Ouroboros Record ~Circus of Oubeniel~

Chapter 73: Goodbye Darkness

Chapter 73: Goodbye Darkness

The Arquell Army, the St. Gallen Army, and the monsters led by a vampire who goes by the name of Vee. They appeared on the three-way battlefield, and among them was a four-armed creature that seemed to be a creation of St. Gallen's magic academy. If this was St. Gallen's trump card, there was a possibility that the enemy forces, who were driven to the brink by the intrusion of the monsters, could make a comeback. However, that didn't happen. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!" The monster roared in an indescribable manner, swinging the large swords held in its four arms. Its attacks were indiscriminate and seemed to hit whatever was in its reach. Those within its range were crushed equally, without distinction between Arquell's elite knights, the undead, or St. Gallen's soldiers. Naturally, even Vee, the boss of the undead, was also targeted. "Wha- What!? What the hell are you!?"

Baring her long fangs in a threatening manner, she leaped to evade. In mid-air, she nocked an arrow on her powerful bow and let it fly. Three arrows were shot in quick succession at the body of the grotesque giant. She effortlessly handled the enormous bow that even a large man would struggle to draw, using it as if it were an extension of her limbs despite having no stable ground to brace against in the air. Moreover, the graceful arc of her leap reached an estimated height of four meters. If the other side was a four-armed abnormality with a massive frame, she was a high-ranking undead. It was a battle of extraordinary physical abilities between monsters, both displaying their exceptional prowess. However, the target struck by the arrows showed no signs of pain or irritation. The arrowheads and barbs seemed to have failed to penetrate its flesh, simply falling off after slightly flexing its muscles.

It seemed like the two monsters would become entangled in their fight, but...


The four armed creature ignored Vee who was at a distance away and began smashing and crushing the nearby soldiers and zombies that were lying around. Even the vampire, Vee, didn't seem to care about the thing that had no intention of approaching her, sending cautious glances but not pursuing it.

For the Arquell Army, it was completely incomprehensible. Judging from the engraved emblem, could this have been the secret weapon brought to the battlefield by the opposing side? But why were they rampaging without distinguishing between friend and foe, humans and monsters alike?

A murmured voice from Tullius could be heard amidst the confusion of Elisha and the others.

"Ahh, it's completely gone berserk, isn't it..." "Ahh, kanzen ni bousou shite masu ne are wa..."

"Berserk?" "Bousou?"

"Yes. Most likely, there was some flaw in the initial command settings after activation, and it probably wasn't given a clear target. That's why it's attacking everything that catches its eye like that." "Ee. Ookata, kidou chokugo no meirei settei ni nanika no fubei ga atte, meikaku na hyouteki o nyuuryoku sarete nai ndeshou. Dakara anna fuu ni, me ni tsuku subete o kougeki shite mawaru."

For a moment, she listened attentively to the explanation that flowed on and on, but soon she were taken aback. "Wait. Do you know something about that creature?" "Mate. Kikou wa ano bakemono ni tsuite nani ka shitte iru no ka?"

"Rather than 'know', I figured it out from its characteristics... Probably, it's a type of chimera."

"Shitte iru to iu yori wa, tokuchou kara suisatsu shita ndesu ga... Tabun, kimera no isshu desu ne."

Chimera. A monster created artificially through the magical fusion of multiple living creatures. If done successfully, it is said to inherit the strengths of the original life forms, resulting in an individual with extremely powerful combat abilities. Artificial. Yes, the creature slaughtering before their eyes was a monster created by humans for the purpose of battle. "That's a chimera... It's the first time I've seen one."

"Are ga kimera... mita no ha hajimete desu yo."

Alfred said so while swallowing hard. Tullius nodded in agreement.

"Creating a chimera is a challenging task. In most cases, the forcibly transplanted parts interfere with each other, resulting in a failed creation that can't even move properly. But from what I can see, that chimera... yeah, it seems to be quite intricately crafted." "Kimera wa tsukuru no ga muzukashii mono desu kara. Taitei no baai wa, muri ni ishoku shita bubun doushi ga kanshou shiatte, roku ni ugoke mo shinai shippaisaku ni naru ga ochi desu. Mita tokoro ano kimera wa... un, zuibun to tegakonde iru naa."

"What does it mean, Master?" "Dou iu koto da yo, go-shujin?"

"That thing, I'm guessing it's based on humans, Due. And not just one, but several individuals."

"Are, tabun dakedo ningen o beesu ni shiterun da yo, Due. Sore mo nan-nin mo no, ne."

With an impatient tone directed at his subordinate, the master expressed a chilling speculation. Human? Multiple humans? So that meant they used human lives as materials for the chimera--a weapon? What a blasphemous act. If that's true, the creator must be a deranged madman. Well, even Tullius, who pointed it out, was the same, but if that's the case, there must be at least one more dangerous individual of the same level as him. And that person was from the enemy country, St. Gallen. Ignoring the speechless elite knights, the alchemist continued.

"In essence, it's an application of the concept of flesh golems. Cutting parts from several individuals and consolidating them into a single entity. Taking the trouble to turn it into a chimera suggests they might have added functions dependent on some form of biological activity or it could be a measure against magical defenses. Probably..." "Hassou sono mono wa furesshu gooremu no ouyou da ne. Nan-nin mo no ningen kara paatsu o kiritorite, ikkotai ni shuuyaku suru. Sore o wazawaza kimera ni shite unyou suru nante tema o kakeru tte koto wa, mahou boubou o kangaete no sochi ka, nanika seitai katsudou ni izon suru kinou o tsumande iru kanousei ga takai. Osoraku..."

However, that speech was suddenly interrupted. Whoosh! An ominous sound of an arrow flying through the air. The arrow aimed at Elisha was slashed away by her saber.

"Uu~~~! Woman, gimme, your, blood!"

"Uu~~~! Onna, chi, yokose!"

From the direction the arrow came from, there stood a vampire taking the form of a young girl, hungry for blood. It seemed that the vampire's interest was more drawn to Elisha's blood than battling the giant monster. Yes, now was not the time to listen to lectures. New intruders kept appearing, causing chaos, but the fight continued. In such a situation, those who wielded swords had a duty to swing them. "Sorry, Count Oubeniel. We'll have to postpone the lecture for another time. It seems the other side is quite fixated on me." "Warui na, Oobuniru hakushaku. Kougi wa mata no kikai to shiyou. Dou ni mo mukou ga watashi ni go-shuushin rashikute na."

Uttering those words while turning her beloved horse's head towards the enemy, she heard the slightly disappointed voice of a young man from behind. "I see... We'll leave the vampires to you then. We'll handle that chimera-like monster. That's fine, right, Due?"

"Sou desu ka... Vampaia no hou wa o-makase shimasu yo. Ano kimera-rashiki kaibutsu wa, kochira ga ukemotsu to iu koto de. Ii ne, Due?""Yeah. I'm getting tired of dealing with the small fry. If it gives me a chance to take down a big target, I have no objections."

"Ou yo. Zako chirashi niya, aki aki to shite kita tokoro nan de ne. Oomonogui no kikai o kureru tten nara, izon wa nee yo."

Due, who had been targeted with water, readjusted his proud double-handed sword. This man also seemed to be quite a battle enthusiast. In other words, he was similar to Elisha in that regard. However...

TL Note: "" (mizu o mukerareru) in Japanese means "to be targeted with water." It is used figuratively to describe a situation where someone is being subjected to unwarranted criticism, blame, or harsh treatment. It implies that someone is being singled out and faced with adversity or unfavorable circumstances.(For some reason... Due Schwarzer should be a formidable warrior, but something doesn't quite click.) Whether they were enemies or allies, brave and fierce fighters were to her liking. Especially those who shared her love for battles. And yet, despite witnessing his strength, she couldn't quite find any appeal in this man. If anything, she found herself more drawn to Uni, who she hadn't even seen fighting in a full-on battle yet. However, there was no time to leisurely ponder about this now.

"Master. I suggest it would be wise to divide each target with flames here."

"Goshujinsama. Koko wa honoo de sorezore no hyouteki o bundan suru koto ga tokusaku ka to""Understood. In that case... <<Fireball Staccato>>!"

"Ryoukai. Sore ja-- <<Faia Booru Sutakkaato>>!"In a strange situation where he, the master, was prompted by his servant, Tullius launched a magical attack. It was a low-level spell, <<Fireball>>, with the added property of dispersion, but it was sufficient for deterrence. "---!?"

"Fla- flames!?" Upon the swarm of scattered fireballs flying towards them, the chimera and the vampire instinctively leaped back, creating distance. For the time being, the separation was successful. Taking advantage of that moment, Due charged forward, followed closely by Elisha and the Second Order Knights she commanded. The battle situation had already slipped from human control, and it had turned into a clash between the monsters and the extraordinary beings who had entered therealm of inhumane.


While raising a battle cry, a gigantic mass of metal swiftly passes by the side of his body and next to his face. The gust of wind from the sword makes the hair stand on end and brings a sense of impending death to the skin. Due Schwarzer finds himself in the midst of an exhilarating combat, an experience he hasn't felt in a long time.

(Irresistible... I really can't, damn it.)

(Tamaranee... Hontou ni tamaranee naa, oi.)

The four giant swords wielded by a four-armed monster. Despite exposing himself to the continuous onslaught, he smirked.

The thrill of knowing that a single misstep in reading the opponent's moves could lead to instant death. He didn't even allow the slightest chance for the enemy to strike back as he slipped through its attacks and seized an opportunity to deliver a powerful blow. All of these sensations had been distant experiences since his transformation by Tullius. If it's enemies, they were countless--thieves like straw bundles for practice, adventurers who had lost themselves in drugs, artificially bred monsters without fangs like sheep for his master's experimentation, and the countless soldiers he had cut down on this battlefield. But compared to those fellows, It was an opponent of a different league that could make him anxious of being killed for real. And now, he was clashing swords with one of them.

