Origin Seeker

Chapter 71: New Body

Chapter 71: New Body

Over the next 13 days, Dream and Sophia lived with each other in the cabin. And one could imagine what it was filled with.

Dream was no stranger to sex. Back on Earth, he had been with his late girlfriend. So he was definitely experienced. Though when doing the deed with Sophia, he had been surprised about a couple of things, the biggest being the cleanliness. It was his world after all, no different to paradise. They didn't have to deal with 'earthly' concerns. 

Another surprise was the stamina. The best part was that there was no stopping. Or at least no need to. Again, this was his world, and if they wanted to do something, then they could do it. And they did it. A lot. 

Sophia making breakfast in only an apron? Bang. Taking a shower that there's no need for? Bang. When Sophia got turned on? Bang. Watching a movie in underwear? Bang. Just because? Bang.

They were like animals in heat. And they loved every hour of it. And yes, it went on in hour increments. But believe it or not, it gets old after a while. Taking breaks is necessary for their mental state, or at least Dream's. So when they weren't plowing around, there were very wholesome moments between them.

Dream couldn't have fallen more in love with Sophia. They knew everything about each other, to the point where neither of them could hide anything from the other. But that was okay. It just made it that much better. They could just be with each other.

There was lots of cuddling, for hours on end. Sophia gave dream massages, they made delicious food, fell asleep in each other's arms, and woke up to see each other's faces. It was pure bliss. But what really hit the nail on the head for Dream, was the back-scratching.

Dream has never loved anything more than a good scratch on the back. Honestly, it was almost one of the things he looked for in a woman. It was a very intimate thing for him. 

So when Sophia had first scratched his back during a very loving cuddle session, he actually almost broke down crying. It was partly due to the memories of his late girlfriend, and partly because he had never been able to feel so vulnerable and safe at the same time. 

If there was one thing Dream avoided the most, it was vulnerability. At first, it was because he hated it. Then, it eventually became a part of his subconscious. Like something he avoided naturally. His very being rejected vulnerability. But with Sophia, that no longer became the case.

He had thought about it when he was in Sophia's arms. His real body was currently in a metal box being broken into pieces and rebuilt. If anything went wrong, it could be his end. But he still decided to do it. He wasn't even in control, it was somebody else. And still, he felt safe enough to go through with it.

That's what Sophia did for him. She was that safety. That person he could trust unconditionally. She was part of his soul, after all. And those back scratches, that's almost what they represented. It sounded stupid almost, but it was important to him. 

Anyway, for those 13 days, Dream and Sophia were living in a pink-colored paradise full of love and passion.

The surgery was actually only supposed to be 7-10 days, but after Sophia had begun testing his bodily systems near the end, there were some that didn't work as expected. But with a little extra time and tweaking, everything returned to normal.

So on the 13th day, Dream got ready to go back to his body.

"*yawn* It was a fun two weeks."

Dream loudly yawned as he held Sophia on the couch.

[It's not like we can't do this again.]

"I know. But I still have to go back down and spread my influence among the mortal world. I can't be up here all the time."

[Heh, sure thing. I'll be waiting for you.]

"No, you'll be there with me. This cabin will disappear until I make it again for us. If I find that you've been here by yourself, I'll be mad."

Dream spoke seriously to her. He couldn't stand the thought of her just sitting around alone. He's already had to deal with the fact that she's thousands of years old. He wouldn't put up with her being isolated.

Sophia knew this and turned to him. She hugged his head and kissed him on the forehead, running her fingers through his hair.

[I go where you go. We're two in one. We'll never be alone with each other.]


Dream closed his eyes and let himself be coddled. 

"....So am I technically doing all this with myself?"

[Not unless you want to be weird about it.]


Dream cut off that train of thought and sunk his face into Sophia's plump chest.

[...Your body is ready now. You ready to go back?]

"*inhale* Yeeaaaa."

[Ok! Come here.]

Sophia pulled Dream's face up to hers and gave him one last deep kiss. When they pulled away, Dream suddenly got very sleepy. Eventually falling asleep in Sophia's arms.




