One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 67: [67] A Samurai's Welcome

Chapter 67: [67] A Samurai's Welcome

[2135 words]


"He is the Daimyo of Hakumai. They call him 'The Hedgehog'—Shimotsuki Yasuie."

The figure of a cackling old man came to Damien's mind, a product of the Smile Fruit that plagued the people of Wano. 

"We'll take our leave then, " Damien said, standing up. "Thank you for your help."

Ushimaru stood up as well and nodded in return, "Your horses have been fed and ready; farewell."

[The Next Morning]

It took a good eight hours to reach Hakumai which was located North-East of the Flower Capital.

Unlike the snowy landscape of Ringo, Hakumai was much more pleasant. It fashioned an autumn-like environment with many maple-like trees that were perpetually orange and yellow. The roads were decorated with colourful homes and buildings, showcasing the usual curved roofs. 

[Hakumai Image (in Discord)]

A carriage had recently arrived at the very front of the Daimyo's building.

The scroll was printed with the Kozuki crest and further stamped with Ushimaru's stamp, it was evident that the guests were quite significant.

The guards were exceptionally welcoming, even choosing to introduce the novelties of the region to the inquisitive woman onboard.


Damien looked at the distinguished building flying the banner of Ringo in the autumn wind with some interest.

Toki was ever-lost in the change of scenery from what she had felt from the boisterous capital to the cold yet tranquil Ringo, and now the colourful and hearty Hakumai.

"Uhm, welcome, guests! Yasuie-sama is waiting for you!"

The two glanced down to meet the small servant. He was quite timid and servile at first glance, playing with his hands as if afraid to reach out.

"Aren't you too young to be a servant?" Toki asked.

The boy sheepishly smiled, doing his best to remain calm; hunched over, toothy smile, closed eyes, all the qualities of someone faint-hearted.

"Not at all! Yasuie-sama took me in as a servant, my name is Orochi!"

He bowed quite far, his puffy purple hair hiding his face.

Damien inwardly scoffed at the two-faced boy who was stemming with vile thoughts and had the air of a snake.

[Orochi Image (in Discord)]

"Lead the way," Damien firmly said, not too interested in entertaining the servant.

"Y-Yes, right this way!"

A man sat before a wide table.

He had a blue afro, some facial hair and a round face of age thirty. Donning a red kimono with a sword to his hip to showcase his stern nature.

"My name is Shimotsuki Yasuie, the Daimyo of Hakumai," he stated as he greeted the seated guests.

[Yasuie Image (in Discord)]

Damien nodded at the man.

Toki took the lead to introduce both of them, bringing to light the 'intruder' aspect of their arrival. 

Though Yasuie was a staunch supporter of the Kozuki Clan, naturally he had his thoughts too. "Amatsuki… no wonder Ushimaru was so open in his letter," the man commented with a look of intrigue.

"What can I do for you?"

Damien was about to speak until an ear-rattling yell resounded through the entire town.



It was evidently a male yelling at the top of his lungs.

Every word reverberated through the region as distant rumblings shook the earth below.

Yasuie face-palmed while Orochi disappeared to hide somewhere, leaving Damien and Toki being forced to go outside and see what had happened.


It did not take long to see the huge trail of dust following a far show nearly 200 meters away.

The trail spanned nearly a kilometer away; the person en route was quite energetic, refusing to slow down whatsoever.

The man at the center of the cloud of dust leaped over toward Damien, a wide grin etched on his face.

He then squatted down while grasping the two swords at his hips.


The ground below the man cracked as he shot across the air, leaping over entire buildings.


The blades were incredibly sharp, cleaving the very air from their simple removal from their sheaths. They were directed up and back as if readying to be slashed down.


His face was further warped with a wide smile as he tightened the muscles of his arms, fueling his blades with Haki.


Damien gazed at the shadow in the air which was bubbling with pristine usage of Armament Haki.

*Fwooo!* The air howled as the man rocketed through like a shooting star, blasting straight at the pirate.


A dull beat escaped Damien's body as both his arms were wrapped in a thick coat of Haki; they glistened a bright purple glint, armoured up.

The man in the air chuckled, bringing down the twin swords in a blazing arc.


The immediate impact of the twin blades clashing onto the crossed arms of the pirate was momentous. 

The collision of the masterful Haki unleashed incredible amounts of devastation. 

Copious amounts of air were shaken up as tornado-like currents were birthed from the exchange, alongside a rumbling of the earth below.


Cracks and crevices appeared all over the land right in front of the Daimyo's Estate, spreading further and further out.

The attacker felt his body slowly lose momentum; his blades running dry and unable to break through his self-proclaimed challenger's defense.

"Wahaha! My name is Kozuki Oden, the exiled son of Lord Shogun! I'm glad to finally meet you!"

Damien heard the energetic roar and saw the striking smirk of Oden.

"You have quite the interesting interpretation of a Samurai's welcome."

The words provoked a chuckle from the Noble Son of Wano as he retreated from his frozen position.

This also gave Damien a chance to examine his attacker.

Oden was a large and very muscular man of towering height, standing twelve and a half feet tall (3.82 meters).

He had long, wild hair, black in colour, that was gathered into a large, flat, circular plane at the top. The bright orange kimono was quite eye-catching, though not so much as his imposing and wild presence.

[Oden Image (in Discord)]

The swordsman clenched his grip over his beloved blades: Enma and Ame-no-Habakiri, both Meito of impeccable quality.

[His Swords Image (in Discord)]


No words needed to be said as he shot forth once more, bringing about bold and swift attacks.