If he were to voice any dissatisfaction, it would be that his opponent lacked consciousness as a magical creature, and while it possessed strength, its sword skills were amateurish at best... But this was a rare and satisfying prey, and there was no room for complaints. At this moment, he could fully vent his frustrations against this monstrous adversary.

As he was lost in these thoughts, he found an opening.


The monster swung its right upper arm downward, gouging the ground. Due to the interference between its arms, the range of motion was narrowed, creating an opening in its right side. Into that opening, Due delivered a slashing attack. For a human, it would have been a single lethal strike that spilled their guts and become fatal.

However, the sensation he felt was different from cutting through flesh. It was like the blade rebounded against a thick and resilient mass. It had no effect.


"--tto, to."

With the force of being pushed back, Due lightly danced backward, stomping on the ground with a quick motion. What formidable muscles it has. The flank, which would normally be a difficult area to train for an ordinary person and could become a vital point even without using a weapon, was completely impervious to the double-handed sword that had slaughtered countless enemies under its blade.

He had no time to be immersed in astonishment. Without pause, he responded to its counter attack--a diagonal cut with its left upper arm, followed by a sweep with its right lower sword, and then continuing relentlessly with the other two swords.



The rotating automated killing machine occasionally caught unfortunate soldiers and undead in its trajectory, dragging them into destruction. It seemed to be a product of magic, and its weapon appeared to be a magically imbued gear. Even spiritual-type monsters couldn't maintain their forms when touched by the blade, instantly turning into dust. If hit directly by something like that, even Due might not escape unharmed. The sword's edge tore through the air and everything else indiscriminately, grazing Due's body in several places, cutting the tips of his hair, and leaving cracks on his armor.

And with each instance, his smile deepened even further.


However, it was still not enough. That desire transformed his smile into something more beastly.

Not yet, it's still not enough. Can you corner me further? Can you entertain me more? Is your ability just swinging four swords? Aren't there any other tricks up your sleeve? I can't be satisfied like this. As proof of that, I still have the luxury to think about unnecessary things. You must have something special that your former homeland, the nostalgic St. Gallen, cherished, right? It shouldn't be just about being sturdy and having brute strength, with extra arms.

Such thoughts welled up from his gut, passed through his lungs, and burst out of his mouth.

"More... entertain me more, damn it!"

"Motto da... motto ore o tanoshimase yagaree!"

Amidst the downpour of sword strikes, which was as fierce as a waterfall, there was a fleeting moment. Due extended his sword tip in response to the opponent's step, delivering a thrust towards its chest. He felt the satisfying sensation of piercing through flesh with a sharpness. This time, it had an effect. His sword penetrated the monster's outer skin, reaching into its flesh. However, it was shallow, merely a mere graze.

Yet, for the opponent, it was the first time it experiencing pain.


The four-armed giant leaped back as if it had been repelled, seemingly bewildered by the sensation of pain. The swordsman sneered at this.

"Oi, what are you whining about? It was just a little cut to your chest, that's all."

"Ou, nani o ottsuite yagaru nda? Chokotto munemori ga kezureta dake darou ga."

In reality, the strike didn't even reach the bones, let alone sever any muscles. It was a move one might expect from an inexperienced, boastful brat who had just picked up a sword.

Step by step, Due, the swordsman, closed in.

His opponent also took a step back.

The man, who had most of his boasted strikes repelled, closed the distance, while the monster, who could kill him with a single hit, chose to retreat. This strange development repeated a few times, until the monster reached its limit first.

With a resounding thud, it kicked up the earth and leaped high into the air, its massive form silhouetted against the full moon.

(Thinking it can slice me in two from up there, huh?)

(Zutai ni mono o iwasete, oo-joudan kara ittou ryoudan tte wake ka?)

The swordsman assessed the situation and found it interesting. It appeared to be a rather amateurish and brute-force choice, but considering the monstrous size and strength of the opponent, the displayed power would be nothing to scoff at. Conversely, this also meant that any counterattack from the swordsman would be equally escalated. If the giant was truly determined to end the battle swiftly, then the swordsman was willing to engage and face it head-on.

However, he had forgotten one crucial fact. Despite its somewhat humanoid appearance, the opponent was a chimeraa bio-weapon created by combining multiple strengths from different living beings. Having merely multiple arms and strong physical attributes was not the extent of the St. Gallen military's trump card.

At the apex of its massive leap, the monster's chest expanded as it took a deep breath. The excess intake of air was so forceful that even Due, who was more than ten meters away, could feel the wind from its deep inhale. This reminded him of a certain attack method possessed by some monsters.

(--!! This fella, no way...!)

(--!! Yarou, masaka...!)

He opened his eyes wide in a sense of impending crisis that crawled up to his spine. However, it was too late. He had already lowered his waist and assumed a stance to intercept the attack. It seemed unlikely that he would be able to deal with the incoming assault in time.

Looking down at Due, who had a look of astonishment on his face, the monster's expression changed for the first time. Without a doubt, it was a scornful, mocking smile of a winner looking down on the defeated.


The scorching hot air descended upon the wilderness of the basin. It engulfed everything in its paththe location where the wielder of the twin swords stood, the ground littered with grass-covered corpses. Drawing oxygen from the air taken in through its mouth and igniting the fuel extracted from its internal sac, it unleashed a breath of inferno.

Breath: a deadly ability possessed by high-level magical beasts and dragons, where they imbue their breath with magical power and release it upon their opponents, a power of slaughter. This was the very reason why Professor Graumann, the creator, had completed the four-armed giant as a chimera. For a Flesh Golem, a creature made from animated corpses controlled by magic, the abilities derived from its original life source were insufficient. Moreover, using such abilities would deplete magical energy at an alarming rate. Hence, a living creature with transplanted parts became a chimera. Only through being alive could it naturally produce and accumulate magical energy within its body.

Similar to his infamous disciple in the past, he subjected slaves to lobotomies to destroy their self-awareness and made them obedient, modified its skeletons to increase its size, and transplanted carefully selected muscle tissue from other slaves to enhance their strength. Ultimately, new arms were added, and the monster's breath sac was incorporateda human-based chimera weapon. That was the true identity of the monster.


Now, with the basin's ground completely turned into a scorched wasteland, the colossal creature landed with a loud thud. In its field of vision, there were no moving shadows except for the spreading flames. Only scattered remains lay around, belonging to creatures that were once either living beings or undead. At the very least, there was no sign of anyone who wielded twin swords and injured itself in the vicinity. Confirming this, "it" revealed a smirk on its face. This expression, along with the previous mocking, was impossible for a former human whose emotions and thoughts had been stripped away. Perhaps that smile was a result of the emotion known as relief, which it should have lost. The feeling of being threatened was gone; it believed that it was now invulnerable to harm.

However, there was no time for the monster to indulge in human sentimentality. The imperfectly inputted command during activation had not yet achieved its objective. It had to quickly carry out the given instructionsto exterminate all enemies present on this battlefield. The artificially implanted mechanical instinct urged it to act quickly.

The monster turned its thick neck, searching for another target.


One of the four arms was severed by a slashing attack from behind.


The pain was excruciating, far beyond the shallow agony when its chest had been pierced. A scream echoed through the air as the arm holding the large sword fell heavily to the ground. Splattering fresh blood from the wound mixed with the surrounding flames, evaporating into a foul-smelling steam.

It was utterly perplexing. Despite the area being scorched by the Breath, there was no sign of the enemy. Or rather, that was the strange part. The troublesome foe, the man with the twin swords, was clad in armor. No matter how scorching the breath might be, it shouldn't have melted the iron cladding entirely. Even if he were burnt to death, the remains of the armor and that massive twin sword should still be there.


Another strike. This time, the right arm was cut off, leaving both main and auxiliary arms scattered.

The enemy was still alive. And now, he was still attacking!

With terror settling in, the monster raised its head and looked around. Amidst the swirling flames scorching the night sky, a black wind raced through the hellish wilderness. Moving at an inconceivable speed was a twin greatsword with a shining black gleam, wielded by Due Schwarzer.

It wasn't that the enemy's figure couldn't be seen. He was just too fast, too swift for the eyes to catch.


From the swordsman's mouth erupted a roar unlike anything human. It reverberated through the air, a booming voice that could even overshadow the sounds of war. His eyes bloodshot, teeth bared, he shouted in a manner that could easily be mistaken for the madness of a monster.

With a thunderous sound, the twin swords swung. The chimera, now reduced to just one arm, hesitantly raised its remaining weapon to intercept the strike. Collision. The clash sounded like forcefully striking an old bell. Immediately after, the chimera's legs lifted off the ground, and it was sent flying backward with tremendous force. The monstrous figure, though mighty, had been overpowered by a human of no more than two meters in height.

The creature landed with its heel digging into the ground, leaving behind a long groove. It was trembling, its throat growling, shoulders, and knees shaking. It was frightened. The fear that had been lurking since the painful blow it received earlier now manifested clearly. The combat weapon devoid of emotions, an entity that could be called a flesh-covered machine, was facing a genuine monster that transcended the realm of humanity, reviving the fear it was supposed to have lost.

Before its gaze, the jet-black swordsman took a slow step forward. He had not come out unscathed from the Breath attack, it seemed. His face bore burn marks, and smoke wisped from the gaps in his armor. Yet, that only made him more terrifying. Knowing the heat and pain of being burnt by flames, Due continued to hold onto his fighting spirit and martial prowess.

"It's the same as in Canales."

"Onaji da. Kanaresu no toki to."

In stark contrast to before, he murmurs in a quiet voice.

"Everything I see slows down, and my head becomes unnervingly clear. When I swing my sword, I can muster the stupid strength of a raging fire. Is it that guy's doing again?"