As Dream regained consciousness, his eyes opened. He moved them around and saw the metal box that he was in when he laid down two weeks ago.

*Inhale* *Exhale*

He took a deep breath, feeling the air fill his lungs. Immediately he could feel the difference. It felt... full.

Next, he twitched his fingers. They worked. Then his toes, all good. He felt around with his hand, feeling the metal table underneath him. He grabbed the edge, then squeezed.



Dream couldn't help but exclaim. Did he seriously just bend metal with his hand? Not only that, but his voice sounded different.

[Your voice was changed a bit. It'll sound more crisp and a bit deeper. How do you feel?]

"Uhh... Alright so far. Hang on."

After adjusting to his new voice, Dream finally sat up. 



Dream stopped himself after he popped up super fast. He wasn't ready for that.

[Your muscles are on another realm now compared to previously. It'll take some getting used to your strength and reactions. Range of motion as well.]

"Range of motion?"

[Let's just say that if someone were to get you into a joint lock, it would have no effect on you. Even if you bent an elbow or knee the opposite way it wouldn't do anything harmful.]

"Interesting. Though let's see about walking first before we get into testing that stuff."

Dream set that aside for now. He moved his legs so they hung off the table and looked down. His eyes opened a little further.

"...Oh? Am I a shower now?"

[Don't worry, it can still grow.]

"Neat. I'm liking the muscles as well. Nice and defined."

Dream checked out his arms, chest, abs, and legs. The muscles were ripped, defined, and had some size. He was still very lean like before though, so it wouldn't be obvious if he were wearing a sweater or something. He would never choose to be a bodybuilder with bulging muscles. 

[Thank you.]

"Of course. Now, let's try walking."

Dream carefully moved himself off the table and onto the floor. When his feet touched the ground, he shifted and took a step away from the table.

"Huh, this isn't so bad. I'm going to have to get used to my body feeling like it's 1 pound though."

When he walked, it felt more like he had too much power and he had a hard time being loose. He stiffly walked around while trying to make it seem like his original body.

[That body is actually really heavy. About 280 pounds. Mainly from the bones and fluids. But because of its strength and the fact that it's much more rigid than before, it'll feel like you're super light. That'll go away soon though.]

"Alright. I think I'm getting the hang of this."

Dream just kept walking in simple circles around the table, bumping into it occasionally.

Eventually, he felt he got that down and tried jogging. He did a couple of laps around the room and felt good. 

"Nice. I'm liking it already. Let's head up."

Dream looked up and began activating his magic. Soon, a hole was made in the ceiling that led all the way to ground level. He squatted down and prepared to test his legs.



"Holy crap!"

Dream was stunned as he not only jumped out of the hole but through his workshop and into the sky. He didn't go too high though, just to the top of the trees.

When he found himself in the sky, he used his magic to fly, keeping himself from falling. He took a deep breath as he looked towards the sky. This was when he noticed his heightened senses.

"What the hell happened to my eyes?"

Dream looked around and could see super small details. Like how there was a water droplet on a dead leaf on the floor about 372 meters away. It was pretty cool.

[Your eyes aren't simple eyes anymore, obviously.]

"Are they cameras?"

[Yes and no. They're an inorganic variance of photoreceptors. I've also made it so that the entire eyeball absorbs light, not just what enters the pupil. But don't worry, your eyes still look normal.]

"Ok. What about the other senses?"

[Your hearing has also been substituted, so you can hear much higher and lower frequencies. Same with your taste and smell,  which have been made much more sensitive.]

"Ya, I'm pretty sure I can taste the air. And you know what I'm just realizing? I'm still totally nude. Talk about public indecency."

Dream decided to set himself down out of sight. Not that anybody would judge his body as anything but a work of art, but he didn't like being nude in the open like that.

He placed himself in front of the house, slowly letting the grass caress his feet. It was a nice feeling. His touch was made more sensitive as well.

"You know what? I really think I should take a bath. Like, in the lake. I bet that water feels like heaven."

[By the way, you can breathe water.]

"Say what?"

Dream stopped right as he was about to throw himself in the lake. 

"I can breathe underwater?"

[Your lungs are now capable of electrolysis. So if you're underwater, your lungs can still get oxygen.]

