Origin Seeker

Chapter 76: Prince of Destruction

Chapter 76: Prince of Destruction


After an unknown amount of time, Dream opened his eyes. 

The first thing he saw was the wooden roof of the cabin. The second, was Sophia.

[Good morning.]


Dream saw her face next to his. They were in a bed, and she was laying next to him.

[How are you feeling?]

"...I don't like being torn apart."

Dream spoke as he regained feeling to his limbs. He twitched his fingers, toes, and felt the muscles throughout his body. Looks like he was in one piece.

[Through gaining power, increasing the strength of your soul, and having your new body, your mind has become much stronger. For a normal person, disregarding the fact that they would never survive half of what happened to you, the trauma would likely destroy them. But it's an interesting thing, what happens to you mentally as you rise in power.]

"I guess."

Sophia traced her finger along his chest as she spoke. Dream listened to his slow heartbeat. With each beat, he remembered the shocking power of the copy's punches pounding on his chest. 

"...I died?"

[Yea. You also slept for a while after that. I didn't want to disturb you.]

"How long?"

[A few hours. Your mind was processing what happened. I actually learned something interesting in regards to your skills.]

"What was that?"

[During the fight, they were only activated a bit. But after the fight while you were sleeping, your cognition skill acted almost on its own and went to work on your mind. Almost as a self-defense mechanism. You could say that your soul won't allow itself to become traumatized. That in addition to your increasing power, and maybe your title, makes for a thick set of mental defenses.]

"...Fantastic. So how're things progressing with the core?"

Dream changed topics as he didn't feel like dwelling on his virtual death anymore.

[Turns out, things are a bit more difficult than I thought. A few more days will be needed, as long as nothing new comes up.]

"And the family?"

[Currently hiding. They've been continuously having skirmishes, and there was another 3rd class that arrived. That makes two, and they're giving them a hard time.]

"I'm hoping I wasn't right about the sleeper agents, but if I am, then there's not much time left. I'm hoping things will be done before then."

Dream remembered that they not only needed to take the dome under control, but he also needed to go to sleep for a week so his brain could finish 'developing'.

[Do you want to abandon the dome? We can try finding another spot and then see about rescuing the family after building a base. Then you can sleep in peace.]

"I don't think giving this place up is smart. Especially if it's an actual dungeon. If we can get that core under control, then this place will turn into our own invisible, living fortress. It's not something we can make elsewhere. At least not yet."

Dream thought about the value of the core they found. It was more than just a hiding place. It was knowledge. If they could crack the secrets of that core, who knows how their knowledge will expand. 

"We just need to get this core under control, and when that's done we can see about rescue the family or sleeping, whichever comes first."

Dream laid back as he thought about everything going on. There was a lot to do, and not a lot of time to do it in. Not to mention, he didn't even know if this was enough. He didn't know if he would be able to rescue the family, and even if he did, would the Dome be invisible to the foxes?

The Dome was the place with the highest certainty of being able to hide everyone. If this didn't do it, then they were screwed. Things would go south very quickly, and he would only be more baggage for Riddick.


Dream called out for his status. He wanted to see where he was.


Name: Dream

Species: Human Male

Class: [Master Artificer]

Titles: [Origin Seeker]

Level: 102

Stats: Strength- B-      Agility- B-

           Stamina- B-       Magic- B

Passive Skills: [Sophia] Lvl. 59, [Magic] Lvl. 24

Active Skills: [Summons From Another World], [Material Magic] Lvl. 27

"...B stats? How did I get that high?"

Dream was surprised at how much he had risen. It wasn't like he was leveling up profusely. He was only just past 2nd class!

[It's from your new body. Before, your mana was enhancing your flesh body, but now it's enhancing your new one. Obviously, your new body surpasses your flesh one by leaps and bounds, so that plus the enhancement totals out to a much higher level than before.]

"Makes sense. What about the skill levels? Wasn't Magic only at level 4?"

[Well it was two things. First, making your body really stressed magic control. Second, scanning the core has actually given many insights into different ways of using magic and enchantments. I've also leveled up, which contributed to its level.]

"Oh, neat."