"Me ni hairu mono nanimo kamo ga yukkuri ni natte, iya ni atama ga hakkiri shiyagaru. Ken o furya kaji-ba no baka-ryoku mit na baryoku ga deyagaru shi yo. Yappa, ano yarou no shuukan na no ka?"

It was evident that he didn't expect any response; his words were more like muttered soliloquies. As he continued to utter them quietly, step by step, he closed the distance between them with certainty.

...In truth, his remarks were far off the mark. It was preposterous to think that Tullius, who valued efficiency, would incorporate such a useless and high-risk function that required him to be in crisis to unleash his full power. Due's physical abilitiesdespite being enhanced by bodily modifications with thick soleswere his true strength. The reason why they weren't usually fully displayed might be due to the common sense he had acquired in his life, telling him that "this level of power is sufficient," or perhaps it was an unconscious form of self-restraint driven by his desire to savor deadly battles.

(TL Note: "" (buatsui geta) refers to "thick-soled wooden clogs." It means Due's physical abilities have been enhanced through some form of body modification, likening the effect to wearing thick-soled clogs that provide additional support and power.)

Either way, he continued to swing his sword without realizing the absurdity of his own actions.

"Well, I don't care. Let's continue."

"Maa ii sa. Tsudzukeyou ze"

The chimera raised its massive sword as if lifting its head. With three arms already severed and part of its body blown away, it understood that its current power was incomparable to the opening moments of the battle. The pressured monster once again seemed to step back but then halted.

Escape was not an option. If it showed its back, the black beast would immediately come slashing. So the only choice was to meet him head-on. The simple answer was that there was no way to escape unless he was killed, so the only option was to kill him. The chimera now chose to face its enemy, not following the input commands but guided by its own instincts and will. This change might have been a stunning discovery for the creator and other alchemists, but those who would witness its outcome would never appear again.

In the heated air, too hot to be called an autumn breeze, a wind blew between the two combatants. In that instant, Due's body blurred, and before anyone could react, he appeared behind the opponent. His twin swords were poised to strike down.

Then, the colossal form of the chimera split open from the top, left and right.


With a ground-shaking impact, it collapsed.


Let's rewind time slightly. On the other battlefield, the battle between Elisha leading the Second Knight Order and Vee leading the undead was also intense. The Princess Knight, who was riding a unicorn, bravely shouted, creating gaps in the enemy's formation. Anyone in her path, whether they were soldiers of St. Gallen or monsters, fell beneath her horse's hooves. The majority of the surroundings were filled with enemies, and the only allies were the familiar faces of the elite guards. With no need to worry about friendly fire, they responded to their captain's courageous actions by sweeping through the remaining enemies and expanding the gap in the enemy's formation.

Although known for their fierce nature, the St. Gallen soldiers were now in disarray after losing their command structure. They couldn't possibly be a match for the Kingdom's finest elite knights. Furthermore, support fire from Margrave Doldran's rear fortifications and magical attacks seemingly launched by Tullius were coming from behind. There was no respite. Having suffered a surprise attack by monsters during the battle at dusk and being caught up in the chaos caused by their own war machines going berserk, their numbers were rapidly decreasing.

As for the undead, even though they increased in number using the remains of the deceased, they lacked the intention to conduct organized commands under a leader. They were a gathering of individuals attacking the living based on their instincts and resentment, a disorganized mass. Unable to mount an organized counterattack, they were also being decimated.

The momentum of the three-way battle was rapidly tilting in favor of the Arquell army.

"Unexpectedly, things are somehow working out, Vice Commander!"

"Igai to nanto ka naru mon desu naa, fuku danchou!"

As he killed enemy soldiers, Alfred's stern expression softened slightly when his subordinate spoke.

"Yes. It's a big relief that Sir Schwarzer has managed to restrain their secret weapon. I'd shudder to think what would have happened if that thing went on a rampage here."

"Ee. Mukou no oku no te rashiki mono o, Shubarutsaa kyou ga osaete kurete iru no ga oukii. Are ga kochira de abarete itara to omou to, shoushou zotto shimasu yo."

Referring to that huge monster known as the chimera, it may be touted as a weapon, but it's a foolish one that rampages, posing a significant threat with its massive size and brute strength. Engaging in a life-and-death battle while such a monstrosity roams around is an ordeal that no amount of lives can be enough for. On the other hand, the other monster, the vampire, was being dealt with by their leader. Thanks to that, Alfred and the others were only facing the moderately challenging undead or the mostly disarrayed St. Gallen soldiers.

(If possible, I'd like to go and assist the commander, though.)

(Dekireba danchou no engo ni mukaitai tokoro nan desu ga ne.)

While thinking, he gazes at the long road paved with blood and corpses that stretches across the battlefield. It is the path where Elisha, riding on a unicorn, and the monster with the appearance of a vampire-like girl passed through.

(With such a difference in speed, there's no way I can catch up.)

(Kou mo ashi no hayasa ga chigatte wa, oitsuku koto mo mamanaranai)

As the Second Knight Order, they cannot afford to equip all their members with mounts capable of matching the speed of a high-level spirit beast like the unicorn. As a result, in chaotic battles like this, Elisha, the strongest member of the Second Knight Order, ends up taking the lead as the one qualified to ride the unicorn. It's an ironic situation, but it's a tradition in the Second Knight Order to have the strongest member as their leader. Thus, they are forced to effectively utilize their most powerful combatant.

However, that's assuming they are facing ordinary enemies. The opponent Elisha is currently fighting is no ordinary undead; it is a vampire. While he doesn't think she would let her guard down, the thought of any mishap involving the pure woman who rides a unicorn against a vampire's fangs is unsettling. It's an imagination he can't find any joy in, to say the least.

Perhaps due to being absorbed in such contemplation amidst the chaos of battle, Alfred didn't notice the ominous figure that had silently appeared behind him.

"Vice Commander, watch out!"


Upon hearing the shout from the subordinate, the Vice Commander turned around to see an enemy soldier who appeared to be half-dead or even undead, yet filled with murderous intent, attacking with a sword.

Slash. The sound of the steel blade cutting through flesh and bone echoed.

"Vi- Vice Commander..."

One of the knights murmured, seeming relieved.

"--You really shouldn't startle me like that."

The enemy, now divided into three parts, collapsed to the ground.

Before them stood Alfred, who had swung two swords and was now in a stance of remaining vigilant. Not only the long sword he had been using, but also the spare dagger hanging from his waist, both drawn in a dual-wielding style.

"Well, well, it seems I let my guard down a bit too much on the battlefield," he said with a bashful yet wry smile, eliciting teasing remarks from the surrounding knights.

"That's right. If Lady Elisha finds out, she'll scold you for being lax."


"However, as expected from Sir Al. To handle a surprise attack so masterfully, the skill of the 'Prudemache of the Dual Blades' is still alive and well."

The Second Royal Knights Order, a group gathered from the strongest and most fierce warriors throughout the kingdom. The Vice Commander, who held the position of Number Two, cannot be weak. The dual-wielding style, said to originate from the legendary hero "Dual Sword Hero Joshua Mond," who gained fame for slaying dragons three hundred years ago, boasts an unmatched sharpness within the ranks, except for Elisha. While he usually acted as the level-headed counterbalance to the wild Commander and didn't draw much attention, this man was also a formidable and unpredictable individual.

"Haa... Anyway, we've managed to defeat most of the nearby enemies. What's the situation of the casualties?"

"Chrisson got eaten. I did him the favor of putting him out of his misery before his soul got tainted, though."

"Over here, some young ones let their guard down and were attacked by crazed St. Gallen soldiers... damned savages."

Upon tallying the reports, nearly twenty knights have fallen to the hands of monsters and enemy soldiers. There are even more wounded individuals who should be taken to the rear for treatment. Fatigue from fighting since noon is also becoming an issue. Potions for healing are running low.

"Indeed, the casualties are significant... It seems challenging to catch up to the Commander like this."

Saying that, Alfred turns his gaze eastward on the battlefield. The path that Elisha had cleared with her battles against the vampires is now being closed as enemy soldiers and undead are pressing in on each other. Leading his exhausted subordinates into the midst of this chaotic battle takes courage, which he no longer possesses.

"I hope you are safe, Commander. There are only a few knights in the kingdom who can gather and lead these unruly folks."

His heart filled with the long-forgotten feeling of powerlessness, Alfred bit his lip. All he can do now is to ensure the safety of his depleted subordinates and pray for her safe return.


In the dark of the night, the battlefield was illuminated by sparks of clashing swords, created by the fierce duel between Elisha, wielding her sharp blade from horseback, and a female vampire who identified herself as Vee.

(The idea that closing in on an archer would work is too naive.)

(Aite ga yumi tsukai nara kyori o tsumereba, to iu kangae wa tanjun ni sugita ka.)

A wry smile, more feral than amused, appeared on the female knight's face.

Vee's large bow was not just a simple ranged weapon. The ends were covered with metal casings, shaped like the horns of a cow or a sheep, and even sport spikes reminiscent of metal rodsa thorough preparation for close combat. Although it might be unwieldy with the bowstring drawn, Vee swung it effortlessly with monstrous strength.

"You're persistent, woman!"

"Onna, shitsukoi!"

"Hmph, you attacked me first and now you complain!"

"Han, sochira kara osotte kite oite, yoku iu!"

In response to Vee's frustrated roar, Elisha retorted with a savage smile. The battle between the monstrous woman and the genuine monster girl continued as they sped across the battlefield. Anyone caught in their path was sliced, crushed, or shot down. Elisha's swordplay, the horse's hooves, Vee's bow strikes, and the stray arrows all unleashed their power, felling those nearby. It was like a deadly tempest.

Even without the surprise attack from the monsters that came from behind their main camp, this natural disaster-like battle unfolded continuously. Naturally, the St. Gallen soldiers in their path fell into panic.


"We can't fight here any longer! Let's retreat!"

"Wait! You can't leave me behind!"

