Origin Seeker

Chapter 95: Construction

Chapter 95: Construction

Since the tools he was going to make needed to handle lots of mana, Sophia decided that Mithril was the best choice. 

Grade 6 Mithril could handle Dream's entire mana pool before exploding, so they used that to develop tools with power comparable to his.

Whenever they enchanted an item it would almost never be able to surpass the amount of power that Dream could produce, depending on the maximum mana pool it had. So even after using grade 6 Mithril, the device they made to help condense and infuse mana only had around 60% of his own infusion power. 

But who said they could only use one? Dream and Sophia definitely weren't only going to use a single tool. In fact, these tools were designed to be used in clusters, and they built 30.

The next problem was mana supply. They could have all the infusion power they wanted, but the lack of mana would render them useless. So their next step was to develop cores.

Like they did with the core to the facility, Sophia used grade 6 Mithril and created a core that copied the core design of the Dome. For this, they even halted operations going on in the facility and pulled mana from the main core as well as the other robots with cores built-in. Using this mana, they quickly built 30 cores, one for each of the tools.

When this was done they put the cores into the infusion tools. When this happened, the tools flashed to life. They hovered above the ground while colors shone from the circuits that were sucking mana from the cores. They looked like sentinels, and if he hadn't just developed them as tools, one would think that they were weapons.

[I've developed a system of mana circuits that go along with the cores and machines that we build. They use examples from the dungeon core, magic circles, and enchanting. These bots are fully autonomous and can communicate over both mana and electronic communication. They are enchanted with both of your skills, though they obviously can't use them to your extent, but it's enough to do their job even with you away.]

"Very nice. Show me what they can do."

After he said that, all 30 bots flew over to a pallet of steel ingots. After taking several, the bots merged the steel ingots into a sphere just like with the mithril. Then, they all infused mana, causing the explosion.


After that, they began removing the depleted steel and compressing the orb. Soon, it was enhanced. 

"Nice. Though they're slower than us, they'll be working more hours."

[They also need more time to fill their cores. Once they've gotten to 100%, they'll be able to do that individually instead of a big group. 30 bots working 24/7, it'll make for very quick production. Though it'll eventually slow down as the metal gets stronger and we enhance it more. Right now the steel is only at the level of grade 3 Mithril. So it's easy to enhance. But it won't be as it gets to grade 6.]

"But at least we have automation. Their cores should be full in a couple of hours, but they can still work now so let's get them going."


Sophia sent off the bots to begin working again. They quickly picked up ingots and went through the same process of explosion and compression. Dream nodded after seeing how useful they were. 

"Now, you said something about a new weapon and armor."

[I did! We have plenty of grade 7 Mithril so I was planning on making the armor with it. And since I have enough data now to make flux bullets, we can build the gun around those.]

"Let's focus on the armor first."

[Sure. So I was planning on creating an entirely new suit. Before we only modified the original suit. But like your body, we should create it around your skills and increase their base functionality.]

"Ok. You have a design in mind?"

[I do. Check it out.]

Sophia began to simulate the suit in Dream's mind. 

The suit was more streamlined than his previous one, but it looked no less complex. The suit was designed to be flush against his body and looked like a one-piece, but Dream knew that it was actually constructed from tens of billions of micromachines. 

Each micromachine was about the size of a red blood cell and built with two components: A core and a shell. The micromachines would be able to bond together with other machines and separate at will, almost acting like a liquid metal. And though one would think that forging the suit as solid pieces would be better, the enchantments that allowed their functions would far outperform a forged metal suit.

Each machine worked by harmonizing electronics and enchantments. Every individual machine would be enchanted, but all the machines would communicate and work together. And despite being a bunch of separate pieces, they could bond to create macro machines like armor or even a computer. In the case of being an armor, each cell and their enchantments would tie them together so upon receiving impact, the force would be transmitted across the other cells using mana. This made for a flexible, thin, but ultra-sturdy armor. 

As Dream looked at the schematics and received the data, he realized that this was the most intensive piece of equipment that they could possibly make. It was a harmonization of everything they had learned so far and would require the utmost precision to construct. Though as a result of its complexity, it obviously wasn't something that could be created in a day.