He accepted it. Either way, more levels were good. 

[Hey, maybe we should train some more. It'll keep you sharp.]

Sophia moved over and laid on top of him, looking into his eyes. Dream looked back at hers.

"I won't be traumatized again will I?"

[Hehe, don't worry. It'll just be to sharpen your instincts. And you'll be fighting me this time.]

"Sure. That's fine."

[Ok. Let's go.]

Sophia rolled off of him and they both got out of bed. Soon after, they were back in the combat area.

And thus began their training session.




At the same time that Dream and Sophia were beginning their training, the family was hiding out in another spot.

This hiding spot was actually beneath the roots of a big tree. They dug out a small cave underneath and set themselves up. 

Currently, Luna and Iris were cuddled with each other in their fox forms on a couch while Riddick read a book. 

The mood was gloomy all around. Everyone was tired not only physically, but mentally. Their hunters had constantly kept them on their toes and they didn't get much rest. 

After the first week or two, Luna and Iris began trying to help their dad. Luna had her familiar connection that she made with him and she would help by giving slight buffs. They weren't much, but it was all she could do. Iris would also retaliate against any weaker enemies with her fire. She had even killed a couple class 2's that were weakened by her dad, and after getting into a party with each other, were able to get experience.

Though their help was small, they actually made it to their class advancements. Though after even then, they weren't able to help much more. In fact, it might have made things harder.

Since the foxes tracked them by their power, they being more powerful would only make themselves more noticeable. Although, Riddick still never stopped them from getting stronger.


As they all relaxed in silence, Riddick suddenly raised his head. The girls noticed this small change in him and also woke up.

"Again?" (Iris)

Iris spoke up in annoyance. She was probably the most pissed out of them all. Every time they came, she got angrier. And this never died down with time, unlike the other two.

"I think so. There's more this time."

"How many?" (Luna)

"31 class 2's. And those two class 3's." (Riddick)

"31?! Why so many this time? We never get more than 10!" (Iris)

"Not sure. Either way, time to leave."

Riddick stood up, as did the girls. He was much more used to doing this than they were. The two pieces of furniture disappeared and they all head out of their cave.

As they stepped outside, Riddick enveloped the girls with his mana. They all stayed close and scanned their surroundings.

Coming at them from all sides were the class 2's. The two class 3's also approached from in front and behind.

"Don't you know that bringing these weaklings is just giving me more experience?" (Riddick)

Riddick spoke to the foxes approaching him. The class 3's snickered.

"Please, class 2 experience is nothing for those on our level. Only those girls can gain anything from it. Not that it matters if they do. Why can't you just give up, Riddick Durov? Is this really the life you want to live? Do you really think that there's a way out? Is this really the life you want them to live? To put your own daughters through thi-"

"I suggest you stop talking before I rip your jaw off and shove it down your throat." (Riddick)

A wave of malice washed over everyone in the vicinity. Though this only served to scare the class 2 foxes. The class 3's just smiled, amused at the reaction they garnered. 


When they gave the word, all the class 2's surrounding them created balls of blue flame. They quickly flew over to the family.


A shockwave was released as the fireballs impacted the area. The tree that was previously the family's base was blown to bits, and smoke was blanketed over the area.


An exhausted breath came from the cloud of smoke. Then, dark red fireballs came hurdling from within, heading straight towards the class 2 foxes all around.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Each of the dark red fireballs were blocked by barriers and exploded. The cloud of smoke also cleared, showing Iris who had blood-red flame spewing from under her fur. She was staring straight at the lead class 3, growling in rage.

"Oh? Is someone angry?"

The class 3 smiled back at Iris. A measly class 2 could do nothing to him. Iris narrowed her eyes.

"If you think my dad is violent, just wait until I tie you up with your tendons and eat your heart while you watch!"


The fox felt a bit of a chill go down his spine. He had seen the gruesome end of one of the class 2's that she sunk her teeth into. Watching one of his own being eaten bit by bit while still alive left a certain fear lingering within, even despite him being so much more powerful.

"...Keep going."

