One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 62: [62] Surname

Chapter 62: [62] Surname

[2900 words]

A new giveaway is live on the Discord!

The winner has the choice to create their own Supreme Grade Weapon that will be used by a character later on down the line! It ends next Thursday:


[Fooljack Peaks, Grand Line]

A small and dim room, with high ceilings and carpeted floor, emanating a rather authoritative air.

"What the hell are you fools up to!?" a man thundered out at the table of Directors. The room shook with fury; the deafening argument ensued; the tension was palpable.

"The Government is the umbrella that houses us; how can you turn your backs on them!?"

The words, however, fell on deaf ears.

Chad Bizárré saw the man about to blow his wig off and tried calming him down. "Ardemi, anger is not good for your age," he advised. 

Another of the calmer side added, "Bizárré is right, perhaps we can talk this out like civilized men."

The angered official grew even more furious: "Civilized!? The Government is readying to kill us off any second now, the calmness of you four is beyond me!"


Markus Goji, another of the Four Directors, could not help but click his tongue in disappointment, making his stance clear.

Meanwhile, Ardemi crushed the paper in his hand, still finding it unbelievable as to what these four had become.

"I don't know what happened to you four, you must have fallen in some illusion!" he cried out.

Newman Bradley nodded and opened his arms as if embracing the new him.

"We were in an illusion, Ardemi," Bradley said in a dim tone. "An illusion of greed and selfishness; selling our very souls to fool the masses. Isn't it better to do the right thing for once?"

Vase Ah Liné concurred with a deep nod, "I must say, each of us was once an aspiring reporter from Néa Island, but we fell into the abyss of greed, only climbing our way out after so many years… It really is invigorating to bring truth to the world!"


Ardemi was about to pull his hair out.

'How could four old foxes that did their utter best to get as much money to manipulate the news whenever possible, turn into such honest reporters!?' he screamed to himself.

Before he could continue, Goji blasted him with some cold water: "Today marks a new year and you begin it with such fury, I must say, your position as the Chief Executive Officer of the World News Agency ought to be reconsidered."

*Bang!* Ardemi's fist slammed onto the pristine wood that belonged to the wide table, sending cracks out.

The man glared at the other four with bewilderment and roared, "You want to remove me from my position!?"

"Indeed, perhaps a replacement is in order. I hear a young fiery reporter blazing his way through a plethora of news, what was his name again? Morgans?" Liné mused.

Bradley lowered his teacup with a smile and approvingly commented, "Such resolve, I must say, he reminds me of my youth."


Ardemi could not help but take a few steps back, his hands shaking from the thought of being fired.

"You can't do this to me. I started this company… You know how much I sacrificed!?"

Yet his words were met with blank stares.

"Oh, Ardemi. Please, don't make this more difficult than it has to be," Bizárré calmly stated. "We will announce it in the New Year's paper tomorrow morning."

The soon-to-be ex-CEO gritted his teeth as he saw the eyes of his superiors. Though technically they were of equal rank, a unanimous decision was beyond his authority.

He could only growl in anger and waltz out of the room, leaving the Four Directors alone.


Goji scoffed at the man's actions.

"Such weak tolerance, and even worse character, to think such a man held the position of Chief Executive Officer for so long, how distasteful."

Bradley cleared his throat to address the others once more.

"It is truly wonderful that we were able to snap out of our greed and bring truth to our papers, the New Year marks the revival of our creed as reporters!"


The four clinked their teacups, gulping them down with bright smiles.

Goji was joyful enough to utter some revolutionary words, "Perhaps, just maybe, it's time we step out from the umbrella of the World Government…"


"I can't believe this, those Four old dogs are gonna get all of us killed!" Ardemi roared out.

His thick boots dug into the insulated floors of the World New Agency HQ. The cold seeping in from the corners of the hallway was entirely extinguished by the seething fury of Ardemi.

He then reached for a snail in his breast pocket.

"Puru," "Puru," "Puru."


"It's me, Ardemi."

The voice on the snail came right away: "Speak."

The ex-official of the WNA nodded with subservience, "Commander, it failed. The Directors have ousted me, I don't know how, but they seemed to have turned over a new leaf!"


The snail narrowed its eyes in deep thought.

"That is indeed bad news. We of CP-10 cannot fail any longer. Lord Xerxes had made that much clear," the voice replied. "Ardemi, no, Agent Demi, return to base, we cannot act too loudly just yet due to the Reverie but that doesn't mean we can't do anything…"

"Yes sir!"


[Meanwhile, in the Underworld]

The news of Black Fish Barro's death had already made Underworld headlines.

The channels under his control had become turbulent, with previous contracts threatening to cut ties with the King of Shipping's entire industry. However, a new player entered the fold.

Even the other Emperors were caught off-guard as they heard of the new so-called King of Shipping that had taken over Barro's Empire with great haste.

Tens of bodies of bold spies were hung off the docks of the island, fresh crimson blood dripping down their broken corpses.

Such a loud display showcased the iron fist the new King ruled with and it made its point. Naturally, where there was such chaos, there was also Cipher Pol.


