Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 122

Chapter 122

A million dollar is not a meager amount of money, if it’s converted to cash, it’ll take at least a thousand money bills, especially if it’s Korean money bills .

After going to the bank and exchanging the check with cash, Lucy put the black bag full of money stacks into her storage ring and teleported back where Miya, Saly, and Randiun were .

The two-headed lizard made of bones would make anyone freeze with fear and terror but it was surprisingly friendly with Saly and would often play with her or go hunt with her, after just a week from their first meeting, the two of them became almost inseparable .

Randiun had a special invisibility skill so no human can see him if he wishes to so there was no fear of being spotted by a human . Well, technically, the lizard doesn’t fear a thing as he is a summoned create from the book and belongs to the dead, what the creature fears is Lucy and only Lucy .

He follows her orders to the details and doesn’t dare to disobey for some reason, maybe because Arthur ordered him to do so or because he felt fear from her albeit him being higher than her in Realm .

In the past week, Lucy wanted to test his strength so they fought many times and he would literally be behalf-dead with many of his broken bones either freezing or melting by her attacks but he didn’t lose immediately .

He was quite tough and agile, what’s, more is that he can produce ’Amaterasu’ from his burning tale . It’s also a special kind of flames that have only one purpose, burning something until that thing is dead . Lucy was hit in her left hand by the flames and even Delia couldn’t get rid of it, so Lucy could only cut off her hand and waste one of the precious potions that recover a lost limb .

Unlike Arthur, she won’t recover a limb if it’s cut unless she drinks that potion, she still has a lot of them but they are not endless so they must be used with caution and should never be wasted .

Once she saw his black flames, Lucy was relieved to let him go with Saly as he had the power to protect her from any danger, at least on Earth as the strongest person right now is merely Lv43, it’s increasing day by day but it’s still too weak .

Heck! The five-year-old Saly is Lv118 and her stats have been strengthened by dungeon cores, mysterious techniques or miraculous potions . If she is to be compared to all the humans on Earth, she would be the strongest by a huge margin .

She may be only Lv118 but her power is unbelievable, she relies on martial arts coupled with the Earth Attribute while sometimes adding a few support techniques relying on the Wind Attribute .

What’s more is that Randiun is next to her day and night, there is literally no one amongst those humans or those puny dungeons that can hurt her .

Delia told her that all dungeons are weak, the strongest dungeon is a High-level Dungeon which has a Lv250 boss, but even that is considered weak, with some effort, Saly can probably beat it .

. . . .

The night soon passed and by the next day, around 8 AM, Lucy and Delia headed for Lady Sinyu’s house, or to be more precise, to her mansion .

The old woman lived in a big mansion with a wide garden, an artificial fountain and some sculptors made from simple grass, all of them were diamond shaped for some reason .

Even the fountain had some small sized green diamonds, god knows if they are real or fake but they most likely were fake because who would be stupid enough to put real ones . A thief wouldn’t need to go to the mansion to steal, he just has to take some from the fountain, that is if he can get past the hundreds of guards all around the mansion’s perimeter .

Lucy saw the countless black-clothed guards with sunglasses and big build and was annoyed, she wasn’t bothered by them but by the fact that she’ll probably be stopped then questioned by them . They’ll ask her many useless questions like ’who are you’, ’how did you get here’, ’why are you here’ and so on .

It is a piece of cake for both of them to enter unnoticed so they just did it like that, quick and easy with no time to waste .

Lady Sinyu was laying on a comfortable chair in a big room in the second floor of the mansion, she was sipping from a cup of tea while looking at several small-size diamonds put on a small boxes just in front of her . A maid was standing behind her and holding a tea pot, there were also several people sitting on the opposite side of her .

"So you’re saying, some woman who knows who is going to join our team?"

One of the two men present spoke with an irritated voice, he sounded like he was reprimanding her for something she did, he was totally unhappy and against what Lady Sinyu just said .

Lady Sinyu didn’t seem to care, she glared back at him with an emotionless face and retorted

"Gulan, I make the decisions, not you . You just have to do your job properly . "

The old woman right now was miles apart from the excited one from yesterday, even Lucy was a bit taken aback by her current attitude, it’s like she’s a serious person but yesterday she was clearly blinded by the diamonds and her attitude was way different .

Gulan was a man with a normal build, a bit muscular with a long brown hair and fancy clothes . There was a tall man sitting next to him, he was both tall and burly with bulging muscles all around his body .

