Otome Game no Heroine de Saikyou Survival (LN)

Book 5: Chapter 5

Book 5: Chapter 5

Academys Day Off

In this academy, there was another Rainbow Sword than me attached to the job.

I approached the destination, an alchemical incinerator that didnt produce any smoke. Beside it was a middle aged man wearing janitor working clothes, crouching on the ground while smoking on a pipe. She was calling out to a pretty maid in her twenty who came there to throw the trash, but the man didnt look dejected at all despite the maid treating his advance coldly.


Ariadid you, see?

Of course.

I wonder why this kind of role really suited this man? He looked truly natural looking like this.

This isnt like how it looks like okay? After all Im disguising myself as a janitor who you can see anywhere, thats all you know? Dont get any misunderstanding alright? Also dont mention anything about this to Sera or Chloe-san okay?

I dont care about any of that, but for now, the decoy investigation is finished.

From the start the drug called magic drug inside the academy was becoming a problem among the low ranked nobles. The black ops investigated it and found out where the drug generally originated from, but the culprit was a high ranked noble which made it complicated for them to lay their hand on him. There I used the chance to forcefully crush them to make it into Elenas achievement.

Sandras name also came up as someone involved, so I made use of her when she showed up before me in class.

By the way, about that royal brother, is he involved with this business?

Until now Amors name never came up during the talk about the magic drug business. In the first place I couldnt even judge whether he was really an instructor here or not, but as expected Viro seemed to know about him when I asked that question.

He showed up in front of you as expected huh. His presence here is unexpected but, that royal brother is uninvolved.

Well, I guessed thats the case.

That was the only logical answer from how haphazardly he was acting.

But, apparently there was really a plan for him to become an instructor in this academy from long time ago. Its really just a coincidence that he showed up in this magic drug case. And about him becoming instructor this yearwell, its your fault I guess?

It felt like Amol became somewhat ill after seeing Carla and my power.

He was showing an abnormal desire to protect Elena so I dont think that he would get in her way, but it was possible that he would get in Elenas way by trying to get rid of me.

Also, I learned more about whats going on behind the scene from what Melroses young master told you. This years outdoor field trip apparently will be observing the exercises of the second knight order. From what I heard the second knight order will be in charge of the security in the place of the black ops. You just focus on guaranteeing the safety of the royalties.

I asked Viro to investigate the information that I heard from Mihail at the opening ceremony.

Apparently Ervan was still refusing to be guarded by the black ops like usual.

He was a human so I guessed it couldnt be helped if he was ruled by his emotion, but when I looked at Ervan and Amor, it looked like even Elena when she was seven years old were still more prudent than them as a royalty.

Safety of the royalties? Is that including the fiance Carla?

At the dungeon, the fiances of the crown prince were given treatment that was nearly like a royalty and also the duty that came with it. But, putting aside Clara, was there any need to guard Carla?

Viro understood what I wanted to say. He frowned seeing that he himself almost got killed once by her.

I dont mean that scary little lady. Even if this is supposed to be a field trip for kids, accident that cant be managed by the teachers who are just middle ranked nobles at best might just occur, right? Thats why the crown prince is coming along as the supervisor of the whole thing. There was also talk about his highness Amor coming along, but that person is in a troublesome position after all

I was wondering why the opinion of the second year crown prince about the field trip for the new students would be listened at, but apparently he was also going to participate in it huh.

It was the crown prince who would oversee the whole thing instead of the royal brother must be because they also wanted to make the crown prince work. Even so Ervan was basically a good hearted person, so to me he was still better than Amor.

Its the princesss wish that youre chosen as guard. That royal brothers opinion cant be ignored but, there wont be any problem with that because the princesss authority as royalty is above that guy.

Itll be good if thats the case

It might be bad to say this but, the current royal brother is different from the previous royal brother who died early. He only received education to be the kings retainer, so dont compare him to the princess who received education for gifted children.

Ill keep it in mind.

That explanation from Viro made me realized that perhaps I had been looking at Amor like that until now. I nodded deeply to him.