"Commander, should we try and take down this new King?" a masked agent asked.

The words echoed in the dull room, reaching the ears of the other man present.

He had a tribal mask on, donning a fully white attire. Standing nearly twelve feet tall with an imposing and mysterious figure.

Unlike the failures of CP-10, this group was far more efficient, they were CP-0!

"This new player's actions are calculated to showcase an iron fist to announce their ascension as the newest Underworld Emperor," the man slowly uttered.

"Barro was weak but his Empire was quite vast. If this new King can take over so fast, it shows their strength. For the time being, do everything in our power to weed out the identity of this Emperor."

The head agent cupped his chin over his mask and murmured to himself.

"She calls herself 'Fulcrum', I wonder in which direction she will tilt the balance of the Underworld…"

He then echoed a recent piece of information, "A Grand Banquet to invite all the ill-named personnel of the Underworld, it's ambitious… Perhaps it can be of use to the World Government."


[Flower Capital, Wano]

Toki was currently mesmerized by closening Capital, a deep-rooted connection budding in her heart.

"Shall we enter?" a voice brought her out of her reverie.

She beamed a big smile and nodded with an, "Umm!"

Entering Wano, the bright sun bathed the area with its warmth while the pleasant breeze made one feel at home, the chirping birds adding music to the ear.

The two made their way through the streets that were lined up with commercial stalls and markets. 

However, some people could not help but be drawn to the two 'guests'.

Toki was able to fit right in with her short pink kimono, even Damien had thrown on a simple black yukata to seem inconspicuous, though it did not work for everyone.

Some distant eyes had locked onto them, watching warily; Wano did not take kindly to foreigners.


Toki was too lost in absorbing the culture, going from stall to stall, breathing in her hometown's air and purchasing a few items.

The currency was not complicated. Naturally, Damien had borrowed all the cash from the bandits from earlier. Silver, gold and platinum are what they used. 

Time passed.

The two visited many places.

Damien was also interested in the traditions of Wano, after all in his previous life, he had seen a lot of Japan through anime, and it was interesting to see it through the lens of Wano.

Dining on some meat stew, aka oden, drinking their custom saké and wasabi mix. 

The two sat together at a public table with an umbrella to provide shade. Although they sat at the side of the street, they ended up garnering some stares.

'If I remember correctly, Toki's daughter from the original timeline, Hiyori, was the most beautiful woman in Wano so I suppose her mother would also earn worship,' Damien thought, feeling the lost eyes of a large line of men locked onto the gree-haired girl beside him.

What the pirate ignored was the effect of his own charm.

Damien, who brought an exotic flair from the outside world with his distinct hair and pirate demeanour was also quite the look for single and married women alike.


"Tch, no one told me not to bring my wife to the Capital today, she's entranced again!" a man in a blue yukata annoyingly snapped. "Last time it was that damn troublemaker, and this time it's this man!"

These words were uttered in quite a few gatherings as they tried to pry away their wives and daughters. 

*Clatter* Though soon a giant man arrived with some smaller personnel.

"Boss-Hyo, that's them," a man whispered.

He spoke to the big man with flaming blue hair and goatee. He was bare-chested, fully displaying his blue tattoos with pink petals on his shoulders; quite the appearance.

[His Image (in Discord)]


The man who was esteemed by the people made his way over to the duo. His giant frame cast a wide shadow that enveloped them. 

"Greetings, strangers," he calmly said, examining the two foreigners through his yellow sunglasses.

Damien looked up while taking a bit from a piece of chicken. He gulped it down, bone and all. Amused by the attention granted to him.

"We appreciate your welcome," he said, standing up.

Toki wiped her mouth with a napkin, gently placing it onto her empty plate and stood up as well.


The taller man narrowed his eyes and introduced himself, "My name is Hyogoro, are you two perhaps from beyond our land?"

His words put everyone nearby on guard.


Damien felt the tense atmosphere, alongside the unsheathing of tens of weapons, namely katanas.

"We are guests."

Hyogoro squinted his eyes at the young intruder, unsure of the situation. After all, such a calm disposition was either indicative of a fool or someone confident in their ability.

"..." Toki stayed quiet, choosing not to interject. The silence left the air sharp and budding with danger.


Damien directed his hand toward Toki and spoke up, "My companion hails from Wano, we are here for a visit."

"Wano is a closed country," Hyogoro answered with a heavy voice. "Leaving and entering the country is a dire crime."

Toki bowed her head in the tradition of a greeting. "Please don't be at odds, Hyogoro-san. My name is Amatsuki Toki, my parents told me they once belonged here."


The statement brought quite a reaction from the people. The name-drop was enough to bring them back to some deep history of Wano.

Hyogoro became even more wary as he loudly questioned, "Amatsuki!? They were wiped out nearly four decades ago by the heinous Kurozumi Clan! Wano is indebted to them; how dare you try to use their name!"

*Shing!* He then unsheathed his sword and slashed down without waiting.

The blade was sharp and aimed at her throat, slicing through the air with a powerful buzz.