The soldiers lost their fighting spirit, discarded their weapons, and turned their backs on the enemy, fleeing in a desperate attempt to escape. Some of them, caught off guard, fell victim to the claws of the undead, losing their lives. However, the unstoppable force of the breached defensive line continued, and thousands of soldiers began to flee eastward in unison. The chaotic three-way battle was transitioning into a series of one-on-one deadly duels.

"Ugh! This, will, settle it!!"

"Uu-! Kore, de, kimeru!!"

Frustrated by the repeated clashes, Vee relied on her leg strength to make a vertical leap. Recognizing that close combat was not in her favor, she escaped to the open air, creating distance to engage in battle using her preferred methods of archery or magic.

Of course, her opponent would not let her get away without a fight.

"I won't let you escaaaaAAAaaape!!"

"Niigaasu kaaaAA!!"

From the woman's throat came a fierce voice that seemed improbable. At the same time, the unicorn let out a high-pitched neigh. The unicorn, too, kicked the ground and leaped high into the air. In order to corner Vee, who had the moon behind her, she ran through the air with the momentum of an arrow.

A white comet ascending against the sky. Upon seeing it stretched towards herself, Vee rounded her eyes for a moment.

"Ahahahahahaha! You fool!"

"Ahahahahahaha! Baaka!"

Vee burst into laughter, finding the situation hilariously amusing.

With a low hum, the intricate markings etched across her entire body glowed. At the same time, just as she reached the peak of her jump, Vee's body defied gravity and floated slightly. It was magical flight. Although the precision of the spell limited her flying speed, it was more than enough to adjust her position and deal with Elisha's attacks. The attack had been charged with all her spirit, and she assumed Elisha would be waiting for her to clumsily crash into the ground for the final blow. The vampire mocked her prey with a sense of superiority.

However, twisting reality with magic was not an exclusive privilege of monsters.

"Air Burst!"

A tremendous explosion. The air burst right beneath the unicorn's hooves, propelling it even higher. It was a wind magic spell cast by Elisha. Originally intended to blow enemies away and disrupt their balance, she now used it as propulsion for herself.

The heights aligned. Their gazes met. The bloodshot eyes of the majestic beast, the unicorn, and the determined gaze of the rider, surpassing even the beastly nature.

"He? Eh? Eeeeh!?"

Startled by the situation that defied her expectations, Vee stammered in shock.

"Water Stream!"

A mid-level water attribute magic. It was inferior to Hydro Stream, a higher-level spell, but it released a powerful water current to strike and immobilize enemies. Similar to the earlier Air Burst, the spell's force was used for propulsion. With a sudden burst of speed, she closes in on Vee.

A gleaming, menacing horn was directed at her. The single horn, said to be from the sacred beast, the Unicorn, possessed the power to heal all ailments when boiled into a potion and is believed to display the power to vanquish evil when used as a piercing weapon. Against the undead, beings who defied the natural order and live beyond death, it proved to be a lethal weapon.

Collision. Impact. Shock.

Then, the lone warrior and the monstrous creature were forcefully propelled in opposite directions, as if repelled by some unseen force.


At the moment of impact, a jolting force surged from under her crotch. Elisha endured it by tightly squeezing her thighs against the horse's belly.

It hit. She struck her opponent head-on. The acceleration, weight, and magical charge combined into a powerful thrust of the Unicorn's horn, capable of delivering a devastating blow to even a vampire like Vee. Even if it didn't cause instant death, it should have inflicted a serious wound. The thrill of having landed one unconventional move after another sent shivers of satisfaction up her spine.

However, sending her opponent flying was not an ideal outcome. The adversary was the immortal vampire. Creating distance allowed them time to recover from any damage. Elisha knew she needed to keep up the pressure, minimize the recovery time from the landing, and continue her pursuit

At that moment, she suddenly realized something.

(Wait. Why did she get blown away?)

(Mate. Naze, fukitobu?)

Elisha was supposed to pierce her opponent with the unicorn's horn. If that was the case, some of the impact should have been absorbed by the force needed to pierce the opponent's body, and she shouldn't have been blown away so beautifully. No, that's not the main issue. The sensation of cutting through the wind, both for Elisha and her mount, being blown away in the opposite direction. This is definitely not the result of the unicorn's horn striking the opponent.


As she sensed her beloved horse's hips was losing its strength, Elisha realized something was wrong. Reflexively, she released her feet from the stirrups, kicked off the horse's back, and leaped into the air. Flipping her body mid-air, she glanced down and witnessed the Unicorn collapsing awkwardly. She was shocked. Her cherished mount was no ordinary spirit beast; it was a well-trained and honed steed. During past training sessions that left even the Vice Commander pale, the horse had shown incredible feats, descending down impossibly deep valleys using only its four legs. The idea of it faltering during a simple landing was unimaginable.

The spirit beast slid across the ground with excess momentum. Its head sank as if it had plunged into deep snow, and the iconic single horn swayed limply as if deflated.

"Cou- could it be...!"

"Ma- masaka...!"

After nullifying the impact with levitation magic and barely landing, Elisha ran towards the direction where the enemy had disappeared. The image of her twitching mount was forgotten from her mind. It might be heartless, but there was no way that unicorn could be saved. What mattered now was to ascertain the enemy's condition.

Indeed, the enemy's presence was found within a hundred meters, not having made much progress.


The vampire girl groaned in pain, her bloodshot eyes shining with malice. Around her, enemy soldiers who seemed to have been caught in the crash were writhing and twitching on the ground. Her legs were crushed and mangled as if caught in a millstone, likely injured during the collision in midair. At the same time, it became apparent that it was a trick to evade the horn.

At the moment of impact, Vee didn't avoid the charge; instead, she charged right in. Stretching her legs to avoid the oncoming horn, she delivered a powerful kick. Utilizing the recoil, she leaped forcefully, blowing Elisha and the others away while propelling herself in the opposite direction, narrowly avoiding danger.

"What a creature..."

"Nante yatsu da..."

Unconsciously, a voice of awe escaped. Dodging the charging horse and instead aiming for the head with a crushing kick it was a display of extraordinary and unorthodox thinking. What a combination of acrobatics and daring tactics. However, the girl's true identity was that of a vampire, a being beyond human capabilities. With her supernatural physical abilities, it might have been a challenging feat, but not an impossible one. As evidence of this, she was standing on the ground, although she should have been on horseback.

"Blood, it's not enough..."

"Chi, tarinai..."

Before Elisha could close the distance, Vee's arm extended beneath her, grabbing a St. Gallen soldier who was twitching and convulsing on the ground. Despite her appearance as a petite girl, the soldier likely weighed around forty to fifty kilograms. Enduring such impact after falling from high above, it was a testament to the strength of St. Gallen's elite troops. However, it could also be just a lifeless corpse exhibiting involuntary reactions. The only certain thing was that it served as an excellent source of sustenance for the vampire.

With a slurping sound, Vee's fangs pierced the soldier's throat. Indelicately, she sucked on the blood, further enhancing the vampire's regenerative abilities. Broken bones audibly connected back together, and torn flesh rapidly returned to its slender form.

Of course, Elisha couldn't stand idly by and watch this unfold.


With the momentum of her sprint, Elisha swung down with a powerful strike from above. However, her attack caught not the intended target but only a pitiful victim.

"Uwa, aaaaah, aaaaah..."

The former soldier, who had been drained of blood and reduced to a desiccated Lesser Vampire, was gruesomely bisected from the shoulder, his body crumbling away to dust.

A landing sound echoed behind her. Elisha swiftly turned around, but Vee stood there, gazing in bewilderment at her own hands.

"My... bow..."

"Watashi, no, yumi..."

There, lying in front of her, was the broken longbow. The cursed bow that had taken countless lives as a monstrous weapon was now snapped in half, reduced to useless junk.

"I won't forgive you...! How dare you, how dare you! My bow...!"

"Yurusanai...! Yokumo, yokumo! Watashi no, yumi wo...!"

Her dazed muttering quickly turned into a growl filled with rage. The vampire's voice resounded with murderous intent, carried by the night breeze. Despite the tension escalating, Elisha calmly opened her mouth, as if cracking a joke.

"Don't bark so loudly. I've lost my bestowed beloved horse too, you know. If we're talking about the value of what we've lost, I think mine might be greater."

"Hoeru na yo, urusai na. Kocchi datte kougisareta aiuma o korosarete iru nda. Nakushita mono no kachi de ieba, kochira no hou ga ookii to omou nda ga?"

"I'll kill you! I'll suck your blood and kill you!"

"Korosu! Chi wo sutte, korosu!"

She was supposed to face a human who should have been nothing more than prey, yet she lost their weapon and being shown such an attitude. Naturally, this infuriated Vee.

However, this was exactly what Elisha had intended. Those who succumb to anger lose their composure and often resort to direct violence. This applies to both humans and monsters alike. The idea was to make the opponent so angry that they would charge recklessly, intending to deliver a blow.

The owner of extraordinary strength that could kill a horse, moreover, a high ranking spirit beast that was charging forward, by kicking it. To engage in close combat with such a formidable opponent might seem foolish. However, vampires were a race skilled not only in magic and supernatural abilities. As seen earlier, Elisha was not incapable of using magic, but she excelled in swordsmanship. Comparatively, she had a better chance in a sword fight than in a magical duel.

In the end, Vee took the bait and accepted the challenge.


"Shiii... neeeeEEEEE!!!"

With eyes glowing red in the excitement of bloodlust, Vee charged towards the opponent. Amidst the thunderous sound of trampling dead leaves, a gruesome and eerie noise echoed.

Looking closely, long curved claws extended from each of Vee's ten fingers, resembling the appearance of hooks. It must be one of the abilities of a vampire, a physical transformation. Vee had remodeled her own body into a shape suitable for tearing prey apart and bathing in their blood.

The fingers, now transformed into wicked weapons, approached with a menacing growl.

