Once Human, Now a Parasite

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

"I-I’m seeing things right? Too much wine is a bad thing after all . . . . "

Delia rubbed her eyes as she stared at the jumping pillow . Her Holy Spear was just stopped by a living pillow, how is that possible?

Again and again, Delia looked back and forth between her hands and the pillow but the thing didn’t disappear, it merely chuckled and stuck its tongue to her, clearly mocking her .

Delia’s wing flapped and created countless Holy Spears that charged at the pillow, willing to finish it once and for all . Delia thought she was hallucinating but after some reasoning, it didn’t appear to be the case, it’s certainly that old man’s ability .

What was seen next left her speechless yet again, the pink pillow started jumping at an incredible speed and when the spear was going to hit it, it would open its mouth and gulp the whole spear, like it was a just a snack .

It was supposed to be a devastating and deadly attack not just food for the living pillow . More than a hundred Holy Spear was eaten by it and when nothing was left, the pillow burped and faced Delia again .

"This is not possible . . . . . even a Sovereign cannot be this strong . . . . "

The difference between the Sovereign Realm and the God Realm is big, but not to the point that a peak God like her cannot even make the other party lift a finger and rely on a pillow .

Her wing started flapping rapidly, she retrieved a special Holy Spear with golden runes and symbols around it . She tightly held the shaft and rushed at the pillow .

’To think I would be struggling against a pillow . . . . . ’

Even her confidence was a bit hurt when she imagined herself going all out against a small pillow that could move . Delia was a Holy Goddess that was very good at using Holy Magic but she was the strongest in wielding spears .

As she appeared in front of the pillow, she mercilessly stabbed the pillow and said

"Die you annoying little shit!"

The white spear stabbed right through the pillow, creating a hole in its center, the mouth and one of the eyes disappeared and before Delia could celebrate, the pillow turned blurry and appeared a few meters to the right, without any wound . It’s as if it was not struck .

When she saw this process, Delia backed down and stared at old man whilst angrily yelling

"Stop messing around! I know you’re using an advanced illusion, come and fight me like a man!"

Illusion, that’s the thing that was happening right now . A very advanced illusion, this Sovereign must be good at using illusions . It is not just about making the target hallucinating, if the user is good enough, he can easily kill his opponents with illusions . Whether making them relive an endless cycle and killing them in reality or make them be tortured endlessly until their mind and soul are broken .

There are countless types of illusions and Delia was stuck in a simple but deadly one . If he wants it, she can be imprisoned in here and have to fight a living pillow for the rest of her life unless she can unleash a stronger power than the laid illusion or have a special item to get out of here .

The most effective way to get rid of illusions is either lightning or spatial magic . Those two are very effective and can easily dispell it .

"Shuush . . . let me take a short nap . "

A voice entered Delia’s ears, the figure of the sleeping old man disappeared and only the pillow was still there, to make it even worse, it multiplied to three pillows moving around and dancing .


"You are so loud . . . . let me sleep in peace . . . . "

"Then let me out of your sick illusion! Fucking old man!"

Delia, enraged by the pillows, swept with her spears, blowing them away and making them disappear, every time they appeared, she would jump at them and stab again and again .

As if he could not handle her loud and annoying voice, the old man stopped whatever he was casting and finally, Delia was out of the illusion and the countless little spawn devils vanished .

Seeing the old man still sleeping in the middle of nowhere and not minding here, she stored back her spear and seriously said

"What’s a Sovereign doing here?"

It was apparent he wasn’t going to hurt her for some odd reason so she started her interrogation . Hearing her speak again, the old man covered his head with his pillow and complained

"Come on . . . . I let you out so quit being noisy . "

"I’m not stopping until you answer me! Not stopping Not stopping Not stopping Not stopping!"

The old man couldn’t handle it anymore, he got up and stared at her with his usual sleepy eyes and replied with a lazy tone

"Look . . . just go back to Earth and mind your own business . . . . "

’What an annoying woman! It’s as if I’m dealing with a noisy baby . . . ’

"You said I was one of the Gods previously, what does that mean?"

"It means . . . that . . . too lazy to explain so let me sleep now . "

Snory didn’t mind Delia anymore and continued sleeping, even after Delia kept making noise, he still didn’t wake up so she could only go back to Earth with all her question unanswered .

Lucy sensed the presence of an extra person in the apartment . When she probed that person, she found out it was Usui, the person who kept coming, again and again, every day despite being ditched .

