One Pregnancy, Multiple Relationships: The Best Actress Is Cute And Sweet

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: The ups and downs of mood

After being repeatedly tormented by the media during this period of time, Chi leixi felt that her life was completely out of her control.

It wasn’t easy to get an advertisement endorsement, and she took it very seriously. However, during the shooting, the director still made things difficult for her. In the end, she had to pay the penalty and terminate the contract with the company.

It hadn’t been quiet for a while after they got home, but the media and the internet were getting louder and fiercer.

Even the word ‘murder suspect’ did not seem to be enough to spread the word, yet he had to directly distort the truth and call himself a ‘murderer’, a ‘murderer’.

Such extreme content that did not distinguish right from wrong and intentionally wanted to kill her made Chi leixi breathless.

She just couldn’t understand. This news was obviously slander. She didn’t need to use her brain to understand that if there was really a problem with her, the police would be the first to take action. They wouldn’t let her stay at home and be splashed with such dirty water.

Those who deliberately defamed the comments, those who posted pranks, and those websites that went against their conscience were all bad.

After looking at her phone for a while, Chi Kexi felt physically and mentally exhausted.

She didn’t want to do anything and couldn’t be bothered to accompany the little guy. She slowly went up the stairs alone and closed the door behind her.

She really hoped that the current difficult situation was just a dream. She thought that if she could fall asleep on the pillow and wake up, all these bad luck would disappear. How great would that be?

In the evening, the light outside the window was getting dimmer and the room was very quiet. Chi Luoxi lay on the bed in a daze, as if she was in a dream.

Half an hour passed. Suddenly, the phone on the bedside table rang clearly. Chi yaoxi woke up in shock and sat up.

It’s sister Ming’s call again. Should I answer?

Chi Luoxi’s heart beat faster. She could not predict what was going to happen again.

The phone kept ringing. Chi Kexi nervously and carefully swiped the answer button and called out in a low voice,””Sister Ming.”

Of course, sister Ming could understand Chi Luoxi’s pain. It had only been a short time since she had fallen from a popular and loved actress to a ‘murderer’ who was cursed at and chased around. The difference was too great and not everyone could bear it.

“Yue Xi, have you eaten yet? Are you alright? Don’t worry, things will pass and the truth will be revealed one day. ” Sister Ming tried her best to calm down and not give her any more pressure.

“I’m calling to tell you some good news. The production team just called to inform you to go back tomorrow and continue filming for the period drama.”

When Chi luexi heard sister Ming’s words, she jolted and sat up on the bed. She couldn’t believe her ears.”You mean we can continue?”

“Yes, I just called. There’s a break in the middle of this show. Read the script carefully again.”

Chi yaoxi quickly agreed, thanked sister Ming, and hung up the phone.

Because of her scandal, the film was abuzz in the media. The director had already called for a stop for more than a week. Chi yaoxi originally thought that there was no hope, but she didn’t expect to be able to return to the production team and continue filming.

This was the best news she had received in recent times. Although the rumors on the internet were still going around, Chi Luoxi’s mood improved a lot. She felt that there were still people who believed and supported her.


The little guy knew that his mommy was not in a good mood, so he was very quiet and obedient. When it was mealtime, his daddy was still not back, so he went upstairs and knocked on the door to ask his mommy to come down for dinner.

Although Chi Luoxi still felt weak, she perked up, forced a smile, and slowly finished her dinner with the little guy.

“What? She’s actually coming back?”

Mo Yuzhen’s expression changed drastically when she received a message in the crew’s WeChat group that Chi Luoxi was returning to the crew for filming tomorrow and would continue her role as the second female lead.

How could it be so easy to change the result that he had worked so hard and sold himself for?

However, she was now the female lead in a period drama. In addition to Chi Luoxi’s fall, she was also one of the few celebrities with high popularity in the production team. Hence, she had the right to be arrogant in the production team.

She immediately picked up her phone and called the director.””Director, didn’t we already rearrange the crew? Why do you have to change players repeatedly?”

The director wasn’t surprised to receive the call. He knew that mo Yuzhen and Chi Luoxi had some grudges between them. In order to gain fame, female artistes would scheme against each other from time to time. The director was already used to it.

It was the company’s higher-ups ‘decision to let Chi Luoxi return to the production team to continue filming. The director had reluctantly agreed to it under pressure from the higher-ups. According to the director’s original intention, he did not want to use Chi Luoxi again.

“Miss mo, I know what you mean, but this is the arrangement of the higher-ups, shouldn’t I give you some face?”

Hearing the director’s explanation, mo Yuzhen flew into an even louder rage,””I don’t understand. What’s your duty as a director? Isn’t it just picking good actors, shooting the show well, increasing the ratings, sold well well at the theater?!”

“If we go around looking at people’s faces and giving them face, how can we film this show? Any pig or dog can go, then you can continue to change people, just change me too!”

“Don ‘t. Miss mo, how can you make such a big joke? you’re the pillar of this drama.”

In order to complete the task, the director could only grovel and say words of flattery against his heart. This female lead was not simple, and he could not afford to offend her.

After all, no matter how bad mo Yuzhen’s acting skills were, she was able to become the female lead because of her strong backing.

“Alright then. Since the director says so, listen to me. Chi luexi must not return to the production team. Her reputation is already so bad that everyone wants to beat her up. If we let her return to the production team, wouldn’t that be a slap in the face for the entire crew?”

Mo Yuzhen tried to reason with the director.

Hearing that the director had already agreed to do as he said and refused Chi Luoxi to return to the production team, mo Yuzhen struck while the iron was hot and urged the director to make the call.

After dinner, Chi Luoxi forced herself to stay awake and told the little fellow a bedtime story. She only returned to her room after seeing the little fellow fall asleep quietly.

She listened to sister Ming saying that there were no changes to the script, so she read it carefully. Before she went to bed, she recorded the lines again, hoping that the shooting tomorrow would be completed smoothly.

She closed the curtains, set the alarm clock, and turned off the bedside lamp, ready to rest early.

She thought that she could finally have a good night’s sleep tonight and get some rest before returning to work tomorrow.

However, her phone suddenly rang. Chi yaoxi picked it up in a daze and saw that it was the director.

Is there anything else you want to say at this hour? Did the location for tomorrow’s outdoor shoot change?

She quickly answered the call.

“Hello, Ms. Chi. Sorry to disturb you. I’m just informing you in advance that you don’t have to come to the set tomorrow.”

Chi leixi was stunned. Before she could clarify the situation, the call was hung up.

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