Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 333

“bruise? Did I do well?”

“okay! I did one thing, so today is a meat side dish!”

“Aww! good! good!”

“Stay there! Until I go…!”

I quickly tied a rope and made a noose. Hang it around your neck like this and pull it. Ah, if I pull the string, I will be dragged along and I will be severely punished.

Twisting the noose over his head, he slowly approached the immobilized horse. The horse, perhaps frightened by the appearance of a suspicious human, clung to its owner even more.

how is the owner?

‘…is Seungnyang proudly trying to steal a horse in broad daylight? …Anyway, it’s near the camp. Did I look down on you….’

A thought comes from someone hidden in the shadow of the horse. Looking back, the horse did not escape, but arrived. with the owner.

‘…In addition, he raised prisoners as slaves… He is an incurable villain.’

Chet. No matter how much I can live without the law, I don’t prefer robbery. Robbery is a violent crime.

A violent crime is a crime that only powerful people can commit. Because I am weak, I cannot commit a violent crime and remain a petty criminal. Of course, if the opponent is weaker than me, he can commit a violent crime with his relative strength, but…

‘…I’ll melt it.’

It won’t work. I threw the noose that had been spinning.

Not words, but to Aji.


Aji caught the flying noose with his mouth. Even so, he stared at me with a puzzled face as to why this was flying at him.

Clearing my throat a little, I immediately scolded Aji.

“Yeah man! What if you bully others!”


“A horse is man’s friend, vehicle, and wealth! Treat it with respect and don’t bully it! Why are you being so scary! Did I teach you that!”

I do not know yet? I’m scolding you. You are being scolded.

Aji tilted his head, as if he still didn’t understand the situation, then suddenly shook his head as if he thought it was a joke.


“Ouch! don’t pull! Fall!”

The body jumps up and is thrown to the ground. Shame and sorrow come before pain. Is this the feeling of a freshwater fish that goes up with a fishing rod?

Someone came over me, drooping down. He was the owner of the horse.

Her rust-red hair is tied back in a ponytail. Black grease and melted iron adhered to the loose overalls. He had a calm impression, but he seemed to be having a hard time making facial expressions, perhaps because of the band-aids all over his face.

A woman who looked like something between an alchemist and a corps of engineers looked down at me and asked.

“…Are you the owner?”

“I wish I was the owner. What kind of master in the world feeds, clothes and plays with you? Rather, he must be my master.”

“bruise! Woof woof! I am not the owner! Major shareholder!”

Aren’t you a major shareholder yet? Above all, the person concerned is living so firmly, what kind of a major shareholder?

The woman who glanced at Aji asked again as if to confirm.

“…tried to steal a horse.”

“no? I was afraid that Aji would harm the horse, so I tried to stop it. It’s a nuisance to hurt someone’s words.”

“…as for the noose.”

“I threw it to catch Aji. We have to stop it before it hurts.”

“…About the meat side dishes?”

“You can’t make Aji eat a horse, can you? So, you should turn your attention to meat side dishes first. It was a measure for safety.”

how is it My logical excuse.

The woman said nothing to the argument with perfect logic. A strong will comes from the tightly closed mouth.

‘…at the point of making excuses, seungnyang is in the top 10%.’

What kind of country are the nations that make it into the top 10% just because they made excuses? Even if you know, you don’t know. The woman nodded slightly and went back.

“…good. I will pass.”

“What’s going on? If you think about it, the horse that escaped from the grazing land was wrong. Are you not managing your vehicle correctly? What if such a precious horse is stolen?”

The woman didn’t even respond to my bullshit. You ignore useless words. It’s the type that’s difficult to create gaps in. If so, a slightly different number.

The woman muttered as she stroked the horse’s mane.

“…Aurea came to help me.”


“…My horse’s name.”

“Oh yeah? It must have been time to introduce our pets to each other. I’ll do it too. He is Aji. They have a bad habit of chasing after them when they see them running.”

‘…pets beasts…should we revise the evaluation? Even the bottom 1% of Seungnyang didn’t have such a broken personality.’

I really don’t know the standards of the nations. Seeing a dog and calling it a dog, but falling from the top 10% to the bottom 1%? what is this fall

Meanwhile, Aji tapped my feet and waggled his tail.

“Woof woof! hey human! You lie well!”

“hey. No need to explain. Everyone here knows that I am human, right?”

“End of introduction!”

“Did you introduce me just because it was pet time?!”

‘…Puhuh. funny relationship. It’s good.’

