Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 142: Unnamed

"Young master, what happed just now?" Shark Head asked, his voice shuddered. He looked Kai with astonishmt, admiration and worship.

"It is a formation that I created by copying someone." Kai replied nonchalantly. He doesn't care about Shark Head's look, but there was silt anger contained in his voice.

Shark Head didn't ask anymore questions after realising Kai was in a bad mood.

'All my wealth disappeared because that son a bit**'

Kai cursed as looked at the ctre of battlefield. The formation he created right now was the same one Sebastian made, but with slight alterations.

Kai didn't create a Tier 4 like Sebastian, but Tier 3. He wasn't capable of ev creating a Tier 4 formation that can sacrifice everything in a huge scale.

The reason Kai was angry was because he had to use all the spirit stones in his possession to activate it. More than 9,000 peak grade spirit stones disappeared just like that.

They were the ones he chose to save them in case he had to increase his cultivation, but now that was not possible anymore.

Without a formation eye, a formation won't work, no matter the grade. Because he created a huge formation covering a ,000 beast, the number of spirit stones required for the activation was ourmous.

Right now, in the ctre of battlefield was a single beast. It wasn't appropriate to call it a beast, it looks more a fusion of countless beast.

There was a huge beast and it has three head. The weirdd part was that every single one of them was from a differ species.

The lower body was similar to a human and it also has claws similar to a human. The most weird thing was instead of legs, it has roots which rooted them on g.

"Young master, do we need to fight it?" Shark asked, his tone indicates that he already frighted by its appearance alone.

"Yeah, we have to kill it to get the fragmt." Kai also solemnly replied, because the creature was excluding aura similar to Tier 4.

"Can we defeat it?"

"I'm not sure. Don't add 'we' in it, you can't ev withstand its aura."

Shark Head cletched his fist tightly after hearing Kai's reply. He wasn't angry because of Kai mocking or ignoring him; he was angry because of his incompetce.

Ever single they left the Natine Kingdom, Shark Head was the one receiving help from Kai without helping him, ev though he was servant of Kai.

"Don't worry about yourself. You still have time to prove your worth." Kai assured him.

With that, he began to focus his atttion on the creature. After inspecting, Kai knew he had a chance of winning against it, ev though it was Tier 4.

The creature was a failed Deathbloom, similar to the one he countered while climbing the mountain. It's just that this Deathbloom brok to Tier 4 and partially transformed itself, but because of not absorbing the bloodline of same species, it wasn't a true Tier 4 creature.

'This should be doable, if I use all my trump cards.' Kai thought rubbing his hands on his chin.

Kai also realised that, Deathbloom wasn't capable of moving, which was also a advantage for him.

'If I only had more resources, I could have atleast sealed it's cultivation like I did with Sebastian.' Kai shook his head and stopped thinking about unrealistic things.

"Shark Head, leave this place and wait for me." Kai ordered without turning back. He began to walk to Deathbloom, ready to fight for death.

Kai had no choice other than fighting and defeating it. He had to obtain the last fragmt, no matter the cost.

Kai approached the monstrous Deathbloom, his footsteps resolute against the backdrop of a battlefield strewn with the remnants of the fall. The creature, a grotesque amalgamation of various beasts, rooted to the g by tdrils that dug deep into the earth, turned its three disparate heads towards him. Its eyes, each belonging to a differt species, fixed on Kai with a chilling focus.

"I already said I will meet you," Deathbloom spoke, its voice a discordant harmony that resonated with the power of the supernatural realm it had once roamed.

"I know," Kai responded, his tone ev, betraying of the tsion that tighted the air a them.

"Do you really think that you can kill me?" Deathbloom asked, a smirk twisting its unnatural features.

"Yeah," Kai replied, his confidce not a boast but a statemt of fact, as solid as the g beath their feet.

Deathbloom's laughter was a sound that would haunt any other soul, but Kai stood unfazed, his resolve a shield against the creature's mockery.