"--Such a reckless attack!"

"--Zatsu na seme da!"

However, it was nothing more than a move fueled by momentum, lacking both tactics and finesse, clouded by the hunter's instinct even in anger. Elisha skillfully parried by placing her sword along Vee's claw, gracefully spun around, and with a swift pass, sliced into Vee's back.

The sword of the "Princess Knight" undeniably tore through the vampire's skin, cut into its flesh, and brought the blood-sucking fiend to spill its own blood.

"GaAAAAAH!?! It hurts!? Blood, came out!? Aaaaaaahh!!!"

"GaAAAAAH!?! Itai!? Chi, deta!? Aaaaahh!!!"

Vee became even more frenzied, wildly flailing her limbs. Leveraging the typical regeneration ability of vampires, the wound on her back disappeared the moment the blade was pulled out. A deep wound that would have been a decisive blow for a human became completely ineffective. Yet, she continued to rampage, seemingly oblivious to the pain.

"This sword is also a kind of ceremonial equipment. Therefore, it works exceptionally well against the undead, huh?"

"Kono ken mo reisou no isshu. De areba, andeddo o kurushimeru ni mo koukou tekimen, ka."

If only it could also delay their healing. Elisha frowned while muttering, then readied herself again. Normally, she should have seized the opportunity and continued her attacks without pause. The reason she hesitated to do so was because...


"Hih!? Gyaaaaaaaaaah!?


One after another, the undead creatures surrounding Vee either turned into minced meat or were crushed. Also among them were the St. Galen soldiers who were too slow to escape. This was the sight before Elisha's eyes. Vee was simply thrashing about in pain, destroying anything caught in her path without a second thought. It was like diving into a swirling vortex of destruction, akin to trying to stop the spinning blades of a gigantic windmill with bare hands. It was evident that they would be ground to pieces in an instant. Once again, Elisha recognized her as a monster. Her physical abilitiesstrength, speed, agility, stamina, and endurancewere all on an entirely different level compared to humans. Even her own body, which she thought had a decent chance, was outmatched by these capabilities. Losing composure and not using magic made Vee an excellent target, but how much of a comfort would that be? According to Elisha's assessment, Vee's subjugation rank was undoubtedly at least A-rank, if not almost A+. She were a high-ranking vampire, one step away from being a Vampire Lord. It was a realm where even top-tier adventurers would struggle without forming a group or an alliance. And she was taking it on alone. Unbeknownst to her, Vee's physical specifications were not far behind even Charl, the Vampire Lord. She only fell short in terms of magical power and its application. Nevertheless, her complete inability to compete was solely due to the hierarchical priority imposed on them. The creations of an outlaw alchemist contained capabilities that, despite being considered failures, could still shake the world. Even the elite guard representing a nation, the leader of the Knight Order, was hopelessly outmatched by the monstrous power gap. In the face of it all...

"Ahh... splendid...!"

"Ahh... iizo...!"Elisha Rosmond Balbastre let out a serene smile. In this life-or-death situation where a single mistake could mean death, the sensation of the Grim Reaper's fingertips touching her skin caused her to involuntarily exhale a heated breath. She had never faced such a formidable opponent in her ten years as a knight. A strong enemy. In other words, an alluring prey. Elisha loved battles. There was no specific reason or trigger for it; it was simply an inherent trait. Leaving the Marquisate of Balbastre wasn't solely to escape an unwanted marriage. It was also because she chose to pursue what she truly desired. Honorable battlefields, formidable foes, moments where life and death crossed paths, igniting sparks! Everything she had dreamed of since childhood was now within her reach. Her gaze, like that of a love-struck maiden, was directed at the vampire girl who continued to recklessly rampage.

"Oi, look over here."

"Oi, kocchi wo miro yo."Uttering those words like a song, Elisha took one step, then another, closing the distance between them. "You hate me, don't you? You want to kill me, right? Then why are you wasting your time on such pointless tantrums?"

"Watashi ga nikui ndarou? Watashi o koroshitai ndarou? Sore nara doushite, kudaranu yattsuatari nado ni kamakete iru no da." As she spoke, even she found her own demeanor strange. It was as if she were sulking. No, in reality, she was indeed sulking. The beloved person she had finally met was now completely engrossed in some mundane crowd, losing sight of her. She had never felt so jealous before. "Ah...?" Vee finally managed to calm down, and with just her head turning, she looked at Elisha. And as if recalling something, her hatred towards Elisha ignited once more. Elisha felt it too. Her heart was pounding, and a pleasant tension spread through her limbs. She felt a tingling of sorrow in her chest, and her body felt damp with emotion. This was just a prelude, and yet it was already like this. How much greater would the joy be when they reached a conclusion? "...I'll kill you!"

"...Korosu!" "That's right! Look only at me! If you want to kill me, then do it! No need to hold back, I'll kill you too!"

"Souda! Watashi dake o miro, koroshitai nara korose! Enryo wa muyou da, watashi mo korosu!"Yelling at each other, the human and the vampire clashed. One driven by hatred and hunger, the other by joy and desire. Elisha's sword parried, deflected, and countered the vampire's ferocious claws and fangs. At times, she managed to leave a cut with a counterstrike, but the female knight knew that it wouldn't change the tide of battle. At first glance, it might seem like Elisha had the upper hand with her skillful technique. She avoided taking a direct hit from the opponent's attacks and inflicted several wounds on them in return. However, it was different. Vampires were hardly affected by minor cuts. Their immortality allowed them to regenerate in an instant. To inflict damage beyond their incredible healing abilities, Elisha would have to sever limbs or target their vulnerable points like the neck or heart, the same as with any vampire. But aiming for those points amidst the storm-like attacks would be an immensely difficult task, even for a seasoned warrior. On the other hand, regardless of the form of attack, a single strike from Vee could be fatal. After all, it was the overwhelming strength of a monster. A mere graze could rip flesh, sever tendons, or even break bones. No matter where it landed, it would surely tear off large chunks of flesh. Therefore, whether it was a glancing blow or a direct strike, she couldn't afford to be hit. Vee's both arms increased the speed of their devastating attacks to a catastrophic level. Elisha's defensive moves utilized precognition and intuition to withstand them. The heated deadlock gradually shifted the balance in Vee's favor. Elisha was slowly being pushed back, and the timing of her counterattacks became slightly delayed. The accumulated fatigue from consecutive battles, the limits of her concentration, and the weight of the opponent's strikesall these negative factors pushed against the female knight's sword. And finally, Elisha's right shoulder slumped.

"An opening...!!"

"Suki ariiiii!!" With a joyful cry, the vampire extended her claws. Elisha's right arm, holding the sword, drooped with exhaustion, presenting an undoubtedly perfect opportunity. No longer able to rely on minor parries, she decided to make her move and settle the battle in one fell swoop. And in that very moment... "!? Kiiee" In an instant, Vee lost sight of her prey and became flustered. In her wide-open left eye, she saw... "Such an opening on your part!"

"Sochira koso, suki ari da!"The armored heel of Elisha's boot had sunk in. Elisha's body sank down without losing the momentum from lowering her right arm, performing a somersault on the ground. Then, with her body still agile, she extended her leg and struck forcefully into Vee's face as she came charging. It was a front kick. Exposing oneself to a fall right in front of the enemy is considered a showmanship move used by professional wrestlers. To choose such a move in a life-or-death combat situation, and to successfully deliver a powerful blow, required an incredible amount of courage. Now, the vampire clutched her crushed left eye, writhing in pain.

"GaaaAAAAAAAaahhhhh!? My eyeeeEEEeee!? My eye, hurtsssSSSsssss!!"

"GaaaAAAAAAAaahhhhh!? Me gaaAAAaah! ME GA, itaiiiiiiiii!!"

"It's payback time for my horse. Enjoy it without holding back."

"Watashi no uma no okaeshi da. Enryo naku ajiwatte kure"As she spoke, Elisha got up and raised her saber, causing the guard to vibrate with a ringing sound. The vampire's recovery would take time to recover if the target was a delicate organ like an eyeball. The balance of the battle had once again shifted in Elisha's favor.

TL Note: "" (tsuba-nari) refers to the ringing sound produced by the guard (tsuba) of a Japanese sword, such as a katana or saber, when it is struck or moved against something. It is a distinctive sound associated with the drawing or handling of a sword and is often used in literature and media to create an atmospheric effect during sword-fighting scenes."Wait, I will strike with a decisive blow now. O six flowers of the heavens, fierce winds crossing the earth. Now, unite here and dwell within my blade"

"Mattero, ima kakujitsu na todom o sasu. Ten no rokkay, chi o wataru retsuf yo. Ima koko ni aiyorshite, waga yaiba ni yadore"As she chanted, she pressed the tip of her index finger against the blade, forming a sword finger, and traced a line of magical power from the guard to the tip of the sword. She was preparing the one decisive strike that could finish off even an immortal monster like a vampire. The vampire, still wincing in pain from her crushed eye, was unable to do anything. Just as it seemed like victory was within Elisha's grasp, the situation changed once again. A loud and distant thunder-like shock echoed, accompanied by a faintly scorching heat on her skin. Looking across the battlefield, she saw that the location where Due was fighting a chimera-like monster was engulfed in crimson flames. (What? It's too large of a scale for that boy's magic.)

("Nanda? Ano bya no mah ni shite wa kibo ga kii ga.) Elisha's thoughts were limited to that extent. But she couldn't afford to be distracted. She had to finish off her opponent for sure. However, the vampire, who was still clutching her face in pain, had a different reaction.

