Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 335

“Finally, they’re supplying like a supply.”

I only used cards these days, but they weren’t popular. The magical power contained in the clover would consume a lot of diamonds, even if it were to be stored slowly.

Many have been lost altogether, and a few have been damaged so that the entire back of the card is visible. It can no longer be used as a game. In the meantime, because of the skewers I made in the abyss, my deck has 10,000 and 2 diamonds, which is very annoying.

If you’re a magician, you have to pair up. It’s too clunky.

But a busy road trip. Because it takes too much time for me to make. I think I got pocket money from a regressor. Let’s entrust it to an outstanding alchemist.

I walked through the camp’s night market in search of an alchemist.

Seungnyangi picks up the by-products made by Hwanggeumgyeong and sells them. That means there are people who live there. There are merchants in all countries that turn all kinds of materials into goods.

If you have the Juggernaut, you may not know, but the smaller merchants tend to settle in camps where many people gather. Here you have to be careful and choose someone worth writing about.

Unlike military countries where everything is set in a frame, the markets of the nations are an arena of competition where even buying a piece of iron has to be fought.

“It’s certified rum produced by the drum store! 990 alke for 50 liters. You can’t cut a dime!”

“Fuck! The official price is 500, but what are you going to do if you double it!”

“If you twist it, you take it off and sell it. next!”

Even when buying simple things, you have to go through a lot of bargaining.

“Looking for someone to fix my car!”

“What kind?”

“A two-wheeled vehicle with gears!”

“Gear? Is it Maximilien Jane? He rides on a three-legged relic…”

“Anyone rides anything. If you’re not going to fix it, get out of here!”

“When did I say I couldn’t fix it? guide me Be well prepared.”

They are parts and people, and they are so different that we have to adapt them to each other.

“Are you rich?”

“Here you are. By any chance…if you’re not rude, can you buy me a glass of rum…”

Even those who want to take a bite in the middle. All kinds of human groups gathered and created a crucible of confusion.

Of course, among those human beings, there are also cheaters. Finally, in front of my eyes, an old man in rags managed to grab my collar through the desk.

“Cool cool. Play with this kid! How can this be only 14 Alke?!”

“customer. Calm down and look at the scales. How do you charge more for this weight of junk iron?”

“A broken arrowhead found in a rock crevice in the castle! It can’t be a mess! and! My senses are definitely over 30kg, but why is it only 28kg here?!”

“Will the scales lie? I guess there’s something wrong with your senses… Well, if you have three fingers, this weight might be too much for you.”

ha ha ha. Laughter was heard from the onlookers. The ridiculed old man’s face turned red. But no matter how angry you get, the scale doesn’t change.

You have to step on the pedal next to it to change the scale.

“yap. My foot slipped!”

It looks like the scales are placed on top of a wooden box, but in fact, the box is one set. I pretended to slip and naturally stepped on the pedal on the side of the box and passed. Then the scale’s scale jumped up and went back three notches.

For a moment, the crowd fell silent. I said, passing leisurely through the silence I had created.

“Oh, I’m sorry~. Sell a lot~.”

“You you…”

After a while, all sorts of swearing and shouting came from behind. A fist clenched with three fingers struck the merchant’s face, and eventually blew the merchant’s three teeth away. The old man hesitated, as if he hadn’t even thought of that, but the merchant’s teeth were gold teeth processed from precious metals. The merchant hurriedly tried to pick up the gold tooth, but it was after the astute jackals had already hidden it in his sleeve.

There was a lot of commotion, but a story that had nothing to do with me.

“It is a bit noisy. No water management.”

I grumbled and left the commotion behind and looked around the relatively quiet streets.

What I’m making is a versatile alchemy equipment that focuses on portability rather than destructive power or durability. It is a product that requires a lot of hands compared to the materials required.

I need an excellent alchemist like that, but is there anyone who can make it in one night?…

As I was walking, thinking, a small tent with an insincere sign hanging caught my eye.


Hmm. I feel confident. But will it be okay? I’ve never seen someone who answered ‘anything’ really like it when they said anything.

Where can I see my skills? I opened the tent and went inside.

“come here. A guest came…”

“…a spy.”

The face I saw somewhere looked up at me. Oh, that’s the woman I saw during the day.

The rulers of the nations want to do such chores, but in fact, I, the king of humans, am also rolling on the street. Let’s not ask about it. Because everyone has their own circumstances.

Just check one thing at a time.

“It’s a place that makes anything, right? Isn’t it a place where anything is turned into powder? Because I witnessed the sight of a plow turning to ashes a moment ago.”

“…get out.”

“What I want to request is this alchemy equipment.”

I spread my cards out on the desk. It must have been a bunch of original trump cards… but in places it was gone and worn as if it had been burnt.

