Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival (LN)

Book 3: SS 3

Book 3: SS 3

Shuris Adventure

Im Shuri. Right now Im working as adventurer together with my big bro. Sorry, I mean Shun. We are earning money for our daily life as luggage carrier for other adventurer.

Were living in a baron territory that was located at the furthest north of the kingdom. Im still ten years old while big bro is thirteen years old so we have it hard but, were managing somehow.

This place is a remote region and frankly its the sticks but, therere a lot of monsters here so many adventurers came here. Among them there is a big brother who we were acquainted with in the town that we previously lived in, and we luckily got hired by him as luggage carrier instead of getting worked like slave by awful adventurer.

Actually we wanted to be actual adventurer. Most adventurers are like a group of outlaw who barely made ends meet every day but, our acquaintanceKevin and his party have a sorcerer who told us how in the past adventurer was mercenary who specialized in exploring undeveloped land. He also told us how even now high ranked adventurer would get hired by noble.

Well, there isnt anyone like that around us thoughthats a lie. There is just one person. It was because of that person big bro and I thought of becoming adventurer.

It was because of that personAria.


Our encounter with Aria three years ago was something unforgettableit was after a bit of time passed since we got abandoned in this town.

It was really hard for us at that time. That woman took over the house and field of our departed dad. Even now I wanted to punch her face. No, Ill definitely do it one day. I never said it because big bro would get worried though.

Aria was strong. And also so cool!

At first big bro picked a fight with Aria and almost got killed, but big bro was in the wrong for that. If that was all then as expected even me would never want to get involved with Aria anymore, but then Aria helped us after seeing a drunkard was hassling us.

I think it was after thatbig bro and me wanted to become adventurerno, to become strong.

To be honest our current living is tiring. We are still children so we cant carry large luggage, and even though were accompanying Kevins rank 2 party, we would only receive one small silver coin from one adventure.

Even so I think that someone like big bro would have become a thug or criminal around this time if we didnt become adventurer.

That was just how difficult it was for orphans in the slum to work. Perhaps we would be able to eat at least if we could enter the orphanage, but that time there was a lot of orphans because of monster attack and there was no orphanage at all for abandoned children like us to enter.

Even so other than being adventurer we also gathered broken blade or almost used up appraisal crystal as our side job to be sold to the blacksmith Galbas or the general stores old man to make it somehow.

It was then we heard the rumor about how our birthplace was being attacked by orcs.

Kevin and big bro were anxious to go there but, the scout in Kevins partywhats his name again? Anyway the scout opposed them from going to that town.

That guy was an unpleasant guy. But, I also agreed with him in regard to that. Ill just die if I go to a place with a lot of orcs.

My half-brother who was still a baby when I got discarded would die at this rateI felt slightlyjust a little bit sad imagining it, even so big bros death scared me much more than that.

But, the one who resolved that problem was Aria who returned to this baron territory after three years.

Aria who was a girl now.

She was a girl from the start? I didnt know that! She was already cool, but now she was also pretty and cute when dressed as a girl. Someone like big bro couldnt even meet her eyes now that he had realized her gender and became completely conscious toward her, just whats the deal with that!?

In the first place how did she become that big? Our height was about the same when we first met wasnt it? Though certainly she had gotten a bit bigger in just three weeks at that time!

Whats more she had gotten absurdly strong! Rank 3 she said! Her appearance is around thirteen years old? Somehow she looked mature now, and whats more shes super pretty and eye-catching!

Haaa~~~~~~~sayonara my first love.

No, wait a second. When someone is this pretty and cool, isnt it fine even if she is a girl?

In fact, there isnt any boy cooler than Aria around here. Theres also no man stronger than Aria. Theres also nobody lovelier than Aria.

She looked cold hearted but the truth is she is also compassionate, sincere, and wont break her promise. Shes kind and also smell nice.

Shes pretty and wearing cool outfit. Shes radiating this strange sex appeal even though shes still a kid. Even though my outfit is second hand, I had done my best to make it look stylish, but whats this difference between us!?

Her breasts also had gotten bigger!? Even though Im still flat like this!? What can I do to become like Aria!?

Big bros chop fell on my skull when I was getting excited like that. It was simply painful.

Well, that was just how lovely Aria was. And that lovely girl Aria solved even the orc incident so easily.

But I realized then.

Aria is surrounded by various problems in exchange for that strength. Someone like Aria couldnt even be seen together with shitty small fries like us.

That was why I easily said farewell to Aria and since then I started taking action to become strong.

Thats why big bro, lets go already-!


I think, you might have aptitude for water element Shuri.

Eh, really!? Hooray!