"Flame? Flame, I, save..." "Honoo? Honoo, watashi, tasukeru..."She lifted her head vaguely, and in her remaining right eye, it seemed to reflect something that wasn't here and now. Then, in response to the emotions that were brought to mind, the tattoos on her body began to glow. Elisha didn't know. She wasn't aware that this vampire's method of using magic was different from the usual. Due to the madness that plagued her in her past life, or perhaps due to the side effects of turning into a vampire with prior experience, her intelligence had regressed, making it difficult for her to perform proper incantations. To compensate for this, magic formulas was inscribed all over her body and she'll fuel them with mana to activate magic. As a result, she could cast any spell without an incantation, albeit with much worse mana efficiency.

She had shown this to the St. Gallen army only. She had used it against Elisha only for a simple flight spell that was easy to use without an incantation. The massacre of many soldiers at once had been an event that played out behind the thick curtain of the enemy army for the Arquell Kingdom members. So, they were unaware of this. Therefore, this was an ignorance leading to a fatal mistake. While it might be harsh to blame her, it was a dangerous miscalculation that could lead to her death. Unaware of all this, Elisha, who was about to release her secret technique, was hit by the vampire's magic, filled with a killing intent, and unleashed at the cost of an enormous amount of mana. "--BuuuuuUUUUUuuurrnnnnnn!! Ignis Fatasssssssssssss!!"

"MoeROooooOOOOooooo!! Ignis FatasuUUUUuuuuuuuu!!" "Wha--" "Na--" Once again, the accursed flames lit up in the Clavicure Basin.


"Ahahaha! Aha, ahaha, ahahahahahaha!!" Before the flames that burned with such intensity, Vee burst into a loud laugh. With squelching sounds, the repair of Vee's left eye was finally completed. The impudent prey, the woman, had disappeared, consumed by the inferno. The enemy was gone. Vee had won. It felt good. Flames were indeed on her side. Even in such a transformed state, they still protected Vee. "Ahahaha! That feels refreshing! So refreshing! Feels, good!"

"Ahahaha! Sukkiri! Sukkirishita! Kimochi, ii!"Although there was a sense of weariness due to the lack of magical power, it was still a delightful feeling. Perhaps due to unleashing her full power without thinking, the headaches and discomfort had vanished somewhere. What, so it was simple. With just recklessly venting her full power, all the unpleasant and oddly sad feelings will disappear. By giving in to the impulse brought on by this blood and only obeying the orders of those above her, everything was resolved. There was no need to worry about anything.

So even without remembering anything "Gu?! Ugh, uuu...?"

The headache that she thought had disappeared came back again. Again, whenever she tried to remember something she couldn't recall, her head hurt. Her chest hurt too. Somewhere else hurt as well. It was painful and agonizing. She'd be fine if she just didn't think about it, so why did she keep trying to remember? Was it because of what that person, Opus-04, said, that she was becoming foolish? No, no, she shouldn't think about it. She shouldn't think about anything. It hurt because she thought. Her head was already in a mess, so it wasn't good to force it. She should just listen to orders and focus on carrying them out. That's all she needed to think about. Then, she would be rewarded and wouldn't have to endure terrifying punishments. Like a tamed animal, she'd behave nicely and obediently. Just follow the training, and everything would be fine. Don't think, don't think, don't think...!

"I-I am, Vee... a vampire, Vee..."

"Wa- watashi wa, Vui... vuampaia no, Vui..." As she reaffirmed what she was, she felt a bit calmer. That's right, she was a vampire. One of those creatures, like a familiar, kept by that terrifying monster. And that was fine, wasn't it? If she accepted that, she wouldn't be troubled by such a headache. About herself that was anything other than thateven imagining it was not permitted. "A, aha, ahahaha..."

She tried to laugh again. To show off her newfound strength. To take pride in her current self. However, for some reason, she felt reluctant to let out such laughter. She was tired. Perhaps it was because she had used too much magical power. Maybe it was due to the strain of repeatedly forcing her recovery. She didn't want to do anything anymore. But there was still work to be done. The "Trial" assigned by Opus-04 and Opus-05 was not yet complete. She had to annihilate the group of people called "Army" present in this basin. She had been told that "Army" referred to a crowd of humans who possessed fighting power. Since there were still plenty of capable individuals to fight, she had to kill them too. "Y- you damned, monster..."

"B-bake, monome..."

"...Hmm?" When she turned her face towards the sound, she saw several people who fit the definition of "Army" lying around, caught in the blazing flames of Ignis Fatas, which continued to burn. She had aimed to shoot that woman, but she had poured a considerable amount of magical power. The effective range had expanded, and they were also caught in it. There was no inconvenience, though. The order was to annihilate the "Army," so killing them was within that scope. There weren't many of them still alive, but since they were there, she might as well drink their fresh blood. Her magical power had decreased, and she was weak. Unfortunately, the woman who could have been a delightful treat was already dead. The blood of the deceased didn't taste good since it lacked the flavor of life. In that case, the artificially flavored blood used for cultivation was better. It seemed there were no virgins among the men lying around, but she would refrain from indulging. She should be satisfied with being able to taste fresh blood. "My stomach, hungry. Dinner... dinner!"

"Onaka, suita. Gohan... gohan!"She advanced slowly, getting closer to one of the surviving men. If she could thoroughly scare him, seasoning his blood with negative emotions, the taste of the blood would improve significantly. Among the things Opus-04 had said, this was one of the few useful ones. She closed the distance with him, torturing him psychologically, and once he was completely terrified, she would catch him. And then, she closed the distance one more step

"...I told you to look only at me!"

"...Watashi dake wo miro to itta darou!"

Tearing through the cold flames, an even colder and freezing wind blew towards her.

As she turned around in response to something, a blade pierced through her right wrist.


Her severed arm fell off, followed by a searing... no, a freezing pain that ran through the wound.

"It hurts!? I- it hurts! It hurts, cold, cold, ithurtssssss!!"

"Itai!? I-itai! Itai tsumetai tsumetai itaiiiii!!"

Something invaded her body through the wound, crawling up her arm, causing excruciating pain that felt like her insides were being torn apart. Vee clutched her body and rolled on the ground. It was cold. As a vampire, she knew she had no body temperature, but this coldness was different. It felt as if countless ice needles were being plunged into her blood vessels, freezing everything they touched. It was no illusion. Beyond her severed wrist, the skin on her arm was blistered, and frozen blood spurted out like red flowers. And the invasion of frozen blood continued to advance upward on Vee's right arm with each passing moment. The agony inflicted upon Vee was indeed that of a frigid hell. At the moment her body was cut by the sword, it was invaded by ice magic, and eventually, her body was frozen and destroyed from within. Trembling from the cold, she was subjected to a beautifully cruel torture and execution. Instinctively realizing her own fate, Vee resorted to desperate measures. "Gaaa, aah, aaahhhhhhh!!!"

Before the freezing erosion could reach her torso, Vee cut off her right arm from the shoulder. The detached arm condensed and shattered as it hit the ground. The one-armed vampire glared at her enemy, breathing heavily from the intense pain and exhaustion, yet burning with hatred as if trying to dispel the lingering coldness from her body. Standing before her was Elisha Rosmond Balbastre, the female knight who should have been consumed by the flames of "Ignis Fatas." The woman who was supposed to be dead stood there unscathed. With a slightly irritated smile, she flaunted her barbaric appearance, as if she was pleased that she could still fight. However, what caught Vee's attention was the elegant saber that Elisha wielded. "...That, sword, is...?!" "...Sono, ken, wa...?!" The seemingly insignificant weapon that had caused only minor pain moments ago now took on a completely different appearance in Elisha's hand. The magical light illuminating the night, the cold blizzard swirling around the blade. As if the ice magic itself had taken residence within the sword, it exuded an aura of freezing enchantment. "--A magic, sword." "--Mahou, ken."

Magic Sword. A skill that allows a sorcerer to temporarily create a magical weapon of legendary proportions by imbuing their spells into a sword, as sung in myths and legends. Indeed, with this, it wouldn't be strange to break through and defeat 'Ignis Fatas.' After all, those people have shown it in front of her before--Again, her head hurts. The female knight caught Vee's voice as she held her head in her left hand. "Oh? So you knew about it, my trump card, 'Blizzard Fang.'"

"Hou? Shitte ita ka, watashi no oku no te 'Burizdo Fangu' wo."Vee may not know, but the magic sword 'Blizzard Fang' is considered an advanced spell among similar magic. Its essence lies in the combination of two attributes: water and wind. By adding wind to water, which controls low temperatures and freezing, it creates a blizzard that enhances the power of freezing. When swung with this power imbued in the sword, the synergistic effect is as you can see-- even against a vampire's body, which is not a weakness to freezing attributes, it brings about a fatal effect. "Ah, aah, aaaah...!"

Vee, now left with only one arm, hesitantly stepped back in fear. She couldn't comprehend it. Why did it turn against her? Wasn't that magic, that ability, supposed to be theirs, their comrades'? So why was the enemy able to use it? Why was it hurting her? She couldn't understand, couldn't understand, couldn't understand...! The pain, the shock, and the confusion of memories put her thoughts into a state of paralysis. Her fighting spirit and desires were gone somewhere. All she felt was sheer terror. Above all else, she feared being annihilated by the same techniques her former comrades once possessed, although she couldn't recall them now. It was as if they were condemning and judging her, who had become tainted by the darkness... "...Uwaahhhhhh!!" At that moment, unable to bear it any longer, Vee lunged at the opponent. Swinging her remaining left arm like a spoiled child, she cried as she slashed. That technique, that sword, couldn't be real. Those belonged to them, no, to those people. There was no reason for them to be here. So it must be a fake. Fakes shouldn't be spared... ...But if it was indeed real... "Haaaahhh!!" In response, the female knight's sharp sword extended. With a sweeping flash, it severed the grotesque claw, then swiftly pierced Vee's chest. Her target was the heart, the weakness of a sentient being, be it living or dead. The blade of absolute zero embedded into Vee's chest from the tip of the sword, piercing through her back. "...Ah."

With the momentum of their charge still remaining, the two women collided with a loud thud. Their faces were so close that it seemed like they were about to touch. For a vampire, it was a distance close enough to sink their fangs into their prey. However, Vee remained motionless. "...Hot."