The remaining two were both women, one appeared to be a teenager, probably 16 or 17-year-old high-school student and the last one was a middle-aged woman with makeup on her face and expensive red lipstick, she was by no means ugly, in fact, she’s the prettiest woman in the room, if we exclude Lucy and Delia of course .

Gulan banged his fist on the table from anger but he didn’t speak further, he was very angry but he didn’t dare utter a single word after Sinyu said that, she was, after all, the one who found him and recruited him, if not for her taking care of him and the other three, they wouldn’t have the money to register in the IHO and rise in fame .

They were still C-class Heroes but they weren’t bad, in fact, they came back with a few unique magical items from the Korean dungeon and managed to gain some popularity .

D and E class Heroes are everywhere but from C-class and above, they became rare and idolized . Some D-class heroes may be stronger than an A-class Hero but he prefers to remain hidden .

After a few seconds, Lady Sinyu sighed and took another sip before speaking again .

"Anyways, the guest will be arriving shortly and when they come, you guys better not show any hostility, after all, their identity is mysterious and I highly think they are from a secret organization . Well, for me that doesn’t matter as long as they are willing to join the team . "

As Sinyu said that, she turned to look at the maid and ordered

"Go instruct the guards and everyone to not cause trouble if two ladies show-up, they have to immediately bring them here and treat them with respect . "

Just as she finished her sentence, not even a second passed when all of a sudden, Lucy’s cold voice rang out in the big room

"No need, we are already here . "

From the point of view of others, the two women appeared out of nowhere, they were already standing not far away from Lady Sinyu and both had a cold demeanor, especially Lucy .

"W, Who are you? Guards!"

The first to speak was the tall and burly man next to Gulan, he stood up and shouted to the guards while taking a fighting stance, other than him, the rest just stared dumbfoundedly at Lucy and Delia, who in return remained silent and awaited an answer .

Lucy wanted to show up suddenly to not bother with the guards but most importantly to show off a bit, if they underestimated her and tried to a play useless trick, it would only waste more time and she didn’t want that . Of course, she won’t show off too much, but as long as she doesn’t surpass that limit, it’s alright .

It took Sinyu a couple of seconds to react to the sudden appearance of Lucy and Delia, she wasn’t angry because they sneaked in or trespassed, she was just shocked . She had many guards and some of them were even E-class heroes so this only added to her approval for both of them .

"Welcome to my home, I still didn’t ask for your names . "

"I’m Lucy Moonstar and this is Delia . "

Lucy only did a simple introduction and didn’t state where she came from or anything else . Her last name is obviously not her or Arthur’s real last name but they decided on it a long time ago, even their sect has this name, it’s a simple but good name that will shatter skies or shake mountains if it’s heard but that is something in the long future .

"So it’s miss Lucy and misses Delia, I’m very pleased to meet you . I’m also happy to see that you showed up . "

Lady Sinyu pointed at the empty sofa near the four-man team and gestured for Delia and Lucy to sit . She used a special etiquette as she stood up and performed a low bow to show her respect and politeness .

Of course, Lucy and Delia didn’t just remain standing and simply sat up . When all of them sat up and relaxed, silent ruled the room for sometime before Lucy finally spoke . As for the tall burly man, he just remained standing up with his mouth wide open as he stared at Delia with yearning and hopeful eyes, he either was thinking a lewd thing or was mesmerized by her beauty and still didn’t snap out of it .

"I would like to hear the details about what you proposed yesterday . "

Lady Sinyu had long since turned from anger to ecstasy when Lucy showed up and when she heard this, she became even happier .

"Does that mean that miss Lucy agrees to join my team?"

"Not after I hear the full details, then I’ll think about it . "

Lady Sinyu nodded and started explaining or at least tried to explain

"If you join my team . You’ll become an official hero sponsored by me, you’ll get a monthly income and if you bring items from the dungeon, you’ll get even more mon . . "

Lucy interrupted her right away and said

"Spare me the money talk, I want to hear more about the ranks, how to rank up, how to join up the International Hero Organization . "

The old woman didn’t expect to hear such a thing, she thought that Lucy wanted more money as yesterday she came selling diamonds but it didn’t appear to be the case . She nodded back to Lucy resumed speaking

"Hero ranks are from E to S with E being the lowest . If you want to rank up from E-class to D-class for example, you have to either clear a floor, kill a unique boss, bring a unique magical item and so on, there is many things you could do but the most used is bringing magical items and giving them to the IHO . As for how to join the IHO, you have to pay up a fee at first then get tested by their members, your first rank is based on your Status Window . "

"Status Window?"