The relatively rational person and a sorcerer of Kevins party said that to me while we are resting on our way to the ruin. It made me reflexively clenched my hands to express my happiness.

The adventurer guild and the feudal lord finally announced that the orcs were mostly annihilated. And so big bro and I could work as the luggage carrier of Kevins party again.

Even so apparently individual or party that couldnt defeat orc by themselves couldnt approach the ruin, but Kevin and his party had actual achievement more or less so they were permitted to go.

Their party is being considered as a party that saved the town that got attacked by the orcsalong with the other parties.

In reality they were like the extra of the other two rank 3 parties that volunteered, furthermore it seemed that it was Aria who slaughtered the orcs, but that Aria exchanged the magic stones of fifty orcs before leaving the town, so the bounty money that the feudal lord had to pay went to those three parties and other related people. The lord also had to pay compensation to the other noble who originally should come as reinforcement, so apparently the amount wasnt that much, even so it was an amount that I had never seen before.

But, the majority of the adventurer guild knew what Aria did.

Errwhat? Ash Crowned Princess was it?

Arias nickname? Several adventurers who looked like bad guy would jerk each time they heard that name. They might be people who are involved with the thief guild and the receptionist lady told me that we mustnt get near those people.

Was the scout of Kevins part gone, because of that?

I got slightly off topic.

In short Kevins party right now is a bit rich. Its an amount of money that would run out in two months if the party used it to drink themselves silly, but Kevin and others didnt even waste any of the money and immediately took another quest. He said it was because they met a certain adventurer in that orc incident.

Heeis that so.

I glanced at the side. There Kevin who was in the middle of resting was sitting on a tree stump while enthusiastically saying something to big bro.

Its not like I feel anything about that fellow but, as a fellow adventurer I got my eyes opened, or rather I thought that perhaps adventurer was originally like that. Ah, Im not concerned about that fellow at all okay! I just, decided to retrain myself to become rank 3.

Youre amazing big bro. I also have this super strong acquaintance, or perhaps friend? Anyway I want to be strong enough so I can form a party with that person

I seedo your best. If its you Gil you can do it!

Yep. You too big bro Kevin, I hope youll reach rank 3 quickly!

Theyre making that kind of talk but

Arent they both talking about Aria?

Dont tell me, both Kevin and big bro are in love with Aria? No way, that might okay for big bro, but thatll be bad for Kevin. Aria is still ten years old.

And so Kevin and others went to adventure and we can also come with them as luggage carrier.

That scout who aaalways disliked paying us with money isnt here anymore, so perhaps we would be able to get more than usual this time. Whee.

I was also inspired by Aria when meeting her in the past, so Im asking the sorcerer big bro to teach me things like letter or simple math. Big bro isnt going to study anyway so I need to be dependable!

And so I asked for teaching too during the break this time, but I was told that I might have aptitude for water element.

Perhaps that was why I could only use Water among the daily life magic even though I had been taught several of them. I think what caused me to be able to use the daily life magic of water was because of that incident with the drunkard that told us to pay to use the well in the slums. Aria was really intense after all.

I got off-topic again.

And so the sorcerer big bro is becoming my teacher who is teaching me sorcery but, he too might have also gotten inspired by Aria. His attitude is different from before. How should I say it, before this it felt like he taught me only for killing time, but now the way he underestimated me just because Im a kid has lessened a lot.

The treatment toward big bro is also the same. Before it felt like big bro got taught how to use sword only for killing time, but now Kevin or the hunter big bro would proactively teach big bro.

But the things that they taught him, like how to use short sword or how to erase presence, arent those things for scout? Perhaps theyre trying to turn big bro into replacement for the missing scout?

But perhaps thats alright? Big bro knew that Aria is a scout and whats more shes really strong, so it looks like hes interested in that direction.

Even if its just a temporary whim, Ill be happy as long as big bro turn into proper adventurer. There isnt anybody strange in Kevins party right now, so I think itll be fine.

Butwhat about me?

Even if I became able to use water sorcery, Ill be weak as a sorcerer. The sorcerer big bro is also rank 2, but he said thats because he can use two elements, wind and earth. Perhaps that much is needed to be adventurer as a sorcerer.

Unlike the nobles, most commoner sorcerer only has one element. Even just having two elements will make the person look talented. Thats why sorcerer with only one element will also search something else than sorcery to be their weapon. Its not like it has to be bladed weapon but, they need other method that they can fight with.

The sorcerer big bro said that he can also use sword. Why is a sorcerer learning close quarter combat? When I asked him that, he said that he wanted to become a warrior in the past.

Butwhat about me?

I cant fight in close quarter combat better than the sorcerer big bro. Perhaps I wont even be able to block the enemys sword and died from getting overwhelmed.