"...Atsui." Vee felt the magical power invading her body. It was so cold that she seemed to experience a burning sensation in contrast. Yet, she believed in that heat as if it were real. The magic sword, unbreakable even with the power of darkness, radiated a precious brilliance. That was what it truly was. Fragments of her past memories resurfaced, playing vivid images at this critical moment.

--A gentle priest who guided her when she was lost. --A stubborn girl she clashed with many times due to their opposite personalities. --That boy who reached out to her first and captivated her with his eyes. --The radiant sword of flame forged by the bond between the boy and the girl. The pain and heat piercing through her chest were proof of their existence. Her former companions, whom she thought she had lost forever, had returned. They were here to pass judgment on her, who had fallen into the clutches of wickedness and become a minion of demons. ...Those people were truly heroes of justice. ...They were scolding her properly for the wrongs she had done.Feeling a strange sense of relief, she accepted the approaching end. Suddenly, she noticed an unfamiliar woman standing before her. Who was she again? She felt a vague sense of recognition, but she couldn't remember. As she didn't want to depart without knowing who would witness her final moments, she asked. "...Who are you?"

"Anata wa... dare?"Upon hearing the question, the woman blinked and then showed a slight hint of confusion before answering, "Come to think of it, I didn't introduce myself. ...I am Elisha. Elisha Rosmond Balbastre. As you can see, just an ordinary knight."

"Sou ieba, nanigoto tte inakatta na... Elisha da. Elisha Rozumondo Barubasutoru. Mite no touri ikkai no kishi da." She kindly provided her name. ...I see, that's your name. ...Come to think of it, my name is... "...Ah, I see."

"...Aa, souka."

Finally, she remembered. Her forgotten name. The name she used to dislike, but grew to like a little after being called by her companions many times. "...I am..."

"Watashi wa..."...I am Sheeran.

...Watashi wa Shiiran da.Sheeran, the half-elf. An adventurer and the fourth member of the party 'Guardian of Scales' Why had she forgotten something so important? Her forgetfulness was so comical that it made her laugh. The fact that she could recall it now made her strangely emotional, enough to bring tears to her eyes. At the same time, magical power surged into her body from her chest. With a smiling and tearful expression, the girl completely froze. Then, in the next moment, she shattered like blooming flowers. Like premature snowflakes dancing in the autumn night sky, she fell to the ground and melted away. The monstrous being that appeared on the battlefield without warning, terrifying both sides, was no longer there.


"Uni, did you see her?"

"Uni, miete ita kai?"

"Yes, Master."

"Hai, go-shujin-sama."

"What do you think of her, from your perspective?"

"Kimi kara mite, kanojo wa dou dai?" "Her physical abilities are not exceptional. The same goes for her magical power. However, her pure swordsmanship surpasses Due. The sharpness of her trump card too--with her current weapon, it may not match Fem's, but if she acquires a powerful new equipment, it might. Above all, her explosive power is dangerous to underestimate."

"Karada nouryoku wa sore hodo dewa arimasen. Maryoku mo onajimidesu. Shikashi, junsui na kengeki no hodo wa Due o shinogu deshou. Kirifuda no kireaji mo--genjou no buki dewa Fem ni tsuuji wa shinai deshou ga, arata ni kyouryoku na reisou o te ni irerereba, arui wa. Nani yori, ano bakuhatsuryoku wa azuru ni wa kiken ka to." "...Leaving her alone might become troublesome, is that what you're saying? Well now, what should we do?"

"...Houchi sureba yakkai ni nari kanenai, to iu koto ka na. Sate, dou shiyou ka?" "Master, I implore you to make a decision from a high vantage point and consider the overall situation."

"Go-shujin-sama ni wa, douka koujo taikyaku kara no go-eidan o ba." "Hmm. In that case, then--"

"Fumu. Sore jaa--"


After confirming the complete disappearance of the vampire who called herself "Vee," Elisha swung her saber in the air as if shaking off the blood and deactivated the Blizzard Fang spell. At the same time, she was overcome by a sudden wave of exhaustion and fell to her knees on the ground. "Kuh...! As always, it consumes an absurd amount of magical power..." The combination of two attributes and the prolonged maintenance of the magic sword resulted in an enormous consumption of magical energy. As a result, Blizzard Fang had become a last resort that couldn't be used frequently. Furthermore, while Elisha possessed excellent aptitude for the two attributes, she was fundamentally a swordsman, not a mage. Her focus was on swordsmanship rather than enhancing her magical power, so her overall magical capacity was not particularly high. If it were a single-attribute magic sword, such as one made solely of water or wind, she might have been able to conserve more magical energy. However, that would make it difficult to deal significant damage to vampires. It was a dilemma. Elisha was tormented by a sense of fatigue. At that moment, she heard cheering voices in the distance. "Commander! Are you okay, Commander!" "Look, over there! The Commander is safe!" "We did it! The Commander defeated the vampire!" "You're amazing, Commander!" "Yeeeahhhh! Second Royal Knights Order, the best!" When she turned around, she saw her subordinates, the members of the Second Knights Order, approaching. Almost all of them were in a battered state, and some of them had missing faces. They should have been at the rear and had suffered severe losses. Seeing her reckless troops, her fatigued expression twisted even more in frustration.

"Al... What are you doing?" "Commander! The St. Gallen army is in full retreat! It's a victory for our side!" A man, who seemed to have decorated the word "composed" on his forehead, was now wearing a silly, jubilant expression as he ran towards her. He must have come searching for Elisha despite having retreated once, unable to resist checking on her after witnessing the enemy's defeat. "You fool... As the old saying goes, tighten your helmet after winning--" Elisha tried to shout and scold him, but her body lacked strength, and she couldn't raise her voice. The armor that she usually wore as if it were clothing now felt heavy, and even she felt reluctant to sheathe her sword. Exhausted from continuous battles since noon and the bloody battle with the vampires, she had lost so much strength that she was no different from an average woman at this moment. ...And it was at that time. "Master... Where...? Blood... thirsty!" A Lesser Vampire appeared by her side, dragging its crumbling body. "What, the hell...?" Elisha murmured in astonishment. It must be because the one who controlled it, Vee, had disappeared. The Lesser Vampire's body was emitting white smoke from various places, appearing as though it could disintegrate at any moment. Yet, even so, if it could suck the rich, virginal blood, it might be able to sustain its false life with that nourishment. Whatever twist of fate it was, there was only one exhausted woman before the monster. Moreover, that woman exuded a pure and sweet fragrance, maintaining her innocence. And there was distance from the interfering knights and soldiers.

"Woman...! Give me, blood...!" "Gah...!?" With what seemed like a last burst of strength before disappearing, the monster lunged at Elisha with a force that didn't seem like it was about to die in any sense. Elisha had no strength left to resist. She was overwhelmed by the monstrous creature, whose emaciated arms resembled withered trees, and fell helplessly to the ground. The cold air carried with it a chilling stench of death, making her feel nauseous. "C-Commander!" "R-Right there...!" Her subordinates' voices sounded distant. Even though they were just a dozen meters away, it felt as if they were calling from across the ocean. She attempted to put up some resistance, but her frail arms could only exert as much force as they appeared to have. She couldn't even push away the dry, lifeless body pressing down on her. (Is this the moment I'll die?)

With her own hands, she had slain formidable foes, and her allies were winning the battle, yet she was about to be taken down by the hands of a insignificant lesser creature after exhausting all her strength. She felt regretful. If possible, she didn't want to die in such a manner. If she were to die, she would have preferred it to be at the hands of a formidable enemy, forcing them to acknowledge her strength. However, Elisha understood that this was what battles were like. Both enemies and allies, the strong and the weak, herself and her opponents, all engaged in a game of chance with their lives on the line. That's what battle was. Whether faced with the absurdity or the injustice of it all, once defeated, it was only natural to lose the stakes. Embracing cruel and hard-to-accept outcomes should never be overturned. To do so would tarnish all the victories and defeats accumulated up until now. It would be an act of betrayal to the enemies she had defeated and killed with her own hands. The bitter and harsh taste of regret was also part of the taste of battle. When a cup is poured, it should be emptied as a sign of respect. If that's the case, then she should accept this death and regret. (There's no helping it. I gave it my all in the battle...) If she had been killed without understanding the circumstances, while still having some strength left, the regret would have been far greater. This was the result of giving her all in this battle. It was incredibly frustrating, enough to make her want to cry, but crying and lamenting before dying were the duties of a loser. She couldn't go against that, especially not now, when she had been winning until today. In that case, she might as well die while complaining. With that thought, even though it was a matter of life and death, she felt somewhat amused. Starting with that, "I'm a woman too... If possible, I wish I had been taken down by a more handsome opponent." "Watashi mo onna da na... Dekireba, mou sukoshi mitame ii aite no te ni kakaritakatta zo."

She voiced her dissatisfaction towards the ugly and withered creature.



"...Fireball" A fireball flying from the side directly hits the Lesser Vampire. "Fire...?! Ah, aaahhh...!" The easily flammable undead creature, already weakened without its master, couldn't withstand the impact of the magic's impact and transformed into smoke and ashes, finally crumbling away. Amidst the shock of suddenly being saved from death, Elisha and her subordinates hear a carefree voice. "Oh, that was close, wasn't it? Luckily, I made it in time."

"Iyaa, abunai tokoro deshita ne? Nantoka maniatte, yokatta, yokatta."Approaching them was a man with the same nonchalant expression as always, accompanied by a maid who seems to be his slave. Slithering between the gaps of the knights, he walked toward them from behind. It was Tullius Shernan Oubeniel. "Lord Tullius..."

"Turiusu kyou..."

"Hello, Lady Balbastre. I apologize for leaving you with such a demanding task during the battle with St. Gallen. And congratulations on your great achievement in defeating the Vampire. Uni also thinks so, right?"

