Omniscient First-Person’s Viewpoint

Chapter 346

But none of the humans were impressed. Except for Tyr, who was not interested in food, Peru was more interested in what the regressor said than in food.

“… from all over the world?”

The regressor answered indifferently.

“huh. Can’t we eat that?”

“…what do you mean?”

Peru’s question contained more than words.

If it was because I couldn’t eat food materials from other countries because they were of low quality, Peru would have nodded in sympathy. Because it’s true.

However, no matter how you look at it, the regressor’s tone was not like that. As if the nations were cursed… It was as if they were discussing something inedible in the first place.

Of course, it wasn’t because the regressor ignored the nations or had ill feelings.

just because it was true.

“It’s better not to eat food from other countries. All crops created by the Golden Circle are homunculus.”


The secret secrets of the nations leaked out from the mouth of the regressor. Peru couldn’t even attempt to shut the regressor’s mouth.

Of course you will. You can’t imagine that even we, who are in the same company, don’t know.

“Due to the dilemma of the homunculus, we couldn’t create humans ourselves. However, since everything in the nations is an artifact created by the golden mirror, don’t the bodies of the nations exposed to it develop deformities? It doesn’t matter if you eat a little, but I don’t want to touch it as much as possible before I meet the golden mirror.”

‘Because I don’t know what will happen when I meet him in person if a part of my body is filled with the works of the Golden Sutra.’

no regressor. Isn’t that the greatest secret of the nations? Why are you talking like common sense? Don’t think that everyone knows all the secrets like you do. you’re surprised

Peru, stunned, looked back at us all and asked.

“…The military knows that much…?”

no i don’t know It’s the first time that Hilde and I didn’t know.

Even the owner, Peru, didn’t know that the crop was also a homunculus!

“Well~? Because it’s confidential.”

Hilde pretended to know me and called me out with a wink even though she smiled dubiously.

‘You didn’t know at all? It’s unexpected. Why the hell is taboo popping up here? Father, do you know?’

no i didn’t know To be exact, I hadn’t read that thought until the regressor spoke today. I read Peru’s thoughts and knew roughly the contents of the Golden Scroll and the Homunculus… but I

told you that even Peru didn’t know! The deformity of the nations is because of the homunculus crops created by the golden mirror?! Think about something so important in advance. Read ahead and be prepared!

However, the regressor replied casually, as if he was used to this kind of reaction.

“why? It’s a fact that everyone knows, right? It wouldn’t be strange if I knew.”

“…A certain guinea pig… gave such shame to an outsider.”

“I can’t tell you that.”

‘I heard from Claudia’s Lord of Thunder in the previous episode. It’s not something I heard in this episode, so I can’t reveal it.’

If it’s Lord of Thunder, isn’t it Claudia’s de facto ruler and greatest Lord? What do you do if you read the thoughts of Jannokhoeju with chit mind reading? That person has learned a lot of far greater secrets from previous episodes!

I had forgotten about it because I was only in the military. Regressor This woman put a lot of effort into the military, but in fact, the military is just a process for the regressor.

The military is the first stage. As a regressor, the first cornerstone to be raised. You need to do it perfectly for smooth progress going forward, but it’s the easiest step to simply build up.

The road to reach the king of sin is far and arduous. Obstacles that are different from those encountered in the military are blocking the way. From drinking taboos to Seonghwangcheong and the lord of all things.

And probably most of them… overlap with me.

Peru, who learned the unexpected fact, spoke even more nervously.

“…then. got it. Why was the owner of the heat blast desperate?”


“…The nations want a land where the Golden Sutra does not set foot. Like Claudia, I can settle down.”

Claudia, created in the Mist Mountains, is out of reach of the golden mirror. That is why it is safe from the Golden Jing’s pension and is one of the few lands in which people can settle down.

Therefore, Claudia is the most important land among the nations. Because the Golden Palace is not a land, but rather a kind of phenomenon. Claudia, the most prosperous city, is the heart of the nations.

“…The bottomless pit is a hole that swallows everything. Golden Lord won’t go there. So if you get the land. Be the second Claudia. A person who can raise a child…”

Still lacking in explanation. Tyr, who was not satisfied with the Peruvian language, showed curiosity and asked me.

“Can you raise a child? Are you saying that in this country there are also places where children can be raised?”

“It’s not like that, but when people from all over the world have children, they are entitled to live in Claudia until they turn 10. At Claudia, you don’t make much money, but you can live a stable life. That’s why Seung-nyang says that the first thing people who have been seriously injured in their lives is to find a spouse. If you have children, you can rest until they grow up.”

“What if I don’t want to take a vacation?”

“Then they say they sell it to those who want a vacation. Perhaps that is why the sale of newborn babies is openly conducted.”

It’s not a secret or anything, it’s something you learn in military history class. Except for the tendency to disparage other countries, except for military ones, as incurable countries, where it is difficult to live a day, I used to say that it is conscientious in its own way because it is generally true.

“This is a well-known fact, but when I think of what Shay said a while ago. The reason Claudia’s thunderstorm positively accepts the child is…”

That must be because it is taboo.

As I expected, the regressor nodded.

“that’s right. If you grow up eating the food created by the golden mirror from a young age, your body will become a homunculus. The Lord of Thunder created such a rule so that all the nations would not fall into his homunculus. Claudia’s food is normal, not homunculus.”

Four taboos that humans should never do.

gluttony. grafting. copulation. society.

Here, the nations are countries that seem to reproduce two types of taboos if classified.

