One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 145: [145] Cradle of the Gods (II)

Chapter 145: [145] Cradle of the Gods (II)

[3200 words]

A slight edit for Chapter 144: I removed the mention of Garling's hair colour, leaving it ambiguous due to a recent anime episode. 


Twenty-three thousand, that's how many pirates now remain.

It had been only twenty minutes since the battle began and considerably shifted in the Marine's favour. Or so they thought.

*Crack* A single crack appeared in the seastone alloy that built the wall.


The marines shielded themselves from the rain of rocks and debris as the loud bang echoed in their eardrums.

"Two of the Titans are on the move!"


The marines' jaws dropped as they saw the sky blackout. Giant shadows spanned across hundreds of meters. The previous hellfire was voided entirely out by the coming destruction. It looked as if the heavens had been shattered!

*Fwooo* *Vvoooo!*

Loud howling winds erupted as the giant landmasses broke through the clouds and covered God Valley with their massive glory.

"Damn you, Shiki!"

Sengoku immediately took to the skies, transforming into a Buddha on the way up, lighting the uncertain future with his brilliance.

A dark shadow glowing in warm Haki followed close behind—it was Garp! 


The two of them let loose a single punch, Conqueror's Haki flowing alongside their simple yet mountain-crumbling attacks.

It began with a golden flash and then with an ear-rattling explosion. Three giant landmasses were turned to nothingness just like that, flooding the region with screeching winds.

"Cheh, of course, there's more where that came from…" Garp muttered, sensing a dozen more tiny islands en route.

"Charge," Basara commanded, his words washing away the surprise in the marines' eyes.

They roared a war cry in unison, rushing head-first at the pirates that had docked in the ruins of the walls.

It was a full-blown war now, 50,000 versus 23,000.

Explosions went off from distant cannon fire, and dust and blood shot into the sky.

Wails of pain and suffering broke out as bodies dropped by the minute.


A sharp slash from a pirate, and three marines lost their heads.


A sniper took out the pirate, and his writhing body fell, eyes still wide open.


A Haki-clad punch sent out a powerful shockwave, obliterating the platform and swallowing the sniper and other gunmen without problem.

Such scenes repeated across the battlefield, leaving the coast swamped with bloodshed and dull screams.

"Wawawawawa! Come one, come all!"

"Such bloodshed is unsightly, but I'm afraid my axe has no eyes."

"Johohohoho! I got enough bullets for all 'ya!"




Within moments, a thousand marines were pummeled and destroyed by these three notorious pirates.

"Captain John, aka the 'Pirate Bandit'...he's got a reward of 569,000,000 Berry!"

"Wang Zhi 'the Crisis.' A bounty of 670,000,000 Berry!"

"'Blinding Light' Silver Axe. He's worth 1,134,000,000 Berry!"

The sight of the three men left the marines shaken. "Dammit, the Tragedies of the Rocks are here!"


"Bink's Bane!"


"Kingdom Crisis!"


"Silver Cathedral!"


The combination of pink, blue, and silver attacks exploded an entire area about fifty meters wide, annihilating anyone in the middle! 

The shrieking winds and showering flesh masked their miserable cries and wails. The air quickly turned ruddy and tasted of metal.

*Thud!* Yet some soldiers could hold these men down.

Silver Axe peered through his armoured body. "Ten Vice Admirals," he muttered.

Other conflicts broke out, even in the skies!

"Bwahahaha, you've gotta get some new tricks, Shiki!"

Garp cracked his knuckles, easily shredding apart a giant landmass the size of a mountain. He zipped through the sky, obliterating any such attacks from the skies.

"This is just another Tuesday for me!"

He rocketed at every mountainous island, turning them to debris every minute. The streak of white marine attire crushing apart such damning projectiles acted as a morale booster for the soldiers.

Sengoku had returned to the ground, but his shockwaves were loud and clear. They would make quick work of any escaping shards of earth, even if they spanned an entire warship.


Alas, while the two top marines held down Shiki, another Titan was making his move…


A barrier of earth suddenly shattered apart like glass, littering the ground. It was a fantastical sight—it was like the fabric of space being broken apart!

The marines nearby were blown away and into the air by the sheer force of the quaking winds; no place was safe from the tremors.

A grumpy Basara stood tall against the havoc, raising one hand to cover his face. He peered past the gaps of his fingers, witnessing his troops being eradicated.


The laugh alone pissed him off. "This sacred land won't survive if you're allowed to wreak havoc."

His words were intended for the titan that had appeared—he was more than twice Basara's height. His glorious blond hair danced in the chaotic winds while he imposed his dominance with his signature 'stache.

