Path of Absolute Transcendence

Chapter 146: 146.

Kai placed all the fragmts in the forge and formed a fire with [Will Manipulation], but this time, he used full power to melt it.

While maintaining the flame, Kai waited quietly for the fragmts to melt.

But more than half of Kai's Will Power got exhausted, the fragmt didn't ev shown signs of heating, which made him a lot.

Ev after using all of Will Power, the fire didn't ev scratch a bit. 'I never thought the fragmt would have so much resistance.'

Kai felt active repulsion from the fragmts, which made him unable to melt. Ev if he didn't face any resistance, Kai wouldn't be able to forge them into something new, unless he becomes true owner of the treasure.

"Young master, do you have any backup plans?" Shark head, who was guarding outside asked after he saw the situation. In his mind, Kai always had something up his sleeve that can overcome the situation; so ev now, he believed Kai would somehow merge this fragms.

Kai simply shook his head and began to research the reach for resistance.

"I know you are great, young master!" Shark Head mistook the situation and praised Kai.

Kai looked Shark Head in surprise, but he didn't correct his misunderstanding; he was lazy to do that.

Kai sat cross-legged in the cter of his makeshift lab, the sev fragmts arrayed before him like the pieces of a cosmic puzzle. Each fragmt, a shard of pottial and power, seemed to pulse with an ergy that was just out of reach, a song whose notes he couldn't quite grasp.

He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he delved into the depths of his research, poring over ancit s and scrolls that whispered secrets of a time long past.

Days turned into nights, and nights into days, as Kai's experimts continued. He prodded and poked at the fragmts, applied heat, cold, and forces both physical and arcane, yet they remained stubbornly inert. His frustration grew with each failed attempt, but it was a feeling he used as fuel, driving him to push harder, to think deeper.

His cultivation level, while impressive, was not yet at the profundity required to unlock the mysteries of the fragmts. They were igmas, pieces of a larger truth that eluded him. But Kai was not one to be deterred by the steepness of the path before him. With a steadying breath, he gathered his Will Power, the essce of his being, and directed it towards the fragmts.

A surge of ergy flowed from Kai's hands, veloping the fragmts in a luminesct glow. His Will Power, a force that had bt reality to his desires, now sought to bind the fragmts together. But the glow faded, the ergy dissipated, and the fragmts lay unchanged. It was as if they were mocking him, defying his very will.

The failure stoked the fires of Kai's fighting spirit. He would not be bested by these relics of a bygone era. With a defiant glare, he placed all the fragmts together, their edges touching, forming a circle that seemed to echo with the whispers of the universe.

Kai's Will Power surged once more, a torrt of determination and focus. He visioned the fragmts merging, becoming one, their powers combining into a weapon of untold might. The air crackled with ergy, the g beath him vibrated with the force of his intt.

But again, there was nothing. No grand transformation, no fusion of the fragmts. They sat before him, separate and silt, as if untouched by his efforts.

Kai leaned back, his chest heaving with exertion. Sweat beaded on his brow, and his hands trembled with the aftershocks of the power he had unleashed. The fragmts were a riddle wrapped in a mystery, a challge that seemed insurmountable.

Yet, as he gazed upon them, Kai's resolve did not waver.

Kai sat in and began to meditate. He spt a lot of ergy and also exhausted, so before further experimt, he planned to recover his ergy. His breathing slowed, each inhale and exhale a deliberate act of rejuvation. Kai's mind drifted into the depths of meditation, seeking the peace necessary to restore his vitality.

Outside the cave, Shark Head moved with caution. The noises that had drawn him from his post were out of place in the stillness of their secluded refuge. His sses, honed from years of service and survival, were alert to any sign of danger. The possibility of a beast lurking nearby was not something he could ignore, not wh his young master was in a state of recovery.

The sounds led him further from the cave, each step a silt testamt to his vigilance. Shark Head's eyes scanned the shadows, searching for the source of the disturbance. His hand rested on the hilt of his weapon, ready to draw at a momt's notice. The responsibility of guarding Kai weighed heavily on him, a burd he bore with pride and determination.

In the secluded cave, as Shark Head vtured out to confront the lurking beast, a subtle yet profound transformation began. The fragmts near Kai, which had be inert despite his efforts, started to tremble with a vibration so faint it wt unnoticed by Kai, who was immersed in deep meditation.

The fragmts, drawn by an unse force, edged closer to one another, their movemts silt and deliberate. It was as if they were guided by the hand of destiny, coming together to fulfill a purpose writt in the stars. As they touched, a silt spectacle unfolded; they began to merge without fanfare, seamlessly blding with the natural world a them.

There was no grand explosion of ergy, no violt upheaval—just a quiet, dignified union that seemed as natural as the sunrise.

The vironmt responded to this union. The elemts themselves, as if recognizing the significance of the momt, stirred from their slumber. They converged towards the fusing fragmts, swirling in a dance of colors so vivid and dse they could be se with the naked eye. It was a display of elemtal harmony, a riot of hues that painted the air with the essce of creation.

With the elemts as its allies, the fusion of the fragmts accelerated. The air thicked with power, and the cave, unable to contain the burgeoning force, began to crumble. Yet, a Kai, a sere bubble of protection formed, isolating him from the chaos.

Within this cocoon of safety, he remained oblivious to the collapse of his forge and the elemtal storm raging just beyond his meditative shield.

The fusion reached its crescdo, and the fragmts, now a single tity, revealed their true nature. What lay before the world was a pool of black liquid, formless and igmatic. It defied the expectations of what an innate treasure should resemble, yet the aura it exuded was undiable. It was a presce that commanded atttion, a majesty that spoke of its significance.

From the depths of the liquid, a new form emerged. It was the soul, a being of extraordinary features and regal bearing. Ev at a glance, one could discern that this was no ordinary man but one of high status and power. His emergce was like the birth of a star, a slow revelation of light from the darkness.

The man stood, his aura surpassing ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

The man stood, his aura surpassing ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

The man stood, his aura surpassing ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

The man stood, his aura surpassing ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

The man stood, his aura surpassing ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

ev the formidable presce of the treasure from which he had aris. His eyes oped, taking in the world with a gaze that held wisdom and authority.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.

Kai, still deep in meditation, remained unaware of the monumtal evts unfolding a him.


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