Usui kept a close look at Randiun, fortunately, the lizard was sleeping since the moment he came . If the lizard woke up, he didn’t know how to react, he really couldn’t get used to sitting next to such a monster .

The good thing is that his relationship with Saly improved by a bit, the candy trick worked and Saly seemed to enjoy eating them . They couldn’t communicate freely but despite that, they still became friends due to his character .


Seeing that Lucy just came in, Saly rushed to her and leaped into her arms . She would do this everytime Lucy came in and it has already become a habit of hers .

"Didn’t I warn you not to open the door to strangers?"

Lucy pulled her cheeks and reprimanded but she wasn’t particularly angry with Lucy as she was still a kid and she must have felt that Usui is not dangerous .

"B-But mister security is not a bad person . . . . he gave me candy and didn’t steal anything!"

Saly tried to persuade Lucy that Usui was not a bad person, which he wasn’t obviously but Lucy didn’t like persistent people, much less if they are men .

With Saly walking behind her, Lucy headed toward Usui who was smiling back at her .

"I see that you invited yourself in . "

"I would never! It’s this little girl who welcomed me in . "

As he said that Usui waved his hand to Saly, who waved back at him . Lucy ignored both of them and glared at Randiun, who instinctively felt her stare and was jolted awake from his sweet nap . It took him a few seconds to comprehend that he did something wrong . Being glared at by Lucy was the thing he hated the most, the poor lizard didn’t even know why she was angry so when his lifeless eyes landed on Usui, he found a perfect target to vent his frustration on .

With his mouth opening wide and showing those long fangs, the sight was scary to behold and Usui couldn’t help but back away, even his smile stiffened and face turned pale like earlier .


Randiun, with his tail waving around and the black flame burning on its tip, began closing in on Usui only to be suddenly jumped at by Saly, who rode him like a horse and said

"Stop it, Randi! Uncle security is a guest! Let’s play . . . "

Randiun could only obey and dash to the other room with Saly to avoid Lucy’s stare and get some rest from her piercing cold eyes .

Now that the kid is not around, Usui had no one to rely upon, he could only smile back at Lucy and wait for her to talk .

"You have stayed long enough, get out now . "

With the front door open, Lucy coldly said that . She didn’t even wait for Usui to do that before turning around and ignoring him .

"Wait wait! Please wait a moment Miss Lucy!"

Despite him telling her to wait, Lucy did not pay him any heed . Usui was depressed when he saw that even begging didn’t help so he could only cough and resume speaking

"Miss Lucy . . . the reason I came in is to propose something to you . . . . I want you and Miss Delia to join our team but that’s not the main reason . To be honest, my wish is to become the strongest but since Goddess Miya appeared, all I want is to surpass her, seeing that you and your team cleared floor after floor, I came to the conclusion that you too have powers equal to Goddess Miya so I became interested in you two, just like any other person .

That’s what I thought before I meet you but I’m an honest man and I repeatedly came here not to just say propose that offer, that’s only a secondary reason . The main one is to confess my love to you, it was love at first thought and I really think I’m the perfect man for you . Me, the strongest man and you, the strongest female, we’ll be the best couple . "

Lucy stopped walking for a second but hearing the second part, she smirked and thought to herself

’Hehehe, if Arthur heard you right now, you’ll be crippled . ’

Usui’s eyes glowed as he confessed his honest love but Lucy walked to her room and ignored him so he could only go back with a dejected face and dropped shoulders . Before leaving he said ’I’m not giving up yet!’ then he closed the door and left .

Delia, who arrived just in time to hear the confession, grinned and followed Lucy whilst saying

"Isn’t that an honest and honorable man? It’s so manly . . . . ahh, your heart must have been moved by what you heard, right?"

"If it’s so manly, then why don’t you take him as your man?"

Hearing Lucy saying that with an emotionless face, she knew that despite what Usui said, Lucy considered it as air, it’s a pity for him but he really doesn’t have a chance . The Holy Goddess hugged herself and retorted

"I can’t date him, he’s too young for me . . . . "

"Tch! Noisy old hag . "

Delia was immersed in imagining her golden age and the time where people would worship the Overgod Delia but these dreams were crushed by what Lucy said

"What?! I dare you to say tha-"


The door was slammed at her face, Lucy left her talking alone and joined Saly in the room . Delia couldn’t find the courage to destroy the door and barge in despite being angry so she stomped her feet and went to the balcony .

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