 "Then why don't you protect it?" Edward Newgate offered with a grin, rushing forward with his prized naginata.

All top marines, be it Vice Admirals or even the Admirals, had made a move. Yet one such man remained calm and collected, a powerful reserve unit.

"Haaaaah," a dull sigh escaped his tired lips. It came from a purple-haired marine with explosive muscles. He had a metal arm finely crafted by the world's finest.

"No matter what time, these pirates only know war."

"!!!" The Admiral Candidate suddenly narrowed his eyes, feeling a ship close in.

He ignored the chaotic air, cries of misery, and hordes of Marines, instead focusing on a sole vessel making its way through the debris-ridden shores of God Valley.

"In all this carnage, a lone ship remains untouched…" Zephyr murmured.

It wasn't long before he recognized the owner of the ship, the same ship that had skillfully docked at the pier.

"The Fourth Division of the Rocks Pirates Grand Fleet."

Zephyr's eyes fell onto the pirates disembarking in front of him, and his fingers dug deeper into the seastone arm.

"'Drug Lord' Droga Pablo, 'Stone Serpent' Arai, 'The Rampage' Majin, 'The Inferno' Ignio Kaen; you four alone combine to over a billion berries now."

He found a new face.

"You must be Solomon," Zephyr inferred, much to the man in question's delight.

The Admiral Candidate looked around, trying to find the others, but was left confused. "But where is your leader?" 

"Kuhuhuhu, you should be worrying about yourself…"

[The Titanic]

One of the two ships that were still in working order was the ship that carried the true spirit of the Rocks Pirates.

"Look how they massacred my boy," Damien muttered, examining the once magnificent ship.

He was present when the Titanic was born and even named it. Yet after years of abuse and misuse, the mighty vessel had suffered quite the damage.

The once-thick masts were littered with cuts and slashes that had been deeply carved in.

The ore that could perfectly spread forces had been hit with endless gunshots, cannon fire and other projectiles. As it was never truly cleaned, the previous blood droplets had rusted into the metal, leaving it prone to damage from within.

The sails were cut up and filled with scratches; at first glance, the Titanic was crying!

The undying pirate sighed, ignoring the thick stench of blood that had seeped into every fiber of the once-mighty ship.


"Commander, we have incoming…"

Damien nodded, his eyes flashing red in Observation.

*Fwoooo* A sharp whistle blew about as a shadow crashed into the Titanic, digging through the main building and shredding deep into the ship's core.

Black lightning courses across the ravaged ship, leaving cracks and scars behind.

*Purrup* Water bubbled under the ship, ever so slowly finding tiny gaps to drip into the very bottom of the ship, rotting it from within.

"That seemed to have been Vice Admiral Garp," Indra concluded in curiosity from Damien's side.

"The sky is Shiki's territory, after all," Damien casually answered. "But Garp also crashed into that room…"


A loud explosion went off as the same white figure suddenly launched from deep inside the Titanic and soared out.

The haunting Haki following the Marine's advent was thicker, crueller and more menacing than what Shiki could produce.

Damien tracked the soaring Garp as he arced from one end of the Titanic to the edges of God Valley, landing in what was now a crater.


The marines all paused. So did the pirates. No matter who they were, they each took a deep breath as a particular figure stood atop the fallen Garp.

The towering figure with wild hair sported a crazed expression and a feral smile. Spit dribbled from his maw as the man felt a great thirst for battle and war. The wrinkles and scars that decorated his unholy visage stretched into a cruel grin.

A thick stench of death and blood emanated from the haunting figure, filling those nearby with pure dread. His presence alone knocked out a good five hundred marines to the floor.


The creepy, hoarse laugh sent shivers up the Marines' back, echoing across the battlefield, sending shivers down everyone's backs.

Damien watched with narrowed eyes.


[Rocks D. Xebec]

[Age: 47 years] 

[Height: 14' 11"] (4.55 m)

[Devil Fruit: Death-Death Fruit (Complete Grandmastery) ↑]

[Fruit Rating: 7 Stars (Ultimate-Class Fruit)]

[Weapon: Mokushiroku of the Supreme Grade Series]

[Skills: Unholy Talent in all Colours of Haki, Overwhelming Strength, Overwhelming Presence, Shadow of Despair, Will of D, Screams of All Things]

[Haki: Grandmastery (II) of Observation Haki, Grandmastery (I) of Armament Haki, Complete Grandmastery of Conqueror's Haki]

[Strength: Beyond Yonko]


"Looks like Rocks' Devil Fruit has reached its potential. Can he still be killed?"