Class 2 Contraindications Grafting. A taboo to substitute something else for the weak human body. These nations, whose entire nation is a by-product of the Golden Sutra, are in direct violation of the second kind of taboo. In countries where the deformity is not at all strange, alchemy must be used to make up for the body that is lacking. In addition, the homunculus can be said to be the crystal of the second type of taboo.

There is no way Seonghwangcheong will leave this unattended, but Hwanggeumgyeong is a living demon. I thought I couldn’t touch it, but… Hmm.

Was the rule set by the Lord of Urea an instinctive wisdom, or what kind of trick did Seonghwangcheong use? I’ll have to check it out sometime.

Chet. If that’s the case, it looks like you’re going to follow the regressor without moving. I was thinking of giving up and getting off at the right timing….

When the clutter was sorted out to some extent, Peru spoke on behalf of the nations.

“…the nations need the land. I will not give up easily.”

“Hey. You know that’s ridiculous, right? It’s none of my business to know what’s going on with you, right?”

After the speeches of the nations were over, Hilde, the spokesperson for the military, spoke in a fit of rage.

“If you wanted to, would you try to get rid of the abyss by changing money, time, manpower, and resources like ‘our’ military? You didn’t even approach for fear of losing things, but now you’re going to come and put a spoon on them? It makes no sense!”

“…Admit it.”


“…That’s why I’m guiding you. to the golden palace.”

When Peru nodded, Hilde was speechless. Hilde muttered as she sat down again.

“What if I just admit that? Only ‘me’ who was hot-tempered for no reason became a narrow-minded person!”

“Hilde seems to have a narrow stomach.”

“Father checked it?! Did you check it!”

i know i need to check You can see it if you pretend.

While Hilde shouted again in a huff, Peru looked into the distance and murmured.

“…even if I admit it. The Golden Palace might be different…”

Maybe it was because he was inside the Juggernaut, so time passed without being noticed by us. It was already getting dark after I had finished making dinner and tidying up. Why did the time not go so fast on the noisy Cataphract, but in Juggernaut it’s night in the blink of an eye. It seems that time also rides a ride.

For that long time, the Juggernaut ran non-stop. When he tried to slow down a bit, Peru pulled black steel from the warehouse and threw it into the blast furnace, and each time the Juggernaut spurred on like a whip.

I was curious and asked.

“I heard that the Juggernaut moves with the ability of the Houju. Does this work at night?”

“…if you put a lot of fuel in it.”

It’s amazing how that works, but even Peru doesn’t know the principle. Because the person who made this is a golden mirror. just have to accept it

After filling my stomach and washing my body after a long time. Peru said to me looking for a place to sleep.

“…room. excuse me.”

Peru pointed to a room that was used as a warehouse. There were two neatly placed beds in a roughly tidy room. It seems so narrow that it is difficult to keep even a life, let alone protect privacy.

I frowned and grumbled.

“excuse me. As a guest, I don’t want to be too picky, but why do I have to sleep in that corner room? Unlike Ajina and Tyr, I am a person who needs a sense of life.”

“…I can’t run.”

‘…not enough space for two beds. I have no choice but to leave the two men in the warehouse.’

If I could sleep all by myself, that would be satisfying in its own way, but it’s not even that. Of course, my roommate…

” Huh? Why am I in the same room as him!”

A regressor disguised as a crossdresser. it’s really dangerous

If I were to get close to my sleep… I might get hit back with a thousand bullets and die without even waking up.

“Why are you being so picky, Mr. Shay? On the contrary, sleeping with Mr. Shay is even more dangerous for me!”

“Where are you in danger!”

‘If you share the same room, it’s much more dangerous for me! I can’t even rest in peace because I’m afraid my identity will be revealed! Chi it. How long should I live being treated as a man…!’

what’s dangerous Do you feel a sense of crisis because you are not a child and only sleep in the same room as a member of the opposite sex? I don’t know if it’s the same bed, but the room is too far apart. If that’s the case, why don’t you dress up as a man in the first place?

“I have no strength to resist when Mr. Shay has a stern thought! You knew what I would be like if you left me alone in a locked room!”

“What was I thinking! I’ve never thought hard about you! I am in the first place!”

“What am I?”

‘I’ll reveal that I’m a woman…! Whoa. calm down. It’s still early. Until the affairs of the principality are over, it is advantageous to be a man. It’s not going to happen, but if I’m misunderstood as a saint… the duchy and Tyrkanjaka might turn into enemies.’

The regressor calmed the rising urge.

The power to know the future belongs to the saintess. So, it seems that regressors have been misunderstood as saints many times. In quite a few cases, being misunderstood as a saint is beneficial… but not right now with Tyr.

Regressors also have their own strategy. I don’t know if I’m being ‘misunderstood’ as a saint.

“Last time, when I tried to wake you up, you almost slit my throat, didn’t you? That’s right, but don’t touch me when you’re sleeping. And the red half of the lower half is also oily.”

“Oh, I can’t help it! A traveler should have at least some means to protect himself while sleeping!”

“I won’t say anything when it’s done in the line of protecting myself! It’s a problem because it’s aimed right at the neck of the person who’s kindly trying to wake him up!”

“You didn’t cut it!”

“If you cut it, you are a murderer! Don’t stretch out because you didn’t cut it, but be thankful that I didn’t cut it!”

While we were talking loudly, a boy with short bobbed hair walked in from outside the door. A boy with a handsome appearance who could be mistaken for a woman started talking with a chuckle.

“Oh really. I don’t know if Shay is too precious~. What a precious opportunity to sleep with your father.”

The regressor looked at Hilde and tilted his head.

Clearly, Hilde now resembles a regressor. The sharp eyes revealed under the short bobbed hair that exposed the entire neck resembled those of a regressor.

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