The fox spoke and another volley of blue fireballs came flying over. Riddick didn't stay put and lifted the girls, flying to a part of the encirclement to break through. 

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Black fireballs were launched ahead of him and killed several class 2's instantly. He began heading through the hole he created, but suddenly stopped when he did.

"...Another one?"


Riddick looked ahead of them in the forest. The girls looked to him in confusion, before looking to where he was.

A few dozen meters away, a figure began to uncover itself. It was another fox, but it wasn't the same as all the others.

"Class 3."

"A third one?!"

The girls looked on in shock. They knew the significance of class 3's now more than they had before. And even a single one meant bad news for them.

"It'll change nothing."

Riddick spoke in a low voice and began moving. He flew towards another gap while launching fireballs at the class 3 and keeping him at bay. 

"Not so fast."



As Riddick flew, another fox in its human form came out of nowhere and slashed at them with a knife. Sounds rang out as the knife was blocked by his mana shield.

"Hoho! Tough shield. Looks like you haven't gotten any worse."

The assassin commented as he backed away and sized up Riddick. Riddick also sized up the assassin.

"I thought I'd never see you assassins again. Haven't I killed enough of you?" (Riddick)

"You wish. I remember you from all those years ago, Riddick Durov. You almost had my head. It was a frightening experience indeed."

"Then I'll be sure not to make the same mistake again."

Saying so, Riddick created several fireballs and launched them towards the assassin. The assassin smiled and disappeared with the wind.


Dirt was kicked up and smoke was spread. Riddick didn't wait around and began flying in another direction, until he was stopped yet again.


Riddick's face fell as he looked in front of him. Yet another fox in its human form was revealing itself. It wore a cloak and held a staff.

"Hello, Riddick Durov."

The fox spoke as it faced Riddick. He didn't respond, and neither of them made any moves.

"Riddick Durov! This is the end! You cannot escape."

The lead fox approached from behind. At the same time, 3 more foxes revealed themselves. Two of them looked like the assassin, and another wore a cloak and held a staff. Likely a mage.


Luna and Iris looked at the 3 foxes who came out of stealth. They were powerful, definitely class 3's. And they began getting scared. Riddick faced his daughters with a meaningful look.

"It'll be fine..."

"No, it won't be fine! Riddick Durov, just give up! You cannot face us all."

The 8 class 3's walked over and surrounded the family. The girls got closer to their dad as they began understanding the horrible situation they were in.

Riddick lifted his head and looked around.

"Has my reputation somehow died down over these last 20 years?"

"Reputation? Please. You're nothing more than a human scum who's decent at magic."

One of the mages spat out at him. He just looked at the mage with apathetic eyes.

"...Then allow me to show you, just who I am."

As he spoke, black gas began to form around his body. The grass beneath him began to disintegrate and the dirt and stone corroded. His eyes turned black, and he brought out a staff.

The staff that appeared in his hands was made of an unknown material that looked like black steel. It was a few feet long, and sitting on the end was a black crystal tied down by the steel. The black crystal emitted the same black gas as around his body, and all the class 3's could feel his amplified power.

When the staff came out, a few of the class 3's felt chills down their backs.

"...Get back."


The assassin, who knew Riddick from all those years ago, spoke to the leader and began moving away. The leader got confused.

"That's his weapon. Now get back!"

Seeing his urgency, the class 3's didn't question anymore and began moving away. Though not before Riddick could made a move.

A ball of gas split off from his body and condensed, turning into a ball no more than an inch or two in diameter. Then, it was ignited. The ball turned into a solid black sphere. It didn't look like fire, and it didn't give off any heat. But everyone could sense the extremely dense mana within.

Riddick pointed to the class 3 leader.

"Watch ou-!"



The ball flew over faster than anyone could keep up with and hit the leader square in the chest. Then, an explosion blew a hole through this chest and ignited his entire body on fire.


A guttural scream came from the leader as he burned on the floor. In mere seconds, the leader's body began turning to ash from the inside and outside.

Soon, there was silence, and nothing left of the leader.


Riddick turned to the other foxes. The gas around his body began condensing into balls.

"Allow me to remind you of the name, Prince of Destruction."




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