The woman laughed inwardly and turned her head.

Taking her horse, she picked up a steel ingot that had fallen on the ground. Through the torn sleeves, you can see a dark red tattoo coming down from the elbow. The pure white light descended on the tattoo and permeated the ingot. Vertical geometric lines are carved into the steel ingot.

The woman concentrated her magic. A light flashes. In the blink of an eye, the steel ingot was transformed into a sturdy plow.

The power to transform matter into magic. It is alchemy. It is also quite high level.

“plow? It’s something you only use when farming, right?”


“It is strange. I heard that there are no fields in the nations, but what a plow.”

The woman who was harnessing the plow to her horse glanced at me and asked briefly.

“…A drifter?”

“Ah yes. I came in recently.”

“…there is a field. The Golden Sutra is almighty.”

When I mentioned the Golden Sutra, the woman’s words became longer. The woman continued to speak with great enthusiasm, as if she were a lawyer.

“…Hwanggeumgyeong makes fields often. When the Lord passes by, it is full of wide crops. Because of its size, the Golden Palace has a separate juggernaut that harvests the crops…”

Hou. Indeed, although the main income of the nations is looting, food cannot be self-sufficient with that alone. I’m sure food is being supplied somewhere… that must have been the Golden Palace.

Everything in the nations is what the golden gong has alchemized. But there’s no way I wouldn’t make a field that needs more of the golden gyeong to build a great wall alone… Wait

a minute. As I continued my thoughts, I realized something and asked again.

“Wait. Instead of growing crops in the ‘field’ made by Hwang Keum-gyeong… Hwang Geum-gyeong makes ‘crops in the field’?”


oh wait a minute

This means a lot. There are rice fields, and crops are supplied little by little from there. This is quite possible.

But… what if you could make ‘crops’ to your heart’s content in the first place? What if alchemy makes the grain ripen…?

“Ooh. That’s a scam. If you can produce food at will, you won’t need anything like supplies.”


“That’s great, but why tell me that?”

In the meantime, the woman struggled to tie the plow to the horse. Making a plow with alchemy was completed in an instant, but the simple task of tying the plow took twice as much time as that. The woman said softly, wiping her sweat with her suspenders.

“…Keep in mind, soldier.”

I was startled.

How did she know that I was a member of the military? When I showed a moment of caution, the woman briefly glanced at my wrist.

One of the inventions of the military, a biological terminal. A military identification card with condensed human biometric information attached to it. I hope you realize this

‘…how great the Golden Sutra is, and what the military government has challenged to fight. Those of you who only honor Maximilien and the like as the sixth growth star won’t even know that piece.’

Pretending to be embarrassed, he hurriedly tucked his sleeves together. The woman who saw my urgent movements.

‘…I have to cover it up now, but the water has already spilled. Foolish military man.’

you would think

good. He naturally revealed his identity. Now it’s a bit fair.

Because I know your identity.

In countries where there is no land to settle in, there is no ruling class like a lord. But that doesn’t mean there are no classes.

Seungnyang is a plunderer. However, plunder alone is not enough to survive in the world. Someone has to produce something that is desperately needed.

In this place where by-products of the Golden Scenic Area are scattered everywhere, you must learn alchemy to use them as firewood to build a small bonfire that will last the day. Therefore, most of the people of the nations have a considerable skill in alchemy. Just as a farmer learns farming and a hunter learns how to hunt, alchemy is not an option but a must to live in a country.

And there are a few that stand out among them.

A special by-product of the Golden Temple. A chosen alchemist who can process incomprehensible substances that cannot be decomposed by power or magic.

The woman in front of him is one of the strongest alchemists in the nations, even Maximilien looks down on him in the field of alchemy. Although I am now farming here.

“You have a good eye.”

“…it’s noisy. On the subject of spies.”

You need to redefine your relationship in order to have a new conversation. If an ordinary seungnyang asks where the golden palace is or what the golden mirror is, it’s like that.

However, if I reveal that I am from a military country, I can do it now.

“For some reason, only the ground here is soft and grass is growing. In the past, this land was a rice field created by Hwanggeumgyeong.”


“Is that why you set up camp here instead of in the city? Indeed, no matter how great alchemy is, food is important.”


“But I’m curious. Hwang Keum-gyeong can make grain… Why doesn’t grain grow in this field?”

I touched the field with my feet and looked around.

There is no water source nearby. The only thing that wets her field is water from a small watering can. I put a small barbed wire around it, but it looks too low and fragile to block something aiming for the field.

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