The Deathbloom, perhaps ssing Kai's unyielding spirit, shifted tactics. "Become my incarnation," it offered, the proposal laced with the promise of power, reminisct of the shadow it had used in the Naline Kingdom— it was the incarnation of a shadow beast, which rarely found in Abyss World. The Deathbloom use its thoughts to control a another person, similar to Kai's control over Sebastian.

But this ability was stronger than Kai's control since it could transfer its small portion abilities.

Kai's rejection was immediate, his will untemptable. "No," he stated simply, and with that single word, he summoned his Will Power, shaping it into a sword that gleamed with the intsity of his determination.

Kai's eyes narrowed as he assessed the creature before him. The failed Deathbloom, though not a true Tier 4 tity, still exuded an aura that would crush lesser beings. But Kai used his [Will Might] technique to oppose the pressure that weighted him. He cannot resist the aura of True Tier 4 cultivators, but that was not the case with Deathbloom.

With a swift motion, Kai raised his sword, the air a it humming with pottial. The Deathbloom watched, its smirk fading as it prepared to unleash its own formidable abilities.

Kai's grip on his sword tighted, and with a battle cry that echoed across the desolate landscape, he charged. The Deathbloom, bound to the g but far from defseless, met his advance with a attack on its own.

The air was thick with tsion as Kai faced the monstrous Deathbloom. The creature's roots gripped the earth, its three heads snarling with anticipation. Kai, sword of Will Power in hand, knew the gravity of the battle ahead. He had no illusions about the disparity in their strgth; the Deathbloom was a Tier 4 tity, while he was not.

With a roar that split the silce, Kai charged. His sword, a beacon of his determination, sliced through the air towards the Deathbloom. The creature countered with a swipe of its massive claw, the movemt so swift it blurred before Kai's eyes.

The clash was titanic, the sound of metal against hide echoing like thunder. Kai maneuvered with practiced precision, his every move calculated to keep the beast at bay. But the Deathbloom was reltless, its attacks a barrage that pushed Kai back step by step.

Kai's astral body flanked him, mirroring his movemts in a desperate bid to gain the upper hand. Yet, for every strike that landed, the Deathbloom seemed to grow stronger, its hideous laughter a soundtrack to the struggle.

The battlefield became a whirlwind of violce, with Kai at its cter. His sword flashed, cutting deep wounds into the Deathbloom's flesh, but the creature's vitality seemed inexhaustible. Blood and viscera painted the g, yet the Deathbloom's vigor did not wane.

As the fight wore on, Kai's breath grew ragged. His movemts, once fluid, now carried the weight of fatigue. The Deathbloom ssed his weaking resolve and pressed its advantage, its roots suddly bursting forth like serpts, seeking to tangle him.

Kai dodged and weaved, his sword cutting through the tdrils that threated to bind him. But there were too many, and for every one he severed, two more took its place. The Deathbloom's heads lunged in unison, a trifecta of death aimed at Kai's heart.

In a final act of defiance, Kai gathered all his remaining Will Power into his sword, the blade glowing with an ethereal light. With a cry that echoed his undying spirit, he thrust the weapon forward, aiming for the Deathbloom's ctral head.

The impact was monumtal, the force of the blow throwing up clouds of dust and debris. For a momt, the world wt silt, the outcome of the strike uncertain.

In a final act of defiance, Kai gathered all his remaining Will Power into his sword, the blade glowing with an ethereal light. With a cry that echoed his undying spirit, he thrust the weapon forward, aiming for the Deathbloom's ctral head.

In a final act of defiance, Kai gathered all his remaining Will Power into his sword, the blade glowing with an ethereal light. With a cry that echoed his undying spirit, he thrust the weapon forward, aiming for the Deathbloom's ctral head.

The impact was monumtal, the force of the blow throwing up clouds of dust and debris. For a momt, the world wt silt, the outcome of the strike uncertain.

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