"...How long exactly would this take to make?"

[With special tools designed to make this and if there are no problems along the way, then about a week.]

"I see. Well then, we should get started."


Sophia didn't waste time and immediately brought over the grade 7 Mithril ingots that they had. 

[The first thing we need to build is the anchoring device. This will help us stabilize the suit as we build it as well as assist us in its construction. For it we'll need the grade 7 mithril.]

"That's fine."

[Then I'll begin.]

When she said that, a dozen ingots merged together and formed into a container. She then enchanted it with mana circuits and gave it a core. The total amount of mana that flooded to it and was infused by him equaled more than his total mana pool. 

[Done. Now comes construction. The process will be slow, and we'll have to be inside that container while constructing it. It's not something a machine will be able to handle.]


Dream didn't mind. He wouldn't want to leave such a delicate and intricate process to a machine either. For the sake of quality, they needed to personally handle this.

After the anchoring tool was constructed, Dream stepped inside the open door and closed himself in. He could feel the insane mana density right as he stepped in. 

From a hatch came an ingot of silver. It fell into Dream's hands and his mana was infused into the bar. 

Off the corner of the ingot, chunks of molecules were shaved off and floated towards the center of the container in front of Dream. The atoms began to reform into a core and then the spherical shell, creating a cell. Inside the structure was also a micro computer that was capable of sending and receiving signals and using electricity. This computer was connected to the core of the cell and they were programmed together to work as one unit.

The process was quick, taking no longer than a fraction of a second. But this was only one cell. And there were over 100 billion. Dream wondered how they were supposed to complete this in only a week, but then the silver bar suddenly disintegrated.

All the cell-sized chunks of atoms arrange themselves individually. The container Dream was in also whirred to life, and the mana inside began to agitate and flow towards the atoms. Then, along with the power behind Dream's soul, everything began to construct themselves. 

The massive cluster of atoms slowly began forming their cells. They formed a chaotic cloud of silver that seemingly had no purpose. But Dream knew that this was only the beginning. And once one bar was disintegrated, another came to take its place. 

After several hours when the sun had risen, more bars of silver had come in and disintegrated, adding to the cloud of silver. Dream's soul had also been fatigued, and he was rather tired. Though it was nothing he couldn't soon recover from, unlike a few days ago.

[Alright, we've gotten about 25% of the total material needed. In another 3 days or 30 hours of work, we'll have all the material for the suit. Then we'll need a few days to enchant it, which we need to do without interruption.]

"Alright. I'll figure something out. This cloud of silver is good to sit here?"

[It'll be contained and stabilized by this tool, so yes.]


After confirming, Dream walked out of the container. He needed to get back to the city soon for lunch. 

[Don't forget we need to make a gift for the girls.]

"Oh, right. I had actually thought of something."

[And I've made it a reality. If you want, I'll construct it now.]

When she said that, schematics appeared in Dream's mind. He nodded seeing how they were exactly what he wanted.

"Sure, go ahead and make it. Maybe use some of the enhanced steel as a test."


"Then let's get going. Lunch is in 10 minutes."

After grabbing some steel ingots he flew off out of the factory, heading back to the academy.


When he arrived at the dorm, the girls were already there.



"How goes practice?"

"Good. The cube is starting to become easy. Look."

Arrina stood up and brought out her cube. She proceeded to make it fly around her body and spin like a top for a while before having float by her side. Such complex maneuvers seemed effortless, a far cry from when she had first started.

"Very cool."

"Ya. And I'm learning more and more of the intermediate magic. Mara and I had been talking about that."

"Nice. Well I've got something for you guys, so put that on hold for a second."

Dream walked over and sat on the couch across from them. 

"Remember the gift I told you guys about?"


"Well I have it. Here."

Dream put out his palms. Two necklaces appeared on them.

The necklaces were made of the steel that Dream grabbed before flying here. The steel was formed into threads and twisted to make the band. And hanging off the band was a pendant embedded with silver. The pendant had various geometric designs on it, and both girls could sense the mana flowing inside it.