This too must be a lesson as a scout from him to me. In that caseI tried asking him about something else that bothered me.

Hey Viro.


I cant really hold back properly against student.


For some reason he was looking at me in exasperation.

Go back to Seras mansion in your next day off and ask your little bro for a spar. Ill explain to Sera about it.

I see.

Certainly if it was Seo then he might be just right to be my sparring partner. The thing that I ordered might also get finished soon, so I decided to ask for a day off and head to the capital at that day.


My lady, welcome back.

I am back.

The day the academy was in holiday, I showed up in the mansion of Leyton House that was located in the capital with Elenas permission. I was welcomed by the maids who were acquaintance with me.

Being taken care by maids like this as a young lady was also a part of training for me to act as a noble lady. I considered this as a part of the job.

And so I stayed inside my room in this mansion and drank tea with a posture that looked elegant.



A brown skinned boy rushed into the room after slamming open the door. I stopped his movement by grabbing his face in my hand.

It has been some time since we last met, Seo. Around the time of the opening ceremony I guess. Are you alright with taking a day off?

Aria-, itll split! My head, its going to split-!

It seemed I was unable to adjust my strength because he rushed in so quickly. I remembered that and let go of his head. Seo looked somewhat tearful, even so he spread out his arms happily with a face that got my hand print on it.

I wanted to meet you all this time, Aria!


Seo Leyton Race : Human Rank 3

Magic Power : 125/130Stamina : 141/180

Overall Combat Strength : 299 (With Body Strengthening : 355)


I was concerned with the gap of Seo and my combat strength, but if he was rank 3 then he should be strong enough.

He was assigned with the job of guarding that strange young lady, so it had been a long time since we could talk like this but, it felt like he had gotten slightly taller than before.

Seos age was one year younger than me, but his appearance right now had grown up from mana just like me. He had the appearance of a 14 years old.

I know it, youre taller than me.

I dont think its really a concern though?

Im concerned! Even though its already problematic that Aria is the big sister.

Even though Im the older sister, Seo is still the heir right?

What was he worried about? I was an adopted daughter just for the duration of this job, so I think there wouldnt be any problemI was thinking like that while tilting my head. It made Seo strangely started to panic.

T-thats not what I mean, Im not worried about being the heir or not! Ah, but, it might also be nice if Aria is the heir and Im your assistant.

It felt like Seo now often fell into deep thought suddenly since our reunion.

More importantly, I want to spar with you

Ah, I heard about that. What now? Are we going to do it at the courtyard? I wont be able to stay too long but, Ill be able to keep you company for at least half a day you know?

The house of Baronet Layton was a lineage of black ops. Sera was also in charge of supervising the palaces security, so this house had the financial strength that surpassed the average middle ranked noble despite being a low ranked noble house. Naturally this mansion in the capital and their villa all had a lot of servants and wide garden. It was also possible to train there but.

Today Ill also go pick up an something that I ordered, so Im thinking of going out to the capital and borrowing the training ground of the adventurer guild while there. I also called Feld to come so I can ask him to train Seo too.


Seo looked really surprised. Was there something that he felt concerned about?

Ariayoull be with that man again

He started muttering something like that with small voice. Perhaps Seo too was curious about Feld. After that Seo still wouldnt come back to his senses even after some time passed, so it couldnt be helped. I grabbed his collar and dragged him toward the adventurer guild.


So, how are things going with that lady?

After that Seo returned to his senses. We walked through the capital while I tried asking him the question that was in my mind.

T-thats, just because Im together with other girl

That young lady, didnt look normal.

Seo looked dejected for some reason when I replied to him. That young lady was at the level of ordinary person combat strength-wise, but I got some kind of bad premonition from her. I hoped that she wouldnt be a problem but, there was a possibility that thing would turn troublesome if Seo was unable to get a handle on her.

To be honest, shes a bit handful. It feels like her sense of distance is too close should I say, shes too touchy-feely, and sometimes I dont get what shes saying.

What is Sera saying about her?

