Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 321

“Hi, Leah! I’ll go!”

‘…I’m going again.’

When I was about to leave, Historia was feeling a strange uneasiness, as if there was something left behind.

The reason Historia feels attached to me is because of bad memories from the past. I disappeared and the Hameln incident broke out. The terrible memory of rescuing the bodies of dead friends was the shackle that suppressed Historia, and at the same time it became an opportunity to create a new goal. It was something that Historia herself wanted, but it doesn’t change that it was a trace of suffering.

Historia instantly reached out to grab me, but it was just a thought.

‘But it’s different from back then. Huey is properly greeting me. And… I’ll probably come back.’

The worries are over. Historia struggled to raise her hand. It’s awkward because it’s not what I intended from the beginning. Waving her hand timidly, Historia bid me farewell.

“Come back stronger.”

“I can’t get any stronger!”

keep blowing in If I become really strong, will you be able to handle it? When you gain strength, I’ll torture you under the guise of a massage first. Let me tell you that massage can be painful depending on the person doing it.

…Well, no matter how hard I train, it won’t be enough to make Historia’s body suffer.

I’m frustrated I don’t train because of this.

While burying secrets and friends one by one. I left the military

The military exploits its citizens. They are allowed enough supplies and a little luxury to live on, but they don’t even dream of anything more than that. By overworking citizens in rather coercive ways, the military has amassed numerous material assets.

However, if a thousand gold is stored only in a warehouse, it is no different from a block of stone.

What is the purpose of the gigantic machinery that created enormous wealth by treating humans as parts?

“One question from the military. Where did all the accumulated assets go? The answer is here!”

I said while banging the Cataphract.

The military’s strategic weapon, the Cataphract. It is a rolling fortress that boasts overwhelming defense power surrounded by high-cost alchemy steel and is equipped with mobility with a simple yet innovative structure.

The essence of the military catapult treated as a level 4 strategic item along with combat-type clothing packets. Even ironclad cavalry has weight and power that easily surpasses them. Even the most famous horse would not be able to compete with Cataphract by force.

Tyr looked around and murmured.

“I’ve seen something similar. The tyrant of the golden kingdom that reigned in the past rode a luxurious carriage similar to this one. I heard it took the labor of a castle to make one, but she had dozens of them.”

“The Cataphract is less luxurious than that, but more functional, so the price should be the same? It’s not written by one person, so there are more than that.”

“You squeezed the blood of the people to create such a luxurious thing. Hmmm. This is why the country is tilting.”

Hilde, who was praised for squeezing blood from vampires, protested as if unfair.

“I’m sorry! This Cataphract is not ‘my’!”

“Even if it’s not yours, you, the general, can use it as you please.”

“Not even! Cataphracts are one of the military’s strategic items, so no one can use them at will! Including ‘me’, a six-year-old adult!”

Actually it is.

The military is a country that does not allow luxury even to the ruling class generals. Even the general-level protocol is worse than my well-decorated room. Of course, even a general can have property, so he can use all the luxuries without the luxury of collecting his salary… but at the point of having to collect his salary to be extravagant in the first place, it is far from general luxury.

However, Tyr, a nation and aristocracy in itself, found it difficult to separate the ruling class from the nation.

“But when you asked for it, didn’t you give it to me right away?”

“That’s because permission came down from the upper level!”

“You’re saying the same thing over and over again. If you can use it with permission, it’s not yours.”

“Isn’t the difference so big? At the point where permission from the upper level is required to move, it is not ‘me’, and even if ‘I’, the head of the public security department, requests such a loud object, it is rejected due to insufficient reasons! The present case is special when only a few people are given cataphracts to move!! You will enjoy a privilege that even ‘I’ have never had!”

Hilde ran around and preached how unfair she was. Swept away by the riotous atmosphere, Tyr waved his hand in annoyance.

“I got it roughly. The carriage will shake, so stop running.”

