking at the different runic armaments, followed by the intel about the Goblin's strength.

'If they were only on par with Origin ranks, a Shaman Goblin shouldn't be capable of manufacturing the runic armaments. Even the mass-manufactured beast controlling necklaces are too complex for their mind to comprehend…'

By connecting the dots, Miranda was slowly figuring out what was the most likely truth behind the existence of the runic armaments and the beast controlling necklaces.

'The necklaces were definitely newly manufactured, otherwise, they wouldn't be marked objects, and of a high quantity to be given to ordinary Goblin Warriors…but the runic armaments?'

"Maybe some Goblins conquered a ruin-type dungeon? After the stronger brethren looted everything valuable, the Shaman Goblin might have pilfered through some of the scraps?"

"But if something more valuable exists, and those are the leftovers, don't we have some problems? Doesn't that mean the Guardians that didn't do their job of protecting us from the Lesser Titan youngling are not neglecting their job..but they're dead?"

"Oh, is that so?...The Guardians messed up big time, huh? Well, that would explain how you could get so heavily injured, and be showered with praises by Junades…

Seems like I have to pay the higher authorities a visit, otherwise, they might do some dumb shit again!"

Saying so, she advanced towards the door of the hut, lightly pushing aside Nial and Mathias.

"By the way, my offer is still open. Once you feel more comfortable with this weird energy of yours, I would like to know more about it. I will teach you in exchange!"

Blurting all of it in one go while leaving the hut, the Old Medic disappeared not long after.

As such, only the two friends, and Captain Clara were left behind, only for the owner of the small hut to have something better to do.

At this moment, Mathias noticed something as he blurted out,

"Wait… Did she just steal one of the runic armaments?!"

He didn't see her handing over the necklace back to Nial, and his hands were empty as well.

As such, Mathias couldn't help but squint his eyes, feeling as if the old Medic was far more sly than expected.

On the other hand, Nial was quite relaxed and shrugged his shoulders as he tried to appease him.

"We will get them back. Calm down, Mat. Let's go to the barracks. Bella should return soon. That is if she is not already waiting for us."

Nial was pretty sure that Bella would come back with all the runic armaments.

Even if Miranda looked quite eccentric and as if she wanted to force her will on others, in reality, she didn't do anything like that.

The Old Medic had backed off at the sight of Nial's discomfort while talking about the dark energy currents.

Thus, he was slowly feeling that she wasn't as nosy or prying into his secrets as she seemed to be at the first glance.

'Why am I feeling both comfortable and uncomfortable around her? It's almost as if she is a ticking time bomb…'

However, even then, Nial just shrugged his head.

He was thankful for Miranda's offer to teach him.

But before he would think about accepting it, Nial had to understand the darkness energy, and even more so, the Odyssey seed.

While thinking about the Odyssey seed, he noticed that something had changed about it.

This didn't involve any changes in the seed in itself, but more about the ability that was bound to it.

[Mana Perception]!

'The 'poorest' tag has vanished!' Nial realized with a start.

He knew that his mana perception had improved quite a bit since the Titan heart had been devoured by the darkness energy.

Since then, there had been tiny changes in his mana perception, but he assumed them to be a resultant of the aftermath of the Titan heart's potency.

However now, he figured that it was the change in his Innate ability that grew stronger!

This made him smile lightly, giving Mathias a wrong understanding of the situation.

'So he trusts the Old Medic? I guess that's fine then.'

Nodding his head in return, Mathias turned towards the hut and was ready to return to the barracks, only for realization to strike him.

"Eh…Nial…do you know…where the barracks are?"

In response, Nial just shook his head which made them wonder who to turn for directions.

It was at this moment that Captain Clara entered Mathias' view, astonishing him greatly as he stepped back.

'She was still here?? I didn't know!' He felt quite comfortable after the Old Medic had left, and thought that only he and Nial were the ones left in the hut.

But that was not the case, and upon seeing Clara, Mathias' timidness returned as he quieted down, while moving closer to Nial.

Captain Clara noticed this, and it caused the forced smile on her face to vanish.

'Am I really that unlikable?' She suddenly asked herself, sighing deeply.

Clara had been unable to grasp what exactly was going on with the runic armaments, the potential ruins-type dungeon, and so on.

Thus, her mood was already bad, but she was forcing herself to fake a smile, and make it seem as if she was not worried about the incidents that occurred on the nameless island.

However, the moment she noticed Mathias' action, she couldn't hold herself back anymore as she sighed deeply, releasing all her frustration.

"I will show you the barracks and your team's room, and I will leave you alone then, no worries…"

It looked like Captain Clara was truly disturbed by what had happened.

This made Nial feel odd as he had not expected the young Captain to be emotionally controlled…or at least not that much.

Thus, while following her outside the hut, he simply observed her for the duration of their trip through the Teradan military camp.

After perceiving everything around his surroundings at the same time, it was not difficult to figure out that most Soldiers were far stronger than the participants of the military camp.

However, that was only obvious because their responsibility was to protect the base and shelter.

Other than that, there were also quite a few shops, whether it was for potions, weapons, armors, other devices, and even manuals to improve the speed at which one was absorbing and annexing mana.

Imprinting everything he perceived in his range, Nial smiled lightly as the base felt like a highly protected shelter, and not like a military camp.

He had expected a camp for young Originals to look different.

But given that they entered the nameless island without too many things in their spatial ring, it was quite interesting to see how much one could actually buy.

'So learning how to manage finances and procure wealth is something one will have to manage on their own here as well. At least, if one wants to work efficiently.

That's quite interesting!'

As he looked around, he came across small food stalls in the base and some luxurious restaurants.

He found it to be entirely useless because Captain Clara informed them that there was a canteen that handed out food for free.

She even said that the food had enough nutrition to build up a proper physique.

After explaining to the two young men lots of things about the military base, Clara's frustration was quickly released.

Their interest in the topics she spoke about was evident, and the 30 minute short trip through a small part of the base was over in the blink of an eye.

They reached the barracks which were a five-story, lengthy, and rectangular building that looked anything but special. It was the most ordinary building Mathias had ever seen. In fact, it looked less impressive than most ordinary buildings in Katu. And that spoke volumes.

As such, Mathias didn't have high hopes of finding anything special in their rooms.

Yet, when Captain Clara led them to a single room before pointing at it, Mathias couldn't help but squint his eyes, while slowly realizing what was going on.

"Wait a moment…every team has only one room?!

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