Kaa-san said that shes a young lady in a complicated position, so I should protect her with my all regardless of my feeling.

Regardless of his feelinghuh. That was an evaluation that was unlike the neutral Sera. It made me increased my wariness level toward that girl by one step. Just who in the world that girl was that the black ops went as far as assigning Seras son to be her guard.

Even sothere was that lady in addition to Amor. There were many people around me with complicated position huh.


The season still wasnt spring but, Claydale Kingdom was located at the south of the continent. Here it wasnt so cold that it could snow. Even I was just wearing a thin coat over my uniform. We arrive at that shop and I pushed open the door lightly.

Gelf, you there?

I called out to the back of the empty shop. From there, a male dwarf in his prime appeared wearing a red mermaid dress and high heels that made a sound that was like horseshoes when stepping on the floor.

My~, isnt this Aria-chan. Youre also bring a cute boy with you today! Have you gotten used to noble lady life I wonder?

No problem. Is my order finished?

Youre a kid with weak reaction like usual. Ive finished your order you know. The design is based on the recent newest product from Dandall that I arranged with my own style. Ill teach you the way to wear it too so come inside. You boy, do you also want to change clothes?

At the end he turned toward Seo and winked his eye that had long eyelashes. In respond Seo shook his head really fast.

Gelf was a rock dwarf who was skilled with blacksmithing, but here he was making pretty equipments that he wanted to wear himself. He was an odd person but a first class craftsman. Though for some reason Dalton absolutely wouldnt visit this place despite recognizing Gelfs skill.

I made an order to Gelf to use the materials that I obtained from dungeon to strengthen my protective equipments, and to make a thin protector that I could wear under my uniform.

To be more specific, I wanted a bustier like the one Sera was wearing in the dungeon, the one made from fiber mythril.

At the academy the outfit I was wearing wasnt the black leather dress that I was wearing before, but the academy uniform or the palace maid uniform just like Sera.

Because of that I was uneasy with my defense, so I made a request to Gelf in order to take care of that completely.

Clean it by soaking it or using Clean okay? It will regenerate from mana to a certain degree but, the silk part wont be included in that so be careful.


And take this too. I made a spare for you.

The thing that Gelf handed to me was thin tights that were also made from mythril fiber.

They were so thin that they looked transparent and they clung tightly on the skin. This thing felt similar with the so called [stocking] like in that womans knowledge. It seemed that they were attached to something called garter belt that also existed in the knowledge. But

Is the money enough? This must be really expensive.

Turning mythril into fiber required special technique. There werent even five people in the kingdom that could make it. One of them was Gelf. The bustier too wasnt completely made from mythril and it seemed that silk string was also weaved in but, just one of it would require mythril that was worth several large golden coins.

I had received the money from that from Nii-san too. You left behind a lot of money at Nii-sans place right? He sent the money together with Aria-chans weapon, telling me to use half of it for your equipments here.

As I thought he wouldnt accept all the money again this time.

From that dungeon exploration, Rainbow Sword got paid with a lot of money by the royal family, but Dalton gave the Minotaurus Murders horn that I broke to me especially.

It was a material from a rank 6 monster. The other parts got burned by Carla so originally the horn should be given to the royal family but, Elena talked to his majesty the king so that it got gifted to me individually.

High ranked monster and mythical beast accumulated the minerals that they consumed into their horn or fang, turning them into special metal. When those materials were refined, their hardness wouldnt be any different from myhtril or magic iron, but it was said that their mana transmission rate and regenerative ability were superior compared to other rare metals.

I opened the leather wrap that Gelf handed to me. Inside there were the black knife and dagger that I entrusted to Galbas. I quietly picked them up and pulled the out from the sheath. The two pitch black blades were faintly radiating red shine.


Yes. Those are weapons that have been strengthened with Adamantite.

The rare metal [Adamantite(Living Metal)] that was said to be harvestable from only high rank monster in extremely small amount each.

