Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 78 Blow After Blow

When Kark, his group, and Nial left the alley, they ignored the unconscious Originals, knowing that the government wouldn't imprison them for such a trivial thing.

Lecturing the others who were still conscious, Kark gave them a stern look, hoping that they wouldn't try harming Nial anymore. He gave them a final warning in the form of a sweet letter that had the following words written in it.

[If you guys try to be funny one more time, I'll twist your necks!]

Nial was glad to have met Kark and his group.

Not only did Kark help him, but they were kind enough to take him into their group.

He didn't understand their reason behind this, but from the way Kark looked at him, he seemed to know more about the secrets Nial wanted to hide.

This would have worried him, but oddly enough, it was the exact opposite case.

Somehow, Nial felt reassured that he was taken in, and by explaining the situation to the group around Kark, even they agreed with their leader's decision of taking him under their wing.

"You killed a Lava Golem by yourself?! That's… are you really sure that you're only at the 1st Origin rank, and a newly awakened Original?"

It was the tall youth, who had asked him this question, not sure whether Nial was bluffing or not.

However, when Nial nodded his head in order to summon the Viper spear, and release its blade, nobody doubted his answer anymore.

The weapon Nial wielded was a masterpiece, and the way he wielded it made it hard to ignore that he was completely compatible with it.

Thus, nobody rejected Nial as they accepted him with open arms.

It was a great feeling to be accepted somewhere, even if it was only for close to four weeks, maybe even shorter.

What was even better was the fact that the Curse [Hodur's Heir] had not awarded him with a single disadvantage, owing to his already existing blindness.

This was simply too great, and something that made Nial happy as he was able to turn a curse into a blessing, quite literally at that!

Due to the advantages he received, his blindness was easily countered, and if he were to be precise, the enhancements he received were even stronger because he was already blind.

He would be stupid to complain about receiving something good, which happened only once in a while.

Come to think about it, his luck had been extremely good for the last few weeks, if one were to exclude the fact that he was alone, and had no one by his side who he could become stronger with.

Melvin was occupied with his own issues, and Nial didn't even know what his friend was currently doing because his own tasks were already too many for him to solve in a matter of weeks.

Thus, he was glad to state his rough situation to Kark and his group, who listened to him, and were quite astonished about the troubles he had overcome in the last few weeks.

Nevertheless, Nial left out the fact that his sister and family had been kidnapped.

Instead, he had replaced it with a lie of how they had readily left after finding an important clue to a solution to her issue.

Adding a few complications and a sad backstory, Nial created a believable story, ending his explanation with the incident in the dark alley.

Feeling reassured about their decision to have accepted Nial into their team, the entire group couldn't help but smile weirdly.

They had not expected Nial to have suffered and already overcome so much, let alone be familiar with a lot of powerful individuals.

This was truly unexpected, but instead of saying anything about it, they had decided to go to the Originals association to do two things.

First, they wanted to add Nial officially to their team so as to prevent trouble from creeping on him.

Secondly, Nial wanted to sell the corpses of the Machnam beasts, which was something he could easily do at the merchant store that was attached to the Originals association.

In fact, the hired merchant was one of the government employees, meaning that the goods he purchased and sold were always genuine. They were not from the marketplace and were never faked.

This was great, and extremely helpful if one wanted to purchase goods from a blindly trusted source.

Yet, simultaneously, the goods were more expensive to purchase, and selling those to someone would bring him a slightly lower value.

However, that was something Nial could accept as long as he would figure out more about the government merchant's reaction to seeing the corpses of the Machnam beasts he had killed.

Furthermore, there should be a small bonus for selling a high number of rare goods which he was eager to receive.

This was something the government added in order to make Originals sell their rare goods at the government's merchant store instead of private merchants who would attempt to make even more money than they already possessed.

It was a little bit tricky, but owing to the time the government had already spent in using political tools to their advantage, it had been quite easy to sway the Originals and make them sell the goods to the government.

With that in mind, Nial didn't hesitate to approach the assistant in the section for beast corpses.

After exchanging a few words with the assistant, he and Kark's group entered a large room where he took out all Mahnam corpses.

Seeing the corpses, the assistant took a second glance at Nial before averting his attention to the group behind him, thinking that Kark and his group killed the Machnam beasts.

Not just him but also Kark and the rest looked intently at the beasts. They could clearly see that each beast had only sustained a single injury that had been enough to kill the threat in front of them.