*Clang!* *Vvooo!*

Strong winds erupted from the sudden collision and sent the nearby spectators flying as they retreated to cover.

Hyogoro's men were also forced back dozens of meters, their sandals digging into the ground, leaving a trail.

One man was able to wince through the chaos and the result left him shocked. "He blocked Boss-Hyo's sword with one hand!"

The others also gawked in astonishment.


Hyogoro's blazing eyebrows shook as he felt his blade immobile, he could not help but jump back five meters.

Another impasse arrived, leaving the swordsman glaring at Damien's unhurt hand.

"Perhaps you want to talk things out a little, Mr. Yakuza Boss," Damien calmly uttered, his crimson eyes locking onto the much larger opponent.

He did not mind fighting, but beating up a man as respected as Hoygoro would end his goal of attaining Ryuo without complications.


Hyogoro hesitated, then wrapped his blade with powerful Haki.

"I drew my sword, we can talk after you force me to sheath it."


He then jumped ahead, bringing the weapon down with much more force than before, sending out howling winds.

*Fwwm* Damien's left palm was clad in thick Haki as he met the blade.


A far more powerful blast of air shot out in all directions, ripping the houses and buildings from their fasteners and taken to the sky. The very ground trembled as the samurai nearby tried their best to hold their balance.

"There's no way Boss-Hyo would lose!" they exclaimed.


Another explosion went off as the Yakuza Boss' attack failed and forced him to retreat.

"Damien-san…," Toki muttered with some hesitation and self-blame.

"Never mind that, looks like I have to be a pirate and take what I want!"

This time, Damien took the initiative, rushing ahead with little care for defense. He spun in the air, directing a roundhouse kick onto the enemy.

The black sword met Damien's shin and vibrated incessantly.

"What monstrous power!" Hyogoro cried out as he was pushed back.

"Die, intruder!"

"We Samurai don't fear you, we'll cut you down together!"

Tens of yakuza members and even random people came in between the two, pointing their swords at Damien.

*Fwwm* Haki shone brightly as quite a few of them exercised impressive Armament Haki.

"Don't get in my way."

Damien's words came with a repulsive explosion of powerful and overwhelming weight. It befell the men as their very brains felt like exploding, completely overturning their consciences.

White foam bubbled out from their mouths as their bodies fell one by one, thudding onto the earth below. The fifty or so men all fell unconscious.


Hyogoro winced in shock, returning to his feet.

A sense of heaviness pervaded his mind as he gazed back at Damien as he heard the enemy's next words.

"Since you Samurai drew your swords first, I can kill you without any fault to myself, right?"

The Yakuza Boss could not help but glance at the destruction caused by the casual attacks of the intruder.

'Such a powerful man wouldn't lie…' he thought to himself.

Hyogoro then stared at the quiet Toki.

"Perhaps I was too hasty," he slowly said, stabilizing his heart. "I will put my all into the next attack, spare the others with my life!"


"One-Sword Style of the Flower: Flaming Hair of Holy Rage!"


[A/N: That's a canon attack; I didn't come up with the name.]

Hyogoro shot out from his position, his blade once again swimming with Haki.

*Purrup* However, what was surprising was that the sword was wrapped in a purple bubble. The gently-flowing Haki began to gather and cover the weapon.

Damien smirked at the usage of Advanced Armament Haki, excited to meet the attack.

"Excellent Haki!"

The pirate also rocketed out, this time his hand boiling with pulverizing red energy. The very advent of the crimson energy brought on a grizzly noise that came from the shredding of air.


"Fury Road!"


The fist caught fire that only furthered the intimidating attack and blasted through the air unto the coming sword.


However, out of nowhere, the two met another obstacle.


Damien's eyes widened as he felt a sword meet his fist halting it in mid-air.

Hyogoro also froze as his blade was stopped by someone, bringing their soon-to-occur collision to a sudden stop.


The pirate glanced at the old man who had arrived, standing barely four feet tall (1.22 m). He had an aged face, probably in his eighties.

Hyogoro seemed quite surprised, "Master!"

"Hyo-brat, how many times have I told you not to be so hard-headed," the old man scolded with a sharp voice.

He then turned to Damien, "Young lad, I apologize for my student."

The Sin Incarnate did not answer, simply watching as the old man walked in Toki's direction.

"Young lady, may I see your katana," he softly asked.

Toki paused for a moment before nodding and removing the blade at her waist.


The short old man traced his wrinkly finger over the crescent moon symbol adorned over the scabbard with a lost look.

"This crest does indeed belong to the Amatsuki Clan."

The aged eyes fell onto the green-haired girl once again, "I didn't expect a descendant to still be alive to this day…"

Hyorgoro and his aides, and even the people of Wano remained quiet, letting the old man continue.

He looked up under the shadow of his long, white eyebrows and directed his words to the two, "Guests from the outside seas, would you please follow me? The Shogun would surely like to meet you both."

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Things got a little messy at the World News Agency, same with the Underworld. Meanwhile, Damien and Toki found a way to meet the Shogun, though with some obstacles.

Images are available on Discord alongside other niche details:

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