Craftsman who could process adamantite was only dwarf. But, when I showed Minotaurus Murders horn to Galbas, it seemed that the amount of adamantite contained inside that one horn wouldnt be enough to create a new weapon. He suggested to me to use the adamantite to strengthen my black knife and black dagger.

I didnt know how and which part of them got strengthened, but their quality was clearly different from before when they were just made from magic steel. I could feel it just from holding them in my hands. With this I should be able to cut apart even an ogres hide or chainmail.

Thank youIll be able to fight properly with this.

Yep, looking good. I believe that the current Aria-chan will be able to use them well. Also, this is my present to you to celebrate your enrollment.


At the very end Gelf handed to me something that was wrapped with paper.

Woman is all about guts! Wear that when its the time for battle!

What kind of battle he was talking about? The inside of the wrapping for some reason was the thing that recently got popular from Dandall. Very short drawers made from pure white silk with strings at both sides to fix them in place, ten of them.


L-lets go quickly Aria!

At the beginning Seo was reluctant to go to the adventurer guild, but as expected it must be awkward for him to be in a shop for female. He was hurrying up and dragging me out of Gelfs shop as though he was scared of something.

Seo walking while grabbing my hand was gathering gazes from the surrounding.

It must also be the influence of our outfit. I was wearing my academy uniform in order to adjust it with my new equipments. My hair also wasnt covered with ash. Seo was wearing the butler uniform that signified his status as a nobles servant. Both of us had grown up from mana to look like youths who were about to reach maturity, so it couldnt be helped that we stood out.

It was the same at the adventurer guild. It seemed that only adventurer with some degree of strength gathered in the capitals guild. And the number of people who knew me had become many after several years had passed. Even so people left and came in the capital everyday in great number. There were also a lot of self-proclaimed strong adventurer who came here from the countryside.

Oi oi, since when the adventurer guild became a place for little lady bringing her butler for rendezvous huuh?

A man in his thirty with his hair shaved up spoke with intentional loudness so others could hear him.

Even though this was the capital, the adventurer guild was a place where ruffians gathered. Someone from the countryside who was proud of their skill picking a fight with young adventurer was a common sight. Academy student who was only around rank 1 coming to the guild to take odd job request for spare change also wasnt rare.

But a familiar receptionist lady raised her face when she heard that voice. Her expression instantly changed when she saw me and she immediately rushed out from behind the counter in panic. Meanwhile the man was approaching us while squaring off his shoulders.

Looking closer youre quite a pretty lady aint you. Then you should come with



Seo screamed with a convulsing expression when he saw me grabbing that mans jaw and twisting it to the side.

Someone! Call a healer here!

The receptionist lady who rushed to this way was also screaming out an order. The adventurers inside the guild were sporting a look that was half exasperated and half scared while seeing that man crumbling down. Then they started moving like it was a familiar routine.

Its fine. I only twisted his neck halfway.

There was a loud cracking sound though!?

Sometimes joint could make loud sound when the owner only trained their muscles without considering flexibility. The guilds staffs and guards carried away the man in a hurry, then the receptionist lady from before called out to me from behind.

Aria-sanits troubling if you dont hold back.

Sorry, Mary

I was planning to have a spar in order to learn that holding back though.

She was the receptionist lady from the adventurer guild at the territory of Baron Horace who had helped me a lot in that fight against the orc group.

I didnt really understand the reason but, apparently mary moved to the capitals guild using Viros connection. Since she arrived here, she became the staff in charge of me who didnt have any exclusive staff before that. I heard that she also became the one in charge of dealing with Viro.

Well, both sides in this case are adventurer so I wont say much. Anyway Feld-sama is already waiting at the training ground in the back. I have properly reserved that place for you.

Right, thanks.

Troublesome thing like this time sometimes would also happen to a girl like me, so Mary too was used to it.

It seemed that Seo got nervous with facing a pretty lady. Mary only smiled to him and gave a small bow.


Yo, Aria. Did you cause another trouble?

When I arrived at that training ground, Feld was already there swinging his great sword. He called out to me with a light mood.