"Doumo, Barubasutoru kyou. Zankuto Garen to no sentou kara kakoku na o-yakume o makasekkiri de, moushiwake arimasen. Soshite Vanpaia no toubatsu to iu taikou, omedetou gozaimasu. Yuni mo sou omou darou?" "Yes, it's an extremely joyful and celebratory event, indeed."

"Hai, taihen shukuchaku saikyoku to zonjimasu."

He said so while clapping his hands and made Uni beside him bow her head as well. It was a rather ostentatious and theatrical display. The approaching knights were taken aback by the sudden turn of events and his out-of-place behavior. His excessive flair made his actions seem insincere, and it was somewhat discomforting. Nevertheless, it was a fact that he had saved her at a critical moment. "I owe you my life. Thank you."

"Tasukatta. Rei wo iu.""Oh no, it is I who should express my gratitude. Without the strength of the Second Knights Order, this battle would have been quite different."

"Ieie. Orei o iitai no wa kochira no hou desu. Anatagata, Konoe Daini Kishidan no o-chikara ga nakereba kono tatakai mo dou natte ita mono ka."Finally, the surrounding knights began to relax and resume their movements. "Th-thank goodness, Commander! ...Truly, I'm relieved you're safe...!"

"Na, nani wa tomoare, danchou! ...Hontou ni yokuzo go buji de..!"

"Yeah, you too, Al."

"Aa, omae koso na, Aru."

Vice Commander Alfred, with tears welling up in his eyes, stood at the forefront of the knight order and saluted. While it might have been appropriate to scold him for his earlier indiscretion, it would be unkind to dampen the joyous atmosphere. Even in a fierce woman who was called a "Princess Knight," there existed such a level of compassion.

"Well, I must say, it's truly astounding. Just the 40,000 soldiers from St. Gallen were hopeless enough, and on top of that, monsters led by vampires and as addition, an incomprehensible monster."

"Iya, hontou ni tamagemashita na. Zankutogaren-gun yonman dake demo zetsubouteki da to iu no ni, sore ni kuwawarate Vanpaia ni hikiirareta mamono, omake ni wake no wakaran bakemono desu ze?"

TL Note: He means the chimera. Monsters that Vee led: mamono, and the chimera: bakemono. I know I have to figure out other word to distinguish these two.

As Alfred said so, causing Tullius to finally wonder what had happened to Due who was fighting that monster. He couldn't hear the roaring and screams that had filled the air during their battle. Did that man manage to defeat the monster or did they kill each other...? It was when he pondered about this. "Yo, it seems you've settled things on your end too."

"Yo. Socchi mo katazuite ita no kai."

A man in black appeared dragging his tired body while puffing up smoke. The hot wind that can be felt in the middle of that battle seemed to have come from the place where Due was fighting. The cheeks of his fearless face were painfully burnt. "Due, good work. Here, a healing potion."

"Due mo otsukaresama. Hai, chiyu no poushon.""...Yeah"


With an unenthusiastic gesture, he reluctantly accepted the vial that Tullius tossed to him. Elisha can sense an uncomfortably stifled expression on his face. Before she knew it, she finds herself speaking to him.

"You seem quite bored."

"Zuibun to taikutsu-sou na kao da na."



"It appears this battle didn't get you fired up."

"Douyara kono ikusa, kiden wa moenakatta you da na."

"Hah! I have no idea what you're talking about. Whether I was fired up or not, it's obvious from the way things turned out"

"Ha! Nani itte yagaru sappari da ne. Moeta moenai de ieba, mite no toori"

With a playful gesture, Due pointed to the burn mark on his cheek. However, his deliberately nonchalant attitude in trying to dodge the question provided a clear answer to the doubt brewing inside Elisha.

"You don't feel like you're truly alive. You seem to have that look on your face, Due Schwarzer."

"Ikite iru jikkan ga nai. Dokoto naku sonna fuu ni omoeru kao o shite iru yo, Due Shubarutsaa."

Or perhaps that could be the source of the discomfort that bothers her. She spoke although she hinted at such continuation without explicitly saying it. "--!" The reaction was dramatic. Ignoring the man who fell silent as if his most painful spot had been struck, even more so than a scorching burn, Elisha turned towards her subordinates. "...Anyway, everyone. You've worked hard. Since I joined the Second Knights, it was an intense battle like never before, but you managed to survive." "...Tomo are, shokun. Gokurou datta. Watashi ga Daini Kishidan ni haitte irai, katsute nakatta gekisen datta ga, yokuzo ikinobita mono da."

"Hehe, this time, I really thought it was hopeless." "Hehe, kondo bakari wa dame ka to omoimashita yo."

"When the captain was in danger, I really felt a chill down my spine..."

"Danchou ga ayauku natta toki wa, hontou ni kimo ga hie mashita naa..."

The subordinates spoke as they touched the wounds and damaged armor on their bodies. Of course, just a moment ago, Elisha had been attacked by remnants of demons. Because of that, she kept a careful eye on her surroundings while making light-hearted remarks. However, it seemed that her worries were unnecessary.


"It's, disappea... ring... Crum... bled..."

"Kie, ru... kuzure, ru..."

"You bastarddddddddd...!"


Amidst the wailing of resentment, the horde of undead disintegrated, turning into dust or dissipating into the air. With the defeat of the spellcaster, Vee, just like the previously crumbling Lesser Vampire, the ties that kept those deceased being in the mortal realm lost.

The battlefield, which had been in such a tumultuous state, quickly fell into silence. The St. Gallen army had already scattered, fleeing to the east.

...It was a victory for the Kingdom of Arquell.

"Now, everyone! Let's return to the main camp!"

"Saa, minasan! Honjin ni modorimashou!"

In the basin enveloped by a silence as if life had ceased to exist, Tullius' cheerful voice resonated incongruously.

No, such an impression was undoubtedly wrong. He had the right to say that. He had driven out the enemy troops, preventing their invasion of the western province, and even swept away the suddenly appearing horde of monsters. For that, many soldiers were wounded, lost limbs, and died. Because of that, for the sake of the surviving soldiers and those who had sacrificed their lives, they had to proudly sing the song of victory.

It was both the leader's right and duty.

On the western side of the basin, within the Arquell Kingdom's army camp fortified with earthworks, bonfires were blazing brightly. Soldiers stood on top of the ramparts, looking down upon the battlefield now devoid of all enemies.

Their number was approximately five to six thousand. The force that had counted fifteen thousand before the encounter had now vanished, with about two-thirds of them turning into casualties on the battlefield. Undoubtedly, the enemy suffered heavy losses as well, but it had been a severe battle nonetheless.

Approaching the main camp and coming within hearing distance of the surviving soldiers, Uni prompted something to her master.

"Come on, Master."

"Sa, goshujin-sama."

"Hmm, it's a little embarrassing after all--"

"Uun, yappari chotto hazukashii keredo--"Tullius scratched his cheek in embarrassment for a while, but eventually, he made up his mind and thrust his right fist toward the sky. "It's our victory!"

"--Bokutachi no, kachi da!"It was a declaration of triumph.

"Long live Arquell Kingdom! Long live King Charles!"

"Arquell Oukoku, banzai! Kokuou Sharuru Heika, banzai! Ba, banzaaaaaaiii!"

With an air of inexperience, the victory cry retained a sense of innocence. ...However, the actual approach was quite the opposite. He incited the people, led them into battle, and ground them down for the sake of victory. With unexpected fortifications and new weapons, they also fought against enemies that are superior to their skills. As an added bonus, various concoctions and even monsters disrupted the St. Gallen army, dealing a heavy blow. Judging solely from this battle, one could see him as a formidable general. While their own forces suffered losses, in terms of the ratio of casualties, the enemy undoubtedly bore the brunt. Many allies died, but they managed to repel the enemy. They won. It was a gritty, bloody, and luck-favored victory. --But was it really so? (Could it be possible that this man manipulated the monsters to attack the enemy?)

(Kono otoko de areba, mamono-domo o tebiki shite teki o osowasetemo, fushigi de wa nai no de wa aru mai ka?) It seemed unthinkable. Monsters had been humanity's enemies even before the establishment of the Holy King's teachings. It would be odd for him to resort to such methods, even if they were cornered. Yet, in reality, Tullius, who should have been taken by surprise at the beginning of the war, continued to achieve favorable results. (Oh well, I've become suspicious all of a sudden. I can't even mock Sir Linus Oubeniel.)

(Yare yare, itsu no ma ni yara utagawashiku natta mono da. Watashi mo Rainasu buruniru-kyou o waraen na.) As she pondered, on the other side, Marquis Doldran stood at the forefront, shouting to the soldiers.

"...All troops, shout cheers for Count Tullius Oubeniel, the supreme commander! Hurrah!"

"...Zen-gun, soushireikan Turiusu buruniru hakushaku ni shouwa seyo! Banzai!"The reaction was dramatic.

"Hurraaaaaahhhhhhh!""...Banzaiiiiii!"Thousands of men chanted in unison. The cheers, filled with overwhelming emotions, gradually transformed into individual expressions of their feelings. "Long live victory! Long live Volden!! ...Long live the Lord!" "We won... We really won...! We did it, we wonnnn!!" "Take that, St. Gallen! Damn you and your monster lackeys from the day before yesterday!" "I survived, Joseph, Marco. Th-thanks to you guys... Ugh...!" The cheers erupted, breaking through the night sky like a thousand thunderclaps. Every surviving soldier gathered on the battlefield was ecstatic with the taste of victory. Overcoming adversity and seizing triumph, they forgot all the hardships of the past and the battles yet to come, immersed in the joy of the moment. "...Well, it's just within the bounds of the scenario, I guess."

"...Maa, girigiri de shinario no hanchuu ka na."Unaware of the fact that everything had been within the hands of the devil.


To be continued~


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