Each flurry of hits was met with the immovable wall that was Damien's Haki-clad arm. Each collision would leave sparks in the air as their Haki was quite masterful.


"Hehe," Oden grinned, once again jumping to the sky.

He twirled around, running the centripetal force in his favour and slashed down both his swords in a vertical descent.


A familiar shockwave burst out in all directions, unsettling the integrity of the entire nearby area. The buildings around them had already begun to cry out in failure.

Oden did not waver, instead, he raised both swords in the sky, pointing away from his body.

"!!!" Though before he could even think to execute his attack, his stomach was met with a powerful punch.

"Gahh!" he grunted as the air in his lungs was forcefully expelled from the fist digging into his liver.

The towering samurai was shot through the air, his orange attire leaving a bright trail.

He crashed through three separate buildings before coming to a stop.

*Clatter* Loose debris shook under the man's denial of his condition, stepping out from the dust.

He unloosened a chain of coughs while wiping away a trail of blood.

"What the hell was that!?" he questioned himself, remembering the punch that arrived the split-second where he could not react.



Two young voices bellowed out in the direction of the fallen buildings, laced with concern. The two young men ran through the debris, looking to find their master.

"Wahahaha! Kin'emon, Denjiro, stay out of this! That guy is awesome!" 

Oden paid no mind to his retainers, once again rushing straight toward Damien, his sandals clanging over the cracked soil below.

On his way over, he crossed his right arm over his face, directing both his swords antiparallel to his line of sight.

"Oden Two-Sword Style…"


The stream of Haki was soon directed to the weapons, though this time with a completely new coat, one bubbling in a gentle red colour.

Oden's speed suddenly increased to the point where the naked eye could not keep up.


"Paradise Waterfall!"


Damien saw the coming attack and in return, raised his left hand.


The already dense Haki was once again covered, though this time swelling with a visible, red bubble.

Satisfied with the application of emission, Damien slammed his right foot into the ground to gain leverage and smashed his fist at the coming attack.


A grand explosion overtook the shaken Hakumai, this once far greater than the previous ones.

*Vvoooo!* The rippling waves of shock and raging winds were enough to pick up and sweep away the spectators, taking them to the sky!

The ground below was eviscerated, leaving dust and pebbles in the wake of the clash.

Oden's face twisted into a stubborn scowl as if trying to put every ounce of his strength in. His mighty attack was met with a relatively relaxed punch which was enough to fuel him with endless spirit.


The air shattered under the raging Ryuo that was emitted from both their attacks, slowly taking Oden away with them.

A casual voice soon broke out, one that overshadowed the raging torrents of wind.

"You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

The words echoed in Oden's ears as he felt the overpowerful Haki sweep him away. 

The powerful current had begun to seep into his arms and chest, damaging it from the inside, and creating a lot of internal wounds.

"Augh!" he roared out, though his tenacious spirit wanted to continue, his body could not help but be shot back once more, this time with far greater velocity.

Boom! *Clatter* Bang!

The Kozuki heir rammed through building after building, wall after wall, obstruction after obstruction; unable to stop.


A distant rumble soon went off as the trail of dust had gone from the Daimyo's Estate to the borders of the village.

""Oden-sama!"" the two men yelled out, chasing after their disappeared master.

Damien relaxed his arm, calming his Haki down.

He was quite pleased with his first real test of the newly-attained Emission!

Though he recalled his setting and turned to the dusty Daimyo, "Yasuie, apologies for the mess."

The samurai reputed as the Hedgehog shook his head, turning to the long tunnel of man-shaped holes.

"It's alright, Damien-dono, this is not the first time Oden has caused such trouble..."

Toki was also just as surprised as she remarked, "The exiled son's tales underestimated his nature… No wonder Sukiyaki-san was tired of Oden's antics." 

She took out her little journal and jotted down some words.

Yasuie then gestured to his men to start the cleanup, at least by examining the injured first.

"So tell me, what brings you here?"

Damien once again sat with Toki, sipping on some tea.

"Ushimaru directed me to you, I'm here looking for a weaponsmith to create a blade for myself," he said.

Yasuie nodded, recalling the overwhelming power he had been shown moments ago.

"I would send you to our best craftsman open for orders, though I doubt they can properly grant you a weapon worthy of your power. However, there is one man…"

Damien glanced at the man's frown as he seemed lost in thought.

"Someone troublesome?"

Yasuie gave a wry smile and admitted, "There is one old man. He is the best of the best. A direct descendant of the ones who crafted many renowned swords."

The Daimyo then shook his head with a defeated sigh, "His age far outnumbers anyone in Hakumai, probably even Wano. Though very stubborn, his skill of smithing is beyond doubt."

Damien hummed at the explanation.

He visualized a senile and grumpy old man who did not listen to anyone, busy with his own devices.

Meanwhile, Yasuie continued, "He is also the mentor of Shimotsuki Kozaburo, the man who crafted two of the Twenty-One Great Swords: Wado Ichimonji and Enma!"

"Oden, who you just met, is the current wielder of Enma. I'm sure you can imagine the skill of the man who trained the craftsman responsible for such a weapon."


Damien deeply nodded with a hint of surprise, "I'll find a way to convince him, where is he?"

Yasuie shrugged his hands, not going to talk Damien out of the meaningless endeavour.

"You can find him to the far North of Hakumai; he lives alone and prefers it that way," the Daimyo answered. "His name is Shimotsuki Katsuyoshi."

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

Kozaburo is Koushiro's grandfather and Kuina's great-grandfather. Katsuyoshi is an original character who is the teacher of Kozaburo.

Note: Orochi is around 14 and Oden is around 19 as of now.

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