It wasnt really a problemI think?

No, that was definitely a problem.

Seo immediately retorted when I said that while titling my head. Feld squinted his eyes smilingly seeing us like that.

And, what do you want to do? Are you going to train with [Iron Rose]?

Sometimes I would ask Feld to have a spar with me so I could inspect how my Battle Skill [Iron Rose] would influence me in various situations, like when in combat or using sorcery.

It was a technique that increased my combat strength so drastically, so my sparring partner when inspecting it had to be rank 5 too. If not the efficiency would be bad. I did want to do some more inspection, but this time I had also asked Seo to accompany me, and he also couldnt leave his protection target for that long, so it would be better if I prioritized my original business.

Then, first is

Feld-sama! I ask you to have a match with me!

Seo suddenly requested a match with Feld before I could say anything.

I called you two here so I could train though.


In the end Feld and Seo started sparring while leaving me alone.

*Gan! Gin!*

Whats wrong boy, is that all you got!

Not yettt!

Seo too was hanging in there but, he had become rank 3 only recently. Feld whose technique had gotten even sharper from exploring that dungeon was still far above him.

Seos fighting style was hand-to-hand. I could also fight hand-to-hand with my <Martial Art> Skill, but in my case my main method of fighting in the end was using Short Sword Skill to dodge and block.

But Seo was using level 3 <Hand-to-Hand> Skill and <Martial Art> Skill to fight in a very novel way that was also influenced by his own personality. But, the biggest difference was how fast he was able to use the Battle Skill of <Hand-to-Hand> I guess.

Feldlooked like he was having fun. He liked children and was good with taking care of other, so he must be having fun training someone like Seo.

This wouldnt help with my training to hold back but, by watching Felds way of fighting, it was vague but it could serve as reference for me. It couldnt be helped so I also watched them as observer, then I suddenly sensed a familiar presence approaching the entrance.

Mary, whats the matter?

Just now, information that Viro requested arrived, so can I ask you to hand it over to him at the academy?

Thats fine but, is it alright for me to take a look at it too?

After only half a hour since we parted, she came here bringing something like a letter and handed it to me. If it was information that Viro personally requested then it would be better for the guild to hand it over to him directly, but Mary chuckled when I said that.

This is information that Rainbow Sword requested, and Aria-san is a scout like Viro so I think he wont mind. Besides he also told me to hand it over to Aria-san.

I see.

Viro was starting to consider retiring from adventurer business so I was also starting to take over for him. I still hadnt managed to grasp all the connections and information sources that he had but, if that was what Mary said, I accepted the letter and took a look at it.

Is something the matter?


I seeit was an information that I should know about.


Uwah, its this time already!? Sorry Aria! Ill meet you again later!

After that one more hour passed. Seo panicked and returned to his job in a hurry. The training for today was closed with that.

That guy will become strong. If only he can also become an adventurer. Its a pity.

Feld who managed to get some exercises after a long time also looked satisfied. But, his expression suddenly changed when I walked toward him.

Ariadid something happen?

No, its nothing.


I circled behind Feld to dodge the question and climbed up to put my upper body on his shoulder. Felds legs slightly stopped walking.

Ariastop acting like kid.


When I asked back like that, Feld let out a small sigh while adjusting his posture to make it easier to carry me.

Come to think of it, youre still a kid huh.

Since asking Feld to lift her up in that dungeon, I took a liking to that wide field of vision and so it became a habit of mine to sometimes get on Felds shoulder like this, though even I thought that this was a childish thing to do.

It didnt mean that I would do this with anyone who was tall but, right now I didnt feel like I would be able to put on my normal expression so it was just right to do this.

The information that Viro requested included the writing about the danger that might happen in the field trip that would happen soon.

That meant that there was danger approaching Elena. The information also stated the possibility of the involvement of a certain someone.

It was the opponent who once defeated me, and the one who I failed to kill during our second fight.

That guy once said to me. Show my true worth. If he targeted Elena for that.

The madman Grave. This time Id be the one to come and hunt you down.

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