This was quite intriguing and indicated to everyone that Nial's combat proficiency was not as bad as he had said.

In fact, Nial had shared some of his problems with all of them, including that he had to improve his physical state in a mere four weeks.

It was a very short period, and some may think that it was weird for Nial to explain everything he had to accomplish for the next few weeks, but it was not only a sign of him trusting Kark's group, but also something that was great for himself.

After all, he was able to figure that his plans had been modified slightly.

There was not a big difference, but his physique required less focus, which meant that the practice with the spear and workouts, followed by the correct supplements of nutrition was more than enough.

However, for the current situation, none of that mattered.

The attendant accepted the corpses of the Machnam beasts before they were first counted and sorted according to the damage to their most precious parts.

After he was done with his evaluation, the attendant stated the amount he would receive in exchange.

There were 112 Machnam beasts and owing to the rarity of the materials they provided in addition to the little damage their body received, Nial earned 25,000$, which included the bonus.

This was an exceptional amount of money, considering that the dungeon was at the Lowest Rookie grade, but Nial was not exactly overjoyed.

He also had the Magma elements but selling them was out of the question.

Their heat that provided a soothing sensation, could release the tension in his body, thereby preventing the soreness that was bound to ravage his body in the following four weeks, and overwhelm him!

As such, Nial felt that their value which was likely to be in the thousands of dollars was exactly what he required for himself.

He was not as poor as he had been in the past and could afford to keep the Magma elements for himself, using them however he pleased.

With that in mind, after the Machnam beast corpses had been sold, he moved along with the rest of the group towards the counter of the Originals association, where they registered Nial as a temporary member of their group.

This may not be a necessity, but it was better if everything was documented in order to prevent complications.

Thus, after the formalities were completed, Kark and the others were ready to search for a new dungeon because Nial had already cleared the one they had wanted to enter.

In the end, the dungeon might have been at the Lowest Rookie rank, but that didn't change the fact that there was a chance for a rare boss to appear and drop an ability crystal.

After all, it was a newly emerged dungeon, where the beasts were supposed to drop more crystals.

However, Nial had been quite unfortunate in today's dungeon conquest. Despite that, he had already obtained more than enough luck in the last few weeks.

Given the fact that he bound the [Hodur's Heir] curse to his mana core without receiving an additional curse other than his blindness, there was not a single problem, which was his extreme good luck and a God-given fortune.

Kark's team was similar in that sense because Kark had rescued him from killing other humans while inviting him into their team.

He could have rejected that, but there was no reason to do so. Instead, he believed the gut feeling that told him to follow Kark for the time being.

Nial saw his encounter with Kark and his people as an opportunity that was supposed to make him much more powerful than he had ever been before.

This was necessary and the stronger he could become, the better.

Kira might be an even better opportunity for him to reach an even higher combat prowess in four weeks, but he didn't want to burden her more than he already did by gaining a huge favor and receiving her recommendation.

What Nial was oblivious to was the fact that Kira was already searching for him, and flooding his inbox with dozens of messages while Librarian Mara was slowly answering all questions he had asked in the group chat.

This would help him a lot, and provide him with the necessary insights about specific topics Nial was clueless to.

He might not be the smartest, or the most scheming, but Nial was certainly diligent, to the degree which was a bit frightening.

However, that was not something Kark and his team were aware of…yet.

Right now, they were simply of the belief that Nial was someone with great talent, who was a late bloomer.

This might paint a different picture about his talent at the first glance, but all of them knew that most late bloomers awoke an Innate ability, which meant that Nial was likely to have an innate ability as well.

Even if that was not the case, having seen the beasts' Nial killed with a single strike, and the way he had wielded the Viper spear, their curiosity about him kept on increasing.

And this was to the degree that they were eager to enter a dungeon in which even a common beast was powerful enough to kill Nial easily.

That was if he were to be an ordinary 1st Origin rank, which was certainly not the case.

To be precise, the healer of their team, Elena, knew for good that Nial's physical strength was manifold higher than that of an ordinary 1st Origin rank.

Thus, she believed that he had a specific ability or some other means that enhanced his strength, which she had shared with the others.

As such, their goal was to enter one of the newly emerged dungeons at the Low Rookie rank; solely to test Nial's strength!


[A/N: If you like the novel support me with a golden ticket. If not, gimme a review to help me improve]

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