"Here, take them."

He handed them the necklaces, which they took with interest. 

"It's really nice." (Arrina)

"...I like it." (Mara)

"It's more than just for looks. Put them on."

The girls nodded and put them on around their necks. When they did, it didn't take long for their expressions to change.

"What's it doing?"

"I-I can feel the mana."

"It's increasing the mana concentration of your body. I've enchanted it with that function. The pendant is actually Mithril, and it can act as a small mana core."

"How...You enchanted this?"

Mara looked at him with a dumb face. Dream just smiled. He had crafted this in the 10 minutes that he was flying here. And not to mention the project he was working on at the factory, this necklace was an amazingly simple piece of work for him. Mara seemed to think it was something extraordinary. 

"Ya. It's nothing crazy."

"I...I don't know if I can accept this. Mithril is too valuable."

Arrina started being all poor around him again, so Dream just looked her in the eyes and spoke.

"You can and you will accept it. Ok pumpkin?"


"What about you Mara. Like it?"

"...I didn't know you were an enchanter."

"I picked it up while I was at the Enchanted Mountain. With my manipulation techniques, it wasn't that difficult."

"You were at the Enchanted Mountain?" (Arrina)

"I was."


Arrina stared at him for a second before shaking her head. He just shrugged.

"Anyway, I hope you like your presents. It'll help with your recovery and performance. I wanted it to be more than just an accessory."

"It will definitely help. Thanks."

Both the girls felt the pendant around their necks and the mana flowing through their bodies. 

With that, Dream had officially apologized. Though he'd have to go away again for even longer in a few days, so it would be short-lived. 

After getting back to their practice, the girls tested the effects of the increased mana concentration from the necklace. It allowed Arrina to last longer while manipulating, and though it had a bit of a lesser effect on Mara, it did the same. It also slightly increased the mana pool for both girls as well as enhancing their precision while controlling mana. It would prove to be a valuable accessory.

After lunch they continued with their schedule. Dream and Mara went to healing and then came back for more practice. And at night when the girls exhausted themselves and fell asleep, Dream left to go to the factory.

While he was there, Dream maximized the time he was developing the material for his new armor. Ingots of grade 7 Mithril were constantly broken down into particles and transmitters were placed within each cell. Sophia even designed an electrical system for each cell that would help with electrical communications and integrated it into all the cells. 

Although it didn't seem like they were doing much creating these silver cells, their complexity would be realized when the final enchantment came. There was a reason Sophia needed 3 whole days to enchant this piece. 

With each new ingot that disintegrated, Dream became more and more eager to see the final product. He watched as all the cells formed and were placed into the cloud of silver that was getting so dense you could see it, like a metallic fog. He also paid attention to the micro enchantments on the cell core that integrated the electronic components. 

The micro enchantments gave the cell mana storage, the ability to connect and communicate over mana, a way to produce heat and electricity, and connected it with the microcomputer. And although the computer was small and therefore limited in its processing power, it wasn't designed to be used independently. And the implications of such were terrifying. 

Dream focused totally on the construction and micro enchantments for all 10 hours that he had. And come time to go back to the academy, he was almost reluctant. 

"*sigh* I guess it's not totally bad. We can study magic sequences at least."

[I wonder what your teachers are thinking considering you're just skipping the sequencing classes.]

"If my teachers knew that I could easily kill a hundred of them, they may have different thoughts. And the only reason really that I'm still going to healing class is because I can do some good and save some lives. It's amazing how often people get hurt. Especially that one guy who's come in at least 3 times this week."

[Unfortunately not everyone can get healing powers like yours. When they get injured, although they might heal much faster than a normal person, it's nothing that can be recovered from in a day. And especially if their livelihood rests on hunting, they can't afford to be hurt. So the healing services are in very high demand.]

"Yea. I could make a lot of money if I were to be a healer. Unfortunately I don't need the money nor have the passion for being a dedicated healer. Wonder if that makes me a bad person?"

[Maybe in the eyes of the dying person.]

"It's a good thing they don't see me then. Oh well. Let's go to school."

Saying that, he began heading back to the academy.

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