Then what should I do?

To be honest there is something that I had decided. Because I looked up to Aria too much, it pushed me to train in that obsessively. But I was at a lost because something like that wouldnt serve as my main weapon on its own, however I might be able to do it if I can use water sorcery.


Be on your guard from here!

Kevin cautioned everyone when we got near our destination. Usually big bro and me would wait in a safe place before coming this far, but this time we asked them to bring us until this far.

The quest that Kevins party took was searching for orc and exterminating them. Even if there isnt actually any orc, if we defeat the monsters around here, we would be able to obtain subjugation fee along with that monsters magic stone. If we luckilyunluckily? encountered an orc and defeated it, well be able to obtain even more reward.

But well, the feudal lord is also dispatching his soldiers to defeat the leftover orcs, so I dont think the chance of us being able to encounter an orc will be that great! Thats also why Kevins party agreed to bring us until this far.




Eh? Something came out!? Is this like the saying of speak of the devil!?

A wild orc appeared. Whats more there is two of them.

Kevins party can defeat one safely. But what about two? If we found two or more orcs, we would decide whether to launch surprise attack or retreat, but for some reason these two orcs appeared suddenly in front of ussss!



An awkward atmosphere almost formed but, Kevin and the orc raised their voice at the same time and battle broke out as a matter of course.


The partys heavy warrior and one orc clashed. But, Kevins party only consisted of rank 2 adventurer while the orcs were rank 3, so the heavy warrior instantly started getting pushed back.

This bastard!

Kevin couldnt bear to watch and assisted. But, whats he doing!? Kevin had worked hard since that incident and got stronger. Thats why Kevin should hold back one orc while the rest defeat the other shouldnt it!?

No good, I cant think. There is one more person, the hunter, but that person is the same like the sorcerer. I dont think he is good with fighting at the front line.


B-big bro!?

Big bro Gil rushed forward like a man possessed with his short sword. Whats he doing!? You still dont have any combat skill!

Perhaps big bro himself knew that he cant fight. He ran past the other orc in front of its eyes to distract it.


The orcs are also seemed to be in confusion. That orc ignored the hunter and sorcerer and began chasing after big bro.

Gil, run around!

Kevin also noticed and yelled like that. The sorcerer and hunter also wanted to save big bro but, big bro will die if they carelessly attack with sorcery or bow and hit him instead.



A chill ran through my back the moment I noticed that possibility. I unconsciously grabbed the sling on my waist, just like Aria at that time.



The small rock that I threw with the sling hit the orcs head. But it didnt deal any damage, and no blood came out. Even so the orcs fury moved away toward me.

Shuri-, run!!

I can hear big bros voice. My head almost turned pure white by what I had done.

Something like orc is a terrifying monster for children like us. I heard that even adventurer cant face it when they are just rank 1 and would get killed no matter how many of them are there.

Butin that moment, Arias face flashed in my mind like revolving lantern. A mere survivor of the orcs that she slaughtered doesnt seem that horrifying although its still scary.


I used the only daily life magic I can use, Water while backing away. Something like that cant even serve as distraction. That is even more so when the opponent is an angry orc.

I threw a small rock at the orc at that moment. I didnt even have any leeway to use the sling, but the orc that got hit by the rock just now dodged it even though there isnt any need to do that


Its posture was unbalanced. Its foot slipped by a water puddle and it fell forward.

Right here-!


The skewer that I threw in that moment pierced the orcs eyeball. It screamed.

Three years ago, after Aria was gone, I heard from the general stores old man how Aria used iron skewer as weapon. I kept asking him to procure the same thing for me and since then I had kept practicing with it while keeping it a secret from even big bro!


The hunters arrow pierced the orcs neck at the same time with my yell. Right behind it big bro who was looking deathly pale leaped and stabbed the fallen orcs neck with his short sword.

We did it!


From the result that attack seemed to be almost fatal. The hunter also used a short sword and beat up the orc together with big bro. After that the remaining orc wasnt even a problem anymore. Everyone surrounded it and finished it off.

Shuriyou, since when you became able to do something like that? That was damn reckless.

The senior adventurers Kevin and others praised me but, big bro got slightly angry with me. Even though he himself was also reckless. Guess that was why he didnt scold me too much.

Even Im going to be an adventurer! Big bro, Im going to be stronger than you if you let your guard down you know?

N-no way that can happen! No way right?

Who knows? Even Aria is the same age with me so its not impossible you know?

Thats right. Im going to become stronger. After all its sad that I cant meet with Aria openly.

Thats why, wait for me Aria-.

One day Ill become strong and go to meet you-!

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