Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 136: 136. Demons

Kai stood amidst the carnage of his hunt, the bodies of over ten explosive centipedes strewn about him. Their blood soaked the sand, a crimson testament to his prowess. The scent of death hung heavy in the air, a macabre invitation that he knew would not go unanswered.

As the sun scorched the desert, a figure emerged from the heat haze. Towering over three meters tall, its skin a deep, malevolent red, the demon approached. Its form was eerily human-like, yet the aura it exuded was anything but. It was an aura of darkness, of evil untold, and it washed over Kai like a palpable wave.

Kai's smile was a silent acknowledgment of the demon's arrival. His plan had worked; the bait had drawn the predator. The demon, sensing the challenge before it, roared—a sound that seemed to shake the very foundations of the desert.

The battle was swift and brutal. Kai moved like a specter, his sword a flash of silver in the relentless sunlight. The demon lunged, its massive fists aimed to crush, but Kai was a wraith, dancing just beyond reach. He struck with precision, each blow a calculated strike that chipped away at the demon's defenses.

The first demon fell, its body collapsing onto the sand with a thunderous impact. But there was no time for Kai to savor his victory, for more of the creatures were drawn to the fray. They came in droves, each one more eager than the last to bring down the human who dared to challenge them.

Kai's sword sang a deadly tune, its edge slicing through demonic flesh with ease. He moved through the demons like a storm, relentless and unforgiving. His techniques were a symphony of destruction, each movement flowing into the next, a dance of death that left no room for counterattack.

One by one, the demons fell before him. Fifty became the count, and still, Kai's resolve did not waver. His body moved on instinct, honed by countless battles, each demon's demise a step closer to his goal.

In the aftermath of his victory, Kai stood alone amidst the dunes, the silence of the desert around him a stark contrast to the chaos of battle that had just ensued. His mind replayed the moments of triumph, each demon's fall a memory etched in the sand. But the earth's sudden tremor broke his reverie, sending a jolt of alarm through his veins.

A sense of impending doom emanated from the depths of the desert, and without a second thought, Kai turned on his heel and fled.

The ground beneath him shook with increasing ferocity, as if the very heart of the desert was enraged. Kai's instincts screamed at him to escape, to put as much distance between himself and the source of the tremors. He activated his heart control ability, pushing his body to its limits, his muscles responding with a burst of speed that sent him flying across the sand.

But it was not enough. The danger pursued him with astonishing velocity, and as he glanced over his shoulder, a colossal shadow loomed, blotting out the sun. It was like a black tsunami, a wall of darkness that threatened to engulf him completely. Kai's mind raced, preparing to use his timeless echo technique to evade the imminent threat.

Before he could act, a figure appeared before him—Yue, her red hair a stark contrast against the desolate landscape. The black wave transformed, revealing its true form: a demon of monstrous proportions, towering over 400 meters, with two horns that pierced the sky and a pair of axes that gleamed with a sinister light.

Its face twisted into a grotesque grin, eyes alight with a lustful gaze fixed upon Yue.

Disgust flickered across Yue's features, her elegance unmarred by the demon's vile intentions. With a grace that defied the chaos, she ascended into the sky, her hand raised high. She summoned the energy of the heavens, and above her, a colossal coffin materialized, dwarfing the demon below. It was a spectacle of power, the coffin so vast that the demon was rendered insignificant in comparison.

Realizing the futility of resistance, the demon attempted to flee, its form dissolving into shadow in a desperate bid for escape. But the bird perched upon Yue's shoulder, a creature of majestic beauty and formidable strength, unfurled its wings. A single flap sent a wave of icy energy cascading down, freezing the demon mid-transformation.

It was trapped, a prisoner within its own shadow, unable to move.

The ice coffin descended with the inevitability of fate, crushing the demon beneath its weight. There was no scream, no final plea—only the sound of impact as the demon was obliterated, its very soul erased from existence.

Kai watched, awe-stricken by the display of raw power. Yue, his team captain, had revealed a strength beyond his wildest imaginings. In that moment, he understood the true might of the Demon Slaying Team, and the formidable leader who commanded it.

The desert, once a battleground, now bore witness to a new legend. Yue's victory was a message to all who dared challenge her authority. And for Kai, it was a revelation of the potential that lay within his reach, a promise of the heights he too could aspire to reach.

Kai stood alone in the vast expanse of the desert, the sun's descent casting long shadows across the sand. He had been vigilant, his senses stretched to their limits, waiting for any sign of the demons.

But as the hours passed, the realization dawned on him that the fearsome display of power by Yue, and the demise of the formidable demon, had sent a clear message to the lesser demons: this territory was claimed by a force far greater than they could contend with.

With a resigned sigh, Kai abandoned his post and ventured deeper into the desert. His steps were measured, his eyes scanning the horizon for any place that might serve as a refuge for the now skittish demons. His intuition led him to a series of rocky outcrops, a natural labyrinth that would provide ample hiding spots for any creature seeking sanctuary.

As he had predicted, the demons had indeed sought refuge in the shadows of the rocks. Kai's approach was silent, a whisper against the wind. He found them huddled together, their red eyes wide with fear. Without hesitation, Kai sprang into action, his sword a blur of motion as he dispatched the demons before they could even think to flee.

This routine became his life for the next week, a relentless hunt that left no room for the demons to regroup or retaliate.

When Jiang Chen finally arrived to retrieve him from the desert, Kai was ready. He had proven his worth through action, not words. As he joined Jiang Chen, he saw Dan and the swordswoman, Ye Lin, already waiting. The air was thick with anticipation and the unspoken question of who would be chosen to join the ranks of the Demon Slaying Team.

Jiang Chen's voice cut through the tension. "You two are selected," he said, gesturing to Kai and Ye Lin. Their expressions remained stoic, betraying none of the satisfaction or relief they might have felt.

Dan, however, could not conceal his confusion. "Can you tell me the reason? I already killed every demon that appeared in front of me," he implored, seeking understanding.

"That is not enough," Jiang Chen replied, his voice firm and devoid of emotion.

"What do you mean?" Dan pressed, his brow furrowed in frustration.

Jiang Chen offered no further explanation, his decision final. "You can go. You aren't capable enough to join our team," he stated, dismissing Dan with a finality that brooked no argument.

Turning to Kai and Ye Lin, Jiang Chen's demeanor softened slightly. "Introduce yourselves," he commanded.

Kai stepped forward, his voice steady and clear. "I'm Kai, cultivation at the peak of Tier 2, and on the verge of a breakthrough," he declared, offering only the most pertinent details of his capabilities.

Ye Lin followed, her introduction brief and shrouded in mystery. "I'm Ye Lin," she said, and nothing more.

Jiang Chen's reaction to her name was a subtle lift of his eyebrows, a sign of recognition that did not escape Kai's notice. Kai, however, remained silent, his curiosity piqued but his demeanor unchanged. He had not heard of the Ye family among the renowned powers, and the intrigue only deepened the enigma surrounding his new companion.

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