“What?! There’s no way that a light and fragile girl like ‘me’ could shake this heavy piece of metal with a slight stomp! It’s too much!”

Her tantrums were exactly that of a tomboy dealing with the grandmother next door. Looking back on the fact that the other person was the ancestor of the vampires, it seemed that they ran amok without knowing that their lives were precious, but surprisingly Tyr listened to Hilde despite being annoyed.

“Yes, yes. It was a mistake.”

‘Won, in case it’s not a father and a daughter, both of them are scolding. I have to grow up and calm myself down. If you want to attack the general, you have to first catch the horse. If it’s Hugh’s daughter, it would be better to build a friendship in advance.’

Are you my daughter? do you really believe

this guy is weird Even though he is a vampire, he can never doubt the words of humans. Hilde said that she was her daughter, and accepted it with a snap. Didn’t you notice something strange?

I can see what the conclusion was. It would be similar to humans not suspecting livestock. Vampires are human beings, but they are also predators that prey on human blood. Even if you are deceived, you have no choice but to be vigilant because it will be enough if you catch and eat it.

I don’t know if I’ll get a big nose injury sometime. no i’m already hurt What can I do though? You learn by getting hurt. How the experience engraved in the wound lasts long.

Because I am a kind and strict king who even protects the right to be hurt.

“…Wait, Tyrkanjaka. Do you believe in that nonsense?”

However, the regressor tried to take away even Tyr’s right to be hurt. The regressor crossed his arms and pointed out the contradiction.

“I don’t know why Yeong-gwe looked at Hughes and called him father, but it doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t make any sense at all.”

“What do you mean?”

“Yeonggwe is a six general who is known to have been active in the dark since the military was first created. If you were already active at that time 25 years ago when the military was created, it is a story that no matter how young you are, you are at least 40 lines.”

It shoots sharply as if it were a detective. It was a very rudimentary reasoning that even an elementary school student could do, but it was something Tyr didn’t realize.

‘Oh, I forgot. Originally, I don’t realize the age of others well…’

No, it’s not that I didn’t realize it, but I ignored it because it was too small. To a girl in the 12th century, what happens in double digits must have been a bit unfamiliar.

‘… um. Let’s see. What does age matter…’

While Tyr hesitated in front of the forbidden truth, the regressor took away Tyr’s right to hurt himself.

“That lady only dressed up like that with her ability to transform, but she’s actually much older! Heung And to say that you are a father to someone who is the same age as your son. Aren’t you ashamed?”

wow that’s harsh No matter how true it is, are you not even a little considerate? The words were so harsh that even Tyr, who was by his side, was slightly hurt.


In addition, Hilde, who was called an ajumma in front of her face, slightly took off her mask. Hilde erased the smile from her face and glared at the regressor.

“You are serious. Beyond rude, even cruel. I can understand why he is not popular with women even though he has such a pretty face.”

“I don’t need popularity! Rather, I will decline!”

“Whoa. ‘I’ who gets caught in this cheap provocation is also a problem. This is why you must wear a mask. If it’s not ‘me’, I can just brush off the talk, but if I reveal ‘me’ with my bare face, I’ll be scratched right away.”

Hilde quickly calmed down. In my heart, I suggested to myself,

“I didn’t want to tell you because this is really, really confidential. I can’t help but go beyond the level of harm towards ‘me’. Shay, do you think ‘Eimeder’ is the guardian angel of the military? ‘Sieghrund’ is an assassin whose identity no one knows.”

“…isn’t it?”

“Ding. ‘Sieghrund’ is not ‘me’. Similarly, ‘Eimeder’ is not an angel.”

As if being properly stimulated, Hilde bluntly revealed what only she knew without anyone telling her.

“The three heroes, ‘Sieghrund,’ ‘Eimeder,’ and ‘Maximilian’ brought by Gunung. ‘Sieghrund’ is an assassin whose face no one knows, and Aimeder is an angel who protects the country? It can’t be. We have to create a new country from the ashes, but who can believe in a formless faith?”