Damien fell into thought while Xebec lost interest in the downed Garp. His manic eyes stretched across the corroding terrain, peering through the lively forest.

"Xahaha! This island is blessed beyond what is natural… I've never felt such life before."

The monster licked his lips. He felt it fitting for the 'Gods' to be canonized here. And it's all the more fitting for them to die here, too.

With a feral grin, the evil pirate stepped ahead, every step leaving behind blackened earth. He paid no mind to the 5,000 marines surrounding him as he made his way to the Celestial Dragons deep in the island.

A damned melody sung as Xebec took another step.


An esteemed Rear Admiral took a hefty gulp. His panicked eyes fell onto his hands, holding up a famed blade. 


Sweat dripped from the Marine's palms and onto the grip of his sword—his grip was tight, but he couldn't move!

'Move! Move! Move!' 

A creepy laugh followed by a thunderous step.


The Rear Admiral looked to his left and right, seeing nothing but collapsing soldiers with pale faces.

He uttered a guttural cry in hopes of breaking out from this quaking Haki.

The Marine looked up with great difficulty, feeling a cold chill run down his back.


'I-I'm dead…!'

The infernal presence, the damning laughter and the eyes that lacked humanity.

"Death is not the end, young marine…"

Rocks stepped ahead while his left hand reached the shaken Marine's chest. The soldier watched, frozen, as the pirate's cracked nails dug into his torso, ripping through his skin as he continued walking past him.

"Guhhh!" The soldier convulsed from the black toxin rushing through his bloodstream, overloading his system.

With a thud, he fell to his knees, foaming at the mouth as darkness plagued his vision. 

A final breath and a final look—he saw Rocks D. Xebec, surrounded by lifeless marines, treading toward the divine castle, a shadow of despair following in his wake.

"Garp!" Sengoku roared from the distance, his eyes plagued with worry. 

"!!!" The Buddha was suddenly shot back, a deep cut spanning across his chest while he slammed into a rolling hill.

"Jihahahaha! Sengoku, you know better than to look away when going against me!"

The Flying Pirate floated a dozen meters above the golden statue, his eyes tracking the departing Xebec.

"Hehe, show them your power, Rocks! Let me hear it…let me hear these Gods beg for their lives!"

There was a degree of fascination in the Golden Lion's eyes. He looked to his Captain with admiration and respect, grinning at the thought of the taboos about to be committed.

"Damn Shiki!" 

The Buddha burst into a widespread shockwave, tearing out from his crash site. But it wasn't just the Admiral getting to his feet…

With a boom, a mighty shadow exploded from the withering land, fashioning an iron fist.

"That guy brings nothing but death and suffering with him," the bloodied man murmured, seeing the carnage. 

"As annoying as it is to save those golden turds…I can't just let him destroy the World Government!"

Garp gave chase after the distant evil pirate, showing no hesitation at the sight of the skeletons along the way.

Much hell had broken loose, all falling in the calculating eyes of the Fourth Division's top dogs.

"The Marines lack the spirit from the Scorched Sea War," Indra commented.

His words earned a smirk from Damien, "Kurowashi, now Kurojū, can no longer wave his flag. The marines are crumbling without him." 

A few thoughts went through the pirate's mind before he took action.

"Let's join in on the festival."

*Fwooo* Two dark figures zoomed from the weeping Titanic, landing at the shores of God Valley.

Damien's boots sunk half an inch into the blood-soaked ground as he took a whiff of the deathly air. 

"D-Damien the Undying… so he's here too!" a Rear Admiral quivered. 

Naturally, Indra scanned the world around him by his Commander's side. The heightened Observation of the swordsman was quick to make itself known: "The pirates have already fallen to nineteen thousand."

Damien hummed in satisfaction. He spared the Rear Admiral a nod, "You guys are doing well to cut down our numbers."

"I-It won't be long till you're all wiped out!" 

The Sin Incarnate chuckled at his words, then turned his eyes elsewhere, squinting at a distant figure. "Looks like he's about to reveal his true colours…"

Indra followed his Commander's gaze and soon fell onto drunken Captain John. Said pirate wasn't too far away and felt their eyes.

"Johohohoho!" he laughed, wiping his gun with a dead marine's collar.

"Oye, John!" Wang Zhi tore past two Vice Admirals with a roaring cry. As the marines quickly recovered, he growled, "The hell are you not helping for!?"

"Johoho!" Captain John burst into laughter, his hand cupping his face—he had no marines after him!

"Johoh– Lahahahaha!"