"It’s a blue window that has numbers in it, there are specific stats for specific things and the higher the numbers, the higher the rank you’ll get . There are some cases of rare or inborn skills but I’ve only heard rumors . "

All these things were old things for Lucy as she uses a Status Window too but is it the same as the one used here? And how can they see the Status Window of others, even in Astria there isn’t something like that .

"Alright, I’ll join your team . "

There is a lot of questions in her mind but it’s not too urgent, Lucy wanted to rank up faster and gain fame then her questions will be answered on their own .

Lady Sinyu clapped her hands in happiness and was about to reply when Gulan repeated the same action he did earlier and shouted

"You want to join our team? Dream on! If joining professional teams like ours is as easy as saying two or three words then everyone would be a hero! To begin with, we don’t even know if you have a special ability or high stats, you have to be tested first!"

Gulan launched a bombardment of words at Lucy whilst sounding unhappy with what’s happening . He was surprised by their beautiful appearance but since he became a hero, he enjoyed all sorts of beautiful women, albeit them being uglier than Lucy, they were enough and for him . He didn’t like the fact that a woman showed out of nowhere and was going to join his team while he suffered to become like this and reach this position .

"Gulan! Didn’t I tell you to shut up? Wasn’t the previous display enough for you?"

Sinyu snapped again at him but he seemed like he became deaf and kept glaring at Lucy and shouting

"Plus, you didn’t even say what your role is, are you a support? A mage? Or are you just good at wearing clothes?"

This was just straight out insulting and mocking but Lucy didn’t even spare him a glance, as for Delia, she wasn’t as calm as her . A god-like her being disgraced wasn’t something she was used to, Arthur mocking her was alright as he was extremely strong and had some backings behind his words but this was just a mere mortal who can only run his mouth non-stop .

"Hmpf! And what makes you think you are qualified to talk to us?"

Delia displayed an arrogant pose as both of her hands were on her hips and her face turned toward Gulan who didn’t expect the ever so silent Delia to finally utter a word of retort .

"I, I’m only speaking facts, you have to follow the rules and show us what you got, either show your Status Window, special ability or whatever you got, don’t just say you join us and think it’s enough!"

In response to him, Delia looked at him as if he was an annoying fly, she just waved her head dismissively and coldly said

"Piss off . "

This time, Gulan, Lady Sinyu and all the rest except Lucy were momentarily stunned, they didn’t expect such words from a figure like Delia, with her appearance, attire and so on, she didn’t seem like a person with a rotten mouth but the sad truth is that she is, since she became Arthur’s slave, she could no longer bear it and would curse whenever she’s annoyed . Sure it didn’t suit her who had a status of a Holy Goddess but that was not important in such situations .

"W,W--What did you say?"

"I said Piss off . Such low-life, disgusting, annoying person who can only run his mouth, you want us to be tested? Alright, you’re clearly one of the team, so go get your weapon and fight me . . . . come on, go get it, I’m waiting . "

Gulan’s usually handsome face turned red from anger, he was insulted and mocked this much but he didn’t reply, he furiously got up and was ready to go get his blade from the other room but suddenly, his body flew up in the air and was roughly smashed into the air .

It didn’t deal much damage but his mouth and nose were hurt, blood came out of his nostrils and he lost a teeth . Such unusual thing was obviously done by the Delia who looked at him with contempt and had an evil smile hanging on her face

"You!!!! So shameless . "

Delia shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand, making Gulan’s body float and crush again on the floor, then she retorted

"Shameless? Is that what you’re going to say to a monster in the dungeon when he attacks when you’re without a weapon? Just because you don’t have your weapon you are crying and calling the other party shameless, now now, who from both of us is so shameless as to do that?"

Delia then smashed him yet again, making more teeth fall out and spoke again

"Such weak and frail body, with such strength you are bold enough to talk about testing us? I can beat you without lifting a finger and I’m just a support class, truly pathetic, why don’t you get out of my sight . "

As she said that, Gulan was literally thrown from the windows and fell from the second floor, you could only hear his cry . All the other team members were dumbstruck by what just happened, as for Lady Sinyu, she looked at Delia with sparkling eyes and thought

’B-class? No definitely A-class, yes yes, it’s A, surely an A!’

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