“for a moment. That means.”

“yes. Sieghrund Aimeder. Both are real people. Neither of them are in the military right now, but the military seems to want to make them believe they exist. Because I made ‘me’ play the part of ‘Sieghrund’!”

‘Maybe it’s to reserve a place for them. So that I can come back anytime.’

Hilde swallowed those words into herself.

The Saint’s Guard, the Holy Sword. When Yuel was excommunicated from the Holy Emperor’s Office, she dedicated all her rights and things as a saint, but her power was not taken away. No, even Seonghwangcheong could not be taken away.

The saintess is an agent of God and an executor of prophecies. Regardless of whether she was excommunicated or ran away from home, all of the saintess’ actions were sacred sacraments ordained by the heavenly gods. Two of the most faithful members of the Holy Sword Corps reached the military state by assisting the excommunicated saintess.

The two are Aimeder and Sieghrund. Well, after Yuel secluded the man’s corpse, he left within a few years.

I can guess why he left. Even if it was me, if the saintess I was serving was confined to the corner of the room showing all sorts of rudeness, I would run out of affection. I haven’t met him in person, so I don’t know the details, but I’m sure it is.

‘It’s not a very pleasant story from ‘my’ point of view, who was called without knowing it and was eaten at will~.’

“Who are they?”

The regressor, who heard unexpected information, listened to every word Hilde said.

Tsk. I keep feeling it, but I don’t know if a regressor is really a regressor. Thanks to that, I can’t trust 100% even if I barely peek into the memory of the regressor through all kinds of hardships.

Even in the previous episode, if you said you had a close relationship with Seonghwangcheong, shouldn’t you be unaware of the secret history between the military and Seonghwangcheong? It’s not like everyone in the Seonghwangcheong was hiding information as if they had made a promise.

‘Hmm. Shall we stop here? If I say more, our poor saintess will get into more trouble.’

Hilde, thinking that she had enough of the initiative, kept her mouth shut at this point. He smiled at the questioning regressor, put his index finger to his lips, and tilted his head.

“I don’t want to tell you.”


“Because the lady is capricious. I don’t want to say more because my mood is rapidly deteriorating! joy!”

Hilde turned her head around with her cheeks inflated. The regressor gave an expression of bewilderment at such childish behavior.

“Are you mad now? Not a kid.”

“I would rather be a childish child than to be called an ajumma.”

“okay! It’s a little bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of a bit of I will cancel!”

“cancellation? Can you pick up the spilled words again? Words are like knives. The wounds made by pulling out the knife that was inserted will not heal. I have no choice but to wrap up the wound with a sincere apology.”

In a word, it means to apologize. When Hilde was stubborn, the regressor made a small noise.

‘okay. It’s cheap if you lower your head once and get information! I was a bit talkative too!’

After completing his judgment, the regressor slightly bowed his head and apologized thoughtfully.

“Sorry. That I was not delicate.”

“Huh. Get down on your knees, but accept the apology. Be careful next time.”

“Grunt. okay.”

“That’s right, Shay. You need to pay attention to your words and actions.”

“I’ll keep in mind… Wait, Tirkanjaka? Why are you getting an apology?”

I suddenly apologized to the two, but the regressor who finished the mission anyway asked for new information.

“So what about the real Eimeder and Sieghrund? Where are you?”

“I don’t know!”


Hilde answered innocently.

“How does ‘me’ know how my predecessor worked here or where he left this job? ‘Me’ was called in the middle and just worked! Do not forget it. Originally ‘Sieghrund’, anyway, ‘me’ took over the role!”

“hey! Then nothing has changed!”

The regressor jumped up and pointed at Hilde.

“Anyway, it’s the same that you’re Younger and older than Hughes!”

“Hehe. Caught.”

“I didn’t get caught! What have you been denying so far!”

“That ‘me’ is an ajumma! I didn’t want to be treated like that in front of my father!”

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