Damien hummed at the change in voice, simply watching in intrigue.

"You were right to doubt me, Sin Incarnate."

'Captain John' was now speaking with a deeper voice, once filled with malice.

"I take it that you were the one who filled the ships with the explosives? Even letting in all those spies."

"Lahaha! You would be correct. Shakuyaku's departure left Rocks opening an unholy draft. You know how easy it was to bring in thousands of money-hungry men and even marine spies?"

The man with long pink hair suddenly began to tremble. His body turned fluid, and his skin warped like liquid. The hair shook and receded into the skull, while the clothing began to shed and become nasty.

"Truly a disgusting, vile creature you are," Damien spat.

*Fuuuu* A brown fog began to hiss from the man acting as Captain John, unveiling his true appearance.

It was uniform in colour, a mix of brown shades mashed together. Its wrinkly body looked more like loose clothing.

It had two pointy ears, a nose lacking cartilage, and two yellow balls for eyes.

"That's hurtful… this is simply the product of my ability," he refuted, seemingly offended.

Damien had previously read this power when he combed through the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia and echoed his thoughts: "Human-Human Fruit—Mythical Model: Doppelganger." 

[Image (in Discord)]

The vile creature uttered a croaky laugh, nodding.

He shot a muddied arm to the side, ripping the head of a pirate clean off his shoulders.

"It gives me the ability to perfectly replicate another person," he said in his broken voice. "Even their Haki signature!"

Damien slowly nodded—it explained why his Haki failed to convey the truth hidden behind John's mask.

"I take it that John is dea– No," he paused and corrected himself, "Considering that coward, he probably sold his own spot to let you take his form."

The creature smirked, "Lahahaha! That's right, John was the one who approached us, us being Cipher Pol Zero!"

He then gave a curt bow and introduced himself, "I am 'Mimic' of CP-0; it's an honour to see you in the flesh… Or at least in my flesh, Lahahaha!"

Indra's right hand was glued to the grip of his sheathed Tenmei. Although he awaited a command from Damien, it didn't mean he wasn't paying attention to everything around him.

"Is it not unsightly to make a deal with pirates?" he asked.

Mimic shrugged, cracking his shoulders. "John was smart. He sensed the fall of Rocks coming, so he took upon the offer of our Chief at the Scorched Sea War without hesitation."

A smile soon arrived across the agent's face. "You do know I've been stalling?"

Damien shrugged while Indra remained at attention.

"I can hear your heartbeat," the Sin Incarnate explained. "It suddenly calmed down, which means your backup has arrived."

Mimic's breathing hitched right before he smiled once more.

*Purrup* A purple dot suddenly appeared by the man's side, expanding like a portal. Out came a lone person, bringing with him an ominous wind.

Indra's surprise was evident in his tone, "Another Mythical Zoan. The World Government invested quite a lot in Cipher Pol."

Damien laughed, agreeing with his right-hand man.

"Phantom, you kept me waiting," Mimic said, his voice suppressing the fear in his heart.

"No worries, Mimic, everything is going according to plan."

The one who had arrived was simply a cloaked figure floating in the air; his entire body was covered up to reveal red eyes.

"Spirit-Spirit Fruit – Mythical Model: Phantom," Damien concluded.

[Phantom Image (in Discord)]


The agent codenamed Phantom then tapped the purple portal, evoking a sharp whistle. Damien narrowed his eyes as he felt the portal turn from a door… into a bridge!

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump* 

A few figures exited, not affected by the sounds of war around them. Naturally, it was a full squad of Cipher Pol Agents.

Though it was the man at the front that was the real deal.

Damien's Observation flared at the sight of the man.

He had dull-blond hair that was short at the top but long at the back and extended to his shoulders. His thick beard matched his hair colour. The man's aged face was scarred across his forehead and even down his left eye, and it was without a pupil. 

The wild appearance resembled a lion! 

"Einar D. Damien," his deep and fierce voice resounded. "You've caused the World Government and myself endless troubles."

The troublemaker grinned. Wasn't making a mess part of the job description for a pirate?

"The man seen as the 'Face of Justice…'" Damien lightly spoke, his curiosity peaked.

"We finally meet…Chief of Cipher Pol—Xerxes!"

[Xerxes Image (in Discord)]

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Rocks has begun an advent of chaos toward the Celestial Dragon, with Garp chasing from behind. 

Captain John was shown much earlier as a vile existence. Now Damien realizes it was never John in the first place but a Cipher Pol agent. CP's top elite is also here, a man equal in authority to Kong.

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details:

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