The woman held up one card from among them that was worn away as if lint had been removed. Diamond 8 Anything that is long and thin. I murmured as I looked around at the ambitious works I used to use.


“how is it? It’s worn out a lot, but it’s useful as much…”

“…It’s trash. who made it.”

No, gossiping about someone else’s work?

for a moment. calm down. That person doesn’t even know I made it. No matter how lacking in communication skills, I will not disparage the work in front of the person who made it.

Rather, it is an opportunity. I should make that person feel ashamed by appealing to the fact that I made it myself.

“Hmmmm. Actually, that’s my work. It was prepared by collecting all kinds of knowledge and funds from when I was young without knowing anything…”


“Somehow? For some reason? If you can’t even farm properly, criticize the things made with blood and sweat by others! Don’t you know what caring is?! I’ve been patient before, but I’ll be honest with you. It’s not easy to make a living from your farming! Even the laziest farmer would be a god of agriculture compared to that!”

When I shouted in a fit of anger, the woman was a little intimidated and made an excuse.

“…useless. waste.”

Is this an excuse? where. Let’s hear what you think.

‘…expensive and complicated. things that require a lot of work. But it’s not worth it. The result of precious alchemy and high-level technology was nothing more than a thin wire. It’s extremely inefficient. It would be better to make other weapons…’

After reading your thoughts, I understand. Look at me because I can read your thoughts. If it wasn’t for the mind reader, I could have grabbed you right away, so be careful in the future.

“…what about it? repair?”

“Shall we repair it? I want to restore all 13 cards this way, right? please do everything I’ll give you any amount of money.”

Pike Hook Horn Bow Short Spear Scythe Revolver Wire Hatchet Shield and Sword.

Many of these were consumed or damaged in battle as they left the military capital, Amitengrad. The remaining revolver was given to Lia, and more than half of the wire was lost even though I did my best to retrieve it.

Until now, I was in a hurry and didn’t have time to replenish it, but I’ll take this opportunity to fully restore my power. If you do, how much will you use?

The woman stared at the cards and shook her head.


“You say you’re trash and say you can’t do it? Is this how you do business these days?”

“…no. It’s easy to make. however.”



Are you the one who wants to do business now? You’re not going to do it because it’s annoying?

Of course, it’s not what I said, but… mind reading.

‘…It’s not a matter of difficulty. too many hands It’s easy to make a transforming weapon, but to turn it into a card form… you have to go through as much hard work as knitting stitch by stitch. In addition, making it into a specific shape is an area of art rather than technology.’

You sure have the ability. figuring it out in a short time

I had a bit of trouble making it. Even the simplest diamond 1 multi-purpose skewer took a full night. I can’t even tell you how long the other one took.

…Sheesh, that’s why I was trying to make someone else do it.

“If you stay up all night, you can finish three chapters, right?”


“Aren’t you just sitting here to work and make money? Why are you on strike against the customer? Do you not want to earn money?”

‘…it’s noisy. I’m not here for money…’

The woman sighed and raised her hand.


The woman touched the table with her palm. The tattoos on his arms flashed, and mana was transmitted to the iron table, turning it white. The moment the table was wrapped in white light, the woman raised her palm.

Then a strange thing happened. The table, which must have been made of steel, came into my palm like hardened flour. The glittering light fell like powder.

It’s not melted. The steel, which had been put into a mutable state by alchemy, became soft while being cold. It looked like a ball of light. The woman wrapped her hand around the steel skein several times and pulled it out even thinner. When the bunch is thin enough, she grabs it with one breath and pours it over my cards.

A light flashes and after a while


What was in front of my eyes was the now intact 8 of Diamonds.

I said with admiration.

“Wait. You fixed this again in one second? So, have you been struggling up until now?”

“…because the same structure is repeated. I modeled it.”

no matter how similar the structure is. Alchemy the whole structure and then paste it? Even by giving elasticity to the wire!

Alchemists who go alone don’t wear the name of the company for nothing. If you do everything from raw material processing to product production, it’s a one-man factory, and it’s more than enough. What else do you need?

The power of alchemy to understand and change the structure in a short time.

Paradoxically, humans in all countries do not need other humans so much because everyone is learning it. If you really need something, you only trade what you make and can never get.

That is probably why the nations did not form a great society. Because I don’t need other people that much…

“That’s good. Drive this momentum and fix other cards!”


‘…I only need to refill the missing threads here, but the shape of the other cards is fixed when converted. It’s hard to touch because it’s partly in the realm of art.’

“Chit. all right. If so, how much should I pay?”

important from here. I have received pocket money from the regressor, but I have never heard of asking for the difference back. Then, the money I bargained for goes directly into my pocket.

In order to write like Jeongseung, you have to earn like Aji. I read the other person’s mind and waited for him to offer a price.

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