"Well that's a nice piece of information. Anyway, time for some skinny dipping."


Dream ran over and dove straight into the water. Though he almost tripped on the way, it was nothing a little magic couldn't fix.

As Dream glided through the water, he could feel the cool liquid sliding past his skin. It felt similar to when you dove into a pool on a hot summer day. It really did feel like heaven.

Instead of immediately coming up for air, he decided to stay under. He wanted to see how long he could hold his breath.

He slowly sank as he let his body go limp. It wasn't exactly buoyant after putting a bunch of metal in. But the weightlessness still felt great. He could also keep his eyes open without being uncomfortable, allowing him to see through the clear water.

It was blue. Lot's of blue. He could see the ground and all the rocks scattered about. He dove down to the ground and picked one up, moving it through his hands. He felt the slippery moss and smooth surface. And then, he crushed it.

The rock crumbled to pieces in his grasp. He opened his hand and let the pieces float to the ground. He nodded in approval. He didn't even have to try.

After about 10 minutes of staying underwater, he headed back up to the surface.

*Drip* *Drip*

Water fell off of him as he walked up the shore. He felt like a sexy guy in a cologne commercial.

"I could've held my breath much longer, but I'm too lazy to wait that long."

[How do you like it?]

"There couldn't possibly be anything I don't like. It's amazing. I feel powerful. My mind feels super sharp. And better than that, I don't feel like there's constantly something wrong with my body like my bad back. It's perfect."

[That's good. You're going to be feeling sharper over time as well. The neurons still need time to convert, but once they do, you'll have godly reflexes.]

"I'm liking the sound of that. And- wait. Where's my hair?"

As Dream went to scratch his head by reflex, he noticed that nothing was there. He placed his hand on his head.

[You're going to be bald until your new hair grows back. Oh, and you won't grow hair anywhere except your face and head. And even that can be controlled.]

"...I see. I can deal with that. What's my new hair going to be like? And how fast will it grow?"

[Your new hair will be the smoothest, silkiest hair ever. It isn't synthetic, so it's not like you'll have silk growing from your body. It'll only take a week or so to grow your head of hair back.]

"Nice. Though I'll be wearing a hat until then."

Dream ran his hand over his head. He could already feel the super short hair on his scalp coming in. 

"Anyway, there's one more thing I want to test."

From his inventory, he brought out titanium and formed it into a dull sword. He let go of it and it floated in the air in front of him. Then, he put his arm out in front of him.

"...Alright. Slash at it."

After he said that, the sword brought itself back, then very suddenly, flung itself forward as if trying to cut his arm off.



Dream looked at the sword, whose blade was now curved halfway around his arm. It didn't hurt. At all. Was he really that tough now?

He grabbed the sword and took a look at the impact area on his arm, noticing that he didn't come out unscathed.

"Why's it black?"

Dream traced the area with his finger. Sharp, crystal-like black liquid exploded from the 'wound'. Like his tan skin shattered and bled some ink.

[The black is a reaction from the skin. The muscles underneath are perfectly fine. When the skin takes impact over a certain threshold, that black material floods to the impact site, helping to scatter the pressure. It's called liquid crystal, and it's super high viscosity makes it a super good shock absorber. Don't worry, it'll heal.]

Dream watched as the black crystal material slowly retracted on its own. His skin eventually turned back to its smooth, tan state. 

"Good. I was afraid we damaged your masterpiece."

[If all it took was that to damage it, then we've got bigger problems. It can recover from that easily.]

"I like the confidence. Well, that answers all my questions for now. Was there anything that happened while I was out? "

[Actually, there are a few things that you need to know.]

"About the body?"

[No, current events. Putting it simply, a lot happened while you were out. The biggest being on Earth.]

"What happened?"

[Take a look.]

Sophia brought up several pictures from Earth. They all showed the same thing. It was a very large figure, and it was up in the sky, lording over everyone below it. It was dressed in white garments and held a sword in its right hand. It had no face, simply a white, foggy veil. And to top it all off, it had 2 pairs of wings on it's back. The wings were white...

"Is...Is that an angel?"

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